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13. Wauij aud tlio Detroit Advertiser and Trilune, to tho l'act that an associatiun lias been orgauizud in New Yoi'k City wifch tho du toe of "Amcricnn Pree Traáe League,' and tBat guoh "League" is nol a Democratie organization under unothcr name, but is compostd of llepublican whcel-horses, of ruen who have furnishcd the braine, aut) vigor, and Rfe, to a great extant., of the Republicau party. Wm, O. Bryant, of the New Yurk Evening Post, who ranks lirst among editors, )oeta, scholur.s, and poti tieiaus, iiud who. whón he left the Uotnocr:tic party upon the oíd "i'rce suil" issua, oarried witli liini more strength in intellect and nunabers than any one man who has goue out from our ranks, is the President of tbis new "Lcuguii." Mr. Uryant bas assooiated with bim as Vice Presideuts, suoh men as David Dödlky Field, Lucius Robinson, Isaac H. Bailey, and Alfred Pkel. These men are cvidently horetios, asJVIr. Wahd or tho Tribuve will readilv seo by read in Üie fullowi-ug artieles from tbeir creed: The League holda tbat men should have the right to excruise tbeir mdustry, to dispose ot its fruits in any market whieb to Ihein shall soom best, and witb tlio proceeds to buy whatever and whorever thcy pleae. It protesta against tbc " paterna?' interleience of government with private purmnts, beiug couvinced tbnt the less governmeut is felt"and suen the bettei' tor all concerned. It bclieves tbat " protection'' to the producer is robbery of the consumer, witb the addod bypocrisy of pretandiug to look after tho latter's interest. This denial oí tho divine ríght of the manufaeturer to be protected against all competition, - even to probibition, like the paper manufacturera, - to buy cheap and scll dear, wbile the faraior and producer must sell oheap and buy deur, will nevor do. These free-traders must be rebuked. Produce another tvvo oolijum leader, Mr. Tribune; write another pain)hlet, Mr. Ward, and employ a corps of boys to distribuía it on all the railroad trains in the Wes, tbat the areat produeing classes muy be warned in season, and not give enr to tlte syren soug-of Messrs. Bkyant & Co. And, theu, if free-trade is to be establishi, how is the national debt to bo paid ? Is tbe " Free Trade League" a rebel repudiation concern ? J-isf It requires th-e ratification or eoucurrence of thrcelourths of' the States to secure the incorporatiou of the amemktory artiole, passed by ihe last Congress, as part of the constitution. - Iiicludiiig tl. e two Virginias, and rejecting the radical theory that tfee Southern States actualty did go out, and now are out of the Union, there aro thirtyais States, mak'mg it neuessary to sücui'O the ratili catión oí' the amendment by twenty suvei) Status. Couuting South Carolina, which we eonsider a 'State tbough the destructivo radicáis do not, tïveuty-fivo States have already formally adoptud the atnendment, and when two more shall have adoptedit, whatever of slavery survivcd tho emanoipation liroclíiiDiitioi) will be legally, abolishcd. We say legally, for we do not hold to tho theory of tbose ultra Demecrat. - the colleaguea or complement of the radicáis - who deny tho right of Cor)gre"S to enact tho amendment in question.- New Jersey ia counted upon to reverse her rejection of the amendment, but we cnceive that this will hardly ba necessary, for the most of the Southern Statea are certain to follovv the example of South Carolina. Tho sioner the bettcr, both for the South and the Uniou. Ü-3T The laih'oad chartercd n our State some yoars ngo, and kaowu as the Am boy, Lansing, Sagiuaiv, and Grand Traverso Bailroad, has been faootiously dosignattd the " Raua's Horn Ilai'road," because, we, supposeofits occasional divorgonco froni an air line. líut the " Grand Trunk Railway of Michigan," as desoribed by our ooritemporary of the Nilos irciman, will oertainly bo uutitled to disputo tho claim to tbo tillo ol " Riim'rt Horn," Tho Frccman says : " It is projyotod to rau from Eidgeway in the couüty of Macorab, throagh the Ouunties of Öaklaad, Washtenaw, Livingston, Iugham, Jaekson, Gaihoun, Jirauch, St. Josopli, Cuss, tind Berrien, by way of Michigan City to Ohioago." We havo honrd of " the snakc that wired 'm, and wivecl oul," and of the Irishiufin who traveled " both sides of the rond at once," but this " projeeted " road beats thoni both. The cngineer vvhoruüs that road will assuredly be a bsliever ia the beauty of curved Unes, if not in the dofinitiou that a Straight line is the öhortest line between two given poinls. The United Sttites Consul nt Marseilles reporta to the Ötate Department that the cholera has eotiruly disapjieared from that looftlity, Strangovs going cast from Marsellles, havo now unobstruuted passage wich their baggage. J5ut few pardons are mw granted, lud the Attorney-Gcueral's oíüae has been clearod, te.nporai'ily, of the presiiijOü ui upplioautd. UaC I'lie o'fy "f Jackson, by the alnost vnaftimuus voto of 154 to 6. has determiued to loan its credit to tho oxtent 850,000 to tho Grund Rivor Yalley ltailway (J'iinpiuiy. We uiinire the spirit aud " vim " (f our Jackson neighbors, but then it dues seem to us that tlio voto aunounced is a very meager onc on whieli to cvustu a dubt of $50,000, whiob we take it for granted the city must eventua:ly pay. We say pa'j, for not ono dollar in tou of the loans being made to railwuy companies in our State, by towas, cLies, and counties, will ever be paid back to them, exoopt in the bene fits they will derive f'rotn tho building and oponition of tho roads. QoUDtiea wiiliout railroiid faoilities oan aflord to be liberal to cornpanies proposipg to furnisli them, bilt it would meet the issue more plamly to abandon the idea of lo;nii(ig, and giwe wliat 'is g'tveii, outrig'nt. Uüsidos, tho eontrneting of largo eorpdrato debta by so nniüll u votu as thal at Jackson is a very dangereus policy for uny city to pursue. L2L JIIN P' Simmons - nf Wnshtonaw (Jounty, tho report says - was oonvroted in the Unitod State's Court a lew days ago on an indictment for -srnuggliug. Simmons, accompauied by Lis son ek'bteen yoars old, crossod irom Detroit lo Windsor, and the fathcr purcliased an ovorcoat whieh bis son put on and woro back. The coat wa3 seized by an offioor on tho return, and the proaeeution commenced. Si.mjions ro lied for Uis dei'ense upon the clause oi tho statuto esorapting " wearing appare! D aotnal use" and other personal effects froui the payment of duty. Judge Wilkins ohargod the jury that the coat was not in " actual usu" witliin the meaning of tho law, and that parties hac no right to go to Canada for the purposo of purchasiug cl'jthing, wear the saina baok, and avoid the duty. The jury i-eiiiiered a verdict of guilty. This decisión will lessen tlie sales of the enterprisiug iuerchants of Windsor.


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Michigan Argus