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Notes From Chicago

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Chicago, Dec. lGib, 18G5. Fiuend Argus : - When I took occasion, gomé timo ago, to vvrite to you írcnu tliiopjaoe. 1 hui uot the slightest idea tbut I hhould evt-r repeal the offeuse; but peihips scènes (if Hiich :t obara ter havo butu enacted since then as lo justify me iu ínaking a SeCund attetüijt. ÏLoterday was a peculiar day here, ít having becu kuowu for some timts that od that díiy the cold-blooded murderers of Patiuck Malonky - Fleming aud OonnuTi - were to be huog. From early moróiog, even tu the preseut timo, it has uttracted no saia'l amount of tulk. Your readers aru doubtleas so couversaut vvith the histnry of this bloody act, th:it it wou'd ha irksome tu peiuse the narrative agB, and perhaps all have beorí expflotiog to tiear of the disposal of the two bloody wretches, Ycsterriay they suffered tho penalty imposed by tbe lavv, and wei'o ushered iuto eternity at thrce o'elock, P. M. It s no part of my design to dweil npon ibis bloody scene, or upon the course which has been pursued io bringing theso raen to justiee; but, simply to tsay that they have sutlered the penalty of tho lavv, and then pass I to more genial tópica. I believe that in my last I spoko of sorne of the public works and public ' pluces of this city, and, perhapa, I might pursue this topic still fuither, beginniog this tune witli the Post Office and Custom Uouae. I am well "aware that ia speaking of the Past Offioo I uiwt be careful aod make no remarks which can be coustrued into any thing ineauing reproacb upon Ann Arbor, for you have an offico which you are juLtly proud of; but perhaps I may be ablo to state some faets whioh will not disturb the quiet of any of your ckizens. Tho office itself is about Uice or twioe and a half as large as the Detroit oflico, but tbe amouut of mail matter which passes through it ia truly immense, as high as twenty tons in vveight boing reeeived and distributed iu a single tlsy ; aud HÜowing sis tons of this for letters, which is perhaps les; than the actual amount, thon taking tbu vvoight per letter allowed by law and ono can roadily acertain somcthinr near the nuuibar of Utlers whicb pass through this oifiae each day, and can readiiy imagino the amemut of vvork it requires to keep the macbinery tnoving and not b!ock the wheels. The Court House also ia an imposing structure, and, beginning at the bottom, we will speak of its several apartinents as we pass them on our way to the top. The two Iower storics are used as a for Cook County. You v.'ill picase excuse turther remarti as to these apartments, as I have Oever yet been ouught committiug any act which wculd purebase fi-eo boar 1 and lodging, consequently knovv but very little of them. - In tiie remainder of the building thoro are three distinct court rooms, with any number of adjacent small rooms and offices. Aud then, above a'l, in what is known as thu t-teeplo, thero is a small room whicb ia used as a lookout for lire, aud is couneeted vvith all parts of the city by wires, so that the alarm is given al most as soon as the Sro 3 turted. - The Hoor of this room is 120 feet above the surruunding country, aad nffords a:i excellent opportunity for seeirg fires or any tliiiig else that ia goiug on. But, notwithstanding tbe almost perfect system in operation here lo guard agaiust fire, there has boen several very destructivo conflagrationa quite reoontly, one of whicb, and perhapa the most destructivo of all, commeuced at 2 o'clock this moming, and has raged nearly all day. I visited the scene at 2 o'clock this aftarnoon, 12 hours after its commenceinenti aud the steam eugines were at work still, but bad the flamea nearly subdued. It is estimuted that tliis single tire has destroyed half a million of dollars worth of property, and this is but one of many. Iu briuging this letter to a close, 1 must not forget to meution the Ainbrose kerosene oooking and heating stove. - It certainiy is ono of the best pummer cooking stoves ever got up, aud the ouly tbing which is laekiag to make it a complete success for a heat ing stove, is to make the upper parts of mica aud mako it lighta room as well as heat it. But this stove is getting old here, and tbe new one isealled the Atmospheric stove, I am especting to see one soon, and if it anwsers what is claimed for il, I may make another report at some luture time. IÍ. JE3T" Secretary Sewaiid bas issued a. prooluuiation, declaring the adoptio:) ol tho Constitutioual auiondment aboiishing slavery by two-tliirds of the States - twenty seven - and that it is now in full forceas part of the orgafliolaw of the nation. This proelamaüou has more Bignificance than a mero unnourcement of tho ralification of the amendmont. It enuinerates among the States which have adopted it, Louisiana, Tenuessee, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, Novth Carolina, and Georgia, all of which Congress chooses to treat asoíí-if the Union. The Executive departmeut certainly recognizes them as in the Union. We shall publish tbe proclamation in our next issue. [3P The Public Sehoola of tliis city close to-day. and will open again ou Wediiesday, Januai j iird. EjC ün Tuesday, President Jouxson sent in u message to the Senate, ii answer tu a resolutiou, the opening neiitetice of which is : "I have tho hoiwr ' to shite tliat the rebelliun wagad !y " a portion of the peoplu agaLst llki " properly eonstituted aulhorities oí the " Goveruiuent of the United States has " heen suppressed, tbttt the United Stutee " aro iu pos. suion ol every Sluit) in " which the insui reclion oxisted, and " that as fnr as could be clone, the " Cüurts of the United States have " b en restored, post-ofliees re-8stablish" ed, and steps taken to put into effec" tive operaiion tbe revenuo laws of tho " country." Tho message was accompunied by a ooinmnnication from Gen. Gkant, iind ths two documenta wero not at all relished hy the radicáis. Sumneh attacked the niessuga bitter] v, and oalled it a whitownstiint; ffair. It was defended by Dixon, Cowan, DüoUTTLB, and Revekdy Joiincon. We will give it to our readers next week. fj" Provisional Governor Johnson, cf Georgia, has turued over the archives of the tate to Jknkins, the Governor elect, who has, witli the approvul of the President, entered upon the discharge of his duties. Ruconstructiou goes on despito Congress. - Provisional Governor Parsons, of Alabama, by direct order of the President, has turned tho goverument over to his elected suecessor. L35 Thu New York Times truly says, tbat every man in Oongress who devotes himself to the perpetuation of bitternoes towards the South, ought to be accounted a public eneniv. - JSx, If Haymond had not been pocketed by Thad. Stevens on tho fir.-t day of the session - since which he can not be Rupposed to be responsiblo fur his own votes and acts - one might suspicion that his paper had him in its eye when pronounoiüg its anatbemaa on tho3e who would " perpetúate bittcrnea3 towards the South." ui ii . L3" Ciiknei.ius Colé has l;een elected United States Senator from California, to sueceed Senator Mr. McDjoOALL. "Sr C'oDgress ndjourned yesterday until thu 5th of January. Tüo most important act of the sessioa. L3T" The telegraph says Heeretary Stanton insiáts on retiriug. Let him retire, " Baikus is willing," and the peoplo also. U3Í5 It conimenced snowiug hereabouts oa Weduesday, towards evt'ning, and 3'este:day nioruing about three incli.: bad, fallen. It was a little too dry and liglit to uiake good sleighing, nevertheless it was berog impi'oved yesteráay. With a littlo thaw. and thee a little more snow, we may get au orthodox Christmas after all. v ii m i i T The entertainjnent given by the ladjes of the Presbyterian cliurch, on Friday evening laat, was a very pleasant affair, though, owiiig to the severity of theweather, the atteudance was not as lavge as was Loped. The tables were loaded with good thkigst, aod the youii" ladies were altentive to visilors. - The net leeeipts were about Jlü5.


Old News
Michigan Argus