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Tree Trade And Our Credit In Europe

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We wero informad the othor day that Mr. La oier, a banlfer al tlii.s city, wbo , reoently went to Kttrope on a ooniideuti;il mission froni the govormneut, aml wbo, whilo in Eiiropi', bad an iutci-viow with a comniiitöo of Gierman holdurs r cuived tho most grtitifyiug ustiui of tb ir oonfidenco in tlic (ii ;::)ci;il pt'licy whioh ho iitidurüd thotn tho govcimiituit would pnruoe, A leadiug journa] of Frankfort, liowt'vcr, puts tho matter in a eomewhut difforest lifïht. Th is Journal status tb:U ?.!r. Lunicr o'aüed ; meeting of bonclíoldera pt, the Iloto! du Russie, and them a short addrees, in the conree ut wliich, aftor bSptainipg tbat tha goveat had no inteoiion of askiug for new lonnn, he declnred tbat " the reven" uüh of the gpverotneot tur 186G, woro " eslitiiatcd at two njilhirds of francs " (about fonr hundred millions ot dpï' ars), and that Conyress woud lay an ex" port duty on tobáceo, cotton, aod other " staplcs, the resul t of srbioh) ït wa3 ex" peoted, wouid bo to givo an excess of " throu h' nJrod oiiluonsof frauos, ' tv tüillions ol dollars vï roveuua over 'expeoses; and that the oiroulation ot 1 paper tnoucy wou!d nut be uiatenally ' tncreiiaed.1' In reply to tb is, tho Germán bondboldcrs were so fitr from oxprtBsiwg their sutiefiiciion with tbe prwpeet held out to tliem, th;;t,they gave Mr. MoCulloohV tíuvoy to understand that " he had not "oöntirmed cbeir coofldence by , his ex' position, and that they partioalarly "diii ïiot bëlieve the American revenue l' would be benefited by a duty on 6Z" pons, or by iuci'eHsing tho duties on "' irnports, both of these measures being " contrary to tho spirit of the age and " to the dow dominant tendeuoy throBjfh"out Europe, whioh was to lessen du" ties on importa nd exporta." As {or the "puper currenoy," thewe outspokcn Germana dedared that they " oousid" ered it to be i tinunoial voloano, the " eruDtion of whioh initrht take placo at " any moment." Thirt reveUtion is espeoially important at the present moment, wlieu Congrensis on ihe point of ausetnbling. It is in the i'ighest degrec durable thnt our repra sentativw should be mude to understuod accurately the effect iipon our credit abroftd of any further perseveranee in the finanoial policy introduced by the cbiiotic Republioan party. Such 3 o vsill oertaiüly ehake tho confidence of thinking men everywbere in the good scne of our peopl aud in the can; of our stateemen, and it vvill be followtíd by a depreciatiou of our natioiial seeuvitias propovtionate to the injury it is sure to infliet upon onr rcíjources. -


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