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futes imto8_ TS PREPARE!) to manufacture all kinds "of Hait I Tewelry Resideuce on Detroit Street, oppositjs the Agricultuial Hall. nmlO- w. fTIjkeakey, m. d., PnYSICIAX UíDSÜRGEQN. OSicein Dr Hayen's Block, 5 mu Eaof Cook'a Hotel Resitaice córner of Hurón and División Ptreett, ffrM door Kaft of Presbyterian Church, Aca Arbor, ; Michigan. O. H. MILLEN. DBALER in Dry (Joods, Groceries, Orockerj , fce. Se. Main Street, Ann Albur. PHILIP BACH. DEALF.USin Dry Gooi, Oroeariss. Bootu & Sboes, c., Xiiin st.," Ann Arbor. & EENDERtíON. DEALEK3 in Hwdw; Stores, l."u' funiisliing goods, Tin Ware, & , re. NewjflocM' '"■■■ ■ aTjTsutherland, AGENT for the New York Life Insuranc-e Company, Office on Hurón „tren. Also hason hand a stock of th must anprove.l sewing machinen. w" wllliam LEwlrr. PHVSICIVX AN'l) S'.-KGEON. Offloe t his reicknce, Hnrth side of Hurón, tvvo (loors west oi División 8trect " M. GUITERMAN & CO. tirUOI.ESAl.Eanu Retail Dealers ad Manufaeturer.s W f lit-ady-MadB Clothiüg. Uaportenof CMfefCusimer.-H, fekins, &c, So. 5, Phcenbs liloek, Mainst. WM. WAGNER. DE.AI.KR in Rea.Jy ie duthjag, Olotta, Cafislraeres, nd Vortfngsi Ha-tL,ap;Tranfc, Carpe! BagB,., tfcvínix Klock, Mato strent. Tlawson & son. GROCERS PrOTinfon and Commission Merchants. anri Ilealersin Water Lime, Land l'lwlnr, anü P!atei of P.rin, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. SOOTT & LOOMIS. UROWPli an.l PhOtogiaph Artists, in the rooms A over rV.npioK-s Clothmg store, Plioenix Block. Períct satisfactiraiíiveu. O. B. PORTE R. OUREON DENTIST. OfficeCornorof Main undularon D treets, over Bach & Piersou'ü Store A)l calis jromptly atliivli-d to' MACK & SCHMID. DF ALKRS in Foreign an(i l)nere Dry Good, GroceViM.lUtnao.i Cuds, Boots and áboes, Orockeiy, Ao., Córner of Main 8: Liberty sts. ANDRÊwT BELL. .-kKALHR in Groceríea, t'rovisions. Fluur, Produces, Ú te ke , córner Main and Washington BíreetR, Inu Arbor. Tiie liighestmarket pricesoaiü lor countrj (produce. ___- "d7oramër, TTORSET t COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Affent for the Plioeoix Fire and Connecticut Mutnv; Lite In■BuranceCouTianies. Conveyingand Collectingprumpt Sj auended to. Office over Stebbms t Wilaon's t-tore. " M. C. BTANLEY, Corner Main and Hurón títreets. Aun A.-bor, Micli, PHOTQGRARaS, AMi!ROryrE#, &c. . &c. , i a the latent style, and everyeflfort made togive satisfaetion. 9&0" D. DeFOREST. 1 17 I OLES A;L E and retail dealer in Luaib r Lath W Shm?les ríash, Doors.Rlind, V.'atei Lime, Grane lirer Piaster Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes A Tall and perfect issortment of the above, and al! otliei fiiU of building ina-torialsconstantly on hand at the ovrtpoiibU. rates,onTetrmtst.,a few rodFfronUhe lilrod Depot. Alao operating extensiely m the :'tnt Cement Roofing. J UMBEE YARD ! C. KRAPF, a & large and well stocked Lumber Yard, on JelTordon Street, in IheSoutb part of the City, and willkeep ontan% .ou hand an excellent varie'.y of LUMBEK, SH1NGLES, rhich will ie sold as low as ean be affordedin this cparket . Qnality and prices such that no one need go to Detí't' COXRAD KRAPF; Au Arber.Dec. 6th,1864. 986tt ftTEW MUSIÓ STORE! fejeoJjs wiülii-ng to"buy Pianos or Eelodeons, hould Eo to WtfcSEY'S MU5IC STORE, beforepurhasing elsewbere. IJo will warrant satiefactlon to purchasers.andtakes pleasure in referrimj to those ho liaveaheaily purchaüed of him. lie takes pude (n laying tHat he has giyaa the best of aatisfaction thus rar.audiiiteuds so to do in all cases. An y Piano ill be furnished that purchaspr may require. He wishes it tobe distinctly understood that he will not be IJIsTDERSOLD .y any dealorEast or West. N.B.-The latest SHEET MÜSIC for sale, PIANO ■TOOLÍ, c. alvin WILgEY Ann Arbor. Dec. 27th, 1864. 983td A KNABE I'IANO- one of the best instrumenta lads - eutirelynsw Inquireatthe V ARGUS OFFICE. POE SALE! CiCi HOUSE3 AND LOR, worth fioin $l,000to juk) $5 000. Also several improved FARMS. A..I.SUTHFRLAND, Ai Artor, SWWCVmme)ilAaent.


Old News
Michigan Argus