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: ' iiHliüUTrt AM D 'i.' i LE LEA V Eö i WIjflHfekthC llealii.!} o! NMiiui . _ ; ) Prof. 3R.. LYON8, ' Tilli i;iü:at ANO CELIiURAfBD lHÏSICAN of tlie ' I TUBOAÏ,l.l'X;.- HI'AIM . IJYhit A.Xl; TUK liLOOD, I Kilo wil allovei t hei; juut 17 a tlití CBCJE3 IKTI5TA.3Sr ZEÏERS DOCTOR1 01' -4' Streel, plevalAluli Ohto. WlllvisíttUoFolWing placía, vi A;'i'UlYl':ilKN'Tfcl?OK18t5, lbCÜanü 1S07. Prof II. J. l.von eau bt! oonsalted at the fil)wi8 pldceseveiy inouth, vtt: Detroit,! i.-lii -r 't l'.'.öcfc. Bui m Ni.. 3, W'oodwnnl Aenue, eácli monih, S2ií íSíd ftatl 24ih. liil.tuia.', BurOick flou.-ï;;, eiicii rojiith,18tb umi 19th. ,I.ickson,l!ii trd Honse, eath month,2í. Arm Arbur, Mcniit()rHousach montli. alet. 'l'alorto, Sumintl Street Uouse, .;icli month, 25ih and Di.l'.VKl.ANi), oilio. RESIDENCK AKD OFFICE, a82 SUPERIOR öïKEET. E&Bt of the public square, opposlte the Postoffice. I ■, : ,h i-:icli UH,uth, 1.1. óil, 41h,5tll, dth, lOth.- ii.r.c. liourstto'm 9 A. H. to l'J M'ortd froru 2 I'. M to U'. M. Ouáuactiy trom 9 to 10 A.,l[.,ui.dl to 2P M. a-Maxims.-itrkTly ailhorcd tu-I give sucli bulm as haT'e QO ■tvife, With nature "r t li laH ui lile, WithbloöJmv hauilsi neverstam, Norjjnisou men boese tlwirpaln. lic is a i'hr. ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ The Indian Heru Doctor, B. i. I,Y0Niur(s thefolifcwingcomijiaintBfn'tTJc most obstinate stdgeB oí their oxistt-tice, Vizt . r . lesof theThroat;, Heart, Uver, btomuch üropsyintbeChest, WieumatlBm, Neuralgia, Kits, orFRllingSiekiiess.andullothornerTOUF lerangement Uao alldiaeaseaol 1! eMood.sucli asSorofula, Eryipdag Cancpts.Ktvi-r Sores,ólioated ehronieoornplwBt; AUforms "f female .lifficnlties atteaded to witb the llaHIi1"Vpi.d"lhatno..ncivill.lespair of a cure unti] tWT havejeiven thelodtan Herb noctor's Medicine a taithfuUrial. .Dttriikg th Doctor', traj,.;.;„ i:.,r,if.Wt [adíes, South Araerhsa. and the United State, he lias been the mstiunient in God'? hand toreatore to health nnd vigor thou.sand who '.. ■.'. "-.ïen-.iT a n.l.n.nmmcMl incurable the most toldachoo) physiciaos; nay, mort, thoimands ,,„„„- the Terge of the grave, are noiv IWing m'ouuninta to the Indian HerbV Doctor-' skill nml rultreatmei)t,audare)UjexeU.imiDg; ;'B'e' seil betheday wheo Orat e saw and partook of the Iridian Herb l'ioctor'ü medicine." 8atifactoryreferenceol cares mil be gladly and „■.■(..fnllv nveruhenevnrreriiiirect. The !)otor!ledge8hi8wor.l and honor, that he will 11, no vise diieetl, or indirectly, induce or cause any invUa to take bis medicine without Ihe trongest probbS.TLoáeoUf xamination, whlg is enürely.lilTerent fn'iV thefacultv Dr. I.yoo professes to ducern d,,e "e by lie eye. H i herefore ï noquesti,., nor aoesheTeqnirpatienttoexplain.ymptoms. Callone and all indhayethesfinptoms and location of your liseiise'.-xplainedfree of charge. rS-Thepoornhall beliberally conmdered., box IYOJSM r, Cleveland, Ohio. Nov. Ï6, 1862 lySSO ÏULIUS BAUEB. & CO., Great Piano Forte and Melodeon EMPOEITJM! WAHEROOM& IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," 69 WASHINGTON STREET., cw York Warerootns, 650 Broadway. Wholesale Agenta for the U. S. for WM. KNABE & ÜO'S C K I. E B K A T E D Gold Medal Piano Fortes! Aa to the felative nmrita of l'i-se PUNOS, we ,,.,,,, i,i i-pivr o trfr Orütipates of Excellence nour ÜTRÁKOSCH, SATTBR, H. V1JSUXTEMPS, I,OI:I3 STBK ana E. MUZIO, Mui■ ..1 1 Diri'clor of ilie Ilalian Opera, as alm Imm some nf tiie most diStiüguiKbed Profcsucrs avA Amateurs in Che co.iiiLry. All Instruments gimranUed for Jïve yi ais. AI.SO, AGEST3 FOR ïOE.IiBLER & SJV11TH, BOARDMAN & iïRAY; A. H. AlE &CO., AnJotherl'irst-Class Pianos. Te have tlie-IJ B6E8T ana BE3T ASSOSTEÖaTDCk of l'l NOS IX THE CITY, whjcli f ']■ Power and Sweetnssa of Tono, Easy an.l Agieeable ïoii'li , and Beauty , ! :,i: li, have, by jiulges, buen pruuuiiaced unrnsalT Farüoiilnr attentiin pifl to the sclection oi Instruments for ilitïint ortieré.awl prmlege of exoliant;.; granted at anv time ilhin .ix nion the I„ i mi.' -'t .ln.iiWi.ot iiuv-e eatttel? .Klinfactury - A krnl cowTütoClerfj-meu, Teachers and Schools. WIIOL! SU,K DZALF.RS will find it to llir-ir ;nlvnn;.i f to givi us a cali, ai by greaUy incieased fncilities we are enabled faufin orfers with rlispatch. f! Pefsonsln want ofaREALI-Y F.IBSTCLASS l'UXO v.ill 1' M-cIl to cali belore purchaaing elsewhcre, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOK CARHAnï,NESDHAM&CO'S CELKBKATED Í1ABM0N1UMS, MKLODEONF .A.2STI3 O G-AJSr - A L 8 O FOR OEORGE A. PR1N0E & CO'S MELODEONS and OBGANS, Manufacturera and tmportirs ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Merchandise, Tho Sti.ver nd Bras Ivsi-ments, of ourmaiiu.. facture re usM I..V most all of the best Banda in the. Vnüsd Slotn , and u-hom-ver ranibited have always recetrwJ tho GftM Muíala and highest i iijm ]'j;;vini,(,onn(,(,ton „.1(1, Máauteotarmg riousc i iiorlin. I.sipsio, Dres.len, Englínfl a?dPrJl.w M pnparedto furnüh DEALERS, BANDS and IM IV1D(JALS, wlti tvery article in tlii Una, at tlio luwest manulactiirer.s' jtri'jos. KEMKMBKR TIIK PLACE, JULÏUS BAÜER & C0.s 69 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAO, - - " " ILL-5 10V2 N'ow Vork Wnrerooma, 650 Hroadwaj. titile Faciory! Beutler &l Traver, Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition. Flasks, Game Bagi, and Evorjother artiele ii thatLine. AU kinds of done at t !" shortest uotici', umi uitiiflicst niiuar. a fnlhisBcirimcni áíwayBkept ooband and nmdeorder Stiop eoraef Main and WaslnDgtunstreets. Aní Aibor.üol.B.lífW. 87Stí POLÜNfQ SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, ANt MANDRAKE PULS. ; Thoaboveisa corree! likene&s of Dr. Seheuck,jast nfttT ri-c.overmg f rom Consumplion. many yearsago Belowis alikcnessof htm as he DO#áppat8, When tbe iirnt was tukm ha weigbecl 107 pouncis ■ at the prewent time bis welght s '220 pounds. 't Ww -te. v J0&W DR. SCIJEIXCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory is at the N. F.. covnei of SlX'in and COM-MEUCE Streets, Philadelphia where all ietterB advke ür business should be di rected. He wiU Se found thcre every SATURDAY, profes,: , . hiBímme langs with tbe Rosprromeler, foi which nis fee i three dollars ; all advice free. Ib Ne York at No. 32 BOND Streot, evcry TUlüS DAY,fromS A. M. to 3 P. M. At the MARLBuKO' HOTEL, Boston, .Tanuary 18 ano 1!), l'Ybruary 15 and Ib', Maích 15 and 2 (i, April 19 and 20, May 17 and ÍS, Juncl4 aud 15, July 19 and 20. Tilo lime for my be; ng m ÜAI.Ti.liORH .ind 1TJ TSpüRG , will be seen in the daily papers of thosn citios. llu llislory of Dr. Schtmc.k's oten Case, and how he was cura! of Consumpiiim. Kanv years agí, f Uta renídlng in Pbiladelpliia, i dprwressêdfeïaduMry !■ tagB of Pul monaryl'onsuniption. All iiOpe of my recovery b,i,,.r di4ipatcd. I waa advised by w.v jihysican, Dr. Prrish to remove into the country. Mooi-town, New leiséy being ni y uative plírce, 1 was removed iNtaer. My futtíerandall his family liad lived and died there- and died: of Pulmonar? Consampfion. On myairival I va= put to 1 ed, whi're I lay for íuany weeks Id ha( wasdeemed a.hopelsss oondition. Dr. Thornton. who liad been my father' faniily pliyrfcian, cm. had ttiended hiin m his lut-t illness.was ealled lo see me. He thouehl inv casd entirely beyond tbe reachof medicine, and dêcidcd that I die, and s""-1 m one week to srranpc my temporal aHairs. In tilia appsrontly hope less cundition, 1 heard cf the remedies wliit'li í now ihake iun sell. It seertted to me that I could feeí theui rorking Üieir'way, and peuetrating every ñervo, libre, and lissue of my system. Mv Uiníís and liver put on a new adion, and the mor bid matter wbidi for years bad ace. mulated and ini tated thti different oigsnsof the body, was eliminntetl, tíie tuieríles on my lungs ripuned, and 1 expectorated from mí lungs as much as a pint of yellow oflemive matter every morning. As tilia expnrtoration cf mntter suWded, the feverabated, the pain lef I me the oough ceasn.l to harass me, and the exhauUng nlghtsweats ere no longer known, atvdl had re'reshlnp: sleep to which I had lowj been n strangrr. Mt appetite uow begJi to return, and at times I found it difficnlt to restrain myse'í' from eating too inuch ; with tuis return of bealth, 1 gnined in strcoglh, and now uu fieshj. I am now a healthy man, Vjtfa a large heakd' dcatrix in tbc; middle lobe of the right lung and the lowcr lobe bepatiied wlth complete udheffloo of the plaura ïlie left lunnis sound, and the upper lobe of [l erighl int sin at'deably licilthy con.lition. Conwnmpflon al that time wasthought to bean incurable disease, by cvery onc, phy.-fcians as ellas libóse who were unlearnedin medicine - especially sach aftSBsaswereroduoedtoUje eoüdition I was in. Tbis todueed many peopleto believe mj rec.overy only temorary I now prepared and gave the medicines to ; consumi'livesfor some time, anJ made mnny wonderlal cures; and thedenmnd inereased so rapidlythatí di-teimiued toolliu-thom te tlie public, and devote my uiidividedattention to lung diseas-es. In truth, 1 was ; next toforeed to it, for people wpuld Eend for me far andueav, lo acei-tain whether their case werelike For manv yeora, in coiijnncüon witli my principal office i'i Philadalphiajl nave bren vnaking regular professional visits to New York, Boston, BaitiiBore, and For sev'eral jear pat I have made as mnny as flve hundred exsminatlon eekly ith the "liesiin. meter." For Biieli examination my charge is three doars,and it fiiables me to glve ench patienl the truc coadikoo of liis Sisease, and teil him frankly n-hether he will get Tho great reason wbv physicians do not cure fonsumpti"nis,thaltbny t'r.y to do too mneh ; they glve me icine to stop the euehjto utop the n gat weats, hecliefever.anrt thoy derange tlr whole digestive sïtoiii. looking njp the secretions, and'eventu.'illv the patientdies. Tl'ié l'iilmoüic Syrup is one of tbc most valuahle medicines known. ' It is nutriënt, po, ifiillv lonic.nnd healin' in itsi-lf. It contaras no opium. ye1 Iqoscds the pbleitm in thebronchial tubes, and nnturo tbrows il olí with little éxertlon. One bottle frequenlly cures an ordiiiary cold; but it will be woll first to take a dose of Schenck'o Mandraks'i fill 'o cleansc: thestosaaco. Tbc l'ulhiouic .-;rnp is i-.'adily 'H-cl ,A ai-dabiorbed which ilimparts t hen'iuü propcTtioa - Itisone of tbe best prepnrations of Icon in use ; it Is a Sówerfiíl tome ofitsclf; and wlren the ScaweedTonic 'i-,.ol cslhc mUCUi Hl Uie.btomaull, and i-i oivried off bVthe aid of 6ie Mandrake Pilis, healtbyflow ol Sstric iuli e, goodappetite.aud a gi od digestión loiww TheSeaweedTonicis a stimulaut, anJ noneotherl vpqnii-pd wluMi it is rsci. It i pure-oüdpleasantvno tod effent lite when using Bourbon whisky, wblcb disorders thestomaoh, torpors the liver, locks up al) the secretions, turn" the blood iuto water, drojsy sots in, and tí partent dies süddenjy. Bourbon whisky is recomraended now-a day by almost every paysleian-. Many patients that vUit my r.oiiir, both m:iii and fomsft, ara srapfeflêd wlth thja polson. Tlie relief is temponu'.v. If t'i'ny co"irn tlicy tako a liltle wl lsky ; if tl'.c.v fee! weit md feeblj they talce a lit.tlo whisky ; if thuy ennnüt sletp, they tak B miV uhisky ; an.1 tliey K" " lthil way, requirlng oreanflmore nntll thy ure blnated Imagtn ihivain getHog fleshy. ïlie atomaeh, liver, and dl. ie rtlre mnn aro cnmpietal dOTtroyBil,iiiid lr-sc their nnetUe forfood. Sonm was ovp.r cure.l ol conButnptlim bT thi protMB, wheSré eaVitiés hebeon formad la tlio'lungs. A litt'.e .■iiiniulani fl froftaenMy benen, cial to cniisumptiv,. suoh is pure brandy or fóod vinea in many oases I.ou.'on potter ' brown stoul in modera te qnantitïa ; b"t Bourbon whisky hastons on ïnsteurt "1 onriug oonsumntlon . The Seawoctl Tooic proiluce lastinc; resute, tliorouRhly wigorallngtbestotaaeh and cgestlve ytn, ■iiirt snabling it to elimínate and fake lnto hi-allhy blond the foo'l which raay usl tor that potjroBa - It is ao wonderful n its effeete thst wine ,v,ll tliftesl 'i licirty meal.atid aiHttli of ü toln bsfoie breakfaat 111 giT a tune to tttt ílcmiucli which lew medicinen poatsai the power of dofny. The .UANDRAKE PILtB niny be taken with entire safetv by all tge and éondltlons, ptodnclng alllhe goofl resulte that oan bo oiitained fiom calAmel, orany of the mercurial medicines, and without any of their lmrtfiil or injorious rMults. 'l'h'y eUrry outof toe ■raten the teenlentand worn oiitnialti-rHloo.-ened and dimoli-f.1 J i'iy Beaweei Tonlc and l'nhnonicSyrup.- HwlU beseen that all three of my modiciues are need. ed in ti st caaes to cure Consumption, a a e n ac a . BOSTON'- Goorge C. Gooilwin & Co. NIOW YORK- Dcmas Barnes & Cu. P. P. llanca PITTSBURG-s 'lr' fieorge H. Keyser. CIX'CINNATI- F. K. Puire k Co., and John I. Park, CHIOAGO-Lord & Sinith, and H. Scovil, ST. t,OÜEf-Ujplltn Brothers. SAN FRANCISCO- Hostetter, Smith k Dcnn. i ' id hv ít!lBruí.j,Vt "d Daler, 1;99S


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