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Real Estute for Sale. IN tbc matter oí the Estáte of Henry W. V. . Delia Baboock, and L. J)-11 BabcocÉ, minors. Notice la hereby given, that tn pnrsuance of nn onkr l to the uadi rel nu fl, Guardian of the eetate f sald minors, by the Hou. Judge of Probate tor ttte County of Wauhtenaw, on the tweutieth day of NdI u;yc wfll be aold at Public Venduè, to the i ■ r, ai the South door of tl i House, 1:1 the City of Ann Arbor, In the Countyw ■ ■ In :■; : al ■. ob Tnesday, the uinth day of January, A. h. 18ÖÖ, at ten bVdocb fn the of thai day, (subject to all encnmbrances by mo :■ ad or otb ■ atthe ti: . also snftject to the right of dower therein, oí the widotv of Sfnnnis Ëenny, deceased,} the undivided onétwelfth of each of tlic following descrito á pareéis f land, W. : The West half of tbo South-Easl ja Bection fifteen, and tbc North half of the North-Kast ■■ oj sectioi tsn enty-two contalnmg oí i re oí lesa, la Townsoip one South of range flve Kust, in ttic State of Michigan. Dated, November 20th, A. D 1868 1086 WILLIAM BAliCOCK. Guardián. Real Estute for Sale. TN the matter of i):c. Estáte of Norman V . m X fteoeased. Notice is hereby tri ven. that in purguen of au order grantei to Ihe undersigned, Adminístrate of the te of sal . by the Hon.-ïudge ál Probate for tho County ol Wftshtenaïr, on the thii■ teenth day of Ño7tmber,A. I. 1S65, there wil i be soïl at Public Vendue, (o the highest bídáer, it the dw 1 ling house on the premisee, in the C unty of Wasltti naw, in said State, on Satarday, the thirtieth day qf . December, A.D L866, at tett o'alpek in the forettoon ts that 'lüj, (subject. tn all by, mortgi i ollierwisf t-xistinp at Uietime of !))■■ deatn ol ceated., and also subject to th rigbt of dower thereiii of Alletta.T. Ctrnimings, the Vidow of eaiddeeeasert i the lnü"v.!rr de6Cfibd real éstate vi; Thefv'ortb West fractlonal quarter o] ia, in town threfc South of rango tl i s be fiuri Ired anti seventy-iive acres, mom or less; and a parce] describes . ,:i;ii-; af. i po.-t n tbe seciiyn lino between Red tions ono and two. in town tb'ree Soutn of range threfc ■: the eeptre of the hïghïray, and running South on ihe BectioD line live chaina and forty oine link , henee South eighty-nfne and .-i half degrena Wesi threte eiiaïns, ninety one uul a half links, ihenco NorLli thiity-five and a half degieea E:tsf, six cha soventy-íivd links to tlio ilacft ot beginnin, beinj onfe acre oí' land, mure or [se, all iu Siiid State of Michigan . Dated, November 1301, 1865. DENNIS J. ROCKWELL, 1035 Aduiimsl r;itor. Estafe of Ann Warren. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Comity of WfWBteDftw, ss. At a scBEÜon of the Probate CoTirt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at Ihe Probíite Office, in the Cily of Anu Albor, on Monda}', the twenty-seventh day of November, in the year ouc thousaud oisht hnndred iud sixty-five. Present. TTr:; m .T. BbAkes, Judcro of Probate. In the matter of the E-ítíitó of Ann Warren, rïeceased. On readinï and fiftng the petttïoo, dnly vertfled, of Alphen? Kelt-h, prajtag thut a certain Instrument oow ou file in thia Conrt, porportíng to be the laatWÜl and Testament of ga!d áeceaeed, may be admitted to pro bate, and that letters tcstamentary m;iy be graí nim aa Execntor ihfi-cof. __ T beren pon ït i Ordered, that Satnrday, the thirtieth daj of Decenab r nexi, kt ten pckck in the foi i : 'ïïed for tlic hearing of yyid peliüon, and that the lcgatees, dei iaeés, and hnir.s at law of and all other persons Interested in saldi quired to appêarar a sessiou of said Cou.-t, tbén to be bolden at the Probate 0L3ce, in tLe City or Ann Arbor, and Bfeow ca,tise, ir any there be, why the pfayer of the petitioner ahould not be gi-aoted: And itji orderqd, ■ ■ ■■ ■ notice to the persons interested iu . . ■ ■ . , ■■ iiüii. and the hearing thereoi by caoising a copy of thi' ' '-; r to be ] ■■';;: '■'■■■■'. ■ ' ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■■", :i newipaper pi'iuted and drculatm in paid Couutv, three euc■ weeka preyions Lo said rlay of hearin f A truc copy.} HIRAM J. BEAÊES, 103T Judge of Paobate. Estáte of' Hrigrh Vnurrh tn. OTATE OF MICII Í- , N A r, RS, O Ataseaaion of thelobate Coartforihe CJountyoi Wasatenaw, nolden at the Ppobate Office, in of Anu Arbor, ou Sutditkiy, the iber, iu the year sne thousai i dredund sixty-ñVé. PrtseRt, Hicam J, Beakes. JmVe of Pro' ■ ■ In the matter of the lístate of Hngh Vaughaaij decoasctl. On readinc anifljing the petition. duly verificd, ff Micliael Walsh, prayiDg that he may be appoinied Admïnistral ■ n n of the estatè of ■ Thcreopon it is Ordered, that SatarOay, tl cfay of Decemb ■' said petttkHti and that fhe hLÈT8 at law of said doceased, and all othcr per terested iniiiil estat.-, are ivquired to appear ; sion of aaid Coart,' tten to be holden atthe] Oflice, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, if nny there be ráyer of the i ■ ;1 ;i: And il ifi Pmrther omi tioner give notice to the persons interen tate, of the penöeney of suid petítion, a thcreof, by cnaing i copy of this Order to in the .v: ' . ■ . :i newspaper printed and circa d said CoTinty, three sBCcessive veeks previoas to said day of b.earing. CA true copy. HIRAM J. BEAKE9, 1031 Jndge of Pfofeatfc Eftïatöcf Praoklin M. Hendrick. S. tXF .Mli'lllCr.',' ■ . . ■ u of the Prpba-te Carl for the louaty oi Washteñw holden at th'eProhnte OÉficeiB the ■nn Ai-bor. oa Hondayj tbentxth day of Xui in theyearoiw ■ ■ ■ . ■ . udsixty-üve; bate. In the matter oí the Est&té oí Vritaklin M. . deceased. On rii-:insf and QTin t5e pfetion, 3oïy ver Hirana Newmun, Adtnbiistrator, pryí thaj be licensed tw stil ceriaiü real estáte wJiereof st . ched seííeíi Tliereapn iti Ordered, t-ha '■ Tueftday ,tb( nie eei t' daj of December next, at ten o';locK iu tbe foi be assignoed for the beariug of sü'l petttion, and ■ at !:-.r of %id deceased. and ui' athrx persons i siiin of snul CftUït, tb CB't' the Probate Office, in ti.v City oí Aun Albo and show ca use, if any theie be, wli. the praycr of the pet it oner ould riel ho jtrantci - And it iö f'ivüi.T ordered, t hal fwiid pel itiooer eiv notice to the persou! Interestei i : said eBi f e, of tin; ptudeaey rf said ptítion and "h beaiiog theroof, by éauftifeg ■ . ■ ai thie Ordei to bt; puhlishcn ii! the Michigan Argus, a wf and c í r u Li 1 ; i f i ï i ii Ín ftld CouBtj OU] week pravïous to said day ef hearitig (A true copy) HIRAM -I - V-F..W, 103ifl udge i, Prnbati Estáte of Margaret Vauhan. QTATE OF MICHIGAN; Coanty of Washtenftw, ( ■■ : session of the Probate Cowl for the County oi' V:-hU'iiav, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arhor. ou Saturday. thfl eighteenth Öay of November, in the year one thousand eight himdred and sixty-flm -. Present, Hirana -T. Beafees, Jndfije of Prób ite. In the matter of the Estáte of Margaret Vanghan, deoeaéed On reading and filng the petition, duly verified, of Michael Walsh. prayíng hat a eertain instrument bow on fïlc in ihw cottrt, purportnig to be the las) will and ■('sjanicni of said deceased, "■ ' ed to probate, aud that he may beappoin edEseCïi or ihéreof. Thereupon it is Ordered, tliat ?Fond.;y, the oightcenth day öileceinber next, at ten ö'Clotsk i;;'the fiorenoon, be assi pn ;! for the hearing oí and that the Legatees, Devisees, and heirs at law ■ '. ;ii([ all other persons Iñtep Ui said estáte, are required to appear al - Bfidd Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if ai be, why the prayer of the petitioner should aot he grnnted : And it i furthor ordered, that 8&k! petitioner give notice to the. persons iu terested in said estáte, of the peufleacy of said petition, and the hearing th n f, by causmg a copy of üv Order to be pal il med in the Michigan Arg s, a aewej ip r prinuxl and cïfculatïnti ïn said County, tliree sacoe&sive weeks previous to said &,y of hearing, CA tmecopy.) HÚIAM J. BKAKES, 103G Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jenningp - Minors. QTATE OF "MICHIGAN, Connty of Vaahteuaw, bs. O At a Bession of the Probate Court for the L'■■■ "Washtcnaw, hokten at the Pióbate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Fnday, ihe sevénteenth day of Noveinber, in the year one thoosand eiirht hünared and sixty-live. Preeent, Iliram J. BeakeSj Jnclge of Probate. In the matter of t,he I'Xate of Iva M. Jennlnga, Emmn S. Jennings, and Frank Jennings, minors." On readhiir and flfing the petition, duly verified, of Maria E. exxnings, Guardian, prayíng that she may be Iicestaed to sell eertain real estáte belonging to eald minore. TluM-fupon it Is Orderod, thatMonday, the elghteenth day of Dëöembet next, al. ten oclock in the foronoon, beBssfgned for the hearing of eaid petition, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interestnl In Bald eetate, are required to appear al :i si'ssion of eald Oourt, Cien to be holden at the Probate Office, in üw. City of Aun Arbor, and show eatttse, ïf any ■ there be, WBy toe prayer of the petitioner should not ; begranted; And it is farthet" ordered, that saiii petitioner give notice to the next of kin of said minor?, andall other persons interested In sald ostatc, of the pendency of said petítion, and the hearing thereof, by caufiing a copy of tlüs Order to be publishcd in the Michigan Argvs a newspaper printcd and drculating In said Conntj', three successive weeks prerious to said ' day of hearing, (A true copy.) IIIKAM J. BKAKES, 1036 JinVo of Probate. ' Estáte of Sarah Fitch. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ow W-ashtexaw. .- . O At a Bession of the Probatb Court fortheCouutj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office En tlie Citj of Ann Aib(ir,nn WMnes-bi v, the twenty-seöond flay of November in the year one tuousand eight htuadred and ' sixty five. Present, HlSAM J. Beakss, Jndge of Prob i'-1. : In the matter of the Estáte of Sarah Fitch, 1 deceaaed On ■ iding añil fllïng thopetttion, duly verifleö, of Philip Bach, praying fbata oertain Fastrument now ' on file in (lus Coort, p urporting to be tte last WH] and ; Tct;inu'ni of ;iid doceised, rnny br adtnittöd to Pro ' b,itf, and that be muy be appoiated Execuor tbereol. ; Thereupoa it ir, Qrdered, that Mond ,y. the e gbteenth day of Dt'cc in hor next, ;it 1 1 - t t o'cloci la the fèroh'oon, be ■ assigue.l ft ilic hearing of said potiiion, and ih.n. leeates, deviaeea, and heira at luw of gaid deceased, aud all óther persona Entereated En said estáte, are requhred s to appenr ;ii. :i seasion ol' siü't Oonrt then lo boholi the Probate Office, In the City of Ann trboi, and show ! oauBe, i f fin y tli ere be, why the prayer of thepetïtione-r should not legranted: Ad It Isfurtbei ordered, thaí Bftid l petitioner give notica to tbc praona nter!'stc-i in &aid es(;ite, of the ptndency of Baid petttlon, and tbe ing thereof, by cnusing a copy of tbts Order to be ( published Ín Ihe Michigan Jrgus, a ntnvsp;iu'r [rintcil " and oiroulating in aaM County, three sticcessivc weeks J previous to said day of hearing. [A trni copy;'] UIKAM J. BFAKE, ' 10'j6 JuJe of Probate Estáte of Kftapps - Minors STATK OK M,i'i!,AX,(;,ir.vTToHrw.TKSAw s. Ata waion ni Mi., Probate Coiiri f.r theCou'ntírf Washtenaw, holden a! the Probate Oflice in (he ( ■ i :,. twertywcond&yi November, in the "no thouaar.d tight lmudrej td Present, ÍIía.iM .1 Hk.-.kks. Judge f,f Probate rof the K.tate „i Elizabeth B. Ka.. OBd .lolin William iMini'PjiiJnors. W Oareailingani Oling thc petilion, duly verlfin.i Phili i Bach, titiardian, urayjng that he mav oc' jief ■ L i tosellcertainreitli , . said minori ipou l Ss (ir.!, ifil.ï Ihursday, the'ls't Jv i ! I1..-, mbernext, at ten o'cloek n theforenoon , iigJ or tho beariag of eaiil petition, aidtbtithi f kin of said mínors.anii all other personi int ■■. are rrn,niied to ppear at a je "' rf aid Cnurt thi-n lo bc holden at the Probate óifi., in the i it.v ol Vnn irbor, nnd show canse ifan; ti ► be, why the prayer if l)e pe-itioiier hould" not II granted: And t ja fnrtber orderei', that sa0 petitie give uotice to tlie nexi of kin f naid minor an v1 oiher persona interf sted In said estáte, nf the r.n ;, f of Baid n titioi', and the hrerinK thertof br caM aenpy of thia Order to be publislied fn Ihe Áiíj, " Argua, .- oewspaper printed and eircnla'.ing n „"!! County, threo successive weeks previoue to saW vi 'toaring:. "' [A trac copy.] HIRAM .7. BEAKES IQ-i'-t'l Judge f Pmiatn Estáte of Thomas Wond. QTATE OK MICHIGAN, CoDSTT T W.vsiitsxaw „ At a session of the Probate Court for the Co nal, 7r Washtenaw, IjüMí-:: :it the Probate Oílice in Ihe Cit' .í Aun Arbor, on Monday, the twentietli day of Movemí in the year one thousand eight hundred and iMj' - Present, Tln:. .: J ;:mm:s. Jndge or Pn.íMte fn the matter of the Estáte of Thomns Wood .1 ceftsod. O.i ivtvlinf? asd filing the pMif ion, dïiiv retiUi „ John C'. ,o-, prnying that the dower' of IIar;" Wonrt, in the ri-nl estáte whereol said itecea seized, is r,v be as&ígoej m lJr. Thereopon il ia Ordered, that Mnndav, the eijThttmtl. rtayof Daeembei Dext.atten o'edoo in the fon„r",n beas-igned for the hearing of said petition, aod, the heir.s at law t( said jeceased, :,nd all iih,T persons interested ia said estáte, ave requirej dl ppe:ritiM IConrt,tlen to be bolden it theProb teOffloe in tho City of Ann Arbor, ndifccw cause, if ar.v there be, why the prayer of thi petiticDn should not be gianted: And it u further or.lerpi that said peiitioner giveiuitice to the persons i nterts.' ted in sai 1 etate, of Ihe pendeucj oísaid peHtioii and the hi-nnni; tberei.r, liv cansing a eoj) of thi tobe paWished c the Michigan Argvg, a neiv..,,o,r pnntei] aml oirculatinf; in said County tliree Bnccóiêi ■i ! [lay of har i ; [A trun eopjl 3 HIRAM J. REAKES ■oacta Judgeof Probi:,-. Estnte of Dickiasons - -Minors C TATE OF MICniGAN, Connty of TOisilenaW a i At a ses-ion of the Probate Court for theConnt' t f naw, holden at the Probate Office in thu ril ' of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the Bixteentn dav „f November, in the year one thousand eight Imadred '■mi sixty flve. " Present, J. Beakea, Jutiye of Probate In tho matter of the Et-tate of Amauda Diekinse (nowAmandii Sanders,) and Anninda L. Dickin n' minors. Alonzo Bennett, Guardián ol comes iuto oourl and represent thnt lic is , pared to rentier his flnal account aa snr.h Guardian ' Thereaj.onit ia Ordered, that Tnesday, the tw.lib ■ x!, at teu o'clock in the forecoot be assigned for examining and altowing sach 'reoiiiit.' I the next of kin of said minors,and all other ai sons in.. i.! estáte, are rennired r:J ■ , ; .,..', ., on of said Oonrt, then to he holden ut the Pra bate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in ,.- :,: i au! ïhmv canse, if any there bc, v.l.y the paU account ehould not beallowed: And t is fnrtherori ' Gnai-dian give notice to t] of smatainors and al! other persons hitcrested ocy of snid account, and the hearilur üictco.1, : of this O tier to be pnblisheS '" .Ul". ' . per, priated and cüni. in saidCounty, three successive weeks previou to said day of hearing. CA true coj.y.) KEKAM ,7. BEAKES, 1(l-;5 Jude of Probate. Est;it of Jr.rvsthan Aiicii. !l. ÖTATBOFMICHIOAN, Cccmy.,, Wasbtkxa ss O Ar a BessteD of the Probat Conrt for the Conntyoi Office, iqflwOtr of Ann Arbor, on Tuesöay, the fourteemi dav n'r November, in tbe year one thousand eight iiuiSred and sixty-five. Present, lürare In the matter of the Estáte .' Joiisü: , g cneil aecea ' ij vcyifieú, uí ■■■ ■ m te . her; Thercnpon it is Ordered. i i relftbd of De , intheforeni . ■■■ 1 1 hit tl I a ttxm of said Conrt, then to be lii ■ Prohi in the City of Aun A o v cause, ií anvthsn be. why the : bi nM 'mb grantcd: Aud er Rive notice to the jicrsoijs interestcd ia ;;0 ■ : '! the hearing ileré■ mring a copy of tnis Order to h; pnbibMh tiilgm said Connty, three successive preiicn ing. (A true'coin.j HIEAM J. BEAKE8, ''■■"' ■'■ oba(e, EstMtc of Ji na r!' . ! I. .,: Wasbti u Ar f the Probate Coi of Washtesaw, holdep at the Pi Ann Arbor, uu Tnesday, the foi aronethonsand sixty-flve. Preaen In the matter of the Ests ceased. OnreadSng and SJïng tli Henzp (ii "f said ized maj be par amongst hip hei Therei ■■■ Ihetwdfttl ■iX, . thehetning . : e Probatí ■ fice, in the City of Aun Arl r and shi a ernue, if any the BOtbegranted: And it, is fnrther ordei-ed. ttít ií petitiom rgivenotj estáte, of the ; ' ; ,■ hrïring thereof, by causing a copy of ihie O ï;:' '' . . -i nev ep i cTrcnlatlng in saM tonnty, three iuccestivc weeks ptfvlous to eaid i!;y of hearin?. (A truo copy.J HIEAM J. BEAKK. MS6 Etitiiti' rf Ja;i L Mar.-imil. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi-nty or Washiejaw, 3. ' ' At a seísioii of th . obate Office, in 1 1 of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the fuorteenth dav" ier in the year one tbonsand eigb.t hnndrai ] -iive. Pres idge of Piobate. In the man. .,!. [, Mareba I . Marshall, Exeent-rix of tht; Ibj-e Will and Testament of said deceased. comes LatoCoort ikiw prepared to reaö finai accoiuit a [Ex ui-ix. apon it is Ordered, thet Mondar, theeiei da.voi Qecember nest, at ten o'clock in the fi ■ ncd for examinlhg and iillowniL' ep coiuit. a ■ , i : law of ■ ed, ;u:] all othet pereoni iii'" eèiecl in paid cst.itc are reqnired io appeaTi Bion r-''. said Conrt, then to 1 flee, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Coonti ahov canse, ifany there be, whj thesaM: not be allowed: And ii ís further ordered, thfl! ice to the persons interest Baid estáte, of the pendency of said account w hearing thereof, by catising a copy of thia Order ' pabltshed in the - '■ ■ anewspaper, and oircnlating m eaid ('ounty. three Bticeessive previous to Sara day of hfj' (A trne copy.j ' HIKAM J. HEAKES, ltBa Jnij ËBtate of tiëntg't? S. ftrmsfrorig. CJTATE of MIOHKJ IN, Cous [roWm-or k5 At a session of tle Probate Conrt rbr the CoaOT of Washu-naw, hulikn at tho Probate Offic-e, miw City of Aun Arbá, on Friday, the. tenth oaj of Nqvenber, in the year one thoasand eïgftt hunureü and sixty-rive. ut, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of P-obate. In the' matter of thu Estáte of George S. Arnisfron?. deo osed. Onreadingand filing the petition, dnlvveriflco, ' Newton slicklon, praj ing that a certain Iiiftnim".1; uoiv on file in üüs Court, pnrporting to be the les' J "' and Testament ul' said deceased, may be admite1' probate, and üiar leí era testamentary raay begrnnlca to him or some other Buitabl pereon. . . Therenpon it is Ordcivd. that Monday, the eieren J f December next, ai ten o'ciock in the forenoou. l'eijj- signed for ilui hearing of snid petition, andthstfl oelrs al law of said deceased. and all ulher persons literested in said es-tiite, are required to appear al ■' n ol' said (',nii-l. then to be holden at the Pro1' OHicc. in the City of Ann Arlmr, and show canse, " any there lie, why the prayer of the petitioner il"1 " not be irranteil : And it !s fnrther nrdered, that s petitioner give imtice to the persons interested i sllu I endency of said petilion. and tne ncai . iuii thereof. by causing a copy of this Order to be P1 ' lished. in V s. a newspaper printen"" ting in sail County, three succerélve weeks pre . id day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIKAM T. BEAKKS, 10SB Judge of Probate. Estáte of Willi:im O. Dnikc STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, JAt a session of the Probate Conrt the Onintyoi Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the GiW1 Anu Arbor, on Thnrsday, the uinth day of Novcini'"' In tlieycar one thousand eight hnndred a1' sisty-m ■ Present. Hiram J. Beakes, Judse of Probate. Tn the matter of the Estáte ofWilliam C. l":. Samuel D. Bird, Executor of tlie last '■ and Testament of said deceased, comes info Coun uts ihat, hc is now prepared to rendcr ms w account as euch "Executor. , „„n, Thereopon it is Ordered, Ihat Monday, Ö,fÏÏT Jny of December nest, at ten o'clock in the raff Döorii be assigned fór examining and allowWg sl! . pf soant, and I hal tbe legatees, devfiees and tel '.'"., j said deceased, and all other persons ïnterested J5Ï Sítate, are reqrcired " appear at a session "f"111" i-," „f Uien to be holden at the Probate Olllce. in the C Ann Arbor. in said Counly. and show cause. " ■ ' 1 acooui I shouia not be all"1" ; iuit is furthc r ordered, that said Executor gm " :ice to the persons Interested in said estáte, of tnrby lency of saiü account, and the hearing .tncre , r copy of this Order to be jiublished i"jo .ir.i . a newspaper printed ana 2renBSrlu iaid Connty, three suceessive weeks previons w tav of hearing, ,„ a true copy, HIBAK


Old News
Michigan Argus