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flÓTlüBÏ Hav'n& üecldvd f emigm'e 1 1 "Wester'n State, we offer our en tire f-totk of BOOTS & SHOES ! - WITÜ- LEASE OF STOIR-JE FOIR SALE! To any party vrinhlnpr to gi info bixsinftss n good chance Is };t'ï-e oiTered. We have p-onrt troajuGS ewtab lished !i cli is oonetintly incitas; ■:;. w ulurli rct we can give tü partius wlsliing to buy, ampie satiifaction. fOH FÜLL PARTICl'LARS, CAI.L 'AT TUK STOP.E OF THE DNDEKSICNED. 0 In the rneantirne we will well any portion of our gooda at mud) KKITCED RATK8 , to thow In want ol suchgoods, who iviil lavor us witli a cali. Tu ;t!:;.so ini'cb'.pil l us, we wouldsay, CAI.L AND BK 11 LE AT 0üL, as we dp not propose ti waste ranch time In the oolleoticn of outUndvng debtH ; and whoin we owo ajtling,call and get tooi Oreen backs, N. B COLE. A. D. Ë. SEYLEE. Ar.n Arbur. üct.2d, 1B6S. . 109tf tLORENCE PfiOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, P1CTUM5S, FRAMES, ÏHJIEAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O IL, fc. The undersijned now offers te public TUEDEST FAMILY SEWIñip ÜACHIÜE iisr use. Fon DUIIABILITY, PEALTYoJ STYLE,and VA BIET Y of WORK,it It noedsonly to beseen to beappreciated: Runs the work bolh ways, takes four kind of stitches, hcms, lells, uatlier, braids, bin.b, quilts. galhers and ews on a rulïïe at tho Rarae time. S vs ff-mn tbc thióhpst to the tliickest fabric witho it chanirinp; tlie stiti h tenulou or needlc, or without bruakinj; tho limad - The Wonder of the World! Also a variety of tlie mrst beautifu! PHOTCfif! 1 II ALBUMS, l'JCTURES aml PRillps in great varieiv and pktures Jramed to order at short notice. Alio.BARNÜM'S SELF-SEWBH or T:; :KrII. v.l.icb can be adjusted to any Seiving Mushlne, Ca!l at the sign of the FLOÜEXCE SEVTIXG JUCUINL, a few doors East of Cook's Hotel. Stitching Neatly Done to Order. AIso.ou ixhj)itou,tl;ei;lo-Watfd " WCKD SFVI(, MACHINE," which toofc tli picir.ium at the Jlicliigaa State Fair, of JS04. W. D. HOLMES. AnnArbor, Dec. ï6ch,lS64. SfjOLl 865. CHANGE OF DATE. 1866. PRÖFi Ra Ja LYOUS Would inToru. h!s PATIENTS and uihera nlcresttd thal iu future he canbeseen ut tlie MOfiflTOR HOUSE, Sist OF EACH Morith, indtead of the SOth, audat instead of the 21st. Throat, Lungs, Heart, liiver, The Blood; aïi(1 all o tlie r complic:iteiï ehrnnfa coiQplaiu's treati uccessfully, bj PEOF. S. J. LYONS, the well known and celebrated INDIAF HERB DOCTOR! Call at Uie Mctiid r Ilrupe, Ana Arbor, wbara hv c;in bo c.msnlted PRKE Or CHAROK, .u tliu Slat "f Mch MonTh. iirring 1 Pi -f. and 1Ö66'. lylOi'J. Vr) J COisIviisrcE 'Mï M THE MOST SK EPTI CAL. a) gji THATTHERE IS UNEOUALLED && m VIRTUE IN THE C iL MEP JAQKEX% n ' tn ' mw g W? iiieyare a. comtinaHon. ' jT ■M j J o r % Lp -BATIE HERBs W-, W 1 rej)a.r e dm. Vrm cJioicest X& ?OLD EOURBONWHJSKY.X t h They strengthen and invigorafe the fjp 'i sysltm. cVWf W, Tlu-y give a good and hcalthy appetite. V.A V r Tlieyarcthebeststinmlantln existence L-Sifc f1 r 'ltiy ar0 ll prcvtnüve of fever and ague f VJ ƒ T,Cy CUie pirvons headache. TK? - ? ïhi-y ave perfectly pure and palutHble. -ftT Í- IU Tl"' !-"! -.cLet KiliTswo told lii f quurl í . fO llt by all dniirgbta and dmSwil 1b tb country. fïF tó BENNETT PIETERS & DU. '-fo Afo Q K1VER ST. CHICAGO 'Aq V Ik. solé pnopftiETañs. FO iS f-i r. - Wi Foi iilo UüFOiíIijT Í; SItWAST, Jobbeia. DKiCfiS rcvrx! C II. MILLEN lias rtturt;ad from Nw York wilh the j jSecond ÏLarge Invoice -OFFALL ANO WINTER GOODS! O- i OOTTOIM GOODS OF ALL KINDS, ARE REDUCED IN PBICE ! ALL DRESS GCOOS LOWERÏ CAJLJL, & SEE. C. H. MILLEN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 28d, 1865. 21026 Dyspepsia Permanently Cured ! DR. fcfflELDON'S DYSPKl'TIC TROCHES not oniy give iinmediate relief, but are sure to elftct a permanent cure in Dyspepsia and Ijver Complaint. Theyare nota purgative.and therefore thuir use does not créate a necessity for the habitual use of Cathartics. Dr. Sheldon's Dyspepsia Troches are an agreeable and jvholesome appetiser, without any tiï the injurioua effects whteh aresuro U iolloiv the ue nf stiruulating "Bitters" audall purgative medicines. By fheir purifying, strengthening and invigorating pqwer theyare sure to keep thedigeative organn iu r healtfjy oniniition,thuspreveutingCoativeues,l)iaHhffia or Dyientery. ' Dr. .Tosetih lewia, "f Philadelphia, says of Dr. Sheldon'sPy.sjjt'pííía 'Li tjctu's : "Some years sincr. Dr. Sheldon, of tbis city, gave me thplbnnula-for preparing a llyspepsia Troche. He aBured me thathe had tcarce evi-r known it to fail in uring either Dyspepsia or titer Compl&iot. tiince then 1 have used it m in.v practice with great Buceos. I believo that mneoutof ten to whom I have adtniuistered ithave been permaneutly curen", it baving cured many cases which I ooiisideredincurable. I consider it the most valuable cunibiiiution for diseaaes of the digestive organs I have ever known." The eminent Dr. Williams has said! "We belieye that tlie worsc í]iin',r that a Djspeptic can do s to dugo biniself' with I'urgative Medicines. In fact, we knoir of tundreds ulm have taken Cathartlci so long that It bas becoine alnioöt a necessity for them to continue liieir use.r' Dr Sheldon'sDyfipepsia Troches are not Cathartics, and aie sareto eflx'Cl a cure. They are agreeablelo the taste. They will imme-Mately correct a tsour stomaeh, cure tíatulence, heartburn, sickness ur pain in thf) stomacb, bclching of wind and in fact all the disagretiable and dangerou symptuins of tin disea-e. S. N. R0CKWÍXL. fiole iroprietor, soiith east corner 21st and Market fUtetü, hiludelpbia. l'rice 50 centi por box. Sent by mail for 60 cents. T. I!. rjinchinan. Kholesale agent, Detroit; also for sale by Farrftnd, Sheloy 4 Ce. , and all Druggists Sld by BTEBBIXS i; WILSON, Druggist Ann Arbor.llicli: 1030m8 rLO THE LADIES. GEORGE H. REED & CO.'S rPHE constant demand we have bad for LIQUID DYK8 X lia.s indiiüed us toput up a complete liue oí 40 yimdes all Liquids, whicb will recommend themselves to evpry ono who hftl ever used Liu.uid Dyes for Biüllancy of Colors, Simplicity of Vse, Certaiuty of Satisfactlon. (Completo Ducctioiis hv use with overy papkage.) ÜSE THE BEST ARTIULE, See Certificóles from tminaii Chcmisti, on exch papkugi. Samples actually dyed with each of the color on il!i and woulen, may be seen at the Drug dtores. M-SOLP EVERYWUER?. E If you desire to insure COOP O iIIR1. ingutr for l'EEÜ'S DOMtSTiC DYES, and lakc no olherlini. (iEOEGE H. REED & CO. , Boston, Manu fact urers. FARRAND. SÍIELEY & CO., Agents. 6mlO25 Detroiti Michigan. T A3ï EXIIfQ TUIS WEJÜK NEW DÉE88 GOODS, NEW CLOAKS & TRIMMLN'QS, NEW SHAWLS, NEW HOSIERy & GLOVBö, NEW WOOLEN GOODS, BROAD üLOTHS, BEAVERS, CASSIMERES & ULOAKINGS, CAKPETS & OIL CLOTII3, NEW STOCK OF FAMILY GROCEEIES. C. H. MIJLEN 2m 1(136. Oíd and young should use STERLING'S The FIair, It prevenís or Btops the Hair from falling ; Cleanses, Beautifies, Preserves, and renders it Soft and Glossy, and the Head freo from Dandruff. It is tho best Hair Dressing and. Preservativo in the world. Sterling's Ambrosia Manufacturino Compy, sole proprietors, NEW YORK. fiinlO'r Ti JOK Al' 'IHJbi (.1IHAI Ai IE1Y -OFELEGANT DEESS G( 0D3 i Just reeeived at C. H, DULLEH'B. amiose.


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