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5 pwial gMuct& BICÖAÏ GENTBAL ÏAILRoE! Passenger tiains now leave Detroit and the several stations in this County as follows: OOINQ WEST, Hat) Day Dexter Even. Hjghl Train Ex. Ace. Ex. Ex. Detroit, V.l'i A.JilO ÜO.i.m 4.16 i'.H 5.95 P.M JlOOl'.M Ypsilanti, 8.40 " 11 55 ' 5.J5 " 0.50 " 12.864,11 Aun Albor, 9. XU ' 1Í.1SP.K6 10 '' 7.10" 1.00" üi-xtcr, fl.45 " 12.40 " 6 40" 7.SÍ '■ 1.25" Chelín, -1015 "1'2.55 7 55'' MS" Chicago, - U 00 P.M. 6.00 J.JI13.30 H.M GO1XG EAST. Even. Niijlit Hexter Mic.h. City Mail Ex. Kx. Ace. Train. Ex. Chicago, 5 30 l' M 10.(10 P.M -i - 6.00 A.M Chelse, - 7 -10 a.m. 2.80ï.w8.30p.ii DeiVr. _ 7,5S a.m 6.05 a.m 2.40 "3.50 " Anti Arbor, 4. -J5 a.m 8.20 " 6.35 " 3 05 '.' 4.10 " Ypsilanti, 4.50 " S 40 ' 7.25 " 3.25 " 4.30 Detroit, 6.10 " 10.00 ' 8 20 " 4.45 "5.46 " rpHE DEAD TIIAT MIGHT BE LIVING. It is sad to think thal thousands dio annually with tlie means of lifo and lieillh almost within arm's le'gth. Many a weakling goes down to the grave every day whomthetimoly use oí HOSTETTER'S CELFIíRATED S'XOMAUH BITTERS woald have saved. It isa consol;. tion, however, to know that thifl gloriousTouic - a vitaUzing Elixir wihout a single drawback- is preserving the lires of multitudes. In cases of ilobility and prostratloo, it is producing effecti that are perliaps more astoniahing than anthing heretofore obseived or recovded in the liistory of ined ical troatment. Keeble, erna cm tod, and despining patient-s, wliose powers of digestión seem to be ac tually extinguished, recover their appetite, strength and spirits, o&der a coupse of the Bitters, with a rapidity that is poaltívely amazing. All that the proprietor.i oiigiually epected Irom the pceparation was long ago thrown into the shade by its actual resulta. New'virtues, wlnch they had never thought of attrib ■ ating to it, are continually being developed in its application to new cases. As a preventive of diseases of every class and a cuiistituLional invigorant it stands alone and uuapproachablo. ftiy Persons engaged in sedentary employments within doors will find that an occasional Ut e of Red Jacket Bitters gently stimulates the circulation, im pro ves the appetite, produces a regular habit of body, and prevents mental depression. EÜ Wlien every olher prescription lias disappointed expectatiun, in cases where the system is sufl'ering from the eiFects of mineral medicines, the poweríul vegetable corrective - Red Jacket Bitters - will restore the tone of the digesliveapparatus, quiet the nerves, and arrest the action of the poison upon thesecretive organs aud the blod. A Coiigli; Colt!, f Sore Tliroal, RliQl'lKËS IMMKDIATK ATTENTION, AJÍD SIIOULD HE CI1KCKKD. IP Al.LOWJin TO CONTI -LK, Il-ritntloit Of tbc Iinhga, a Permanent Tliioat Affection, oi" au Incurable Lang Lrisc-asc IS OJ-TEX TUE KK-ULT. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES IIAVING A DIBECT INFtUKlfCB TO TJ1K I'AKTS, GlVli JMMEDIA1E BBUSV, For líroiiclillls, Asthnia, Cnlarrli, Coiisnni}!tive and Tliroat Disenses, TROCHES ARE U8ED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUCCE6S, SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will fui'l Trocliès u sefui in clearing the voice whes tar Uen bftore Bioging or Speaking, anti relieving the throat ftfter an ünüsual exertïon of the vocal orgaus , The Troches are rícommoniled and prescribe! by Pby aicians, and httve h;ul testimoniáis f'rora eminent men throughout the country. ïïeing an article of true mfirit, anilhavinjï provcd their eflïcacy by a test of maiiy years, each year finds them ín new localities in various parts of the woilil. nini the Trockss are uuívorsully prono uncöd bet ter than oiher articles. Obtaim oniy " Brown's Bkosghial Troches," and do U'-t talie aay of the Wo'rthlua Imitations tha,t may be oflVred. oM everywhore in the United Staten, and in Foreiga Countiiesj at S5 cents per box. 1033 Gmos- Special WniSKEIlSl 'WJEIISKEKS! Do you want Whiglmrsoi Moustaches? OurGrecian Compouml will force them xo grovoa the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, inSix Weeks.- Friet1, SI. 00. Sftnt bj mail anywhere, elosely sealed, onreceintof price. Addregs. WARNER & CO., Box 133, Brookljn. N. Y. Iy999. THE BRÏDAL CHAMÜË, an Essay of Warniugand Instruction for Young Men - published bj ;';■■ líoward Assnciation, and gsntfr.e of charge in sealedenvelopes. AMdress,Br. J. ÖEtLUN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, 1 hiladelphia, Pa. ItSÖG A CARD TO INVALIDO. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a nsissioiiary., discuvered a safe and simple remedy for theCureof Kervuus Weakness, Early Decay, Disesses of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and tb e "vvhole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habita. Great nurabers havi been already cured by tliis noble remedy, Prompted by adesire to benefit the afllicted and unfortunate, I will 8end the recipe íor preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of Charge. Please inclose a post paid envelope, add-essed to yourself. JOSEPH T. IXMAN, S'lATJüN D, BlBLBHOUSB, GmlO25 New York City. AGOOD TKEE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a gooil IMiysician by hisKuceessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONtS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PIIYSICIAN OF TUE THROAT, LÜNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the country as the Cftlebrated INlfAi HEÏIB DOCTOR! From South America. A HEAT PAMPHLET Of the Ufe,stndy aad extensive travels of Dr. Lyona eau beproónred by allwhodesireone,freeof charge. Dr. I, wïll visit tlie several places asfollows ; Jackfion, Qibbard Houae,20th Ann Arbor, Monitor IJ onse, iilst. Petroït, Cass House, opposite Mich. Central Depot, each month, 22h1 tud'-Ürd. Modk of Kxamixation-- TheDoctor diacerns digea08 by the eyefl . Ho, th ere f ore, asks no questions nor req'tirespaMents to xplafn symptoms. Afflieted, come and have your symptoms and thelucatiou of your diseasexylained free of charge iLÜH'-. ■■ J'.'_y. ' I!. __...'. 1"- - I I BH- WM A GENTS WANTED -Fülï OURGREAT WATION AL WORK, The Iife, Times and Public Services of ABRAHAM LINCOLN! By DIt.-I. P. imOCKESOVr. This woife ís entircly qew nd original, and contains mort of his eariy History. Politioal carter, ftpeeolu tt, Mes8&geL, Proelanjationa, &e-, toether with the soenea and incidente connt'c.ted witb. his ir.igic end, than any ottier work publiyh&d Teachers, ladit's, enrgetlo yoiuuz nun, and especially returned and diabUd officers and soldicrs, in want of profltab e employment, rill tind it pecnliarly adapted to their comlit ion. We havo agesta clearing $150 per mnth,which w will prove to any doubtlng applleaot. end for circuWrx. Addreds JONES -BR0THK1ÍS & Co., No, 148 Wkst FotHTB Sï , 3;nlO25 Cincicnati, Ohio. MEW CAUPETS -ANDOIL „CLOTHS ! A-T C H. MÍLLEWS. 2ml030. f 1DLJSS & HILL II;ive just roceived A LARGE STOCK OF OOODS wlich tlioy are sriling at REDUCED RAICES Uonsiïiting ín part of the foÜowlog : CLOGKS, WATOBES, JEWELRY, SIlTer and Plated Ware, TABLE & POCKET CÜTLERY, SÜRGICilL INSTdUBIEKTTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c. Flease Give Them a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCBES, & JÍWELRY, fiEPAIRED BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, At the old stani of C. BLISS, sulo of Mato Street, Aun Arbof, Michigan. i c. m.iss. A. 'Üf. HII'A.. Sep(embc-ra6tli,1865. tflO28 Oíd and young should use STERLÍNG'S JV V FOR 4 The Hair. It prevenís or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beantifies, Preserves, and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff. It is the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing Comp'y, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. Cmiobó ""-i fr S' -9JSmr Byspepsia Permanently Cured! DK. blIKI.DON'á DYSPKFTÍC TROCHES nut onlv gíve Un medíate rullet', but are sure to ell'ect a permanent cure in Dyspepsja and Uvw Oomplaint. They an not i purgativo, and therefore tbe'r twedoea not créate a oeoeeaüy for tlie habitual ue of Cathartieü. lr. Blieldoia's Dyspepeia Trocbi's are ;'ii agresble anM wtotesoroe appétlr, wJthflut any of tlic injnrious eil'ecti whioh nrö surc to fplïow tin. f 3thnulnting "Bitters" and all purga tire medicines. By iheir purifying, sti'ütjgtlicuing anl invigoratlng power they nre sure to keep the digestivo organs in sheaUhy eoudition jtijus fireveniiuy; Costiveaess, J'iarrlioea or Dysentery. Dr. Joseph I.ewi, of ThiJii'lelphia, Baya of Dr. Slield'in's ")ysie;jsi;i Troches : "Sonae years gínoe Üt. Shcl Ion, o? tb is city, gave me tlie formula for preparing a Dyspepii Troche. He asnared me th&tiie had scrce évti kuown it to fail ín curitíg eithev Dyspfepsi i or U ver Coraplaint. Sínce Uien I have ased it m fljy practice witb great fiuccesa, I believtí that niiicout of tpn 10 whom ï have adminir; tered itbave bea permmieatly ouredv it havij niíiny eases which I conpMered incurable. I eonsiderlt the most valúa ble comhinAiA n lor diseaea oí tlio gesue urgaus i unve uvei saowa. ■ The emintíut Par. WilU&ms has paid : "We betiev that the worwetliiog that a lyspepiio can do is tu dose himself with Purgativo Medinno-;. In fact, we know of tumlrfiils wfeo have tuke;i Gathartles bo longthstft basbecomc ahnosta neeessity for tbetn to eontinne xlieir use.'' Dr sheMon's Dyspepsia Troches ave not Calhartics. and ai e sureto effect a cure. They &re agreeable to the taste. Tliey will immediately correct a sour stomaob, cure Qatuleocö, heartburn , sfcktus?) or" pain in the cUimacli, bolching of wind and in faec all Ibe diaagreeable and dangerous of thisdisea-ti. S.N. ROCKWELL, sole pruprfeior. south east corner "Int 'and Marlet 8treot% biï&delpJiia. Price 50 cents per box. ïreut by mail for 60 cents. T. H. Hinchman, wholesale agent, Be trol tj also for sale by Farrand, Shelev & Co., and all Druggists Sold by STE3BINS & 5WU5ON, Pruggists, Ann Arbor.Michr 1030m6 jV Greatcst Medical Circular Í1V i A Cl ËvorPuUed! f A Rl E 'm jMS5Tifteen"ïeaiarge I I jJ M ïetter pages for two M ggfr 3 cent etatnpg. H Young Men's Confldential Medical Advíaera in cañes of Sperma torrhea or Seminal Wcakues.s causecl by Mas tur batí on, Genita.1 Tantalizatíon, self abuso, or secrethabits indulged m by youths at the age of puberty. DRS. JICKSON, IIERBERT & CO., Propríetors of the National Dyspensary, establí.shed atCincinnatij Ohio,,Ian. ]st,18G0. Involuntíiry Emissionslad to Impotoccy. Consumptie, Insaníty and Deatb. TI, uso who sufifeyin the least f rom this baneful practice, should apply the whole energy of the soul to the atiaiumontof health and consequent contentment and happiiiess. Kvt'iy oae, eillaer sick or well, should havo our valuable treaUs6 on this subject , which ís eont f roe of cbarge. We guarantee to cure Gonorrhoea'ileettSyphillia, Impotency, Nocturnal Einis.siona er Selt'-Abuse, Diurnal Emi&stonej Female Coaaplaïnts, Ln short, erery possible form and variety oí Sexular Dieense. Cures rapid, tliorouah and permanent, and fecg modérate.- Snd for our Circular. l). JACKSON'S FEMALE 1'II.LS- $i peí box - Special writtcn replies, well sealed, pent wilh the Ciroular, v,-ithout elia-pge. 300 pagas., LOO engravings. - (Tbe Síountaio of Ljght, or -M?dic.U Protector and Marnape Guido, and an Kxplicit Key ío Love and Beauty." ftSATI3FACTOR3ÍY revéala varioussubjeeta never befortf'ulïy explaiued in any popular work in the English language. Priee 50 cents, or three for SI. Medicine and instructiúns sent promptly to any part of the co-untrr. Consuitfng Rooms of the Dispensary , No. 107 Sycamore street. l O. Box, No. 436. IiK. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL INIMENt lïeinovcK all coldaem, and reiuveimii e orans which have lain dormaat for many years. Can be uiailec with perfect siffty, Price $2per bottle. DR.JACESON'ÖPREKCH PATENT MALE SAFE, It ís the only aure and Fafe preventivo agaiiiet contracting dieease over iaventcd, l'rice $1 each, S4 poi half dozen, and $7 per dozen, at nt by mail. 6mlO34 Siï MANHOOD: I1OW LOST, 4g&ZJr " how aBisrrojjuED. Just publihfii , a now edition of iv Ciiivcrwt'U's Cclf lirnttd Essay on the radical oure (wïtboal med icine) -.f' SPRiWATOKRBtaA, ov seminal V eakness, lnvo! antary mHiaJ Losms, Íiwótbxctj Mental Bnd Phsic?, ncapucitv, Impedimenta t Marriagé, etc. ; alBO,oysrMi-Tin.N, i-j'iLTci'sY, aml I'"its, in'lnccd by eflf ïc-lu'gence or gexnal CStiawagancei fLif Price, in a sealed envelopO, only 0 cents. The eeteWated aulhnr in thfs admirable esfcsy clr;nly demonstruteK, fiom n tliirij' years Buccdssful praotice, thae tho alArxntng eonaeqiVínces o.í" Blf-abufp van 1í radically cured williout thp dangerous use of interna medicineor the ippücatiqn of the knife- potrcting o ir a of eure at qnee siniplo, eertf-jn, nnd effe tual by nieans of which ■very sufferer, tio mattorwhat his condilwn may bo, may uuro htiDself oJieaply,privately and rrhlicalty jfêsf Tfiis I.oi'tnre hould bi in the hands of everj y.iutli and et erv iiiiin iu the Li(id Sent, tred er sa I, in a plaiii envelop , tn any ftdiires? föustt paid, on receipt oí gix cent-, or [w poat stampa Addresi Uie pubHshefa en vfl .r c. K'riNK, & no( 87 llowei'y, vw ToiJk, tylOSS rpst Office box 1,053, THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINE1 0RGA5S, Fort}1 di[ï(;n'tii; st U-n, jnl;i[jioil tn s.icrf'l nr.'l Kt'cula muic, for$80 fp ttlOO 10I1. TfüHiYFH E l.Oi.I) o ■II.VK.n UEHALS, or other flrst premiuBia warded them. riluatrstod Cataloguen free. Aditrens, MA,-pN fc HA11I.1N, UotiuM, or MASÓN BROTHKRS, New Yobí, . lvlOö


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