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ÍTÜTiCE! Í TTívv-'ii; ik'cl'! ú i" eraigrn t i Wester'n State. BOOTS SHOES ! _-WITH- LEASE OF STOBE, -AXDFO:R SALE! To nny pm-ty to r tato buRtnea, & gxxxl lifcbe'l wliich ií crujsti'.ntly tacreKfdng , of wtot! v ctin givti to palien wjsing lo buy, ampie batí&fai - t"n. for reu, parucAars, r.M.i, i,t tue stqre OK THU IjNDERSIGNÉJD. Tn the raoautimc we wíl! m.1! any porttett nf our goodatmncli KlMiUtEl) RATK8, ío thoiw to want c f BUeUguodí, who will favur us with a oall. To tboge ndeSted t- ns, w ironM wy, OALL AND 3ETT1.E AT ONCE, au w„ ao nut prosoiM to waste mucli time In tl.u oolleotkn of outsUnding dobts ■ and totbosa whuin we owc aytLing,c;ill aiul ret -yi.ur üiweobacka. N. EL COLÉ. A. D. E. SEYLER. Aun Arli.u-, Oct. Ud, 1P(!5. IO--ytl' C1LOBENCÍS SEW1NG MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTURES, FBAMES, THREAD, SILK, MACHINE O1L, Sc. The undersigned no offer the public THE BF.ST :f -a. :m: i n, y SEWiíyORaACHíE IT ÜSE. 3FOK DURABILITY, BEAbTYoJ STYLE,and VA RÍE TYof WORK, ü "STANDS OF HEAO." It necia ouly to b'-'soeu to beaiprooiuted . Runs the work both ivay, Ukt'8 four kinds of stilche, liras, íells, gathers, braids. biads, quilts, gathers and ews oji a rutile at the same time. Sews from the thinr.est to tbc tliickest fabric ctaasghag tliu stitcb tensión or noodle, or without breakini; tho thiead - It ia The Wonder of the World! Alio n variety of tho mest bcautlful PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. l'ICTl'KES nuil KBAMÉS a gn:A variety. and pietureH tramed to order at short notice. AUo.B.UlNUM'.S .SKLF -iiEWIOH. or TUOKtR, whicb can beadju.ted to any Somng Machine. pal] at the sign of the FLOHEKCE RKWIN'G MA. CH1SK, a few doors Kast of CooU's Hotfl, Stitchiug Neatly Done to Order, AIso, on exhibition,theeolobrated " WEED SEWING MACHINE," wbichtook the premium at the Michigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26th , 1SB4. 9rt9t( 865. CIIANGE ÖF DATE. 18G6. PROF. Ü, J. LYONS VTottM iuiorni bis PATIKNTS anü olhers ïnterested, that ia future he can be seeu at the MÖÏTÖl HOUSE, -ON THESist OF EACH Month, instead of tho 20th, and at JAOKSON, ON THE SOth, instead of the 21st. Throat, . Lungs, Heart, Jjiver, The Blood, anaallothercompl-cated chronc complniots troated successfjlly, by ÏROF. B. J. LYOMS, ilie 74)11 known and celebrated IKDIAN HERB DOOTOE! Call at the Mc nitor Houte, Ann Arbor, where hp eau i. ■ cousuHfii THFK O CHARGE, on tlie aist of e.ich Month, during 18C5 and 1866. lylO19. Vïï J COKIVJlsrCE ?3 Jk THE MOST SKEPTI CAL . ■&) ]M THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED JÁ ]h viRTUE IN THE "K a comLínaUoTL. fci !p TlAMHERBfl i tg LreparedmiliB ciioicest (á 0lÖ BOURBON WHISKYX TUry ftrengthea and invigorate the if ay cm . cn?" 1'hey giya ft t'ooj and hcalthy appetite. VjÍ "A They assifsr. digestión. 'a inrj Tliey-íire the btíbtstimulantin existence Lffi kTluyart:;iireveriUveuf fever andugue W jL Tliey cure nervous hoadHche. L, ö Thcy iirc pcifecily jmrc and ïalutable. .- ' Tho lied Jackut Bitters ure iold ttí Vmn V3 1 tiet by :ill dru'isis ail doftlvn fo the cufiBtry. f BENNETT PÍETEOS a CU, C$ Ll RIVER ST. CHICAGO ?ij COLÉ FfíOPRIETanS. '& Foriiataby DsFOflto STKWiKT, Jobber, jííai'jlliitiííiiln1, w '.. " E 4JBfflfi6lti_r-r i lilÉil wuní r __ a i rs_-R_"TAlL i ; Fresh Árrival at the geadquarters of OLOTHING ESTABLISHM?T SccoikI to uoite in the Síates ■yOÜCjWFIND Articles of Every Description FOK, MJEJS'S WEAR, caaaufueíuved at pnces at vthfch we Defy Competition Whatever! AVe vonld muiply late tliat ono of tho firm i constautiy looking out in New York, tu tjupply us with GOÜD AND CIAP GOODS Such as no otlier House can hoast of. We are now ready to exhibit a large stock of GENTS' FURNISHSNG GODOS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AIso a large stock of Beaver Cloths, VESTING S, CASSIMERES, TO BE MADE UP TO ORDER, OH SOLD BY THE YARD, at rery low prices. 4SQT" If you liave any doubts cill au'j see for yon Sülves. GTJITERMAN &CO. HIgTOKY OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH; B. A. One of tke principal Conlrib atoré to tke Drctiovariés of G reek and Roman Ántiquitics, Bbgraphy, and Geogravhy. PLAN OF THE WORK. Since 9ir WalterRaleigh solace'l his imprrsonmeut in the Tower by the compositíon of his " Hístorj of the AVorld," tho Literature of Kr.tjlaníl has never achieved the work which he loft unflnishgd, There have been " Universal Histories," from the bulk of an encyclopastlia to the most meagro outliue, Ín which the aruiuls of each nation are aeparately reror-V-il ; but without an attempt to trace the story of DJVme Proviilenoe and butaan progress in ene connecte navrative. It is prooosed to supplythis Trant b y a work, condentjedenough to keepit withiii a roasouable size, but yet Fofull as to be free from tho dry bÍdoesí ,.i';v;i epitome. The Líteratnre of Germany abóunds in hietory, - suchas those of Muller. Schlosser, Karl von íottock,Iuncker,andother$j - which at proye tbedemand for sucha bopk, and furnish moáels, in some 'legree, for íík execution. But e ved t fióse s?reat ' works are somewhat deficientiuthatar(i7iic unity which is the chief aim of this "Rist.ry of tlie world." Thestoryof ourwholc race, like thutof each se jarate nation, has " a beginning, a midálo.and an end." That story we proposu to folloTí", from ilsboginning in thesacrod records, and from the dawn of civilization in the Kast, - throBffb tbesaccessive Oriental l', -the riae of libeity and the perfection of hcathen polity, arts, and literatura in Greece and Kome;rthe ehanjío which passed over the face of the vestid hjm the light of chriritianity sprang up, - the origin nml first appearanco of thoñe barbarían races which ovortlirew both flivisiona of the Roman Empire, - the annals of the States which rose on tne Empíreas ruin, ncluding tlie picturesxue details pf nio'lii-v.íl htstoryt and thestoady progresa of möder-n liberty ;uil civilization, - and th,p extensión ol these míluences, by dis cover}', conuiest, colonizaron f and Christiañ in'.;-s;'ons, to the reiriotest regióos oí the earch In a word, as separo histories refiect the detached fícunes of human scfl'on and suffering, our'aim Is to bring into onc iew uO eeveral partü which assurediy forra onn groat whole, movingonwards, under the guidauco of Divine Proviöence, to the unknownend ordained m the pur poses. No paius wiílbo spared to makc this history scholarlikein subitáneo íid popular iu style. Itwifl bteïö'inded on the best auLhfHfiti?-,HUCient ar.d inodem, o-rigiual and sccondai-y. Thf r:t-f progrss reoni [j mde in historical arylcriticalinvo-tiiíaíi'tn, the result obtainod from the modern scieqce of comparativa phHolftgy, and tho discoveries wliich have laid open new sources of infofmation conterning the Kast. afford Buch facüities asto imike the present a iit euuh lor ovr undertaktng. The worK will be divided ítlto jthroo Periods, each completo inUaelf, and will form Eigkt V'oluuies in Dem y Octavo. I.- Ancie-VT Histobv, &acred and Secular: tho Creation to the Fallof tho Wiiern Km y ia , U A. D. 476. Two Toluines; II. - Medieval History, Civil and 'Kccfèrafftïeaï Trom the K:ili of the V8stprn Era pipeto tli trtking-af ('onstantmopleby the Turks, in A. D, H53. twja VulumcR. III. - Modkrx ITiüTOiiY ; troir. tho Fall of tTi r Hyïahiïne Empire to ourown Times. Kour VuLume s. ït will bc published q 8 vols. 8 vó. Prico in cloth, 3.50 por volumf. Sbeep, $1.50, Half Mbruönj 5. Volume 1 uow reudy. Aiïents Wanted in all pitte of the Country. Applications should be m'V at once to the VuMMiD. ArPLKTON & CO., 2amt9SS 41:! 4 4 ' i Una.'.w.iy N. V. _____ p Riile F actor y! Beutler & Traver, Manufaoturers of and Dealers in Guns.Pïstols, Ammunition; Fiases, Pouihet Game Bags, and Evorjother artide il fhatLine. Allliindsof H33i3.ia.x_rxx3vrc3done at the norte F t notice, twjd r.itíiebcst nianncr. MUL 'SÍ3 S g a full iMortïtientalwayskept ouhand amïma'lc nrrtor ■qi, hnn c-irticr Mimi ■( ná Washington tti . An Arhrr.Oct. S. 1363, iT.",t; JT OOK AT TUE I E W . v p Si K RICH SHAWLS,


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Michigan Argus