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fustes xtximj. MISS' E. A. HOK AN JS PREPARKD t manufacture all kinds of Hair Jewolry. Rpfilence on Detroit ítreet, opjjosite the Ajricultuüil Hall. gralO82 W. F. BlíEAKEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN' AN'D SURGEON. Office n Dr Haren 'a Blnck, 5 doois Kast of Cook'.s Hotel Residence córner of Hurón atnl Divieion Street, ffrst door Eaí-t of Pre-íb}terÍKn Church. Ana Arbor, ilichigaa. G. H. MILLEN. DEALER in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockerj, ke. &c. Mia Street. Ann Atbur. philïp"Yacïl DEALKHS' ,„ j)rj. Ooods,Groceries. Boots Se Sboes, lrc-,t„ilist., Ann Albor. l;„ ISPON & HENDEIlöON. DP.'vl.KRS in Hardware, Stores, house furnishing good.i, Tin Ware, &c, &c, New Block, Mamst. A, J.ÜTHEfiLAND, AGKNTfor the Sew York Life Insurance Oonipany, Oificeon liuron atret. Also bas on hand a stock ofthe most a p prove 1 .se w ing machines. 885tf WILLIAM LEWITT. pHYSICIVN" AND Oflice at his resil 'icuce, north side of Huron,two doors west oí Di visión street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. lï7"EÏOLESALli and Retail Dealers aud Manafacturers W „f ReaOy-JUda Clothiug, Importersnf Cloths,Casiimeres, Doeskios, &c., No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st; wm. wagner7 DEALER in Ready Wde Clothiog, Uloths, Cassimeres, and Wstiii!,'s. Ujt, &ps, Trunks, Carpel liags, te, Phctnix Iïlock. Main Ftreot. 1 " 'SLAWSON & SON. "tROCERS. Provisión and. Co ram i. ssi on Merchanta,nd J Dealers ín Water Lime, Laad Plafftflrj and Piaster of Paris, onedoor east oí' Cqofa,'e Hotel. SCOTT & LOOMIS. MIJROTYPE and Plitníiapli Artlsis, in the rooms over Campion's ClütUing store, Plictuix Bloek, Perfect satisfactiongiven. 0. B. POKTER. SUfttíEON DENTISÏ. OPSceCorner of Main and Hurón streets, over Bach íi Pierson'B Store. All calis promptly xttended to Ap-i'1859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Forein and Dome.stic Dry Good,Groceries. Hxts and Caps, Bats aud Shoes, Crockery, te, Coraer of Main & Liberty sis. AÑl)RÍñv BELL. D KALER ín Groceries, ProvUions, Fiour, Produces) fcc, te, corner Main and Washington Sireets, nu Arbor. The highestmarket pricespaitHorcouutry produce. 866 " D. ORAMER, ATTORN'EY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Agent for the Pliaeiiix Fíre and Cotinecíiíut Mutuil Life In urance Co n panier. Con vey ing and Coilecting promptly aitended to. Office over tebbine &■ Wilson's Store. M. C. STANLEY, Fhotograpbic Ai-tiat. Corner Afain and H-iron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBBOTTTES, Sc. . Sc. , n the la test styies, and every effort made togivesatisfctinn. 956tf D. DeFOREST. ÏïTSOLESALE and retai Idealer in Lumb?r tath yV 3b,iQgls, Sash , Doors.iïlinds, WaterLinie Grane lÍTr Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes A Tuit a ad perfectasaortment of the ahove, aud al! othei titidft of building raaterialsconstantly on hand at the M poasiblö raten, o n Detroit nt . , a few rndsfrom the tiilroad Depot. AUo operatiug extenuivelj in the ?itent Cement Roofiug. T UMBER YARD ! C. KRAPF, Ha a large and wel! ptocked Luraber Yard, on Jeffer■on Street, in the Suuth part of the City, and will keep eonstantly on liand an excellent vanety of LUMBEU, SHING-LES, IATH, &c. which will be sold as Iow as can be affordedín this market . Qnality and prices such that no one need go to Detroit. COXRAI) KEAPF: Anm Arber,Dec. 6th, I8B4. 986tt ""EVV MUSIC STORE! ■ Persons wisbing to buy Pianos or Melodcons, ■hould ó to WILSEY'S MU?IC STORE, before purehasins elsewliere. Ho wilb warrant satipfaction to purchasers, and takes pleasure in referring to those wtio havealready purcliased of lum. He takes pride In saying that he has given the best of satinfaction thus far, and iitfau so to do in all cases. Any Piano will be furnished that purcb.aBer may require. He wishes it to be distinctly understood that he will not 6e TJISriDBR.SOX.JD by anydealerEast orWt. N. B.- The lateat SHEET MUSIC for eale, I'IANO STOOL-i, &c. ALV1N WILSEY. Ana Arbor.Dec. 27tli, 1864. 98Dtd A KNABE I'IAN'O- olie of the best iustruments ade - entirelynow Inquire atthe ARüUS OFFICE. "FÖR8ALÊT i)O l'Ol'SKS AND r.OrS, worth from $l,0Oo AJ $5,000. Also severl hnprovf.] FAKMS . A..r.S-THKRLANn, AlB Artwf, Pet. ','Ü,ISS3. !"Jltf Commercial Ageut


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