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The President's Message

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Knowing tho anxiety with wbioh our readers wero looking for the first anuua' message of President Johnson, we gave it to th'em in an extra on Wediiesdny mornin'g, and presume that bufore th8 sheet reuches them all wili haya givon it a eareful persual. ïhs mpssago is high-toned and conservíitive, and in moHt reapeots will give the Democraoy better satisfaction than it will tho Republicana. He treats of the Southevu Htsles as nevel" out of the Union, and as eutitled te representution in Congress as soon as they shall severally return to their aüegiance. He doea not recositiizo tho propriety of ing military govenunents, nor the right of Oongress to intt'rfere with tho right of suffrage, the radical une qua non, 13ut the majority iu Contri ss havo no sympathy with theee views, and refusod on Monday to admit even the mernbers from Tonneseaf), thu Preeident'a owu State. On finaocial rnattera tho President 3 sound, und scouts the idea that a nationul debt ia a national blessing. On our foreign relations he ia not very dofinite, but sefiöis to adviae no immediate enforcement of our claims against Great Britain, or of tho Monroe doctrine, On the wholo it is a verv saüsñictory document. fiSST I a roccut editorial in the Argus in referenoe to the constitutional auioudraent abolishing slnvory, the foilowing sentenco ineidentally occurred : 11 We say legally, for we do not hold to tbo theory of those ultra demócrata - the colleügücs or complement of the radicáis vvho deny the right of Congress to enact tho amendment in qucstion," whioh sectas to have stirred up the wrath oí our cotempornry of the Ypsilauti Sentinel, who forthwith pitchos into us iu savage style. As we had no allusion to our cotemporary when we wrote the articie, we are uot disposed to auswer his rofleotions upon ourDeiuoeracy. We don't believe that he has been long enough in or of the party to entitle hitn to administer any rebnke, or define even what Democraey is ; and yet, if hu uiakes any pretensión to beiug ajDemocrat, we are not surprised, in view of a recent paragraph fron his pcn, that our ratulom shot causad such a fluttering. Wo quote : " We havo no particular " sympathy with Wirtz or any other 11 man whose stupidüy and blunders ensureo " the fadure of the Confedérate carne ji " spite of the fanatioísm, criroo and folly " whieh protracted the struggle anf. " tnadü it so disaatrous on our side. We certaioly rcjoico thatonr opinious do not. barmtinize with those of ourcotern porary, #


Old News
Michigan Argus