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Love Fantasies

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We are assured by certaia travelers that ttie women of Rustía love to be beaten by their huabauds ; and if uu old song in the patois of Languedoc muy be regarded ae authority od the subject, the same fautusy wus eutertainod by the woincri of Moutpcüer. Freuchmen are great admirers of beauty - so great, indeed, that ' a sure cure for lovo is a homely woman," paseed into a proverb amoug theuj. But this genernl rule, in practica, was found to admit oí somo oxceptions ; because, in Franoé, ag elsevvhere, it must liappen thut " love is blind " Cousequeütly, they had auothor proverb, which wa?, if any thing, more corroet in point of fuct than the other : " As u homely house often contaius a coinfoi'tablu fireeïde, so u homely figure often contains a genial spirit." (iooduess, grace, and intelleotu:.! qüiiiities often take the place oí' beauty, and have even groater power to seduce, lioraelinette, besidee, has an advautago over beauty that do oae wiH deny ; for beauty, at the most, will lust bat a few years, aod honieliness will lust f :r ever. Horneliness, moreover, does not inspire love nt fiiHt sight ; and, consequently, the wonuan who posse.sees this blcssing need have no fear of being approftcbed by strange admirers with evl iutentious. and her huwband ueed feel none of thu uneasiness and uuhappinuss caused by jealouay ; for a forfcress that no one cares to attack Deed no defenderá. The Itoinung had a maxim whioh is very pertinent here. We give it in thü original. " Casta quatn mimo rogavit." The power of love is so great, that the French say that it teaches aseos to dance. This is an old saying, which confirme, with a pleaningenergy, a truth that no ono will dispute. Love's most frequent direction is down, not up. Ohildren seldom feel for their father and ïnother ao aflection so lively, or an attachaient ho tender and devoted, as párente feel for their children. It seeras to be the disposition of our na ture to attach ourselves to the being for whom we have labored in all sineerity, and on account of whorn we havo had many cures. The inquietudes they have c;iuscd ub, and the tiervices we buve rendered them, made them dear and precious. Love is not a monarch wtlh lim ited power, but au absolulü tyrant. It bas from the beginniog tyrannized over poor feeble humanity, and caueed mankind to commit such ogregioun follies, that one i tempted to vvish, from the bottom of his heart, that its power were spent j but the wiah is vain. " To love! It is to be all made of sighs and tears ; It is to be all made of faith and service ; It is to be all made of phantasy ; All made of passion, and all made of wishes ; All adoratiop, duty, and nbservance ; AU humblenees," all patieuce and impatience ; All purity, all trial, all obserrance." 8„ A young pcrson once mentioned to Dr. Franklin his surprise that the pustieesion of great riches should ever be attended with iindue policitude ; and instanced a merchímt who, in posseRion of unbouudud wealth, wus as busy and tnuch more anxious than the most assidupus clork in his counting house. The Doctor, iu reply, took au apple from the fruit basket, and preseutod it to a child in the room, who could scarcely grasp it iu his hand. He then gave it a secoud, which iilled the other hand, and chooiing a third, remarkable for its uize aud beauty, he presented that also. The child alter many ioeffeotual attemjjts to hold the throe applen, dropped the last on the earpet, aod bnrst into tears. " See," said the philosopher, " here is a I ttlo man with more riches in the world than he oan" Frunce has now sevputeeu large commercial steamers running betweon linrope and the Americau coutiuent and her coloniea.


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