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We seldom look clear through a inau's eareer. We eldom follow him in Lis eourse fratn begiuiiing to end. We Beldoin oonimehce at the poiut whorc ho began to let down ooubcíduco, and trace tiis decline througli its vanóos stages till his oharaoter ia uaderiuined Why, two-thirds of the 'uien that break down are bot crushed by prêajuie. Tbere is a' preesure that will breuk altnost any tiuiber. (Jak will boar so raany ton, ash so many, and hiukory eo many; but take a piece of tiinber that ia enten out by dry rot, or by worrns, and put preesare upoo it, and the moment it is caüed to bonr a Weight öf twenty-five pounds it snaps, Aud in inanycasesí where mei) break down, Uie reaeoo why shey break down is that they are worui-oaten. There are thousands Of raen that aro deceived in bargaiüB, vvho would not bo if thoy had the hoad that honesty and moraiity give. There are thousauds of men that (jlace their trust iu thinga vvhich are not to bo reliüd upon, and that are continually Btumbliug, vvho wou'.d do vvell enough if they were eousuientious and uprit;kt. Some aro weak-minded, gome are hort sighted ; some go iuto business for vvhioh they are not adapted ; some un dertako moro than they have the ca paeity to do, and there are failures froni these causes ; but I doolare to you, among the men that fail, the greatest nuinber are uien that fail froni moral dalinqueneies; froui teu thousaud little fluws that take away tliu ptamica, the rohuBtness of cbaractör, and the soundcësB of judgweut, which are indispèutybÜ to suco:bb. And rt is very tfe sirable that young mon should know Uieso things. - II. W . Beecher. 13P The new bridge about to be suspended over the Ohio river at Cincinnati, will be the largest strueluro of the kind in the world, beiog more than two thoa saud feot longer thau that over tbe Niag-.n-a river, aud ñva liuudicd aud forty feet longer than tbe Menni Bridge, England. lts total span wiü be odc thouBand and filty-soven feot. He that yttnnot f rgive ofchers braka the bridge over whiuh he must pass himeelf; for every uiau has ueud tu be torgivtin.


Old News
Michigan Argus