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Western Manufactures

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New EnylMnri wants a high tintr to irütect her workshops aginst the cotnpetition of all other workshops. Peniisylvania wants a high tariíí" to prutect her furnaces against tlie coiapütition of all othcr furuaces. T'uü railroad companies want a h'iRh tariff beuause it is tashionablo for all high taiift' mep to desire tliat thosc vvho havo to buy sliull bo conipellcd to pay high prieel) to thoso who. havo to eell. Evtimiy who has anytíiíng to Bell vtints a tsriff high güQugh te ekut "!■' úv'i competition of 11 other sellers in tho smc market, eo íhat a moncipoly may bo enjoyad. AnA H is a rt'innrkablo, but yet suj-prisÍDa; coincidenco that every ukhi wlio wants a high tarift also WRnts a low ourroncy. - A debauched currenoy ifi tlio pari ut of npeculution, extravagance, and spondtliriftutts. Meu do not invest moaey in farros, honses, milis, and otbor improveiTientn whioli peruianontly enrich tho Stnte, when they kriovv that a thousand dollni'n thus expended will yild only +ialf the profit that can bo gained in ivetiulatiou. in railwrtv shares, in eminent stocks, and other ovidences of debtwhich are " protected" against paymeat by the tarift' which suspension han put upon apocio. Tho euonnous protit, thua realized by tho fow spoculutors go to enrioh the other fow inoüopolists who are in likö inanuer " protected" by the tariff wbich the Government has placed npon all who would be competí tors in the saine market. Of oourso the Government must have reven ne, a large revcuue, and this must be raisod in part by tariffH oq importations. Therefore the tariff ehould be adjusted upon a revenue basis, and not ft protective basis, for tho revenue tariff wiii, as its name iraplies, p'-oduce revenue, while a protectivo tariff will produce only proteetion. Western manufacturera must meet the competition of the Atlantic States, wbich is far inore " oppressive," to use the jargon of the hour, than any poesiblo competitioa with Kuropean countrios. ïho ou!y cffective protective tarirl for the West would bo one ereotod on the cresta of the Alleghanies. Thia is, of couthc, mjrossible, and would be unwise if poseibie, for it wüuld cumpel the uinety-mue consumera of mauulLictured gooJs to pay Iwu prices for every protecteü artielo they rnight buy, that the one macufiiotuTer nrigkt beoome rioh out of the oxctsss })uid for hia products over aDabove what they are reully worth. - Tberefore, ueithurthe Wcstoru mauufauturer nor the Western is iutereaind ii keeping up Ksrtfi dyfce at New York lo hu't out foreigo good.s. ïbo producers and consuuiers - tho two great olajes who neither speonlute uor oujoy a uionopoly - Uie people who aro n.t protected fvom paying their debtK or tlieir toxes - are lelt to puy also the titxes imd thoeuormous proftts which tlie prolec'ed Bfveoiilatora and manufuc tnrers are enablo to put in their own poukets. Thero are yet a few fofeils 'm the country who have nol got over the Bourbon hubit of nover learoing aud never iorgotting anytbing. They have not ttarned (though some of hem possibly luuv have lived in it for a short time) that thero is a great couutry beyond the borders of New Englsnd and Pennsyl vania, whose soil, with the small outlay of labor and eapitail whioli every industrious man, thoush poor, ruay invest, is capaDle oí proaueing supi-mes mr ujb whole world, and wliioh, f allowed to develop undor the unveetrioted operation of the great priuciplo of' free labor, will oertaiuiy enrioh evory frugal human being Who engages iu its cultivatioa. - They have not forgottea that their assoeiate iossils, a long time ago, oontrived to get coutrol of a politieal party ; and tbey do not appear to remember what was the fate of that party. To talk of building up manufactorien in the West is all very well, hut to argue that this, aad not the reduotion of tariffs and the doing away with monopolies and the returning to a sound c'irrency, is the wny to bring back prosperity to the great elass of producers, is to betray a good deal of nnnecessary ignoranee. Uoneceseary, because every man has the means of kuowing better. What the great West, and the great South, and the great center of the Republvc want, and will demand, are free labor, free trade, and a sound currency : - labor tbat ia freo to command the highest price in an open market, wherein monopolista shall not be " protected" by slave laws or peon regulatious ; trade that is free to purchase in the lowest and sell in the higbest market that open competiüon anioug buyers and sellers shall present; a currency based upou the actual valut) of some tangible thing, and not liable to the fluctuations inseparable from paper promiaes, redeemabli; only in one another. Under the healthful operation of these three, the couutry will quickly start into a growth unexampled ia all its previous history. The waste places of war will disappear, and the whole land will gleam with the golden harvests of abundance. The poor will becotne rioii, while the rich, though possibly no lonfer revelliug in " protected" five hunred cents, will not become poorcr. Manufactories - those much desired, but too oíten misunderstood souraea of a natioa's wealth - will come io due time, and will enjoy all tho more vigorous life, beoauee their iufancy was nott'orced in a " protective" hot-house. They will spring up as a vigorous tree, acclimated to tho soil which nature and unrestrieted iodustrv of man have prepared tor them. And in no other way can the} ever be made to attain a vigorous maturity or healthful age.


Old News
Michigan Argus