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The One Spot

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Oue spot on tho fair facs of a sheet of tíe best letter-paper will cau80 its rojpction wheu the munufacturer ag sorts it f'or sa!o. ín obtaining rocruita for the array, a single blomish in the eye, a littlo defeet in the hearing, the loss of a finger or a toe, the t-lightest limp or halt in the giïit, is the one fatal spot whioh causes rtjeotion, however perfect the health in el) otLer respecta A faultle.iH specimen of mauly vigor offers himself f'or examination, ibr tho purpose of obtaining au intiurunce on hislife, but. at the very h'rat trial of (he pulse under the eurgeoii'N iinger, the cp.rliöe te is pc-reiiiptorily denied, because tbero is a fatal heart disease lurking under that fair exterior. Here is ti man who for a lifotime has liad uuiform good heaith; never dreained but tbat be was perfectly wel}, but noticed for the first time, an hour before, a little white pimple about the mouth, surrounded with Beveral red ones, giviug a dull huiting, causing, bowever, not tho slightest apprehension ; but meeting the fanuly physioian aeoidentally on the streot, he iuquires very csrelessly: " What is it ?" On a close i, speetioD, tho experieneed practitiofler detecta tho existence of a " maiiguanl, tubercle," wbieli he knows will rapidly spread with a disco'oration, oud end ia death within Iwcnty-four bours ! as ia, the case of Miss M. A. B , last week; of Mr. lïcnfield, sis months ago; and of BIr. Casey, awbile before that, all of Brooklyn. These aro spots physioal and fatal, allí There are moral spots juflt as fatal to oharaoter, hualth and Jife i tself. I knew a young wïïo, iirst at Rockaway, who could boast of family, fortune, educatioo, health, and great personal beautv; fascinating in her conversation, faultlcss in her with society, and of a benevolenoe so hearty and so tree, that it waa irnpoisaible for her neigubors not to love her with their whole hearts. But tbere was one spot, only one ; tbat noi kuuwü, evcj) to hor iiusbancl shö jvould take opium, and died of its ovcruse at twetity-three. I have been delighted by the hour in listening to the recitations and reading the manuscript poetry of Mrs. L , of Kentucky. - Neither beautilul nor ugly, but the spoiled aad educatcd child oí a rich father. Ishe had a genius aud a power which won all hearts, purely. Oue rnorning I learned she was dying, althoua;h in perfect health tbeday before. At intervals of a year, the demon of a drunken dobutich came over her. It killed her husbaud, oue of uature's noblemeo. Tht otie spot ! I knew a wife, living yetfl think, a model of personal purity, of doW mestic itidustry, system, order a,nd thoroughness A slave to the care of her family of healthful, beautiful children, there was no sacrifico, no self-denial wbich fihe as not ever ready to ma.keor practico for theit comfort. Her husband, as the world goes, was all that could be desired as to industry, system, temperanee, regularity and order. It ought to have been a supremely happy familv, it was wretcbed. ïhe one spot was her ïin.Mifierable il!-nature, It would he untrue to say she seldom came to the table without somo expression of dissatisfaction. In twenty-six successive weeks, duriug which I daily sat at the same table, she never failed once to emit sonie venom either against the children, the eervauts, the food, or the weather, or something else. The whole house was kept in a turmoil, no single day ever passod without it ! Her only sou was driven to an engine house, did not sleep at home " once in two years" thence to the guttèr; her daughtera married for a home, and she went to. an asylum in hor oíd age. There are saany youug men with whom you canoofc help beiug pk'ased, frank, courteous, raagnau-imous and kind ; they alway meet you with a smile and a welcome, and yoq know it is cordial and sincere, On, in quiry, tbey "drink." The-oneeipat ( It blasts all things else. That daugbter it boautiiul, arniable and courteous; in all she satvs or does theru is notbing tohang an adverse criticism upon. The moment sho passes f rum her father's door, dressed iu faultless taste, go to her room, and every artiole it contains has impreasod upon it the one spot of an incorrigible sloven. Let the reader this moment inquire. What spot have I V and begin on the instunt to wash it out at any and every sacrifiee, for they only wbo are admittedt to the mansious of the blessed are thosa "not havingspot or wrinkle, or any suo.l, thing."-


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Michigan Argus