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: LíOQTH AND TILE LEAVES WHJ, be tor the Jlealh-g oi the Nations. Jiible. kx-o.c a., ar. IiYokís, rilK (1UKAT AND CK1,KBHATF,1 I'HVSK'IAN of the IMllOA'i.l.U.VUS, HKAKÏ.l.IVhR AjíD THE BLOOi), Knowtí atloverthtroouutry as the CKI.KIÍKATKD INDIA.N HBRB DOCTOS! Oí '2 Si Superior Streetj Cleveland , Oliio. Wil! vifíít the ['.tllowing places, via APPOÍNTME2ÍTM FOR1B65, mtiand 1-867. l'ruf lí. J. Ljuns can be consultad at the filuwmg plaoesevttrjr innuth, vi,: Detroit, f LBlwr ■ Klock, Room No. 3, WouduardAvin:i-', eh tíWtitk, Ö3nd, SrJ aoJ 24ih. Katitmazod, líunhck llousc, eMTi Enoftth,18Ul aid Lflth. .lackson, Hiltanl Iluuse, eacb mouth , '20, Aun . Honltor House, each monlh, !dlst. Toledo, 3mnmit StfeetBouse, each month, 25tb and 2(ít OLKYKLANi, OHIO: JlKSIDENCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPEKÍOR STREET, Eíist of tbc public square, opposite the Postollice. Office dajs euoh mooth, lt, ïd, 4th,5th, 6th, löth.- Oftice Uourí trom í) A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 I'. M to ■II'. M. Onüunday Irora 9 to 10A. M.,andl to 2 P M. rMaxiniH.strictly ndhered to-I give such balm aM have no atrifer, With nature or the U"i of ufe, Witb blouiliiiy hamisl neveriitain, N(irpison mun toeastí theirpain. lie s a physician indted , who Cures. l'ne India Doctor. R. J . LYONS, curet tho foluwing compiaintöin the most obstinate stages of tbeir 9XÍ8t6DC6] vUismlien-of t he Throai , I.ung.s, Heart, I.Wer, Stom lih.Dropay in thfl Cheat, Rlieumatism, Neuralgia, Kits, ir i''illinKictneafl,;mdailothernerYous'ierangementK. Also aUdineasertof the blood , sucb as Scrolula, Erjsip ■ lan (Jancets , Fever Sores, Leprosy, andall othercoiuulicáteci clironiceomplaints. Aill'orms.of female diffiauUies attMded to with the liappiest resulta. , It ishoped tbat noone willdespair ota cure until tin-v havesivn th.' lndian Herb Daotor's Medicinen fairandfaithfultrial. 3,lring the Doctor'f travaluin Kurope, West Indies, South America, and the United States, he lias been the instrument in God'e hand. to restore to health and vigoi thousamls irko wero given up and pronouncedincurable by the most miner.told school physicians; nay, more, thonsands fhowereonthe verge of the grave, are now living mo'.uments to the Indin Herb's Doctor's skill and n.-cefiiHrcatnient.iiiiaareilïilyexclaiming: '"Blosedbetheday whenlirst we saw and partook of the ndian Herb Doctor' medicine." eatisfactory referencesot cares will be glftdly ana heerfallv ijiyenwuenerer required, The Doctor pledgeshis word and honor, that he will n no wise.directlvorindirectly. induce or cause any nvalidto take bis' mejicinewithout the strongest probbilitv of a cure. MoJeofonmination, wliichis entirelvliíTerent rom thefaculty. Kr. I.yon professes to discern dieasosby the eye. He tberefmc asks noquestions. nor oeshe reqniro patientsto explain symptoms. Callone nd itl, mil have theayraptftHa and location of your i86a8eexplalnedfre of oharge. 5-gpThe poorshall beliberally considered. -Po.eaddr.B8,bo26K63. _ Cleveland. Ohio.Nov.S5.lS62 Iy889 TULIUS BAUEIl & CO., Great Piano Forte and Atelodeon EMPOEIUM! WAHEROOMS IN "CHOSBVS OPEP.A H01&E," 69 WASHINGTON STREET., ew York Wareroons, 650 Broadway. Wholesale Agenta for the ü. S. for WMi KNABE & OTS C B I, E B R A T E D Gold Medal Piano Fortes! Aa to the relntive merits of üise PIANOS, e wuul'A refer to the Certifleates of Kxcellenne in our posneasinn fi-orn Til AIJKBÍÍ, GOTTSt:HAl,K, STKAEOSCH, G. S.WTBR, H. ViJElIXTEltPS, I.IWIS ST IÍU and B. Ml'ZIO, Muhic.a I Director of 1 he Halian Opera, as also from some of tbe most distifigiiiRbed l'rofpfiscrfl and Amateurs in the couutry. All Instruments g iiarantecd fur Jirel yiars. ALSO, AGENT3 FOR SOEÖBLER & SM1TH, BOARDMAN & GRAÏ, A.H.GALE&CO., ■ And other First-Class Pianos. We have the LA R0E9T and BEST ASSORTEP STOCK, of" I'IANOS IN' THE CITY, which for Power and SweetQSAS of Toue, Lasy and Agiceable Touch, and Beautyof Finish, have, by jt'ges, been pruno uuctíd unrivalled. ïw" Particular attention paid to the st-lection oí Imstrumeats for distant orders, and a privilege of exchAQg-é gVa&ted ai anv time v.ithin si niontnt , if the In-truint-nf. should not piive fcütirely sati-sfactory - A lihtrol discount to Clergymen, l'eafraers aud Schools. Term. libecal. WHOLESALE DEALERS will %d it to their advantaiic to gfvt us a cali, as by greatly incieased facilities we are enabled to iill orders tffth dispatch. PamoMia waut of a RKALLY FIRST-CLASS PI ÑO will do wc'U to cali bei ure purchasing elseu'huie. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARHART.NEEDHAM&CO'S C E L 15 B II A T E D HARMONIUMS, MELODEONF ua.3xriD OMFtca-A-isrie. ALSO F O I! CtEORGE A. PftlNCE ás CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Manufacturera and Importara ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, . Drums, Guitars, A.iid other Musical Rlerchaudise, The Sii.ver and Rrass Isteumkkth, of our manufacture and ImportAtioB, are used by most all of the bent Bavds in the Unüed States, aoil wheuever exhibited have aiwayö received Ythe Gold Mecíala andmcuiRST ■KKMHMS. líiiving connectinn with Munufaeturíng HouHeii ín Bevün. l.sipsic, Drcsden, Kuglund and Paris, w are urepared to furnish DEALERS, BANDS and IXDIVID("4.LS, with fcvery article in this liue, attheioweat manufacturers' prices. KEMEMBER THK PLACE, JÜLIÜS BAÜER & C0.5 69 WASHINGTON STEEET, CHICAGO, - - - - ILJL., 1012 New York Warerooms, 650 Broactwaj. A GENTS WANTED iFOR OUEGEEAT NATIONAL WORK, -THEStandard Bislory of the War, Containíng a fu 11, authentk and reliable account of thu "great contlictf" from itfl commen cement to its ctoae. Complete lo onfl very large volume, of over 1,000 pftges : enntaiaing readíng matter equal to three targe royal octavo volumes plenidly illustrated with over 1 '-'5 fine pnttrait" of (eneráis and bftt lo soQBêa This is just the book the people want. It presenta a rare chance for Teachers, energetic young men, and especially returneá and diabled olficerand loldiera, íq want of profitabJe eraploiraí-nt, will fiixt it ppculiarly adapted to tlieir condition. Thja work lins no rival un a canctid. lucid, complete, authentic and re liable historj of the war. Stond for circular and pee our terms. Address JONES BROTHERS & CO.( 148 Wü Fourth Street, Clnnnati, Ohio. 3nal030 CÜEiStJÜ'tt SEAWÊED TONIC, AND MANDRAKE PSLLS. "-Uu.-í!.&-ít':x-"' Theaboveirfa correct liUeness of Dr. Hclunck. just afler recovering from Consumption, manj var.s ago Bolow s a likenesa of him as he now appears. Wben the firat was taken he weighod 107 pouuJs ■ at tbe present time bis weight ÍS 220 ponnds. %■■"; - .. t ', Dit. SCHEWCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory ír at the N. E. córner of SIXTH and COMMERCE Streets, Phlladelphia where all letters for adviee or business sliould be di rected. HcwiH be foumí there every SATURDAV, prolessmnally to examine iungs With Van rïeHj.ïiromet.erj íur wkich kis fee is tbree dollars ; all mivice free. ín New York at lio. 22 BOND Streel,' every TUES DAY, I'roni 9 A. 2.1, to 3 P. M. At aieMAHLBüRO' HOTEL, Boston, January 3 8 aun 19, February 15 and 16, Maich 15 and lti, April 19 and 20, May 17 and 18. JuueU and 15, July 19 and '20. The time for my being in BALTíMOKia and PITTSBüKG , will be st-en in the daily papera of thosa cnies. Ihe llistury of Dr. Schencrs own Case, and Jww he was ciutd of Uonauíiiplion. Many years agn wliilst residing iu Philadslphia, I liad progressed gradually into the lu.-;t stage of Pul monary Cunsuinption All hopes of my re'jovery benig dissipated. I wats advi.sed hy my pliysicvau, Or. , to remove into tlie country. Moorestown, New Jersey, beiug my nalive place, i was remored thither. My fnther and ail btfl familv hvd lived and died there - and died of Pulmonaiy L'onsumption. Oa mj ttrriva] ï was put to led, where Hay for many weeks in what wasdeemed a hopelesh condition. Dr. Tliorntoii, wlio had been my fatherR family physician, anú liad nttènded liiiu in his last illnews, was calJed tcrsee me. He thonghi my case entirely beyond the féachof medicine, and decided tbat I must die, and gavo meone week t" arrangemy temporal affairn. Iu tliin apparpntíy Ikjj.cless condition, I lieartl of the remedies wbich I now make and Bell. It seemed to me tbat I could feel them worliing then way, anl penetrating every Derve,íibre, and tissue oí' my sytiteni . My lungs and liver put on a new aclion aud the mor bid matter wbich for years had íicci mu ated and itri tated the dilTerent orsansof the body, was eUmioatech the tubei'cles oti ni)1 lung.s ripened, and I expectorated from my lungH as much as a pint of yellov offenaive matter every morning. As tlii-s e"íijfictoríition oí' raitter subsidüd", tbe feverabated, the pain left me the (oiigli oeajed to har&as m;i, and tlie exhaasting nightsweats wero no longer known, aud 1 had refreahing aleep, to wbicb 1 had long been a strangor. ftíy appetite now began to return, and at times I found it iVyiïicult to re.strain myself f rom Ofttlng too nmch ; with tjtts return of Leaith, Igained in strejgth, and now ani ileslij. 1 am now a healthy m;m, with a largo boaled cieatrix in the niiddlelobe of the right lung and ihe lower lobe hepatiMd wlth completo adhesión ofthe pleura. The left luagis sound, and the upper lo be of tho righi one is in atMeiably helthy condition. Conmrmption at tbat time w&st&ought tobean incurable diaease, by every one, physicians aawellaa those who were unlearnedin medicine- especia II y Such cases as were reduced to the condition I vas in. Thla induced manj peopleto believe my recovary ouly temporary. I now prepared and gave the nsediomeB to cotisumptivcs for eorac time, and made muny wunderful curcK ; and thedemand increased so rapidlythatí detoi inined to oiïerthem to the public, and diivnin my andivided attention to luug diseases. Intruth, Iwas iK'xt to i'oreed to it,for peopla would send for me far andnear, to ascertain whother their cases werelike m int? . For many yeaxs, in conjunction witli my principal office in Phüadelphia, I havo been makinj? regular professional visils to New York, Boston, Baitimore, and For several yeara past I have made as many as 6 ve hundred examïnation weckly witb the "Respirometer." For sueh examination my charge ín three dollars, and ü t nubles me to glve each patiënt the true condition of nis cunease, and teil him frankly whether he -svïll get The great reason why physicians do not cure Consumption is,tbat they try to do tooinuch; they gire mm-icines to utop the couh, to stop the n weats, hectle fever, and by t o doing they dnrange th R -whole digestiré system, looking upthe sccretions, andGei-entually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmonic Syrup ia one of the mosj valuablc medicines known. ïtla nutriënt, powerfullj tonic.and healin in iUclf. It con taina no opium, yot loosens the phlegni in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws itofT with little exerüon. Qne bottle frequently cures an ordinary cold; but ie will be well firstto take a dose of Schenck'fl Mandrake'i Pilla to clean se the et om ach. The Pulmouic Syrup is readily digOBted acd absorbed intoblood, tü whïohriU mparts lts heallág properties - Itisoneof the best preparations of i ron in ase ; it is ft powerful tome of itsetf; and when the Seaweed ronfo dissol eB the nuicua in the etomach, aod i uuried oft by the aid of the Uandrake Pilla, a liealthy flow oi gastric, juico, goodftppetite.and ji good álgoetion follow. The Seaweed Tonic is a -stimulant; and noueothcris required when it is nsed. It is pure and pleafi&nt ; HO bad efiecta libe wlien using Bourbon whisky, which disorders tbestomacli, torpors the liver, looks up jiII the secretions, turns tho bloot] into wutor, drupsy setsin, and tlie patiënt diessuddcnly. Boarbon WbUky ís recommencled now-a days by al most every phyaiciati. ilany patiënte th:it vii-it inv roomf , both uiiiii and femalc, are stapefted wïth. this poison. The relief is lempMary. If tl-ey coufíh they take a HUle whisky ; if theyttt welk and feell6 they take a little whisky ; if they cannut slctp, they take a little whisky ; and they go on ín this way, requiriog more anrltnore until they are bloated up. and imagine they are getling fleshy. The somaoh, liv(;r, and 'li. gestive powers are complétela áeatroyed, and loso fcheir ppetite for food. No one was cvercured of consUmptiön by this procesR, where caTities hve been formcd in th"e luögs. A litt'.e stimulant ia frequently beneöcial to consumptivcs, such as pure bnimly av good wines ; in many casen London p&rtö cw brown toutin moderate quiinlities ; but Bourbon whisUy hartens on lnstead of curiug consiunption . The Seaweed Tonic prodooea lasting tes, thoioughly invigorating thestomach and digestiré Ryfltem, and enabliag ít to elimínate and irake into hetilthy blooil the food which may b uaed for thnt parpóse - - It ti so wonderful in iU eflfectfl llihh a wine-glasstull will digBita huarty meal.anl a little of l taken before brcalii'iijït will give a tuno to the Btomach whtob few medicines posee 8 fl tbe power of doing. The MANDRAKK PIIXS may be taken with ontlrc safety by all iges and conditione, producing all the good resultsthat can be obtained f rom calomel, or any óf the mercurial metliciiifs, au( without any of llieii hurtful or Injurioufl results. They carry nut of tbe RVftem the feculent and worn outmatters lonr-ennt sni disfiolved by my Seaweed Tonto and Pulmonic Sjrup, - It will be ween that all tliree of my medicines are needed in mest cases to cure Consumption. a a e n t s . BOSTON- G eorge C. Goodwin k Co. NEW YORK- Demas Barnes & Co. S. B. Hunce. PITTSBURG- Dr. George H. Keyser. CINCINNATI- F. E. Suire & Co., aml John D. Park. CHICAGO- Lord & Smitb , and H. Scovil. ST. LOUIS - (Jolltns Brother. SAN FRANCISCO- Hostetter, Smith Dean. o t bv allöruitglnta auti Dealera, ljööö JÜST OPENING! r -■ ■ The largest Stook and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITXJSE ? ever brought to this city, inoluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, CED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, XiOoïsLiïig; G-lcussfao&i Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFFIN-S METALIG CASES, &c, " c, amlall other goos lept n tbe best anillarles! liouses in the country. WeKoepno socond lianil uriituieor Auctioi! ijoixls. Cotfinu l;ept constantlj i n and, and mailt! to order. My gouds arfr ofFered at THE LOWEST CASH FRICES N. B. I must bave moüoy.and reepectfullj requesi thosc lndebted,to cali and ds up their old matters witliouti-lclay. O. M. MARTIN. ryo THE LADIES. GEOSGE H. BEED & CO. 'S LIQTJID rpiIE'int deniand we have h:v for LHJUID DYE3 X. lia.s iuduceil uü toput up a complete liueof 40'Sliiulfcs. aïl Liquids, whicli will recommend theraselvea tn every one who lmri ever'd I-4UÍd D ye.s for Biilliaïicy of Colors, Oireplicity of ITse, Certninty of Satisfaction. (Completo DircctiüQá tor use with every pacbage.) USE THE BEST ARTIULE. Sec Certifícales frow, eminent Cheniats, on ctzch pnekasje. Samples actually tlyed vith each of the color s on ' Bilk a.nd ivoulcD , inay be secn at ilie Jiiug Stores. Í3-3OLD Z3VES,-5r-7-ï3[EïlB. pgp Il'you :lesire to insure GOOD CQLOR8, ineuiro for PEEJÜ'S DOMESTIO DYliS, and take no olher kind. GEORGE H. REED & CO., Poston,' Miiniiract.nors FARRAND. SHELEY & (X)., Age?:ts. fimlO25 Detroit, Michigan. TÏV Greatest Medical Circular f A IC Ever PublisUedi WA E I J Jr Fifteeii- large 1 1 il %i 5f 'etter rages fr two % pjy 0 3 Btumpa. t_ Young Meii's ConfidentíaJ Medical Ad via ora in ca,s tB oí Spormatorrhea or Beaainal Wcaknes causón by Masturbatiiua, Genital Fantalization, self-abuse, or secret habits inctulged in by youtha at theage of puberty. DRS. J4CKSOX, IIEKÖEKT & CO.. Proprietors üf the National Dyspensary, es1;ablïshed at Otticiiiaatij Ohio.Jan. Jst,18f0. Involuntary Emissiousleail to Impotency , Consumption, Insanity and Deatli. Thoee wiio sutfer iq the least f rom tnift ban-ïful pr.actice, ahóuld apply the whojeeoergy oí tbc ux tü ttie attahinuTii oi' bealth ünd consoijuLit eoutentjoent and happixiee. Rvery one, eiiKer sii-k or well, should have our valuabla treatise en thi.s eubject , whicli is sent free of charge. We guarantee td cnrr Gonorrhpa ,Gleet,Syphillis, Impotfciicy, Nocturnal ExuíssÍods er Self-Jkbusè, Diurnal Emi.eions, Femalo Complainti', in short, every pessxbleiorm aiffvariety of tíexular Disease. Caven thorouídi and perangntj aud fecs moderate.- Seüd for our circular DR. .TACKtíON'S TÉMALE PILL- SI peí box - ■Sjiecial wpittffü replies., well sea led, seut wlth the Circular, without charge. 300 pages, 100 engravings, - "The Mountain of Light, or Medica] Proteffir and Slarriage Guide, and an Expllcrí K-v íq CoTeand Beauty." It 8ATJ3FACTOE1 1,Y reveáis vanous uubjectfi never beforeiuUy esplaitied ia any papuJat woru In the Knglish Iauguage. l'rice 50 cents, or tfaïree for Medicine and tnstructions sent prompt Iy to any aari of the country. Consuliing Roomfl of the DispeiiiSTy, No.l07Sycamoretr9el, 1 O. Boís, No. 13$. lut.JACK.ON'S ORiKKTAL LINIMENT Remove a all co'líltíe'se, and fèjuVehalèS orgarifi whieli have l:iiii !ununnt fpn' r.KMiy years. Can .be mailec with perfeét eafciy. Price S2per botíle. DKTACKSON'S FHENCH l'ATKMT TTALE SAFJE, lt i.s thft only sure and safe preventive ifraingt con tracting disoasfi ever iuvented, Price $1 eacb, S4peT f halt lozen, aml 37 por down, st-nt by mail. :5cGinl0'34 i TpOOT EOT IN SHEEP can be thoroughly cure] by using WHITTESÏOliE'S CUBE -FORFOOT ROT IN SIIEEP! Itisjustwhat it is represented to be, A PERFECT CURE. Asir for Whiltemore's Cure, and lake no other. ïhe following Certifícate Ib a sample of the tettfmonlals constantly being receivcd : RüTLANU, Vt„ July 14th, 1865. F. WmTTBMOKH,Esq., TtEAii Sir : Having triefl your Cure for Foot Rot in Sheep, 1 would say for the benefit of Sheep Baisera tbatthey ebould lose no time in procuring a bottle, aa it certainly will euro the Foot Rot in hs time and witli icss trouble than any preparation of Blue Vitiiol OT in thing elae T have ever used. Yoors,truly, LEEDS BILLINGS, F. W. WIIÍTTE10RE, Nole Proprietor, Chatham4 corners, ColnmbiaCo., N. T. FO'Í SALE in Ann Aibor by EIIERBACH k CO., Soie Agent s. 3mlO26. Chancery Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Ju-licial Circuit, in Chancery. Buit peuüiDg in the Circuit Court for fcheCoauty of Washtenaw, in Chancery, at the City oi Aim Arbur, in tlio Cimuty "f Wuühtenaw, on the tenth lay of November, A. D, 1865. The l'rc.-iitlent , l'irectnrsand Cdmjiany oï tlie"] Commercial Bank of Albany, Complafoikiits, VS. f James Slingerland, Deftudant. ft appeariög to the aatinflactioa of aaid Court t3' the affidavtt of James Kiníüpy, S jü. itor fir the ComplAinaat's that the &efeudant , James Slingerland, ts not a resident of the State oi Michigan, but n resident of the State of California, beyond fbe jurlsdlction of tliis Court: On niotion of-Jamea Eingsle, Solicitor for the ConiiihiLunnts in tliis cause, it ordered ijy Ka,iü Court, that tbe Baid Delendaut, Jamen SÜDgerland, cause hia appearfltnoftto be entered in tb.ís cause, and B i.rv ttir'reof duly served on the Complaj nautas Solicltor, within two monthe from the date of tbis order, and in case the Defendant cauje liis appearanoe tobe entéred, tb at h e Ble bis anffrer to thn Complainant'i Bill of Complalat, and cause a copy thtreof to be Berred on tho Solicito r Ipr d mplainanls, withfo twenty days aft er the servica of a copy of BHÍd Bïïl oi' Complnint en aaid Defendant : And it is further ordered, that within twenty days the Complainanis oanse a copy of thia order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a public nevspaper printe and publishea at the City of Anu Arbor, iu said Comnty Of Waslitenaw, and thatsuch publicatiun be contmucd (.nee I week for aix auccessive weeks, or that they causea copy of sátd order to be wrred on said Defendani , perftopiilïy , at least twenty dnys be (re fche time preBoribed for saiü Defendant'.s appearanf In tiiis cause. It. K. FRAZER, James, one of the Circuit Court Snlicitor and of Counsel Commisstonera for u anhfor Complatnantn, tenaw County, Mlcbisic, Ann Arbor, NoverobPr TOtli , 186Ö, J035 U. Si Küvenue tamp fifty Cj nis. pSTATB of CHAKLES HYLAND. ALL PEKBQNS baring clatme ngahmt the estáte of Charles Hyhind, deceasod , or Mr. El lio Kjland, will p lease present tbem to me, immediately, for adjustment. N. B. NTBjüxeeutor, fro. KoviMiibpr aeth, 1885. üwH'37


Old News
Michigan Argus