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TUF, ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WE I. befor the Oealii g Ithe Nations. liibie. . THE GRl'.AÏ AND CEI.EBHATKD IM1 VSICIAN of the rflROAT.T.UMGS, KRAKT, LCTV8 T THK BLOOD, Known illovertheeountry as tlie CVR3KATKD INDIAN HBBB DOCTOK! ot 2S2 fctreet, Cleveland, Ohio. WillvisitthefoHowincc places, viz APPOIN'TMEXTS FOK 1865, 1866andl867. Prof. Lyons can be oonsulted at the fnllowing placesevery montli.viz: IK'troit, iisher's Block, Boom No. 3, Woodward Avenuo, each month, 22nd, 23r.l :in.l 24lh. Kabma.oo, BurJick House, each month, IBtüi and 19th. JacUson,Hiltrd House, each month, 20. Aun Arbor,MonitorHouse,each month., 21st. Toledo, Sutnmil Street House, each month, 25th ana 2M CLEVELAND, OHIO. KESlDENOE AND OFFICE, 282 öUPEKIOR STEEET. Bast of the iiublir square, opposite the PostofficeJ flicea-iyseach raónth, lst. ;iil. 4lh , 51h, 8th, 16th.- Hice houia trom A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 1'. M to P m OnSundayfiomt10A.M.,anaito8P 11. j-Maxinnstrietly adhered to-. I ive suci; talm as :i strife, With nature or the laws of üfe, Witb tloo J my blindsl neverstain, NorpoicoD men tóense theirpaia. He i a vhiiaician indeelt mho Cures. The Indían HerV Doctor . K. J . LYPNS, cures the f..lowiug cuinjuaintriin the most objtfaMe stagöi oi tlieir "LMrofUíeTUroat, I.ungs, Heart Uver, Stomch llrouívyintheChest, Rheutaatiem, Neuralgia, Kits, r FaUinJcStcfcness , and all othetinerTous.ieranRernehta. vlsuall.iiseasesnf thi' Wood . such asScrofuU, Erynip. '■las CancCTs , Fever Sores, Lepvoay, oud all othejrcomhoteduat no Wide3pair of a eure u„ti. , ,, t-ites li lias bef lh" instrument in Gort' "d toreZ're to health and vigor tnousanda who ven g.venup an.l pronounoe.l incurable by tl. most minèntold school physicims; n;-.y, more, thonMnd. Mh.wereonthe verge of the grave, are living mmum-n U to tl.e Indian Herb's Doctor' skill and Tccë"f "íir.tBcnt,!.n.lare..IlyoxoIaimlng: "Dies..odbetheiiay when flrst e saw and partook of the 8"fctoryreferencesul ie ,U be gladly and cheerlullviveimlieneverriiquireil. The öclör pledgei woSand honor, that he will Zo-ita-Oirectlyorindire&ly, induce of cause any "valia to Uko hii meJicinewithout the strongest probMT "lo.iV.l'rM.mination, w],icl i entirelydiffeTent frotftl c f.c.iltv. Ur. I.yon profesan to discern a.,e""U'bv- Wye. Hthetrfrea-Bk.noq,,etionF nor roesherequírepátUitstoexpVinsymptomB. Callone dart dh.TetheymptÍS and location of y„ur iThèpoorxliallbMiberallyconsidered. SB.prtofflee.%ádM,box268ii „.p. Cleveland , Ohio , Nov. 25 . 1S62 1.T?e0 TULIUS BAUEB & CO., Great Piano Forte and Mclodeon EMPOEIXJM! WAREROOM& IN "CROSBY'S OPERA HOUSE3'' 69 WASHINGTON STREET., New York Warerooms, 650 Brnadway. Wholesale Agents for the U. S. Tor WM. KNABE & CO'S CELEBHAÏED Gold Medal Piano Fortes! As to the relative raorits of thse PIANOS, we str'ÍkoscÍi g. sm'te, h. vieuxTEMPS tOUIS STBB and E. MUZIO, Musical Director of Ihe" ltalian Opera, as also from some of the most distingnli-hed.ProfesHOrs and Amateurs in the country. All Instruments guaranteed for fine years. ALSO, AGENT3 FOR SOEBBLER & SMITHf BOARDMAN & GRAY, A. H. (iALE&CO., AndotlierFirst-Class Pianos. We have the U BGE8T and BEPT AS8ORTED PTOCK of PIANOS IN' THE CITY, whieh fur Powei and Swèet„esa of Tone, Kav and Ag.eeable Touch , and Beauty of Finish, have, byjudgos, been pronounced unrwalU Pirticular attention pair] to the selection of Instrument lor distant orders, and a privilege of excliange granted at any time within six montni ,it the Instrament should not prove enl.rely Katisfactorj - A liberal discountto Clergymen, Teachers and fcchools. WHOI.ESALE DÏALKRSwilI flndit to their aclvaningt to iriv us a cH,.b by greatl.v increasert fïciljtiea we are enabled to Bil order with diepatch . l'ersonsio want of a RhALt.Y FIRST-CLASS PtANO will do well to cali belore purohaniog elsehere, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARti AHT, NSEDHAM &CO'S CEIÉBBTISI) HARMONIUMS, MELODEONF JSL.TOTX2 OHG-ANS. ALSO FOB GEOBGE A. PRINCE fe CO'S MELODEON and ÜHAJMS, Manufacturera and Tmportirs ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, Baatès Marrara And otlier Musical Merchandise, 1RS-"í;vnKConnton with House manui'actururK' prices. KEMEMBKirTHE PLACE, JÜLIUS BAÜER & CO., 69 WASHINGTON STEEET, CHICAGO, - - " " IL1fs 1012 New York Wareroomi, 650 BroaówaJ. PfJLlOüC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIO, AM MANDRAKE PILLS. The abo e is a correct likeness of Dr. Schnnok. jast I aftel' rccovoviug from Consumpt.lon. manj years ago -f? Below is a Hkencss of liim as hc now appears. Wbai flrst vx taktn Ife weighed 10" pounds ■ at the present time liis velgBt la 1-0 ponni. . ] j K, DR. SCHENCK'S Principal Offico ánd Laboratory is at the N. E. corner of S1XTII and COMMERCE Streets, Philadelphia where all letters foradvice or business shoulbe ili reeted. HewiU be fouud Hiere every S A TURDAY, professionally to examine lungs witb the Respironieter, for which his fee iifcthrec dol lar e ; all arïvice free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAYfrom 9 A. M. t 8 P. M. At the MAULSURO' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 and lfl, February 15 and 1, Maich 16 and 16, April 19 and L0 llay 17 aud 18. June 14 and 15, July 19 and 20. The time for mybeing m BALTl.UOiiE and PITTSBUUG, will be sten in the d.iily papera of those ciües. Ihe Ilistory of Dr. Schenck's oxm Case, and how he was cured of Consumption. Many years ago, whilst residing in Philadelphia, 1 had progressed gradunlly into tlie last stage of Pul monary Consumption. All hope of my recovery buinirdissipated.Iwasadvised by iny physiciaa, Parriah to remove iuto the country, llooreitown, New Jersey being my native place, i was remov.-d thlther. M v 'r-i'tiu-r and all his fauiiiy had livod and died thore- añil died of l'ulmonary Consumption. Ün myarrival I was put to 1 ed, whero 1 lay lor many weeks in what wasdeeirfM-a hopeless oondition. Dr. Thornton, who had bei'n my latlH-v'x family physician, niv had attentfed him in liis 1 lineas was ca lied to see me. He thoniiht my case entirely l.eyond the rea ch'of medicine, ■uid ile.-idi-.l 1 ii:t I musí die, and gave me one week to arrango my temporal alfairs. In this apparpntly hopleas r-on.lit-.on, I heard of the remedies which I now raake and sell. 1' s'eemed o me ihnt I could leelthem wó'rking way , and peuetrating every nerve, libre, aniHissue of my system. Mv lungs anii liver put on a new ae'ion, and the mor bid mattvl which lor ycars had acci mulatml and in i tated the diCferent organs of the body, was elimiuated, the tuiércles on nu lnngs ripein-d, and I expectorated fromfflj Wngs as much aa a pint of yellow offcnelve matter every As this expootoration of mnttersubsidea tho' K-vürabsted, t!): pain left me the couah cease'd to haruss me, and the e.thausB(f Biglitsn-eats werp uo longer known, and I had r-yreshmg slpen to which I had long heen a stranger. My appet te now began to return, and at time I found it diffl.-Liltto restrain mvself from eating too much ; with tnis return of iioalth, I gained in strongtl. , an.l now nm tleshï 1 am now a healthy man, with a large hêaledcicatrix in of the right lung an.l Ihe lower lobc i..Mt7l il h complete adhes!n of tl„j oleara The left lungi ni'i'l, and the upper lobe of tberighi oue is in atole-.aldy lu-illhy .n.l.t.ou. Consumption at ttiat tinfe wasthought tobeanmcurnble discase, l)y every om-, physicians aswellas tlioe wlio weveunieaniR.lln medicine- especiallysnch case as were reduced totbe bondiHon I was in. This induced many people to bolicTO ,ny recovery only temrjorarv I now prepored and gave the medicines to eonsumiitives for soma time, and made many wondertal cutes: and ihcdemand increasod so rapiilly that I determina) to offer them to the public, and devote my uu.ÜNiood atención to lnng diseases In trutli, I was ni'xt to fored to it,for people wouiiUraid lor me lar áñ'J ii'-ar, to ascertain whether their cases iverelike many years, in conjunclion with my principal office in Philadelphia, I have been making regular professional visits toNew York, Boston, Baltimore, and "ForlsevernlyearBpaft 1 have made as many as flve hunarédexamtnationweeklj tth the "EespinsmètBr.'' For sueh examinatlon my ehae is three dollars, and it tnabins meto glveeaoh l:itii-iit the I me condltion of bisdisease, aud teil him irankly whethcr he will get ïhegreat reason why physicians do notcureConsumntionis.thatthey try to do too mich ; thry glve -..:„., t„ ton iho concrb. to slon the n irht weats, hectin lever, and by so doing they derange th wftole digestive systeui. loekini; nf the seerstions, and c-vontuallv thepationtdies. . TÍié I'ulmonic Hyrur U OBQ of the most vaiuable medicines knowrf. It i nutriënt, powerfallj tonie.ud healm' in tsolf. It contains uo opium, yet loosey the ohlegm in the broncMal tote, and nature throws itoff withlitt'oexeili.m. One l.ottlo frequently cure an orllinary colil; hut will be wetl first to take a lióse of Schenek' Míndrake's P1U lo cleanré thestomaob. ThePulmoaic Srp 1 readllj dlgssted and abofbëd whichiil nipart Ita benüng proporties - Ifia.oneof tbebeai preparations c.rin.uin une : itiaa Dow'erful time ofitself; and wben thefleaweeJ lome dlsaol es the mneus In the rtomach, and Í8 carried efl by ?l,e aid of ttal Mandrafce Pilis, a heaUhy flow 7 isttiojulce.goe'JBPpetite.andawiod digestión folio. TbeSeawèeaTonitls a stlmulaat, an.l aoneotntria Éeouired when It ík nsert. It is puro and pU'nsant ■ no bad eflVti linc when asiog Boorbon whisky, wblch .hsordtrstheatomach, torpors the liver, locks up all the ".retionB.turus thc blood into water, dropsysolsin, nd th? paíiñit .liessu.ldcnly. „ . nn whlek is rcconiinen.lod now-a-rtays by al. v Mllv Patte8 th W1 'nv T I"! th máíf "d " "tupefleawith tM. nthelu k A litfc stimulant i. frwaently benéflc tal o c0ns,,m,.tivcs, sueh aS pure brandy or good rtnas ■ in many cases LoaSon pbrter or brown stout. n moderato quanti.e but Bourbon whisky hastens on nsteud of cu ring cnns-umptiou , The Seaweod pïodttcefl laítipg resutes, thoroughly lUTlgoráting the tomaoh and duv syslem and cnnbhng t to elimínale and .. ake tato honltl.y blooil thc food which mny b ■ sod for that purpoíe.-ÍH ,.i.lW in its HiVcts tk&t Koe-gtasetull "i mü.an,! . llttta of it takon belore breakfest will gl a tone to tha stomach whtch lew medicines possess the powat ot dotag'. The MANDRAKE PILI.S may be tUen with entire safety by all f Re and conditions, produemg alllhc Kondrosults-thatcan be ol.taincd froni, orany 5? thc mercurial medicines, and witUotrt anyof i theit hurtful or IníurtouH resal. They oari-y out of the sv-tcm the teculent and -ora out matter fooseiwfl and dissolvert bv rnv Beaweed T.mio and l'u Imoiiic Syrup.- It willbeséen that all three ef my medicines are necdea in mest cases to curoConsumption. AGENÏS. BOSTON- George 0. Goodivin & Co. NEW VORK- Demás Barnes & Co. S. B. Hance I'ITTSBURC- Dr. Goorse IT. Keyser. CINCINNATI- F. E. Suire k Co ., ana John D. Park. CHICAGO- Lord k, Smith , and H. Seo vil. ST. LOUIS- Coílins 6rother. SAN FRANCISCO- Ilostcttcr, Smith & Dean. ■. rtW bv allBruïgist nd Dsalers. 1y995


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