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A GENTS WANT!;!) -kou (ai;I GREAT NATIONAL WORK, ï -THE; 1 Slandard Ilislory of the Wai'. l Contsioing fi 1!, nutWwtle and n Hable account t Í ,;,,. ■.,..,; conflict," l'Vtmi its eommfrrcraienl to it M closo. Omiipleie in one veïy i"i volume, o( "ver i i 1 iiji ptigéiti mtnining reaiHng matter eqaaHotbrro i ' I,,,-,,,. !-,,vil octavado! splen i.ll.v IV.i-trntc.l witl) I ,.:,.,. „,rt't "I (ii'iivr-iN mul Vut l' sienes Thisis juut the book ttio ueople watt, Itpresenw ' .,„..,.;,,„, .M,.,;i!,Uy ,-..unii-.i uid dwablsdofflcersand „ want of pvofiiftble Maplojnwut, will Bnd iiydapte(lto'thBlroiinomon. Thiswpik has no rival s a candjd lucid, oomplste aatüBOtio anrt re i .,!,:,. 'i,; itory of the wnr Pend for cireni&'re and sce I,;," termt AMreM JONES BTROTHER ft CO . US West Foaith Str'itt,.Cinciimati, O!li. ."mlO-O' ííifle Fact o r y! Beuiler Sc Traver, ManufaoturerB of and Dealers in Guns , Pistols , Amnmniticn Flasks, Pouehes Game Bags, and Everjother artiele ii. thatLine. AllkinilBof REPAinïNC doneattheihortest notice, and intbebest mannar. a fuUÏSbrtmeDtalwySbt onhand and maiicortler QS ihop collier tla in mil Washington =tret-ls. Ann Arbcr, Oi-.t. 8.1 ?.ñi . - 8"stf Chancery Notice. STATE OV MilCHIGAN- Foorth .TraliciarCircmt, fn Chnicery '? in he Circuit Court foi the ('omity of Washtenaw; in Chaacery! Befoie Hon. E Lawrence, Circuit Judge at Chambcrs, at the City oí Ann Arbor, on the 22d day of November, A. D. 1866. Lucinda Larned, VS. OHver Lamed. J ■ It sailsfactorily appetring by affirtavit, thatthelJe fen4antinthlssult, OHver Lamed, resides o:it of ilus Qn motion of B. F. Granger, of Counsel for the Complainant, itis ordered that the mt Defenéant Olivcr Larned, eanse hls appearance to bc entered n this cause, on or bsfore the twenty-third day of Febrnary ïcxt. and ihat in case of his appearancéj !i i eau 'i bis aoswer to the Complainant's Böl to be file copv thereoi to bc served on ihe Complaiaapt'B oollra tor, within twenty Saja af er sen ice of a copy of sli Bill and notice of lilis order, and in default thereq that Die eaid Bill bc taken as confessed by lic 8aid He fendaat Olivcr Larned: And it is fuilher ordered, thal within twenty diiys, the 8id Complainant cause a copy of this order tó be pnblishetl in the Mushigm i and that the said pnblication be continnfioja lid paper once in each week for ax weeks ín succeson, or that te cause a copy of thia order to be served ersonally on the eaid Defcndant, Oliver Earned, at nst twenty days before the time prescribed formina ppemupws. E lawKENCE. B. P. Gbakqkb, Circuit Judie. Solicitar for C' mpIMnaut. 1036 U. S. Internal Eevenuc Btamp, 60 cents. Mortgage Sale. EFATJXT tóving been made in the condifion of ii ) certain Mortgage made and executed by James &, Jeynolds to the unaersigned, Janiee Fonntain, bearltig ata 011 the twenty-ninih day of December, A D. erheen hundred and sixty-fonr, and recorded in the office if ihc Hegister of Deüds of the Coitnty of Washtcuav, iichigan, in liber thh-ty-three of Morfgages, page one tandtedandforty-fonr, on the sixth day of Januury, A. ). eíghteen hundred and sixty-fivc, Upo which Iort;i"c there is claimed tp be due for principal and Intert the smm of Bis tiionsand three huudml and thirtylight dollars and tbirty-lhree cent?, at the date of this lotice, and the power of aale. contaioed in saidMort've haxiii' becöme absolute by reason of snch deaiTlt. and no ".ii; ai law or in eqtuty having been instinti il to reoorer the amouut secured to bc paid by said iortgaee or any pan thereof: Noticc is therefore ïcrcliy (jiven. thát eaid Mortgoga wil] be foreclosed by i sale óf the mortgaged premteeB desertbed in said tfortgage. or sotne part thernof, at public vendiie, at he South door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Irbor, in said County af Washtenaw, Ctliat being the Ace where the Circuit Coart for eaW I lonnty is lifld.j n Sahirday. the Ibirteentttdayof Jantiary next, at ten j'clock in the foremwn of that day. which said mortKged premlsea are öetieribed ld said Mor gage, as i'ol08 : All that certain pieCe or pared of land sitúate q tiic ïowjiship of Manchester, in the County of rt'asht enaw, and state of Michigan, kiu as Foúnain's Premium -tini prc.peitv. peina o. seetJon one. in laid Township, and boniiaea Kfl follows : Commi it the West corner of the mili dam of said milis, n hüix'Northerly olong the West bank of the üiver liaisui o the South line of land owned or occnpied by John 3had iele, thencs West aloag sjjil line to the Sou hWest corner of 6:üd CbaihvMfs lanrt, thence North jlonf the West line of ssid fil f the South bank ot he fiiver Raiein, as it was in m$fíiiencc West along ■he old bank of said Ifiver and Scross the tail race trom said mili to the West bank of the same, thence South dong the West bank of said race to a pomt elght rods N'onk'of said inill. thence West to the East bank of HitTDirv of the saw niill, thence South aloile the Kast t2fcí paid race to the mili pond for said mili, thence BBétaPly along the mili dam (o the place of beghming. being the sanie property eonveyW by .labez H. Fountain and Hamel E. i'oi-.niain, Edwai-d A. Pátriáge uid Martha 3. PatncS, to the said James S. Reynolds. Dated, Aun Arbor. October 1!'lh. 1866. JAMES FOüNTAIN, Hortgagce. HlKAM J. Brins Attorney lor Mortsragee. Wol M (rtg:igu Salo. DFFAUI.T liaving l)in m:ule in tho comüt'on of a eertam iforttage made and execufcd i y íabfa 11. Fouitünn i ll-e qnderfigned-, i-ti n;utilu ( . Beainn; Bearingdate the twenty-eigMth day of Jtovember. A. I) eiohtecn hundred aod .littj 6ix, nd recorded mthe olüco'of the Ui-gi.Hter o[ of Washtennw County, Michii'on, in lin r wi-nty-tl:ri-c oí m rl one humlrer. and uinety-onè and om' hundrert and ninétv two on lh.S' eend da.v "I December, A.l). n hnndrea and tifty-six, ucn Vhich s id tliere !- claimed t" be dnn, it the date of this no(C? tii,. -un: "f l""i' luindicd iuid nighty two dq11Jra ei nis. for principal and interi si , :m,l m at law or i:i equitv havii-g bn instUuted to recover theamuunt secured to Be liaid hysaid Mortgage and the power ot sale eontained in si,t Mfirtgage hai UK become absulule : Notice is tlierefo-e hereby iv. Il that sai d K"rtgag;e williré fireclosed b-. of ïhemortKageiprtraisesiésxdljcdiii suid ortgage or soine part thrcof, al public vondtio to the hieheft : .'der at the Sf"'11 door ol tho t'ourt House, in the rfc.r, in said County of Waehtenaw (s.i'id Courl House ' ': the plficc where the Circuit Cpurt for said County of H'ashtegnw is he,,!.) on Sat the t Lrtpenth da.v of JWluary i,"M. at tei od"cliinthe forenoon, wdjicb sai.l pretniaes aïe de Bcribed in Said Mortgage, M follorfs : All that certain picce or parcel of land sitúate in the. viilaee of Man cliester, in the Connty of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, knnwn. bonnded and describeipas follows to-wit Üorumencing on the Xorl h West corner of lot numberone (1). in block uumh.r Iwentyone (21), in s.ii.l Village of Manchester, nccorning to the survey and plat thereof, recorded in the K ■ Msti-r's ddicc lol the Coin tv of Waahtenaw, and rnnningtfionoe Xortl .. , i . i;.., ,.r lï.i.l li,,a Sti-pef in Kitchfl n"? .""treel 311 the line 01 ln:i Joau .lii'U li r.Ai.ii.ui;;t i iitvi, heuce Kl "u the lio of Exchange 'treotfcj the een ter of thft Kiser RaiHÜi, and down tli of saïd IMver Raifio, where il run in the year J41, to lot mmiberone. aforesaid, imü along lot number one, aioresaid, to theplaee of beginninsr, (except that portion of waid premisea heretofore deeded by William A. McCleUand to Amariah ConkUa) : Alto, Bte lust richt to use all the water necessary for running fonr run of stone and the necess.-iry maeluncry lor SourtBg m a mili on said es, at tlio dam at or neaï sait premises, and to mal.e or repair sai.t dam without resiraiot : Also. all the rights or privilege? of flowing lamïs for tti'c purpic of keeping up thewatpr of ilam, couveyeil by1 George Sedgwiok to the said JabeZ 11. Fountain, by ck-ed bsaring date the seveuteeuth day of July,ÍS55 Dak'd, Alm !il)or, Octolier 16th, 1865. FERNANDO C. BEAMAN Mortgagee. 0IRAJI J. IlKAIiKS, Attorney for Mortsagee. 10'l Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT havin: been made m the conditions of a ccrLain Uortgage made aml cxt;cuted by Cyrenus ,1. Dewej to .idlui ". Gott and George O. UuQFiman, beariog date tac iiiri! 1: 'iav of November, oae tliousand eigiit nnndred and lift v eight, anrt reeoriled ia the pStoe oí the KcgUtér of J)eeil, of tho l'o'.mly of Washte'naw, in the State of Mieliisan, in libernumber twenty-ftve of Mortgprag, on page-one hundred and two on t be flfteenth day ot November, one thouaan.! eigb,! Uóndred and üüy ■i.u.lit. at i o'clock,r. M. , of mi i il day and dulr assignea by the said John N. Gott and Oorgie 0. Mi'rrinian, to ObRdiab i'rii-.f, on tlm fourlndayof August. A.D. one thomanc elght lmndrcil aml sixty live, and reeordcd in thé offloe of the 1 : . - i i,., ol Decds,ontte louitb day of OJober, one tluiiisanil eiïht linndrcd and sixty-livo, at 12 o'clook , Mui aid da , til number oue of Assinments of Mertgates, on paso tliirty Bfne-, apon ubich k&M Morl gagethere is claim ed to be de, at the date beroof , the mm uf six hnndred and stgntji dullnrs and lol ty-eight cents, and the costs and nharges of ths foreolosnte, incluHnir'rea'sonable chacea lor .wiorney's services as provi'did saiil Bortgagei aml no snit at 1:iw or in equity liaving been instituteii to recover llie amoutit Becured to bepaid by said M" rt page or any part thernof, and the power of Fale coutained in said Mortgage having be'couie absolute: Notic.o is tlierefore lieri-liy given, thal said Mortgage wiU be foreclcsed bjrsale of thimortgagéd premUes, or se. mucb thereofafl may be raquired to satisfy the amnunt duo upon said M, i I ige, for principal and interest, and the costsand expenses allowed by law, at pgMio vendue, to the l,i best bidder, at the Sonth dooi of tbc Hourt House, inthet'ilv of Ann Artor,ip tb' County of Washtenaw, aforesaid, (Ihat bjsing the place where. the Circuit (,'ourt lor said County is held.) on faturday, the twenty-seyenth day of January oei t, at ten o'clock in the fn'renoon of said day, wtrtoh premisen are desenbed as follows,to-wit: Boing a part of section numtiorone, Toiin-bip four South range three Kast, in said County, eomjmencing tenrods N'orth of the ijuarter aost, theoo North ftfteen rods on said seclion line, thence West eight rode to Jackopri Street, thenoe South oo atd Street Uiteen rods. tbence Fust elgat rod.s to the place of beginnlog. ooutainlng three qu&rteja of an acre, more or b-ss. Datcd, Oi:toberQ;i!.,1Rfi5. OBAijfAH PRySST, Assisneo of llortffaïeea. Jons N. (m, Attoniey for Assigneu. 1053


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Michigan Argus