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Another Prominent Citizen Has Departed

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departed. Hon. Sylvester Abel, ono of our oldest and must respectad cinizena, died at noon on Frjday last , and on Sunday afterr.oon was carried to he ;;rave, followed by a large procession of sincere mourners. Mr. Abel was a lawyer by profession, in the praetice of which lie w.-is nlways courteous and honorable. He had hel.l several ■ flicos of honor and impovüuice, the duties of which were ever faithfully discharged. His failinus were those ihat ï is lieir to; his virtues j were niany and endeaved him tohis assoeiates and friends. The Bar of the County unanimously adopteil the following resoluüons on the occasion of his decease : Whereas, By the death of Sylvester Ahel, which occurred in this city on Friday, the 17th day of November, A. Ö.. 1865, the Bar of Washtenaw Couuty lias lost one of ts oldet members, and ihe State one of its most respected and worlhy citizens ; and, Wheteas, It is meet and proper that we, lm ■ urviring brethren of the Bar, bound as we were to bim by feelings of attaelmient and regard, the growth of years of intímate and daily intereourse, shonld commemorale the virtues of our departed brother ; therefore, Reaoloed, That while we deplore the stroke of death which has taken him trom our midst, we recur with pride and pleasure to the excellent qualities of head and heart which made, tbrough raany yeara, each individual of the community in which lie lived liis friend. That we conimend as wortliy of imitation hia unswerving integrity, his genial and generous disposition, his courteous deportment, his high toned sense of right and justice, and hls imfiaggtng purpose ahvays and everywhere to do his duty. In the various positious of public trust which he held, he enjoyed and deserved the tallest public confidenee. In his relations to his oliente he was antiring and failhful. In his relations to the Bar he was luagnainmous. obliging, and trustworthy. Resolved, That we tender to the relations of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy over thier bercavement, and that the Olerk of the Circuit Oourt for the County of Washtenaw be requested to transmit to the aged Father of the deceased a copy of these Resolutions ; that we will attend the funeral of ourdecoas' Brother, and will wear the usual badge o vïiourning. Resolved, That these resol utions be presented to the Circuit Court for the Co'inty of Washtenaw, at ts next session, with the request that tuey be spread upon the Journal of the Court. E3 The Common Couucil passed an ordinance on Monday evening last, extending the lire limits down Detroit Street to the Baüroad, and abo prohibitiug the erection of blacksmith shops, and some other buildings Hot definitely nanied, on lots fronting or corniiig; on the Square, Detroit Sneet, &c. We inistrust that the Board did not understand the " ful] bearings " of the second section. - The true policy of the Council and of all our citizens is to encourage the erection of manufact uring establishuients ; and legislation calculated to drive those seeking investmeut in machine or other shops away from our city, is unwise. t. The M. E ühurcfa was crowded alniost to suffocation on Saturday evening last, on the occasion of the appearance of the Eef-. John S. S Abhott befoie the StndentS' Lectnre Association. An obstinate cold prevented uur being present, but we have heard the lecture generally commended, both in nianner and matter. The next lecture is to be delivered on Wednesday evening, December I3th, by Bishop Tbomas M. Clakk, of Rhode Island. L" A girl nanied Laura Sisson, wae found dead in tlie Lower Town Cemetery, on Monday afternonn. " One more uufor'.unate, Weary of breath, Rashly imiiort'inate, Gor.e to her death." l@_ The December number of Oodey 's Lady'ë Book is a capital one. The illustrations are numerous, just fitted to the season' and in the highest style of the art. Let the practical, hard-hearled reader - if Godey has any such - !ook at the beautifnl line engravinir, " The Christnias Tree," and then read Marión Harlami's toachirrg Christmas Story, "Little Nettie's Prajer," and his heart will soften, we warrant. Then the five tableau tHle page, with the other Christmas Stories will surely come in for a share ; while the fashion plates, househokl department, etc, will receive unusual attention froui the ladies. Nearly elghteen years has Godey been a weieome visitant to our eanctum, and we can rouch for it to all who wish a flreside and woikrsom compauiou for 1860, The terms ure, for the year One copy L3.00 Two copies 5.Ö0 Three copieB 7.50 Four copies 10.UÜ The popular favorite, Marión IJarland, will commence " Rizpah's Idols," a new novel, in the January number, Now is the time to subscribe. Address L. A. Godey, Piiladelphia. - Godey and the Argüs for S4.50.