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"VTQTÏCEl Haring lccMe t emigra 'e o ft Western State, WO offer our eutiri' etock of BOOTS & SKOES ! r-WITH- LEASE OF STOHJE, - AND- FO'.H SALE f To any ,,uty wluhlng to go IntobMnsnt i,gooa Hhd wjuifc v. eoiMtantlT iBoteaílní, ñfwhifhfact íi'iu "U S'V ' l'"ti'"' 'mhi'M l0 b"y Mofle wfífefeeI'OIt FUU, 1'ARTICVI.ARS, CA1.L AT ÏUE STORE Of TUK CNllEitele.VED. In Die mr-antime we will .11 anv pnrHonnf ent jodlt ,„,,h RJHJÜCEI) RATK, 10-tlL,M, wantof oucb gooils, wbo wlH favor ub wilb a Oiill. Bem.E AT OKCB, „o ,lo n„t propose to waste inuoli timf in the culWotin of debts ; nnil UreeXekïW 1V """SV8 "'" Sat N. B COLE. A. D. E. 8SYLER. And Arbor. Oot.Si, 1365.. lü;9tf pLORENCi: sewing mmiuB, PHÖTÖGRAPH ALBUMS, PWTURES, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, t "v x s rr s MACHINE O IL, fe Tlje un.lorsigneJ now offers tbe public THE BEST FAMILY SEWëgfC HACHEE IN XJSE, FOK DURABJLITY, BEALTYoJ STYLE,and VAlUETYof "STANDS ÜP HEAO." It only fo beso.ntobeap],rociatl. Runstlie work bot 1, ,va.vs, ti.kes fonr kiDd of stitchen, htmi IH, gthei, braids, Wndf, qnHts, gutbers and sen j on jmm Ht the ,( tim... Sew. from tl... tbinnest to tbe thloKxat fabric without changiug the Btrtch ensinn or needie, or without breaking tbe thread - The Wonder of the World ! Also a variety of the mest bc.iutiful PHOTOHR U Tl ALBUMS, P1CTÜRJES aart FKAMES in great yarietr. and pictures tnimecl to order at -hort notlco. Al.o.lUKNUMVS SELP-SBWKU or TU'JKER, whicli can be aí);ustecl tü any Sovfinp Machine. Cali ut the siga of tlie KLOHjK.S'C'K SE'iVI.VO SM. CniN'K, t fw 4ooM Kist of Oook's Hoiul. Stitehing Neatly Done to Order, Also, on exhibition.thecelebratrd " VIV.KJ) sj;WIX(; MACHTXK," ivhich took tho premium at tbc Miohiean State Fair, of 1864. ■ W. D HOLMES. AunArbor, Deo. aStli, 1?C4. üriuti 865. CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PBOF. B, j, LYONS Would infoi-m liis PATIÈNTS nd oi hera ïhterested, tli at in future he .cnu beseeü at the MONITOR HOXJSF, Sist OF EACH Moiath, instead of the 20ih, and at 3-A.CJSOlST, ON THE SOth, insUad of tho 21gt. Throat, Luns, Keart, Iiiver, The Blood, aml all otber compliüíiíed ohmnlc oosaptiotfl treated suocsafuilj, b% PROF. R, J. LYONS, tlie well known vod ceL'bratcï INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Oall ai 1 li d Mc nitor HouRfi, Ann Arbor, whpve he can be consulted FREE OV CHARGE, on tlia Sist of cach Month, duriuS 1866 and 1866. lylO19. rt) J CONViNCS AÍ M THEMOSTSKEPTICAL.i ■giC THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED t Jm viB-TUE IN THE K L y Ih-cy&re a. cortvbuiauon ,Vj #. TVAREHERBs gE w xTepareclinTnjB cli.oi.cest {A OLQ BOURBONVÍHISKY, f-, They sfrengthen and invigqrate the q They jrive a goodand healthy appetite. vjp J They usist digestión. ' Yvtó' Thcy are the beststimulantïn existence SrMp L tïhfyarea preventiveaf fuver andague M Yj iXliey cure iktvous headache. í? v. (S They are perfectly pure aiid palatuble. J$ 5r X Thv Red JsCKflt Ditteri ure sold in VÉgi , i tl liy nu (inipgists and ámiler iu the eountrj. f ÏJ BENNETT PIETERS & DU. W 3 r i RIVER ST. CHICAGO 0 Mljs PfíOPfílETOnS. JjJ Foisalely BUKUNÜT & STBWAKI, Jobben. Fresh Ariival at the jead quarters of GÜÍTERMANI& CO.'S OLOTHHTG ESTABLISHM'T Secoml to minean tïie Statea yOÜ CAN' FIND Articles of Every Description fOïi MJEW'S WEAR, nmimfacturct] at prices at ]iwh e Defy Competition WhateverJ Q We wouia aiiuplj siaic tlmt one of the firm la top■ l[unly looking uut in ypfjijtosnpply uu ivith iiOOII Al CHEAP GOODS Sueh as no ollar House can boast of. Wc are now reat'y to exhibit a large stock of GETS3 FÜRNISHING GOODS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VEST1NGS, Sf CASSIMERE8, TO BE MADE IIP TO ORDER, OR SOLD BY THE YARP, al very lov prices. K5" If jou have any duubta cali and 600 for yon BolvöS. GUITERMAN & CO. TUST OPENING ! U ; Thelargeet Stock and best assortment pf CABINET FÜRNITÜRE 1 ever brought to Lilia city, inplu(j:pg SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, 0HAIR8, 3ool3Li3as Olasseei Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFIKTS METALIC CASES, &c, ' c, and all nther good shopt in the best and lar i est hp,usi(í Ín the country. We Keepno second hand ur itup R? Anction gonds. Coffins topt eonstantly ( n and, and made toortie ' ■. -; ods .ir oflered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. Tí. I must have mmcy .and reapectfully requeat thopo iudcbted,to cali nnd dx up their old in at tors witlioutdeLay. O. M. MARTIN. TOOT EOT IN SHEEP can be tbonuigbly curel by usinj WHITTEMOEE'S CURE -FORFOOT I?OT IN SHEEP! t isjpsj wliat it s rcpreaented to be, A PERFECT CURE. Ask for Whittemore'á Cure, and take no otlicr, 'Die fnllowiriK Certifícate is n saniplo of tUet&tt munlai.-t constivutlv hv'wff rceeived i Rutum), Vt., July 14tlx, 18$3. F. W. WinrrKMOHE,Kí(í,, Deau Pik : Iïaviug tiifil your Oure for Foot Rot In j?h(ïep. 1 wonlil s,iy fpr tl:e lienefit oí Shpep Kaiser tbatthey ahouíd lose no time iu prooorhiK a bottle, as ii ccrtaiiily v.iil curo the Foot Bot Innttt tiinean witb lea IrQuble than ai;y prejaratoa of Blue Vituo or ui', lili. .,■(■!'■ 1 have over ucj. Yoi-rsruly, IXIJOS EÏLI-IMGS. F, W. IVIUTTElIORETsüle Proprietor, Chatham 4 cornorc, ColumbiaCn., N. T?. o: SALE Ín Ana Arbor by KBERÜACH fe Ca, So AKents. 3mlO2B. A GENTS WANTED -FOR OUKGREAT NATIONAL WORK, -THESlandard Bistory of the War. Containing a fu 11, authentíc and reliable account of the "grfctt eonfiict," from ts oommcncemont t ita close. Complete iu one vory large volume, of oTer 1,000 patres: containing reaüing matter equal to tbre large royal octavo volumes idly illuntrated with over 125 fine portraits of Generáis and bat' le sceucs This is justthe book the peopíe war-t It prp.entn a rare ohancg for A.gtnts. Teachers, energetic yoting; men, and eapecially retornea and disablel officor aii soldiers, Ín qtant of profitable employment, wiU (Iyt4 it ppculiiirly adaiited to thcir enndition. Tbis worb 'ns no rival hs a candid, lucid, omnplec, authentic a'd rliftblfl history of the war. Bftnd for rirrulars ap'd " our terma, ' Addrew JONES BROTHEE8 OQ.j 14 West to'iithBticí't.CincinuntOhio, SmJOoO


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Michigan Argus