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AM O N G T H L' S P L E N 1) I Ü ( I for e ila at L. ïï. G l iéM ORE & CO'S LOVES OF TUE POETS, $16.00. IMPERIAL COURÏS, $12.60. U tli of wuich are in 1039w4 i . GOMMEECIAL COLLEGE ! Q AKN ARBOH, - - MICHIGAN. Main Stroi t,S 'U pra South of I ioerty Street. Opened Momlay, i)ec. 1 1, 'G5. A. C. PARSONS, A. Bi, i . . Econ ly , and Ins'r'i W. F. PARSONS, Princip-,1 o! the Tfaeotetisat Deparl T. J. J3ENT, rrineiyal o)1 the tinent. E. L. MATTIIEWS, rrir.cipalof the Chirogmpbw Depnrtrocnt. ADVISOHY BOARD, llon A. FKLCH.Kx-Ooveraor. Hon I. D. W. S. IIAYXARP, Mayor. BOARD OF REFEREES, Kev. E. O. HATKN, Iloa. T. ,M. CUOI.EY, Pres't Untaeraityef Mi. Judge-Bu] roeOonrt S. H.I.-i' .. , EDWAR1) OLNJBX, M. A , Prof. Urdical Dep't, l'nir Prf. Mathematica Dniv I'HILIPCACH, C.H.MILLEN, Mcrdüint. Mcrchnrit. Wn camo here to buiM up a perm.inen! in ■ ■ ■ ■■ I illükiüg itoDBOr tl:ti li tfj. If' tao stuUnt b" ono web!; with ns, the tuitio i inderl. Studa imeooe the course ut any time Separate inxtruction wül be giv-pn oach .stuJent i:i commoncing that hu may thorougbly anderstand thu funCamentul princip es. Tíwíí for complcting a fuif course, front 12 f o 16 mei. This Inptitution offers tti? same rulvaníases for öb taiDÍng a thorough bustitfèss edueAtioa ai any of the Commercial Colleges in the larè;e iti at much fos txpmst. After the student has been thorougbJj drülei] in tLe thenry it een . Depart i ; ISankiog, Steambi.atmg, K; . tfiij department he i requtred to perfoi ■ rnsacaoBS,tn soon as he becom'js Qttad lor tb By purcha singa eholar ' nviev,tbö course at aby time wi Ihereu. , wi.-h tn bcome ci the prinoipl?: i r' Boot-ïeeping wilinut Cümpleting the full ctmrse. For ucli we lavo iñtroduced a dliort ci urse which consista t Eightern.Honocript Cards of the fuitiatory Couree, and the ' et th recular cnarse. i,. all the ■ ■ :inil íloubltí :■' sareoffered to la.Vea wiio mav not v,,h í , complete th full course The pi laíies have be cíüf.l to ful as ck-iks o fcrt-Dt dep:rhun1a of business níthin the p years, raakea it ot' the. utmost importfface f- slóald I Tbe Conuncrctal cours ' of aturly e Tbenry anrl PrAoHce of Kécping Books bv íi 'oub'io Entrj CommisaioD, Compon nd l'onpnny wnl .I. ul ' ;, Importing [Jo ing and JUilroading, mercial I aw, l't.lüicíil Ecoiriüiv. tiou and Duslue.-is Ponmam Full couree, - ... Sbort course, .... 20 wull course for Ladies, - - 20 Short course fur Ladies, - - 15 Daj and Classes will be formed in Writing and Book-keeping. Tiuíi3SIS FOB "vV-JFllTIIsJ-a-, Ciuirie oí' J3I.o=floos a :;-. . - S2 50 „ " :' " " " 5.00 Une monta. Day and Evei 3 . " ': " K'.'OO 31 per con' discount .in the aboye rates Cor Líidj Ornamental Pennunfhip, Card Writing, Let tering and Flourishíng aa per THE THEORY DEPARTMENT, 1 W. t PARÍ ■ cipftl of Laí'orte Comn:oiíIt consista of opediiur, Qoniïuct!ng,anl and Do'ibie Kníry borkH ín iheir vársous forma. THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, Willbe foadueed by Ï. .1. Df.XÏ. ion Wayne Míroantile College, Fort Vavno. Jnd', wh.) is alao un studenta will be tho i branchís as itk tran-acted in the cquiiting hoose ;-.: the pretteut ,,iy. THE CHIROGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT, Willbe conducted by :'. I,. ' ■ . , tornwrly teachëriHÏronCïtj Commercial College, PH%bur : l'a. late of & .- tr.itt'W '. this .icp.iriir.'Mit wül bu tiuglit the Spani oí Penman9hip,BueintSd Correspondence, Caro vrr;rng Letterio ..-, r, n Draw , As mi, menta casta m ,r r Department will So ope&sd. A reafcoaabln ñe will be rruide for d.sabJed soldiers. Tuitiun payable ín ce. Estáte of John W. Sñrdam, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw M - O At a session of tho Probate Conrt for I ashteoaw, hoklcn at the Probiiie Oflloe in the Cu of Aun Arbor, ou Taesday, the twelfth day of December a the year onc. thoiuand eight liundred and sixtv-üve' Present, Bíram J. Beaki "robóte" In the mntter of tho Estáte of John W Snrtl'ira deceused. Obadiah Príeat, Executor oí and Testament of said deceased, comes uto Co'utt and ■epreBents that he le now prepared to render hís am.l account as sach Executor. Thsreapon it is Oniored, that Monílav, tho eiatth lay of Jannary next, at tea o'cloci in the forenoon, be assined for examinlng .iicl allowiag ounr, and that tho legatee;'. i leirsat lawof aid deceaaed. and all other persons tatei atato, are reqnlred to apprar at a ei Dea to be holden at the Probate Office, in tbe Citv of Vnn Arbor, in said County, and ahow canse if any here be, vrhy thc saM acconnt sh a ill w'éd"And it i further ordered, that said Executor "ivo noice to the persona Interesti d I . i , ■, fh nenen"7 : i, and thc hearln" thereoi br ausing a eopy of this Order to be pnblished in the r printed andclrcnlatina in aid Comit.y, three succesMve weeks previous to eaid ay of hearing. CA truc copy.) UIRA[ ,T. BiíAKKS, I"9 Jaígool Probate. Estáte of Lewis Lobdell. STATE .ir MICHIGAN, (Vcxt-y or IV v.titf ; uv sa At. iiPi-i(Mi of il. e IVnliate Coiirt lor the I of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Offlce in the City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the twelfth day ot December, m the year oue thousand ei"ht hundrcil and sixty-nVe. Present, Hiram J. Bcakes, Judge of P-obate In the matter of thé Estáte of vu (ie. ceaaed. On refirting and fiBög thé peötion, dulv verifleil. of Ao-y Jane Lofcdell, praying that a cèrtain Instrument now onflle [n tMsCourt, purportlng tobe the last Will and Testament of saiil deoe : .. admit'edto probate, and let' era testamentary issued thereen or lm J. Robisonmay be appointed Administratai with the ïll annnezed. ThereopoB it is Ordered, thnt Frid.y, theftftlulnv oi January next, at ten o'clock m the forenoon, bc asagned ft the il said petition, and tl legateee, devisei 8, heirs at luw off and al] other persons interested in eaid estáte, aro reqnired to appear at a Bession of said Court, the;i to the Probate Offlce, in tlio Ci ■ why the prayer of shonldnotbegiantsd: And it ie farther , titioner give noüoe to ths. persons intep ■ : ing thereaf, hy caasing oopy of , , ;.,, pu0. ig in said öortoty, thrce Bi vious to y:iitl d;ly of h (A trae copy.J ilIRAJI .1. BEAK 1039 ,TU(!.,. . : Estato of Raneom Bradley. STATEofMICHIG I I ■ At a sessfon of the of Wasatenaw, holden at the Prol ■ , ■,.. citv of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the twolfth flay of Ö er, in i; honsasd eight hrmüi at, Hirara j, BeaËés, J;i.l' of Pr ■ matter of the Estáte of Bjuwom Brad] lv.-ih II. Bradley, Exawtor of the lasf Will ind l'estamenl - I . .... ,:rt and hisflnal '. thai Sattfrdav, the elïth lay oi Ja&nary n xt, nt ton o'clooh in th uoou, :■ uch account, and thal the I uid h toe at law oí said id all Dther jeraons holden at th Probate Offlce in the City of Ann ü-bor, 1d . ïerebe why the i 11 Should fRSt be allo nd it is furthrr ordered, that faid Ex.-cutor sive ndenoj of ai i it, and the :. . ausing acopyof this Order i ■ ■ ■. a D&vrspapor printed and circulalfi)" in said Co;n:t'-. tb ',■ CAtme i i] . i HÍÜAM X. BEÁKES, I11 JnOOf BfainÉ, - -rum mi rmiiíSioners' Nolioe ■ ■ ■ . .i , .-■'' m,m]„ ' ■ City of V . Oll H.itun1 ■ of aid („ys ,'.;'■ "'""e eran: ■ iaimF J ' t0 ''ivc.ei. I ENTEK } EDWIN P.UHL, Commissioiiea Patea, December 12th, '1868. Commissioners' Nol OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cototy cwW p 'ïhu undi ing been aimólntaiffii i ii ci;ih„B da ■ . ;.; ■ ? 'T'ivc, t the cítate uf( "''Per. moni are llowedj M ■ .j , s;"ll?lte flte, nsed, and that il y ÍVL, ■ uuty, on Satimlay, ,, Dated, Dccemher llth, I8t. W39 C IL MILLEN Has retumed from New Tori with the Second Large Invoice -OF - FALL km WINTER GOODS! o COTTOitf CCODS OF ALL KINDS, AKE 'XT REDÜCED IN YBIW. ALL DRESS GOOBS IGWfê! - o - CALL & SEE. C H. BIILLEN. AnttAtbor, Hoy. 23d, 1865. :,n!0.c THE EVEfyiRIC POST, EEITED BY :XÏAM CULLSM BEYAM AN-J PEKE G0DW PBOSPBCTTJS. vSpcsi(ion.TOi!?i:, ■ i j . i I , made t tl i, w'no.ire m ■ E.' x Fosi ... ■arnes't asd vigorons supporters of the . theÜBÜ : - ■ tupi O: th ' 'ti'2eJoii.sai,port;wh'leitl lealonsly Ia i a er open and e , , . . ,rc0,-. ert and meai), a at tho Korth. „TI'P ' ■ ' ure ui tbe.war par!;cBiarh-:';e Proulamati i pf Emancipaticn was parly nelcomed- ":'ess ' -t joyfully . ; as t"f imperniireneftilof thetm nre' '■ ■ (-'onstüutii.n, persistent,! ' , „■ vocate, time, nlHtseothnsissmfot i ol the central autliont. of'sll litical jobbery anr) corriiptioo ; it iuiiiïi onomy ii] ■■. ■■■ fo tho Coustitution ■ ■ onlyto the interets of .h. -.vh-fcconutry, ,!, nthas, andof influeiice itm;f qnire m behali f - !" mental maïinj3 of human i' human he ot the foir.'i'.it t ofour d. mocrntic form of - 8, : , power and to the J . ion oE' the ftasáeá ; and tcy- not of n-itioiiii .■ : i in tin ik. Posrr has ; : KO.-e po}itical .aud commercial jouróal. It desim ■ ■ : i! ■ ■ ■ ier." In U c ' will be foimd a complete ji.storvo!' tlie eventa of the ■ portant political i curaen W, latiré bi . LarintelligenC3,ji() ners frora all part of the accurate reoorts f fidancial and commercial matter. trustirnrUi; corrosponJence, anda car' liter -ry mipoellany, compriwng poetry, reriewa ofnetf trorïs, with liberal extracta, gi MpaHdaaeoáote- : an eioelïi ,vhicii pt".t ruuler will di. coi ingto Lis tasto. TEB1IS- TO MAIl. SÜBSCRrBEBS. EraiirsG Post, Weekly i2 ooperiraim. Evkmo-o Post, Semi-Weekry $4 00 " " EVEIIXG I'OST, I)i. ly " }12 00 " " Sample copies sent free. Agenta wanted. AGENTS SENDING Ü3 THE MON'EY and narara of twen y subscribers to our Semi Weftif paper at S-i each,or forty subscribers to our ; oi Wheeler ir Wils F ■. mll.v Sewing Machines, or oae of the Howe WN '■ '■". ( York for $60 ; or iftltfj ftbotlld un! sueeeeñ in malïing up the full minïberto 'i-in [ o this premium, thev srrul asBOca KubsoriptiDiis as tbey have obtain'eJ, and deductB per cent. froin t!ic iitrount of tlieir remittan( A(!dre.-s WI. O. BRYANT & Co., PuWishOT, 41 Naf.-au st.. cor. Liberty, New York. 9" l'i .:,':-■;:■■ OP NEWSPAPERS M-M:iPï "' us in consiJeration of publithMgthhE apectus aft rcqueste.1 to -ien-l their propositio"" " once. U sliaïl not any claim n this Mi'1 we rto oot &uthoriza. 3 - 1 03H T All OlE.slV3 THIS WEEK NEW DEESS GOODS, NKW OLOAKS & HiTMMlNGS, NEW' SRxiWLS, NEW HOSIERY & GLOVES, NEW WOOLEN GOODS, BROAD ULOTHS, BEAVBR% OA8SIMERES & CLOAKINGS, OARPKTS & OIL CLOÏH3, NEW STOCK OF FAMILY GKO CERIES. C. H. IHlLLEItf 2mI030. _, pITY ].OTS ! Ai th of sei I frien l, ' l'ieC0 cluded to ei Btin 8ale of C!ty hots, " at but a pmalliulranceon m,v former pnces, J1"'' jto baild 'ii . , 1,, nml .■ roonoy 11 hy ■ ' ', ,0bo ti ly, 'lor ilie prices ares? V"y OllhÍghCineXtHnfwAítS.MiTKl


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