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The Constitution Declared Amended

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To All to W'hrin t hbQ Fies'-nt. 5I&T Come, Óneting : Know ye, tliat, whereas, the CotigfQM ol tho LJniied Statrs, ou .tho lui of Febrriary lust, passed a resolution, which u the words of following, nunie" A regolutiou MuhmitÜDg to llie Legnlaturo of the overal States B propoaitiuii tb nmend lbo Constitutiou oí the United States : Resolved, By tho Sonate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in CongresH asaembled, two thirds of boUi llousi's concurrinu;, that tho t'ollowing urtiolo be proponed to the Legislaturas of tho severtil 811110." as an aniciidment to tho Constitutiou of tho United States, whkh, when ratiiied by thrce-fourthrt of said Leg,islature, chall bd valid to all intenta and purposes as a part of said Const hution nainely : Articlb XIII. Seoïion 1. Ncither slavery nor involuntary seruituJe, except as a punishment for erime whereof the party shall have been duif convicted, shall exint within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdio tion. Seo. 2. Congreu shall have pr,wer toenforcé this article by uppropriale lerislalwn. And, whereas, ït app'ears from official documenta ou file in this depart m.-tit, that the amendmeut to the (Jonstimtion of tho United States proposed afortgiiid, luis been ratified by the Legisluture of the Stutus of' Khode Islnnd, Illinois, Michigan Maryland, Is'ew York, West Virginia, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennwylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Nevarla, Iaduiua, Louisiaiüi, Minnesota, Wiíooasin, Virmont, Tümiessoe,, A' kan-as, üqooecticut, New II impshire, .South Carolina, Alabama, N.jrih Carolina and Gaorgia, iu all twentyseven State. ; Ad:. icherean, The. wbole nuniber of Stutes in the United States is thirty8ix: And, whereas, Tho beforo specially nauied Ötatef, wliose legislatures have ratiüed the said proposed aiiiendment, ontitute three-fonrths of the whole number of Sta'.es in tho United Stat. s ; Nw, therefort', bo it k(JOn thüt I, Wüliam T!. Sewnrd, Secretary of State .oft!ie United States, bj virtue and in pursuanee of the second spetion of the But il CengresB approved the 20;h day of April, 1818, enlitled " An Act to provide tor the publicatiou of the laws of t'ie TJiiiteii S'a'.e3, and for other purpos es," c!o heroby eerlify that the amendment aforesaid has becomb taïjb to all [NTÜNTS A.ND PUKPOSES AS A PART OF THE 1: msSrnrt'TfiTN of xub (Jniteu States. In '("tiiü ny whiíreof, I have hercunto set my híind íitid c.iused ti'OHeíil of the Departtnefrt of State to be afflxed. - Dooe at the Oi'y of Washington, this !S'..h l; -y ui ltci-inher, in the yeal1 of oiiv Lrd 1805, and of tho Independencii of trio United States of Am'eri ca the ÍJÍJtli. VYh 11, Süward, Sec'y of State.


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