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A Code Of Manners Wanted

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The Oiocianati Gazctte makes sonie comments on the above subject tbat are applicable to other places as uell as Cinoinnati : ïhe inhabitania of the largo oastern cities have learnod how to move ir. cowds to the best advantuge. It is pos.-iblo to walk the entire length óf Broadway without experioncing a tithe of the ïnlioovenienoö oí' a walk through foor squares of Fourth street. Thove every one knowe how to inovc po as most to facilítate Lis own progresa, and least to itupede that of bis fellow, Thero the rocognized rule is to pass to the right, iind the wirrent runs smooth. Here the peopje trust the matter eutirely to chauoe, and i.nnuinerahk aro the dodge games practiced in a short walk at a rapid guit. Men and women, old and young, resolve thomselvcs into shuttles to play back and forth aeroei tlie puvemunt, in the f&ca of all v?ho aru in a hurry. Aud this motion has a strange epohaatment; for no sooner does ono oxhibit it tha.ii the liaste of gelting on seems to abute, and those thus meeting move aorosS each other'n paths, as if the world were dancing a eotilüon, and balance all had jast been ealled. After a few luotions of this kind Ihe pui ties generally rush into eack others' arais. mumble theïr excuses, aud with profound bows hand eaoh other over the enchanted line, and each goeB on to mest another partner in this most ludicrous dance, But meeting and passing is not the. only bar to progrese the streets. If Brown ineets Jonen in New rk, the two step to one side and have their talk out, fout if they rneet in Ginoinnati they plant themsalves in the middle of the walk and the world must siucken ita pace a little v hile those talk over tbeir past lives. JJufc the climax of street ob struction is only reached whon a few ladies stop to chat, and forget to step :isirie - a few is quite suffieient, considering the gtyle of dress. And those street tea pari ios are by no meaus uucommon. They take place hojurly and tbe bost attend them. At least a third of these social sfatueriflga take piuco on the creesings, and the price ot lofikiüg on is muddy leet for all, no reducúion for any, uuu the fretí iist suspended. ïhe pub licwhiclj ventures into the íiráet mixt p:iy ihe penalty. Anothiü' pliane in our slreet perfortnanoeg is thu in liae. Three or f'our ladies ill form at the lotver end of Founh street and p.dvauce to Syoaroore, with as liold a frout and unyielding line as oorricd the flag over the works of the foe. It is a charge that ifi nevt-r resisted, and weck men who ñüd themsélves ín ita way, tul;e refuge in tho gutter, or squecze themeelves the building till the battle liue has passed thein by. So much ior the streets. At cor.oerts tho aii;-: i m . s are Ihree-fold. If the performance faila to interest siny party prest'üt, Buch al.vays feel thernselves in duty bound to see that no others shall beat; euough to créate interest. Many who have opcra-glases insist in Icveüug them at persons tiear at hand, as weil as tbose remóte. Although it i impossible !o see snything with a good glans at these very short distanties, it serves to ottraci aftentiou to the cosllinesfi of the instrument and tho geni:;;] style of the possessor. Towai'd tho cióse oí tho perfornaance a most inleresting seone ocuurs. It seeins to be oanfined t tbis longitude, and isa habit which in efi'ect renders the closing ezercise at any public entertain niorit, in our city of very iitlle interest. All will see at-ouce that we refer to that unpardonatte breach of politancss in volved in scores caving tbc hail the moment the last act, or part, is announeed. This is not metropoli t..n. Fcom the coniiuct of many it might bu infarred that street cars wero a new thing in our city. No stooner does oue stop at auy point, than all v;ho wish tp get off, aud all who desire to get on, rush lor the duor at once, and meet and wed.j;e theaiselves together or. the plati not ouly losing their ovvn time aud patierce, but practising their ankwardness at the expense oí' all othnrs in tho car. These are a few of the instances in which a code of marmers is wantod. - There is sueh a thing as the science of living and moving sraoothly in a crowd.


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