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rsAKEN UPt Cam !nto tba encloure of tho Mibcnnnr,;about { the; of Septc.nlier. om RECALF,with white ! tai] ïhsowneïis rcquested to cal] , prove projwrty, pay abarges, and take her away ÍOHN HrINTYPE. Nortnfield, H'.v. -2J.1, 1865. 8WÍ036 MEVV CAÍÍ.PET8 -ANDOIL CLOTHS ! C H. IHÍLLEWS. 2 in 1036. r am oeAsurci tuis week NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW CLOAKS & TRIMMINGS, NEW SiiAWLS, NEW IIO8IERY & GLOVES, NEW WOOLEN GOODS, BROAD OLOTÏI8, BEAVEKS, CAíñSIAIEKES & (JLOAKTNGS, CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, NEW STOCK OF FxlMILY ÖROCERIES. C H. MILLEW. 'JmlOiC. Estnte of Knappe - Minors. STATE OF M1CH Ui AS, COUMTT OF Wisiitkais', SS - Ata sesiion of the Prnbate Coiirt fr thei'oimly of W.isluenaw, boldtea at the I'mbate Oilice In the City of Ann Arlior, on V.'eilDeMiay, Ilie twotty Hecoad dAy of r, in ;he oar one tliuusaiid bigbt bundroü and fii X I V Üvt'. Present, Hikam J Uhakes, Jrnlge nf Probate In the matter of the Kstute f.f Klizubetli B. Knapp j and Jölm Villi;un Knapp, minors. On reading ani ÖHng ie petition, duly verified, of Phili;) lïaüii, Guardian, prayiog that liemay oe licensed to sel] cer+ain real estaje bel'onging to Batd minors. Théreupt n11 ís Ordeied,Tba Thun day, the '21 s day of December nr-xt, af ten o'e.locfc in the forènoon, bfl asBlgned for the Jiearïng of eaifl petition, aml that the nexi of kin of. sa i minors, and all other persons int er Qsteáinf tid .--.aie, ure reqniied tnapppar at a'setston if altl Court, [h.ii id be lioldo aithe Probate üffico, in the Citj' of Ann 4rbor, and show cause, ilir, bi', v.iiv tlïa ff the pcitioner should not b(ï grantdd : Aml il a furthei ordcred, tliat aid petitioner Kive notiee to tho aext of kin 3f said minors aml all o'hci persona Intertsted in Faid estato, of the pendouey of Raid petition, and the hearing therc f hy causiog a copy of tbis Order to be pul]ished in the Michigan Argüí, a iiewspaper printed and in said Gouoty, three succeasive weeks previous to said íay of hearing. [A true oopy.] H1RAM i . KEAKES. lSfitd ' Judge oï Probate. Estáte of Michael Vaughnn. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtekaw, bs At á bC6tíiou of the Probate Court for the County o' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City oí" Anu Arbor, on Saturclay, the eighteenth dfiy of November, in the year oae tiiuusaud eight ïumdreuaiHl aáxty-flve. "Present, Hirara J. Beakes, Judgc of Probate. In tb.c matter of the Estáte of Michael Yaughan, deceased. Ou reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of - praying that he may be appoïnted A(lminietrfttor de bomt non of the estáte of said deceased. Thereupoo it is Ordercel, that Monday, the ei,'htcenth day of December next, at ten o'clock iu'the forenoon, be asfligiied for the hearing of fiairt petition, aud that the beira at lw of $aiá deceased, and all other perseas f terested in saüil estáte, are reqiüred to appoar at a session of eaid Court, then to be holden nt the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arrbor, and show cause, if any there be, wliy the prayer of the pétitioner shonld nqt be rantrcl: And it la fiirther ordercd, that said petitioner give uotice to the persons iqtereeted in said estáte, ot the pendeucy of said petition, and tbc hearing iiuveof, by causiug a copy of tMs Order to be publiphed in the Michigan Aryut, a newspapcr printed and circu laliug 1b said County, three successive weeks preious to yaití öay of heariag. CAtniGGopy.) IIIRAM J. W&JKSS, 103G Jndg; of Probate. Enlate oí Margar et Yaugfoan. STATE OF MICHIOAX. Couiïty of Woshtenaw, At a Besdon of tbe Probate Court for the County Of Washtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in th'e City of Ad n ArÜor, on Saturday, the eigbteeath day . ia the year 011e thoueand eigfet haudre'd anti Bixty-five. Present, Iliram J. Beakes, Jndire of Probate.. In the matter of the Estáte of Margaret Vaughan, deceased, öu reading aud flling the petition, dulv verified, of Mbhael Walh, praymg that a certain instrument aow on file la thi-i ctjurt, pnrporting to be the last wül and testament of aid deceaeed, may be admi tred to . and that he may beapuoiu ed Kxecu or ;hereOf. Thercupon it ia Ordcred, that Monday, the eighteomli day of December next, at ten o'clock in the foivaoon, be, asMgned for the hearing of said petition, and that tho IjegiïEeos, Devisees, and heiry at law of said deceased, and all other persons interftsted in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a sessïon of said Cooxt, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouïd not be granted : And it ia further ordcrei!, that said petitioner give aoüce to the {);'rsons inte-rested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitipn, and the hearing thoreof, .. opy ofthis Order to be pubiishod ia the Bfïckigan Arguts a newspaper printetlandcirculatiiiirin said County, three succe-ssive weeks previnus to said day of heaiiug. CA true-copy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKES, 1033 Judge of Probate. lístate of Thomas Wood. OXATKpF MI' HIGAN, Covnty of Wasiitknaw, ss.- At ii sessioa jf the Probate 6ouff for tíie-Coumty' of Washtenaw, holilea at the Probate Office in tbe City of Ann Arbor%.ou Monday, the twentieth day o!' N oweinber, i:i Ihe year one thousftüd eight hundrei and hixtyü vp. Present, Hiiiam J. Tïi-:atckp, jtidge of Proba tp. [q tbe maitor of tlie Kstute of Thora fis Wood, de ■ i atHng inl Gírng fh ] -fition, fluir vciifípd, of John C. Woed, praying that t'.io dowor of Harriet Wood, in tbo real óslate whéreof said deceased tl el ne'zed, mav be ag()e3 to her. Tbereupnq it i Qrdered, that Monday, the eïgbteentb ilay of Oecomber noxt, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, ba aflined tor the hearing of sail ieiiti(m, umi üiat thti heirs at law of said deceased, and all o Uier 9 interestert ;n saifl estáte, are requirod to appeir at a Petëflïon of BAlá Court, then to b8 holde n al the lrob te mfics. in the City of Ann Atbor, and fihow cause, i any there be, wHy the praynr of ihe petitirner ehould not be gianted: Aud it is further onlerfd, tliflt èaid petitioner give notice to the persons interesled la s:ii estáte, of tho pendetiey of said petition, and tbo hearing tlieveof, by oausiug a copj of thi Order to bo pnblished ii; Michigan Argus, a newspaper prioted .'ind ei reu lating n said Co'iniy üiroe aucc68sive weeks prevloua to said day of hearing. [A tnn: copy J IIIIiAM J. BETAKES, 1089t(] Jadge -r Prvtote. Estáte of Sarah Pitcfi. SPATEOF MICHKJAN, Cooxtï of WjhtkxaiTiiw. At n session of the Probate Court for tbè County of Wasliteiviw. holden at the Probate Ofïice in the City of Ann Albor, na Wedne-sday, the twtnly srcouil iiy of N'nvfMiibcr, In the year one thousand efglit hundreil a ml Bixty-iivt. Present, HifAM J. Bbakeh, Judge of Probate. In thu matter of the J-Mate of Sarah Fit eb, c'eceased Öa reading &nd ftHng the peíition, duly veriGed, of Philip ïaeh, prnying that a cerííiin Instrument now on file in flus Court, purporting to be the lapt Will and lest .'il of Baid decëXsed, miy be idmitled tu Prö li -.[■-, ten 1 thut li" m;iy be ftppoiñíed Kxpcu'or thereoi. TUereupoa it ís Oráered, tliat kfori i.'.y , the ciphteenth" day of December uext, at ten o'ctuc!; in the forenoon, be aaalgno I fr the hearing of saiil petiHcti, nnd thai tlu legat' fö, (íevisoes, r-.ud boirs ;it law of fl;ild deceased, aiul all afher périftmsinrtferesteö ín Baid estáte, -.n-c1 tréquired to appear it a aession of saiiï Court tiien to be holuea at th o Probate Office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, aml sjiow cause, it any tbore be, wiiy The prayer of the potitioncr Bhould uot bc grantedj Andlt is furtherorAeiefl, lb:tt aaicl petitioncr give noties to the persona ínteres teel Lc &aid estato, ol' the ptniioncy af' sala p('títíon, and the hearing thereof, by CHiising a copy of Lhis Order to be pnblished in the Michigan Argtts, a newpaperpriptëd aad clrcul&tiog n eald County, three suocessive wtcks previous IokukI luy of hearing. [Atrne copy.] IIIIÏAM .T, BEAKES, 1030 Judge of Probate Roal Estáte for Salo, ÍN the matfer of the Estáte ol Batriet L. Briga, lato of Ann Arbor, dccea-setl . S'uücc is hereby given, t tluit iü ïiiirsittmco of mi order grajotftd to the uiidí-rRigned, Aflmiuistratoi'S of the estáte of nai(3 deceased , by (he ir.n. Judge oj Probate ftir tbc County of Washi the thirteentb dy of September, A. U. 18Öé, tliere wil! bti fbïd at Public VeDdue, to the liigliest biddei-, nt t!it: touth door of th Oour! IIouso,in Ann A cboi , i ii Uil1 L'uuiuy of Washteaasr, in said State, on Saturday, the sixth day of Janna t y , A. I '. 1868, at ten o'qJock iq the fovenoou of that day, (sub,ject to all enouiQbrancea by mort gage t otherwlse existíng at the tirae of t lic deatli of naid dcecased,) th fbllowidg flp'ibd ri-:it estáte : Lot fonr in block two SoatL ol range eleven Èast, In the City of Ann Arbor, (.'"■tv and Suite aforesald. Dakd. Qetober SStli, A. D. 105. _ stgiT6ár: !"■ Estnte of Jacob J. Renner. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. i Noüceis hereby vèn', Üiat by an order of the Probatr Court of rhe Coiraty of WasntenaWi made os the tweiltieth day of November. A. D. 1864, Mx months fi-nm that rlate were nllowcd for creditors to present thetr clainis agalsst the estáte of Jurob J. Kenner, late of lid Cpimty, deceased, and that all creditors of Raid deceaeed, are requlred to present thcir claims to saki Proba' e Court. at the Probate Office In tbe City of Ann Arbor, för exailnatlon and allowance. onorbefbre tbe oineteentb day of Mny next, apd thnt sneh clitiras will bo haard bef ore sald Probate (.'ourt, on 8atnrday, the twenty-fourtti dy of Febraaiy, and Satarday„ the nincireiiih day of' May aext, ál ten o'clock in the foreooon of each of thoae áaya. UI RAM .7. BEAKES, .Tnto of Probate. I)faxl, Aun AriKir, Vovwnbw pfck. taS6. HM. ; "?B Estafo of Jennings - Minors STATE OP MICHIGAN, Gwraty 6f WwÈtenn, 3 At a BessioB of tne Probate Court for th c , ,' MboMeuatthe Piobnte fflw üSf af Ami Artor, on Pri lay, the Beventeenth ,1 v „f v y "S-Ü'v"1 'C yaC '""' 'h'mí!UI'ldKh'lKlruí;i t, HírnmJ. Beakes, Jadee of Prnlmtn In thematterof th. I . fraM JenmL' _ ma s. Jennings, and Prank Jennlm „ , n " ' Bading ud Blragtlie peUtóg, dulj "rlfled. „, Marta E. leuning, Guardian, prayingthat ehemwi! lic . il to-sell certain rea] estáte Selonèlmr ï. íí! minors. e tu saitl Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the ek-hf„„ .v st, at toioYlor-ku, ticfm , U ;uéd for the hearing of said petitiol. „STl of.ktaof ld minors, and 5l! &L ed la said estáte, are requiied to p ,?" sesrion of said Cimrt, then to be holden at th,' i. i a Office in the ity of Aun Arbor, mdehow e ii"me lerebe, why the prayer of the petitioner 8hcnwï3 begranted: And Bis further orcteed, tint "h , tioner glye nolice to the next of kin of eaid IrnliEÍT andallother persons interested in said estatf Ï3 .? ixïudency of lid petition, and the heartna therrf fi causlug a copy of this Order to be ïmMhcrf ,, ,57 ■ :■.,. a newepaper printed and oirculatiu,' dáv „f h'è'mi; lrOe $UCCeSSlve weeto PreTiM ó 8"aS CA trae copy ó 1IIRAM J. BEAKES. IOS" Jndre of Probóte. Real Estafa forlSaïe] "I X tlie matter of the E.-tate of Honrr W Rnivn l I DeBa Bobcock, and U Dell Babcock, inínors tice is hereby gtven, that in pnrsnance ofan"ort Rranted to the andersijmed, Guardian of the eitoK. s ud minors. l,y the ion. Judge of Probate for tLf Uonnty of Washtenaw, on the twenticth dav of v 'ember, A. V i.isos, there wül he sold at Public Ven? o the highest bidder, at the Sonth door of the :C3 House, in the City of A,m Arbor. In the cSSS Washtenaw, in said state, on Tnesdav, the nimhLJ of January, A. D. 1806, at ten o'elock in the foren of thatday, (snbject to all eucnmbrances bviiïï or otherwbie exiatin.' at the time of sale, aiid alw.X .eet to the right of dower therein, of the „Í. of Mnunis Kenny, deceased,) the imdivUled n, twelfth of each of the following descSLft riz: The West half of tbebSouth-Eartq2L3 seaiou tftecn, and the North half of the Sorth ï, qnarter of section twenty-two coi t.ning one hundnli and sixty cros, more or lesa, n Townsnip one S oí range ave Kast, in the state of Micuiran Dated, November 2fith. A D 1865 ' 1036 WILLIAM BABCOCK, Guardian. Ohancery Nolice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN-Fonrth Judicial Clnwt h p Chancery Snit pending in the Cirenlt Court L the County of Washtenaw, in Chancerv: BefwéH E. Lawreuce, Circuit Jndge at ChamWs, at the" et of Auu Arbor, on tlie üüd day oí Jrovtiaber, A. 1) isL. Lucinda Lamed, " vs. [ Oliver Lamed. J Itsatisfactoriryappearing by affidavit, Uiattleifc, fenaantinthissült, Oliver Lamed, resides oat of Su State : On motion of 1!. F. Granger, of CroiSel tiï the Complainant, it is ordered that ihe saicUWeiuknL Oliver Lamed, canse his appearanee to be enteted in this cause, on or before the Uventy-third day of Hraary ijext, and hat case of his appearanee hcrau his answw : o the eompl.nnaflfs Bill to be flledi SBdi copy thereof to be served on ihe Cumplainam's-Solici, tor, ivi hui twenty davs ai er service of a copy of mía Bil and uotice of bis oMter, and in defilult theiwt K„'.hf 8L4 Bi" b? taken as confessed by.he saidfc. .„,„„,,„„,„ irueu: Ana it is turther onlpmi that witlnn twnty days, the said Gomplainant cuntí copy of this order t, bc tablished in the MMia, Arqus, and thnt the said pnblication be eontlnncd iu said pnper, once ra oach week fur six weeks in sumisión, or that he canse a copy of this order to le Kr4 pcrsonally on tho aid Uefcndant, least twenty days before the time prewrilwd tor appearance.. (A true copy.) B. LAWHESCE, B„. Obakokb, Circuit Judie. Soiicitor for C aijj'jiiniint. 103Í U.S. Iuternal Revemie Stamp, 50 cents.. piUCüS DOWN! C. H. MILLEH Has leturnei. froji Xo-,v York mtlitii Second Large ïnvoice -or - FALL kW WINTER GOODS! 0 COTTON GOODS OF ALL KINDS, ARE QT RüDUCED LN PRICE! ALL DRESS GOÖDS LQW0U CALL & SER C. H. MILLEN. .Ann Artov,Nuv. 254,1805. 2üi1(T6 öh; at the gbeat varietï -Oï1- ELEGANT DEESS GOODS! Just received at C. H, MILLEII'S. 2mlO36. JUST OPENED! A Mammoth Stock OF WSRiTER GOODS! At the Córner Store of inoluding CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, FLANNEL3, OLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, PBINTS, COTTOfS, DOMESTICS, GROCEKIES, Cali and se e them! Aun Arbor, Nov. 18G5. 1036 I" OOK AT-THE SüffClí -ANDRICH SHAWLS 2mlW6. I


Old News
Michigan Argus