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A Young Lad Named Robert

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Little - whose parents, we believe, ïeside over Hall's Bakery - met wilh quite a serious accint at the Fourth Ward School uu ïueiday afternoon. The boys wero liastening to answer the bell calllng thern frem tlieir afternoon recess, wheu Robjsst stumbled, and anotber lad falling over nnd upon him, fraetured a bone of one of liis liuibs below the knee. The limb had been weakened by disease, or very likely the collisioq would not have produced the result. t Dr. Lawrbnck Kkynolds, of New YorV City, and late of the U. S. Army, is announced to speak U:b evening in Hangsterfor's Hall, imder the anspices of Sarpfield Circle of the Fenian Brotherhood. Subject - Shall Ireland he Free ? Dr. I!, has tlie reputation i f being an elo((uent speaker, and we presume that all who attend will be amply recompensed. Tlie pi'oceeds ave to be apprupriated ia aid of tlio oause. í&ísr The October uumber of tha London Quarterhj Review has the follovring papera: Cnthed-als of Englar.d, The Martner's Compasa, The Eesources, Conditiou and l'rospects of ltaly, The Poetry of Prued and Lord Houghton, Blind People, Field Sports of the Ancieiit Greeks aud Romans, The Galliean Church, and The Russians in Central Asia. A very promieing list. playear; with the olher three Reviews and Blackwood, 51 5. JL5T Our Dry Goods firma aro selling large quantitios of fine Dress Goods for [)resents, and we invite the at tention of bifters to the adrertisements in our columns. The men who advertise - in the Agaus - are the ones who have goods to sell, a'nd wlio will give you the worth of your money.


Old News
Michigan Argus