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A TIMELY WAllNliNG TO THE SICK. lt Ib eapeclaUj Important at tli's time, when the markets oí the Uuitcü Statea are flooded wíth tho direst poisoiis, untlcr the nimio of imported liquors, and when domestíc compounds purporting to be medicinal, but not a wbit lesa ptrnicious, are heralded to the norld as tL sovercigu remedies," tbat the public flhould fully understand the facts. He it known,then, thai while all the difusivo Btimalanta called Uquors are impuvp, '.!)! all Uie Tonteé containing alcohol are íDfiDuíaetured wtth a Borj artícle eontaining amylur fksrl oü, a mortal poison, HOSTffTTEK'S CKI-KURATEO STOMACH BITTERS oontain none of these íhing-s.but are a eombination oí pure esseues of Rye witli tbe pure juicea of the most valuáble eUimachic, anti-uillous, and apexfent herbs and plaats, and thut as a safe and rripid rtmedy for Dyijpfipöia and all it- klndred eomplahits , IIíík priíparalion síands before Iho world without a rival or competí tor . lts sales to-day are equal to the combina! sales of ttH the other tonies advertised in the Unitod States, and tbe certificate-a whloh tí cata its usefiüness ace sigpetlby iDdividiialö nf the htgbest standing in every professional oallíog aad walk üf ufe. Bftwave of iinitations and impostors. A Eo8igEi9 í'otd, orSorc rhroaí, RKClKfiS ÍMMKIHATK ATTBWT10N, AND SHOVI.DRH CIIECKKü, Ík ALLOWSD TO COSTINO, Ii-i'ltmloM of tlxc liUK8, aPcrmanciit Tliroat AfTettlon, or an iitcuiable Lung nisoase 18 Ol-TE.V TilE RJfflULT, BKOWN'S BROHCHIAL TROCHES IUYIHG A DIHECT WF1 r;:.CK TO TUEPARTS, QlTB IMMKDIATE BEUKF. For Broncliltls, Así Juna, Catnrrli, Consumptive and Tiiroat I31seaseái, TROCHES ARE U8ED WITH AL"WAYS GOOD SUCCEC-S. BIHGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trbchfs usefül in clearing the voíce wheD takeu before KoffíDg or Speakfng, and relie vi ug the throat íifter an unusual exertinn of the vocal organs , The Vrockeê are recommended and prescribid by Phy. sicians, and have had testimoniáis from eminent men tiiroughout tbe countiy. Boing au article of truc merit, andharitit; provecí their efficacy by a test of many years, each year Qndfl them Ín uew localities in varíons parte of the world, and the Troclas are uuivereally pronnuncnl tíattar than other articles. Oiítain only " Brown's Beonchiai Troches," and do wt take any q the WotÜúcsb Imitations tliat may be o He red. Kold evevywhere in the United States, and in Foreign Countries, at o5 cents per box. 1033 6mos- Special1 Do you. want htskHTSOE Mdus taches? üur Qreetan Cojnpoan . them to growon the smoothest faceor cliin, or hair on bald heads, inSix Weeks.Frice,S1.00. 8ent by mail aoywiiere, closely sealed, ünreceipt of price. Addi-ees, WARNER & CO., Box 138, Brooklvn, N. Y. Iy999. A GOOI) TREE Iö KNOWN BY ITS l'RUIT. So i 'i good Physlotan by hisSuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TIIE OREAT ANII CELEBRATED PnYSIUIAN OF THE TriROAT, LüNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Clebraterl INDIAS HERÍS DOCTOR! From South America. A NEAT PAMPHLET Oftlie life,atudy and extensive travele of Dr. Lyon? can beprocured by allwhudesireone, freeof charge. Dr. L will visit the overal places aaLollows : Jackson, EEibbjtrd Hons0,2Oth. Ann Arbor Monitor House, Slat. Detroit, Oas.s Iíouse, oppotte Mloh. Central Depot, each month, 22mland 23 rd. MODS OF ExAMIif-ifiON. - The Doctor discerns diseass bytkeeyes. He, therefore,asks no questíons nor req tires pafcients to explaln ay-mptoms, Aiilicted, come andliave yoursymptomsar.dthelocation of your dis. [platned free of charge lEW CAR PETS -ANDOIL CLOTHS! C H. MILLEN'S. 2 ni 1036. mmw perfume FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A most F.tquiil-. Wflicníc añil Firgrrnuc íciíhm', S$Éti!3rl ft-om liic Rnrc aud Itenutifíil Fíower froiu Tvhioli if Inlir its iinmr. Mamifactured onlyljy PIS.IS.O & SON. i3 Seware of Counterfeits. A.i7 for Phnlonf-Tahe no nther. Sold by druggieta generally. "PKIÍÍTS & EI,INES LOWEH. A LARGE LOT OF At inuch Iower prices. At C H. MILLEDTS. 2ralO36 5& TVTANÍIOOD: IÍOW LOST, YpMF " HOW aKStTORJSD, .fust pnbliahed, a nefw ertitionof Or. Cuïvcrwell's Celebra led Essay on tbe radical cure (without íhed cine) of SiPSdCATORRStEA, or semiaat Wea&ness, Iuvol untary Seminal Lossea, Impotkxov, Mental and Phyéíc lucapíicity , mpedimcnts t" M&rríftge, etc.; also,CoN gtmFTioN, Kfii.ei'sy. and Fits, induced by eelt' inüul gence or sexual extravagftnc% jfcjf Price, in a sealed envelope, only '6 cents. Tli e celebrated authorín tbis admirable essay clr.irly demonstrates, from a tbirty year.s succepsful practice thae tiie alarming conieouenoefl of ffelf-abnee may be radically curetl without tlie ctaKgerouH use of interna medicine tbeapplicatíon oí the knífe - poínting ju ;i mo3e of ciirn at once simple, certain, and effe Eual by means of hict i 7ery sufferer, no matter what Ki coaditioo may be, may cure híraself cheaply,prívatelv and rñd'calhf. LLSs Thifl becture Bhould be in the bands of every youth and every man in the land Sent, un der .sea !, in a plair envelopc, to any addrefls 'pofitpaidtan receipt oí six cents, ortwo post stampa Addrs8 the publishers, CilAS.J. G.ETÍNV, & CO„ t47 Bowciy, RcwYorlc, ly!035 Poat Office box -i ,6-18. JSTATE of ORARLES HYLAND ALÏ PEK8ON8 hftvïng claims agalimt the ettat of Charles Hykind, dcce;ised, or Mrs, Eliza Hyland will jilease present tbem to me, immedíately, for ad j uHtment. N. R. NTB.Ïxwsator, fee. November 28th, 1S6S. 8wX037 I OOK AT THE NKWCriOAKS -ANDRBCH SHAWLS, C H. MILLEN'S. 'TnlO'M. TUST OPEWKÜ! ik Mammoth JBtoek OF WINTER GOODS At töe Corner Store of includiag CASSIMERES, OLOTÍIS, ' FLANNELS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DUESS G OODS, PRINTS, COTTONS, j DOMESTICS, GIIOCEKIES, &o., &o. ! Cal! and see them ! ! I Ann Arbor, Nov. 1865. l()3Gtf BLISS & HILL Have jast roceived A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS which they are selliag at REDUCED PRICES Consisting in part of tho followmg : CLOCKS, WATCHES, JSWELRY, ; Sïlvtr and Pluted Ware, TABLE & PO01CET CUTLERY, SURGICAL IMSTRUMEHiTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &e. Picase Give Them a Cali ! MMS, WATCHES, & JEWELRY, REPAIRED BY EXPERÏENCEB WOBKMEN, At the oM stand nf C. BLISS, &.st o!' Main Street, Vnn Arbor, Michipm. C. 1S.MSS, A. T. HlIA,. Boptember 26th,1865. tflü28 Oíd and young should use STERLING'S The Hair. It prevenís or stops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifies, Preserves., and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head free from Dandruff, It is the best Hair Dressing and Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturing CompV, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. 6mlO:ö Dyspepsia Pormanently Cured! DR. SIIKLDON'S DVPEPTIC TROCHES not ooly ííiw immeúiiite relief, but ave sure to effect a permanent cure ín Dyspepfiiaand Liver Complaint. They are not a, purgativa, and tberefore thoir aeedoes not créale a ni'Cfsriity for the habitas] ase of Cathartieí. T)r. Sheldoo's Dypepsia Trochos are an agrceable and wholaeome appetiser, without any of the injurious eff-ects whjch are flore to foHow the use of' stirau lating "Bitters1 and all purgativa medicines, liy their purifying, strenthening and invigoraüng power thev ttre sure to keep Llie diestive organa in s hsalthy coiiditiün,thuspreventing Costiveue.s, Diarrha'a or DyKentery. Dr. Joeeph I -e wis, of Philadelphia, Rays of Dr. SheldonVnyspepsiaTrocliea : "Some years since Dr. Sheldon, of tliis city, gave ino the formula for preparinii; a Oyspepsia Troche. TIí'hsSured me thathe liad scarce ever kuown it to fail in curiiig either DyspppFia or Liver Complaint. Sin re tlu n I have uel t in my practico with great auccess. I believe that nine out of ten to whom I Itave administered ittave been perjnanenüy cured, i t having cured many cases whtcb I Qoníijerediaourab]e, I considerit the most valuable CQiubiniton for diseacea of tbe digestive orgao I have ever known." The eminent Dr. Williams lias said: "We believe that the worse Uiing that a ifyBpeptlc can do is to dose hiniBt'lf with Purgatíve Medicines. In fact, we know of 1 undreda who h&ve taken Catharttoa m loug tbst il bas become ulniost a necessity for them to cuntiüne their use.M Dr Sheldon'sByspéptiia Troches are not CatharticB, and ai e gure to effect a cure. They are agreeable 10 lbo taste. They wül [ajcoe liatety correct a BtQmachj cure flatuleoce, heartburi). HiclíDefifl r pftin ín the etomach, belcliing of wind and in fact all tbe din&greeable and dangjwoup Bymptoias ut' thisdisea e. S.N'. ElOCKWELL, solé prop riet or, south eañtcornci 21st and Kfarket Streets, hiludeliihia. Prlce 50 cent per box. Stut by mailfor 60 cent.-;. T. II. Hinchman, wholeaale ageot, Detroit; al so for nale by Farra nd, Sbeley & Co. , and all Dcuggii t J38T Sold by BTEBBINrf k WII.SON, Drnggiats, Ann Arbor Michl030m6 THE M&SON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGAKS, Forty dififerent styïes,adaptw3 %n sacred and secular music, for $80 to'POO each, THIHTYFIVE QOLÍJ or blLVER MED ALS, or othor íírst premi urna awrdei them. III uhtrated Cata! 'c-o. AddreM MASO1-! tHAMUN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. . lyl025 J OOK AT THE GREAT VARIETY -OF.'ELEGANT DRES8 GOODS! Jutt reccived at C. H, MILLEN'S. 1 2mlO38. n HE ÖREAT In the field for tbe FALL km WINTER TRADE ! wttS the largost and Beleeted look of AJST1D GENTS' Furnishing Goods ! Evor openod in . Ki' kt . iel :s o ïï. . -oCOMPETITION IS" THE BAOK GROUND. GREAT WARDROBE !etrininW to be shead !n ewy rospect, despiln tlic wishes of a certain fuiv, spectally nterwtei In Üio iame busmess, anil who prorticled our downfaU within ;liree raontl.s. Let thu oroateM oroak. We have net BENEFIT THE PEOPLE indare bound to do so, acd tlio support and cmcourigemeut we are recsirtng at their liand, la to us suf Icipnt evideiico tbat tbey do not inean to let oír enleavors to jilease thora pass by unuutiocd. ïhankful 'or the asaiatanoe tbiis far rondsred ua by our patrong ive hall atUI Mnve to ivortluly merit ts coiHiuuuncc' ind in Hpeaking of uur STOCK IN STORE, and whicli we offer loyou at [JNHEAIID of INDÜCEMENTS. "We feeï free to Bay that it is not Snrpafiser] by any in Entire State, WTllln it comprises all the coarKer grades, it also emir os some of the most elegant, fasbionablo and tylish C3-OOIDS ! wer bronght to this markeb. Previoua tothe estabsaaoientof tlie i atrong prejudiceexisted in the miods of +he people Kainst HOady-Made Oïothlng, owins? to talie quality of the gooda that had heretofore bec:i iiaposed upon tliem. The GKEAT WARDROBE was inatituted in a ineasuro wïlh a view to dihpolling that prtï.iudice. and the acltnowlcflgoinünt of those who b ua that our goodi are far superior to any ever Bold bere, goes to show that our eflbrtfl in th ís dïreotton are Qot beiaj; made ín vaiu. We will notfct■ : oJ the artioleH that go lu make ap our stock. Suffiae it to ay it includc; ovorythiug pertüiniuji to th; braroli of business, and presento to buyera in makin theiv neleetions, a most complete and va nt. 1 imortmeafc. For cloihing and Furnishing QuoÜ8,bigatook, good Goods, audj.-w prices, bear in miad THE (iREAT WARDStOBE, 3STo. ö. m.Ji3sris:iJi-T block. SÏÏLLER & 3R0WW. Ann Arbor, Oct. nth,lL65, 1031tf. I 4 ■ i-1 i,..! : : :..-i i-:.".' V. mik MPiip Straw Goods I J.J,. ;■;% Ostrich Featliers, T .:rYALiSES, Gents' Collars, Canes, GLOYES, ÏÏOSIERT, &&, &c. BUTF&'LQ JELOBES l A 3plndid Astjortment of GENTS & LADIES1 FUB GOODS ! Pletfse cali ar.J examine for yourstilvea. N. B.- Particular atlention naid to EEDRESSIXG and BEPAIBIIÍG LAB1ÉÜ' C'APEs & MUFFS ni-atly reliaed and dressoil nvt'v by dxperksneect hauils aml at reasonable THOMPSON'S FÜR STORE, lll'KÜN STREET, Ann Arbor, Mich. ty The highöHt canb priue paid for Ii'urs. Bmï87. TT ATS, CAPS, STRAW COOOS! - o - JOHNSON & PIERSO11 jiavc rece i vod Ihe largest stoel; of ever broirht to this inailíot, v.-hich tíiey ;iro solling a vny LOW 1'KIt ES. ïhc stock consists of- GENTS' SILK HATS-ftll stylos. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF BK1M HATS GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BOTS' CAPS- all kinds. GENTS' STRA.W HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CAPS AND HATS. CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW-HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS UMBRELLAS, CARPET & TRAVEL ING BA GS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. SUNDOWKS. SHAKERS, and in faci,ill goods pertainin to tüeir trade. JOHNSON & PIERSON. MAIN STREET, - lOlOtf - - ANN ARBOR


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