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A Cotigb; Coltl, orSore r ti roa i RliQflKKH (MMKDIATK ATTKN'TION, ANXTBHOCLD JiK QlLíKKLi. Ijf AU-OWUfl XO CO.NTJME, IriHuníoií oí' 9 he Lniigf, aPtimanctit Tliront AxEbctlon, or a Iitcuiallc loting uUinse IS 01TK.V TIIK RBffn.JP. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES UAM.VCi .1 DIRECT INFLUKNCK TO TUK PARTS, GIVK IMHKMil K BEUB31! Por DronriiKIs, Aithmn, Catarih, Coninmptlve auI Tln-out DlMasej TROCHES AEE U BEO WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUCCESS. SINGEES AND PUBLIC SPKAKEP.S will fiiul Troche! useful n clearing tlin voice irhea taktn btfore Hngíng Drpoaklng, and roliev.'ng tlio throatafteran unusua] exertioc of the vocal orga na. The Truches ;ïu reèommended anti presciibod by ?hy. siciaiiK nn.l hava had testimoniáis rrora eminen) men ■ut il.ü oountry. Bsing an artlcla of trae marlt, i haring provea thalr eflloaoy by test of (iMuyycar, cach ywirfiuda themiuoow "localitits in j rarlouB parta of th w rl4,nd 'be Trocha are unítersa'.lj .ronouuoed bettav than other articlen. I OB-MiHonly "BitoVH-a Bbumohiíi Tjioobbs," and do nuttake any ur the Imitatione thi.t ma, bt' offored. J .-i.l.l t-vn-ywhereintlie Dnited States, aml In ! fign Coniitrics, at 8S cents per box. lOJíi Obobi- Special' P CARI TO INVALIDO. ' AClergyman, while resiihng In South Anuiicaas a missionary, r'iscuvMx.d a sale and simple remedyfor tlio Cu re of Níitous Weainsn, Karly Eecay, Disessea of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, aad [lie wholc train of disorders l.rought os by banefiil and vicious ha,bt. Breat rabera hav leen ii)ra4y oued ey this ooble remgdy, Prwnpted Ky adeeire to benefit' the afflicted and unfoitunato, I will end the recipe (or preparing and uaing thls medicine, in a sealed euvelope, to any one who needi it, Frce of Charge. Pisase inclose a post paid envelope, aid-essol to youiself. JOSEPH T. IN-MAN, Siatiox D, Hiiu.H Horsii, _125_ Xou Yotkeity. TH IC HUIDA ï. CHAMBKR, an Esay o( Warningand Instruction for Young; Men-,pubUshed by the Hov.-iirdApsociiition, and aenffr c of charge in sealed envelo.i.s. Aldress, Dr. J. SKILIJN UOUGH, TOMj Howard Assooiation, 1 hiladelphia, l'a. lvSi)6 WÏIISKÉIÏS! WIIJSKEIÏS! DojouwmI WhiBknrsor Moustaehes! (JittGrocian Compound will force theio to grow on thóWnoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heailn, n Six Weeks. - Trice, SI .00. Sent by muil anywhere, cluaely seated nnreeefptofprioe. Addieti, WARNER & CO.. nOx 138, BrOoWja, S. Y, iy'.IW. AGOOD TREE Ití KNÜWN BY ITS ('RUIT. Sü is i gooi! l'hysician by liisSuccessfu] Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LY.ONS, TIIEGREAT AN1I CELEBRATEIl PHYSICIAN Oï THE TIÍROAT, Ï.UNGS AM) (BgjÉST, Koown aüoii'r the COUtttri as tbe O.lubrated INlííAix 1-iKKJi DOCTOR! From Soutü Amtifica. A NE.l'f PAMFÜLET Of the and extensivo travel of Dr, Lyona can be procurad by alhvhodesireone, freeof charge. Dr. L will visit the severa! places asfollows : .Tacksoii,Iü!hard House, '20lh Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 21st. Detroit, Fisbei's Hlock, Hoorn Xo. 3, Woodward Avenue, each month, 30nd, 26rd auü Slth. Modï.of Kxaminathw.- The Doctor discerne diseases bytheeyes. IJe, therefore,agk8 no questions nor rcqiirespal-ients to explai symptoms. AiTlicted, come antlbave youi-syraptoins anfl tlielocatiou of your diseis explained free of charge watübes, CLoais, timm, . -FOR TiraHOLIDAYS ! jg.waïïsïSmr Bare just opened thglargest aau iiiostjomiete slock pf guoti ju their liaeWver befnre oflerod in tbis cily fioaswting of OOlBSf and S1LVEK WATCHtB, boffi Auktic nD18wiM,Ladies Sets, MisaeB Seta Booches EarRiusiB, BleeveButtoos.Slud, 18 camt, imd fancy' .i -.rjs DiamoQ.l acd Hagard Rings, CoW tíuards. Vest CbaUlam and Iooitain Chains. Silver Chaina Suld Ira.s, l-;.i„ry oodn, Oocks. Si'verwa of iS kind, tited Spurjos, Forks, Knires, Uastors, Ckf Bswliets rea Seu UrnB, Pitchers.Spoouliomers.Card fteceivera (.ups, GobU!li:.SL-rvura, Napkin Rings, T;,lil-.v Cuttery Kazors, SHssors, BvrV, iolius, VIoHn and (uutarbtrm-s. l'.-i.r uny. aud in faot. eyerytMhir heionsiag to p arst class JJSWELRY STOKJE. ODR ÖWISS W ATCHESurSof oUr own mportaüoo ml ifrom tbe ve.y bost „luk,.rs, are M)li(1 Bfívd platedwrewas inanuffletured exprasslj for us, bears onr name K„d are ,,„;,! to he the best i.i tkh HE4PER than at „, house in tho West. N'o hun, tag : (.all aud see w„ are selHng mom Bna Watches tl):,n any other house in theWest. Havingals RSl'-CLASS Al'CH. uill do well to give uia caü - Jia.vir.gii busmess connection with a WholesaU b, lisa in thií .Mate, and mann'actureís in the Kast we are nabed o iril.ta.ueh leM priCe thabany othe'rhou e In tlu.s city. f all and see our immense and bandsome stock of goncls, and you will be sure to buy It is tbe wonder of rery ohe how we can afford to kwp so large a stock of goods. Tl.c fact is simply , h,s tbe coui mnnity demana and e have t. and ou, s,i,t co„ftantly on band. Thereby saving the necessity of any going out of towu to bay. Everything warranteil as represeuted. Our palrtng Department is complete in all to branches. We are prepared to Repair all Linds oi g8.Clocta, and Jewelry. in our usual prompt, aDaormaníkenianner. It is unnessary to enlar-c "' tW. pomt as ewrbody knows tha! wöo the ben otkitttbeeitr. All work warranted. SngraTiugin allita branches executed with neatneas and dispatch. Gold and Silver Plating done on short nutice OUR TER MS ARE CASii. J. G. WATTS & BRO., imi03 Ma-u Street, Anu Arbor, Michigan. MICHIGAN STÁTE AGRICFL■h L CÜLL&iK.-This Institution la sunported by the State, anl h;..s been in successfui opera''■"■"tury.l.arm.UütUe.sheep, an,l..ther ani,.,als Of varióos and pure broeds, (iarSeas, Orehards, l'hile jophica and SurveyiDg Instruments, Museums of NaturaJ li.story, &0, students are reeeived to a f uil courM of years, or for shorter periods. [nsl ru - tloa Ja gJven in Mathematies and thelr ap.licAtioas Clu-,u,s ryanJ.tsapplicHons.liotanv, Hiftieulture Asrjcul luv,MoekhmMh!i; .lli.f, ry Mental l' phy Toltion is (ree to refidents of Michigan ; lo othew WOayea,. Board la at eest. Thr.e hours labor i. reqiureddail.y.f.r wLioU moderate wmpOTs.tton i allowea Iabpri.cla.siaea,andeach8tudentreeeivea practical in-trunt-nn n eTery kind. Rooms are furn - v For further infonaation catalogue, apply to the 3-v10'" Lansing, Michigan. lb71hlbïoke &b., Have reeeived a Bpl ndid a,,ortmont of HOLfiDAY GOODS ng cl L0O1CS of the móit iiüinue style of binding, J ALBUMS, POKT FOLIOS GOLD PEN ff WRITIKG DESKS POCKET KN1VES, P1CTTJEE FRAMES, in fait everjthing in our line suitab!e for Presoots ö- l.eniember the place, the old Bookstorfl nd GregoryV New Bloolt. l3Bw4 ' QITY LÖTsl At the solioitatinn uC several friandjt, I havo eon c.udcd to the Sale of City Lois, at but a pinall advaneo on my fiirtrier inieei, unlil X.-w iear. Adv persona ulio want one or two lots each to buil.l innr to lil in,,:i..y m B; selllog Bgutn, will du (rellta Culi lismediately, :or the pnces are sure to be very muob higher next priag W1LLIAM 8. MAVNAK1'. DeceThbor Olh, 1805 3wl038 AM"u 'N T HE 'S P L E NWïü B'KIKS for kale at L. li. GILMORE & CO'S A i; i LOVE.S OF THE POETS, $16.00. IMPERIAL COURTS, , $12.50. Both of wbich are in the best ttyle of Bmd .nfr. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! o ANK ARBOH, - - MICHIGAN, tuin gljeetjS doors South of Liberty Street. Opened Montlay, ücc. 1 1, '65. A, G. PARSONS, A. B... Ppoppietor, mul Lecturer oh Uomraercial Law, PolUïoa] L'couomy , and Ins'ru,ctor in Commercial CüleuUition-', W F. PARSONS, ol the Theoretical Di-paríment. T. J. DENÏ, Principal of the Business Pepartmeut. F. L. MATTHEWS, Principal of theChirogr.iphic Department, ADVISORY BOARD, Hou A. FEXCH.Ex-GoVernoy. Hon R. WKU.3, M. ff. B. maynaií11, Mayor. BOARD OF REFEREES, Re?, R.O. HAVEN, Hun. T.M.CCOLEY, Pres 't Vniversity of Mtch . .luilge Suprema Court. B. H. DuUÜLAÖd, M. 1 , EBWARU OLNJ5Y, 31. A , Prof. Mi dical i'ep'p, Umy Prof. Mathematica. Univ. l'UIi 11' BACH, ' C.H. MTI-LKW, MerchanJ;. Murchant. We came bcre to bui]il up ii perinanent ipatitutjon, andshal] spare uo paip n inttking il on e of tie b.pst i.i the country. If j,he Htudnt becomes diVsaHsfied a'tr spending 1 1:" week with us, the tuitiou .vili lie refunded. .■1 ii'lr:i s i-'i n coinmence tliL course at any time; - Separate instruotibn will be givea cacti studení iu con niencïngtbat hu may thoroughljg uuderstaud thp fundamental princip es. 7Vwö or complet ing a fuU course} from VI io 1G weeks. Thi.s ïustitution offers the same advantao;es for ob tainiijg a thurough business education as i: uff ided at aiiy ol' the Commercial Colleges in the large cilios, and at. muck Usp e$pi nse. Aftpr the student has boen thoroughly drtlled in the theory ut accounts, he wiU tUan pasa lo the lïusiness Pepartmeat, for which offices are beiug titted up for Banking, Steamboating, KailroadTnjr, Insurance, Com'iiission, an'l :ill the different b ra nc lies pf trade In tbta flcpartinsni he b req uired to perform attu 1 business tra oanctionrt, tftking l uil chftrge (f each office as büoh as lio becuin1;.-! fitted for the position. Ky purebasing a clioliynthip the Studuot can review the at any tuno without additional charge.- Theiearfi many who wisli tn bt-come ucjuaintcii wKh the principies or Doublé Kniry Book-keefTing without completing tbe ful] course. Jfor such we have iittrodüced a .sliürt cc urse wbich consista of Kigiitieeii Manuscript Carda of the Initiatory Cóursa. and the flrst Btx ot the regular oourae, einbtacing all the principies Single and Doublo Ëatry, ïho same udyaniagi s are olï'ered t'i hulies wbo may aot wish to complete tht full course Tlie positinua whicli (a?iefl have been caljed to lili hs cIpiIs in the different (lepartuieniB of business within tl ie past few yeara, nmke-s it of the utmost hnpen-tance that they Bhould bo well preared with abusinee educatiun, The Commercial cours" of atmlv cmisists of the Theury and Pruciiceof Keeplng Books by Single Hnd Doublc Eutry in holesaïe and Retaïl Merchandising, Cnmuiission, Compound CotnpaDy aul Joint Btocli Business, Importing and Jobbiug, IBanking, Sle;iQibn;iting and Haiiro;iiiin, Businesí? CorïespoBrHenco, ComjDfirjCial I.iiw. l'ulilicil Kcouomy , Commerciai Calculatign and Business Penmansbip, O? 3E3 LL L S . Eull course, $30 Êhort coukse, - - - - 20 T1ull course for Ladie-1, ? .- 0 Short course for Ladics, .- - 15 D;iy and Eveniiiir Classes will be formed in WYitiiig and Book-keeping. 1'i.Iï.aS FOK, "WJEtlTHSTÖ, Cpurae of 13Leesons i.i Business Feumansbip, $2-50 SO " ' " Í00 m''Otii. ,Day and Kvenin, S py a ' -' .' 15.00 : per coa' disjiOint on the abovo ratos for Lacliep. - (jMüunciital Ponminship, Crcï Wi'iting, Ten Drawing, j.ctti'rm'j; üud Fluurishiiifll as per agveemont. THE THEORY DEPARTMENT, Will be condaeted by W. F PAltfOXd, fortavly Piin cii'ítl "i Importe Commercial College, ïa l'urte, Inl. - It eonsuits of opening, cominct 'ng.and closiug íingle anj Doublé Eotry bocks in Ihéir v;inous furmw. THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, Will be conducted by T. J. DEKT, formerly of Fort Wavni' Mercantile College, Fort Wayne, lad., who ík also an exoris'iLiced actoiulant. ïn thi.s ilepartment n' udents will be thoroujjlil y il ri i led in the dilT'-reiit branclit's a-H it is transactud la the couuting house at the prastmt day. THE CH1ROGRAPHW pEPARTMJSNT, WitlbecomUicted by K. L. MA'rfHEWá,torinorly teacher i ti Iroo OUy Comunjrcial Cullege, I'ittbbui-h, l'a., ïuteofBryant & Uraltoo's College, Chicago, 111. In tliis ! pa ft ment wilt be ttuglit the SpeocuMajj System pf l'i.-;;iiuLtisii). Business Correspondente, CardWriting, Letteriug Pluurishing, Pen Drawijig, Kc A Food as arrangement can bc ina-ïe a Teleraphíc De par i ment will be o{,.vi.-u. A reasonable de Inction vili,be made for disabled lioldíers. Tuition pa.rabhj in a-lyaiice. 103'Jtt' THE EVEIfC POST, ■EDITED BY WILLIAM GULLEN BRYAKT AND PARKS GODWIN. The Evem. Post, now in iU si xty-fiftb year, baving begtin with tliisnWeteenth ctniuiy, has always maintaíned a leading positiun amona the metropolitab journals. The fear!ísíi and he.xrty support wli'ch it bas always given to thegreat principies of universal justiceand f veedom bas madeit the almost indispenalílecompanion of brave and true men, who are more d.eeply in terested in"tlis success of principien and tke progresa of bumanity thaa in the triuniph of party. Dujèng Lhu war the Evh.vixí; Pust was one if tlie mostearnest and vigorous supporters of tluj cause of the Uniou ; it held up the hands of w ur brave aoldiers in th.) ttelds, and encouraged the bearts of our nobli men and women at home ; every frojecfc ioi pushing oij the cohiuin had its zcalous support ;whüe it no h-ss zeaTeusly la'-hed and rebuked treasem in all its forms, whether open and courajïous aa at the South, or covert aud niean, as at th North. Tho groat measure of the war particularly - the Proelamation of Emancipaticn was early welcomed nceiiiitly urged - and most joyfuilj jnpproveu By it, a the mji'eraLive need of i m tioiüs. i hat oi.her meas ure, do less important, the Constitutfcmal Aiaendment, lias íound, in the Bvbmxg Pusl', it. latest and must persistent . as well as its earliest and most earnest ad7UCB e At the sanie time, with all its enthuiasm fur liberty an.) Union, the Evbmng Post did not close its t yes to the dangers of an oí' power; it was the enVmy of all un-Jue exerciso of the central i;jt lionty , bfa.ll kindflof pnlitical jobbery and corruprion ; jt hasinsiated iijMin (.■cjiimiiy in ei pendi Dures and oi'thesti-ictest allieience to the Cowstitution. 'J'o these ai ioeiples ip EvekIKQ PofT intends to idhere. Pleded po uo party .a(Í looping onlytö the interot-; of whole. country, now happüy restored and utiited, it will use ■A lei tt.-ver of eüergy ithas, mdoi Ináueace it jaiay aC' quire in behalf of - lst, those fundamental maxima of human eqtnlity, hunian righta, human progresa and file 'a tío n whioh he ut the foundation üfoui 'Itmocratic rormoi society; 2d, localiüdepeudence and local self-goveriuxioutf so oecessary to dispersión of power and to the politica) edu catión of the masbes ; and 30, natíonaJ unity and Kuproinary - not of national centra lizatioo - m goridusly njajníaicod in the war. But the Evenikg pppT has ah ays aimed t(j be njor thiin a politlcal atiü commercial Jour f al. It desiraa besiöes tobe "agpod newspaper." In its columns yt ill be found a complete Listor y of the events of tlie day, im] i;ri;mi politica] or si, 't te documenta en tire, proceedinp-s ol legwlative bodies, summariel of European inteJHgenc;, aorl ijews from all pftrts of th worM, accurate reoorls of ñn.incial and coaimerclal matturs trastworthy correspondence, and a (jarefulTy cU-cted liter ■ ry iniscellany . compr ning poetyy , iv iews ol nw works, ffith liberal extract, gtfusipancLóxwBcdntes - the who i e forpii Qg aü excellent variety , ín which every teader wili diaüyei Bometbingto hi taste. TERMS- TO MAU. SUBSCRrBERS. RyicyjXG fosT, VPfiekiy,., $2 00 jier unnum. EVk-msg Pobt, Senji-WeeliJy ï-i 00 " " Ëvem.nq I'ost, Daily $1'! 00 " ( tjample copies ient free. Agt'uts wttnted. AiïKNfë SENDIMfl CS TUK HONKT iinl naiucs of twgn y subscriUt-rs to our Se mi WceJ-Jy papt t $4 w eh . ur forty uubicriberu to uur Weekly, :it ö'-1 i'iM-h , wiil rfcoiveone olWhefiler & Wilsou'sSóö Family t'é fiig Machines or of i r Eínwfi Sewing 1 il .(■liincs, wliiohSel] in New York ftr Í00 ; or ií'they j nhould nul BUCOföd in inakjn up the l'ull numberto Í L'ulitle Ihi m lo this (iiemiuni, they eau Mtp4 uk such .Milj;crijitioiis a they liave obtained, and doduct 12% ' per cent. fvoiu tlie anzouiit of thoir reinittance, WH. C. BRYANÏ & Co., Publishers, 41 HabNMi t., cor, Liberty, Nv Vork, l'nn [.- -iiEií, tir NKwsi-Ai-Kns wishing n exchange witb us in cpnfttderation of publifhlBg this spectuH are rquwed to send their proponitions ut ■ once. We shail not aüüw anjr claim in this way that j we do not L.uthoriw, 3wlOB8 j JUST OPEIVEÜ! A Büammoth Stock OF WINTER COCOS! At the Goraer Store of jnoluding CASSIMERES, CLOTIIS, PLANNEL8, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, PRESS GOODS, PRINTS, COTTONS, DOMKSTIC8, GROOEKIES, &c, &c. Oalï and see them ! Aun Arbor, Nov. 1805. 103Gtf jLISS & IIILL Have just received A LARGE STOCK OF GOOBS which they are selling at REDUCED PRICES Uonsisfing in part of the following ; CLOCKS, WATC1IES, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, TABLE & POCKET GüTLERY, SUKGÏCAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c, Please Give Them a Cali ! CLOCKS, WATCÜES, & JEWELRY, REPAITIED BY EXPEJ4EMCED WCRKMEN, At the oM sUnd of C. BLISS, E„.at sldc of Main Street. Ana Arboi-j Michigan. C. BMSS, A. T. mi,T„. fcepíember39tb,JS65. tflO8 MEW GOODS! A 31'J,EfIDIp STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! FURNISHING. GOODS, CASSIMERES, OIoths, Satinéis, &.cm„ BOMESTICS, SHOES. HATS 4 CAPS, Crockeryi GEOOSSIES, &c, Are tu be soldut priceji tliat willguaraütietlieir sale . B- Th I;irg8f Stock of OiUico and BrovaCotton in the City ulesstilui Manufacturer'f inicm. Tkehi(jhestpiiccpil inïradiior cah (or all kinds ut' l'roduiie. MACK & SCHMID. V-ANIIOOD: IIOW LOST, .lust )Miblish(i, a new edihonof Dr, Cuívítm'cII's Cclrlïi-aicïl l'uïsty on tbe radiral cure ( without mea. icilll') Of 1'KBMA'lOKKlia-U, Ot s.'lniiml W ciikDs, Involantary riemiuül Loiwe, l kiotk.v:v, Men tul umi Phyxiex] lucapncity, ImpcdimcutK t" Harri&ge, etc ; ilmi, Con,irMiTK.,, Kj'ueí'sy. and Kits, Enduced ly self indulSfif Prict!, in l st'üU'ii cu vclopo, ftoly 6 cents. The oeiebrstd aulhorlo tbis admirable ewtty cleaily decnonstratoi, from a tliirly yi'iiis lueeeHsfu] practice, thae the alnnijin" mnsequcnoefl oí' slf-abuse mav be raiiicaity eurwl without the dDgitUB use ol internat medicine o r the appliQftti&a of th knife - poir.ting imt un)iUj oí' care it once simple, ct.'rtai, and aflte tual, Ijy inwins of wlncl: evary sufTcror, no ma tter wluu liiconriil'nn may bc, nmy curehimself eheaply ,privatelv, and radicallxj. sát ïh's Leetur should bp in the hand of every youlh nnd every man in the land Sent . nader bp!, in a plaiu envelop?, to ariy ndorens ƒ)(#L paed, on reoeipt o( six cents, or two post stamps Adiiryss the pubHlbon, CHA'S'.J C. KI.INK, & Of).. 7 Bowcry, Nw York, lylO35 IMrtOMebox4,e!W. POR SALE! THRKE IMP' OVF.I). FARMS of 80 MW rarh, lyiui; in one booy, six miles from Grnl R;ipi Is.and vitbln one ol the IMuuk Uoad loadnir Nfjrth te tald city, Wili be Kold souarately or tngelhp. to suit purcliusefg. JOHN' M CHiPE Aan Arbor, Cec. 8th, A. D. 1863. 3m]039


Old News
Michigan Argus