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Olivet College: For The Signal Of Liberty

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The subscribers would reppectfulíy give no tice, that the presont term of the Prepurary Dt-piiriiiicnt oí' tliielnstiiuiion, will close, on Frilny, June -27, ni whicli time, tbere will be public cxercisos. consisting of original addressea. nnd cumposiiiuns fiom tbc studems, lugether with rnusic nnd such otbcr rxeicises ns are usunl on such occuions. Tbe friends of è'duealión, nnl the pu!)lic genernH'y, are cordially undrea pectfully invitad to attend. In conneciion wiib this notice, wc would also apprise the public, tbnt the first collcgiote year'ot this Institution wi'A commoncc on the 4tb day ot September next, at wbich time, from the present membersof the school, and such oihcr individuüls. aa inay npply lor odmiesion, whÖ ;ire found qualified, n Freabmon clnss willbe fortned, to enter tpmediately upon the 6tudics usunlly purgued by students in the first year in College.ltshouldbc undersiood that Ohvet (..uilege, ia ihcoretlcally and priCtically a mniuinl lubor uisiitution, dcsigncd to liring the nieans of thoronh Christiun oducation withiii ihe reach of all We havo no instituiional sybtcin ! man nal labor opemthns. by which we plcdgc ourselvea (o receive siudents nnd lurnish thein with latior to meet all their expenses. We helicve ihni expeiirnce lias fully proved, thal neilher the inlerests of tbe Iosüiutíon, nor the highest good of the student, demanda this. Bul we wis! to ilaee every student on his own individual reslonsibility, and shnll endenvor to put into his iiands the mcans of helping hiin-sell. And at present, faithtul und induátrioua young persons, whi wish lo edúcate themselves tor stntions oi usefulncss in the world. can find good einjloyitieni aiuong us, as much of the time as suidt-iits ought to lnbor in connection with thcir studies. None therefoit'. who ore willing to labor nn(J practico scll-doni.-il to edúcate tliumselvcs, nccii be deterred from coming to join us. There art lamJa of an excellrnt quality, connectcd wiih the liibútution which students, who niity desire i,niay cultívate frte ot expense. At a subscqtieni period. the courso of study which will be puiö'ied in the l'reparatory and Collugiate depaitniciits of ihis Itistituiion. will bo publiílicd. At present, ho wever, we woold rein ark, lliat it ís designed to be ns fnll nnd ihorui'ttrh 08 is to bo found senorally in Collegiale Insiiniliuii8. ïmolleciunl and moial science, togetlier vvith the physical sciences, wül always hol'! a promineni place. All subjucis connocted with inniKiii wsll-being. boih in na relaiauis lo time nnd cicmity, will bo ihoroughly and freel disciifcsed. and eery student will be left freely to takc that course. in all mntters ol belief and duty, whielu in his estim.iiion. triuh ehall direct Tuition $12,00 per annura for young men, and $9,01) for young tedies. Vacatiou of ihree miinihsin tho wui er not included.


Signal of Liberty
Old News