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Koal Estáte f'r Sale. IN THE MATTBE of iho Estáte of Ira M. Jenaings, 1 I EnunaS .h ..,,:. r- and Frank Jenntngs: Notice I elven, that hl pnrsnnnce of au orfter grantecl t ii, il. iinar.i;:ui of the estáte of said f minors, by the Bon. judge of Pjobate for Ihe Coniity e of W.'ish ,'!klv. on the olghteen h day oí Deeemoer, A. I at Public Vendtie, to the ■ liighc ■ bidder, d thé dNveJliné tionse on the premises, . J hsreioatter üeicribed, in the comí y of Washtenaw, in saidStati ■ th liflh day of ry. A. !) [S(i8i ::i ten oVl.Vk in til," fori'Jiooii of th;.t dny, , ,.,;; , ,.=-.i ■■■ ;., ;nn. by mortgage or , in:' :it the time of fair, and afeo subject to , oFdower tiuicin, of the onderaignea, a . widow uf.l ph P.Jeimings, deceased), the followlBö ■ ut:-, to-wit: Lets Beventy-tbree and seventy-tbuv. and iïai-üomü lots scven and eight, and eighl rods oflf tl ■ of lot two, in blöck flve, on li s MnüliV iidiliiion to the city of Ann Arbai, m Baidconn.v aewg E .v,. Datcd, DecemSei 28th, 18Í8. 14 Real Estáte for Salo. 'NT tlio matter "f tl"' K-tito ot H:rrift L. Brigc;, late Of Ann .-Uljor, 'I nst',1 . '■'■ niven, hal n purBuance oj :m orier graoted totheunor,.r,,,..i . AdminiBtVaters of üieest&t .r Hriè tecoued, f II n. Judgcol Protjata fr the County of WasBn the thirteenth day of September, A . D.186S, hl-Te willbe Fo'.il at l'iiWic Vdiiliic, to the higliest bid;,.r at the Beulli dooi of the Conrt House, in Ann Arbor, in (Be ConDtj of U'a.-litcnuw. in sid State, o ., the sixii. iaj of J.umaiy, A. 1). 186, at ten o'clock in the foronocm of tlnit day, (sulcet tt. Kil enfettmbrsaew by morlgnge ,-r 1 - Miig at the tima of the dvath of s,ii,i deceasedr) tbc following desoi+bed rlelate! Lot fodrinblock two Soutli ol range slewen Eb t, in the Ciiy oí Ann Arbw, Couiity and State aforesaié. DaUd, OctoberïSlb. A. II. 1?65. I03B jsrjReal Estáte for Sale. IN tlie matter of the Esta-te of Nopman M . Cumminpts. decfaned. Notice is hereby (vw, that in putsuance of an order grantel to the unBertigOeil, Ailministnitoi of theKst.ite nl :M deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the Cfounty of Washtena, dn fht thiirteenth üav of Novfmbèr, A. I). 1866, th-iv sold at Public Vendue, to the liighort bidder, al the dwellinghiiii-i- ..i, the prejm, in the Gonnty of WahÍ, !■, In saiJ .-- 1 m 1 . on SMarday, tho thirtiftli ,lay ,.f Decoraber, A.I) 1865, at ten o'cilocl; in the forenöon "I tliat day, lubjeel to allencumbrances by nwytgage ur otherwisusistiug ut tlie f.nie of thf death ofsaiddeceaae'd.anJ also Subject to tbe right of doweri I of Alletra J. Cummins, the widow of said deceased.) tlie following describeil real estáte viz; The Nortü ractional quiirtev Bfsettion one, in tuwn three Soutli "I ng Huí-e Eaat; containiogone hnnftred and seventir ave arres, more or less; and a parcel iTescHbed as begi nnmg at a po t "n the sectinn line between sections one and two. in town thrê Boath of range three Ka-I . ii. tlie ci'r.tre of tbe liiirlnvay. and running South on ihe spetion line live chains and forty nine link-, thence onth eiglii v-nine and a half degres West three cliains, niuety oue" and a half links, tlienee North thirtT-flve and a half degiees East, six cliains and scvcniy-livc links to-the place ol beginning, berag ons acre of land, more or less, all in said State of Mich ïgan. Datcd, November 13th, 1865. BENS13 .(. KOCK'.VF.I.J., 1035 Administrador. Estáte of Sarah Fitoh. OTATE OF IVnCHTGAN, Connty of Waihtnnair, BS. O Notice ia hereby '..'ivcn, that lyan order of the Probate Court of the Coiuity of Wiisiiteimv,', made on the eihiceöfh ciay of December, A. D. 1885, sis monms frñm thnKtate were íillowed lor sreditors to pi their claims againat the estato of Smal! hile of said Coimty, deceased, mul thnt sil creflitnra oí said dercascd. are rcquired te pteeent their claims to saíd Proba' e Conrí, at the Probate Office a the I AnnArbor, tor examination and allowance. onorbefóre the eigWeenth day of June uext, and that suca claims wil! bc heard before said Probate Court. on 8atnrday, the twenty-fourth day of Maren, and Jlwiay, the eighteenth day of June next, at ten o'clock a the forenoon of each of those days. HIRAM J. BEAK.HS, Jdge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, December lHh, KBB. 1040. CommissioDers' Notioe. CfTATK OF MICIIIOAJf, Connty of Washteuaw, ss.- j The undereigned having beeu appoiuted by the Proatc Conrt tor said ' oimty. ÖonranesionérB to reccive, examine and adjast all ataims -md demanda af all perens agaiuBt the estáte of WllUam .Smith, late of ssid 'ouutv. deceased, h'-rsby ■iive noiice that sixjnonth rom 'date, are allowea, bj order of said Probate ïourt, for creditora to present theirclaiins surainst the estáte oi1 i!. aml tliat they wil] ineet at the office of John earoenter, in the Cifar of Ypsilanti, i said Connty, on Saturday, the tèsfh day of March, ind Toesflay, the, tweftb day of June neit, at oiie o'clock, P. M., of each of said days, to receivc, cxemine and adjnst said claims. J,AK,-rXTEE,CoIBmi66ioIJCre. Dated, December 12th, 18Ü5. 1039 Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cwmt of "ashtf.ï.-k-, s. O The nndersigned baving been appointed by the Probate Court for' said C'i unty, Oommissioners to receive, examine, and adjust all claims and all persona against tUfi estáte ofGeórgeS. Ai-mstrong, late of eaid foiuity, deceased, hereby gire notice tliat six nonths In'm date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to {fresent their claims against the setate of saiddeceased, uud that they ill meet at the ate residence of s ii . n the Toivnship of Udi, in said County. on Satürday,the tenthdayof Jlarch. and Monday, the clevcnth day of June nexi. at „iic o'clocl; in the afteroóon ot eaoh of s.'iid days, to receive, examine, and aili: aid claims. OLLETON SWEE'l'LAXD, 5 WnnMssjonCT. Dated. December Uth. ihïö. 1039 Estáte of Ellen Nelligau. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cn m oí Vf wm:s-, M. O Noöce is hereby giVHn that by an order of the Probate Conrt öf the'County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-eighth day of November, A. D ' !'"- Bfxmontha from t'hatiKite wêrc allowcrl feu' ereaitOTS to presen! claima ag linsi the estáte of Ellen Nellian. late ofsaidCouDty deceased, and thai nll reditbrsof said deceased, are'requh-ed to present üreiïeladms to said Probat ■ Cfonrt, at the Probate OfflcwtPthe City of Aim Arbor, for examinatioii and alknvance, on or before the twenty-eightb day of May next. and that such claims will lic heard before said Probate Conrt, on saturdav, the tweuty-fonvth day of Febniary. and on Monday, the twenty-eigBth day 'ofMay next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, o!' rad; 'nf ihose davs. HntAM J. BRAKES, .Jtu'.L-e of Probate. Dated, AimAi-lwr, Noven i5. 4wlui!S Estato of Jacob J-.cRenner. CTATE OF MICIITBAN. Couuty fif Washtenaw, ss. O Atasessionof the Probate COurt for the Connty of Washtenaw, holden at the Piobate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednes-lajt, the, thirteenth day of Decetnber, in the year one thoofland eight hundred and uixty-five. Present, Hiram J. Beate, .Indire of Probate. In the matter of the Kafate of Jacob J. Renner, deCeasrd. On reidinj aud filing the petition. dnly verifled, of William Schnlte, Adminisirator, praying that he may be Itcensed to sell certain real estáte whereof said deee:;siMi died seized. Therenpon it is Ordered, that Tbursday. tlie twentyfifthdayofJanuaryncxt. atteno'clook in the forenoon, be assigned for thë hearing ofsaidpelifion, and tnat the heire at law ofsdSd ifeceaa tl. and all other iiersor.s interested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a sessiqn of said Conrt, then to bo holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor. and show canse-, if any there be, why the prayer of the prtitioncr Bhouldnot begrantefl; Anditis fnrther ordered, that said petittoner iive notice to the persons Interestedfn, of the pendency of said petitiou. and the hcarinir thereof, bv cansine a copy of this Order ko be pnblished in ':'■■■ ;:'. !ƒ■'-. a né-frspáper printed and circtilatinix n said Coiinty, four successive weeks prcvious to said dav of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1040 Judo-e of Probate. . Estáte of Nathan A. Morae. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. O Ata geesten of the Probate Court for the Couoty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Tucsday, the ninetcenth day of December, in the year one thbusand eight huadred and sixty-five. Presante ïliram J. Beakes. Judire of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Nathan A. Morac, deceased. . I On ronding and filing the petition, dnly venfied. of James Kiuwley, prnying that hc or sonic óTicr snitable person may be nppointed Administrator of the estáte of said deceased. Thercupon it ia Ordered, that Monday, the flfteeuth day of January, at ten o'cloi-k in the fórenoon, bo asmghed for the hearing "f said petition, and that the fcëlra at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in saiil estáte, aro reqnired to appear at a session of said Court, thcn to be holden at the Probnto Office, in the City of Ann Avbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shonld oot be grauted : And it ia fnrther ordered, ihat eaid petitiouer gtye noticc Éo the petsofis interested in said estáte, of the prmk'Licy o.l' said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansing acopy of thi Qrdfit to be published iu the Éickipan Árala,. newspaper prtóedandcircnlatlngin said ('o:int.y, tliree enccsive weeks previono said dav of hearing. (A trnè copyj II1EAM 3. BEAKES, 1040 Jüdge of Probate. Estáte of John W. Surdam. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss.- Ö At a session of the Probate Court for the, 'ounly of Washtenaw, holdou at the Probate Office in the City of Aun Arbor, on Tnesday, the twelfth day of December, in the year one thousand eic;ht hundred anil sixty-iive. Present. Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Prol.atc In the matter of the Estaje oí .lohn W. Snrdain. ed Obadiali Prirst. Uxecuior of the last Will andTestameal oí Batd fleoeaseB, comes into Conrt and represent tliat he is now prepared to reuder bis final acnooni '- so Execator. Thérenpon il is Ordered, that Monday, the eighti day Of January next, at ten o'cloek in the foreno'on, be asimi''d for e.xamuiint: and ailowina suci account, and that the légateos, devíseos and helrs at Iaw of said deceased, and ml other persons Interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause-, if any there be, why the said account should not be allownd : And it is fnrther ordered. Ihal Batd Kxrcutor sw notice to the persons totarested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearine thereof, by causin" a cfjpy of this Order to be publislud in the Vi hitan Argw, a nepapeí pi-inted and ciroulating in said Countj-,' three successive weeks previoue to eaid I 'íA'lmrcopf-'i HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1030 - Judge of Probate. Rral Estufe for Salo. IN the matter ol the VMnto of Hoiiry w BalywiDelin Babcock, and L. Dell Babcock, mi'nor ' ■-■■ is hereby iiiven, that in pnrsnance of aii i,Ïa :ranud to the imdereigned, Guardian of the esttrf said minors by the II, Judge of Probate fortt Jonnty en Washtenaw, on the twen lieth davofwiS vember, A. I). Ï_M, there 11 !,e sold at PubUcvS? to the bihest bidder, at the South door of the SS House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Couirtï W"ashtenav„ln sald State, on ïncwlav, tl, „„.i ' of Jannary. A. I). 1866, ai ten o'cloek S Ál[["r].,y ot thai day, to all encumbrances I, , ' er otherwlee exii-tlng at the time of sale, añA "Z "' a?e ject to the richt of dower therein, of Uufwidöw oi Humus Kenny, dcceased,j the iimliviñv,! , tselftfa of each of the followim; described ïSi ' "r land, viz : The West half of the South-East ourt "f sir.tum lifieen, and the North half of th North.Sf (.f Bection twenty-two conlaining onthundíS and ?ixty acres, more or less, in Townslup inie Simth of range flve East, n the State of Michigan Datèd, November -2Oth, A. 1). 1861 VM WILLIAM BABCOCK. Guardian. Estáte of Aivah Burgess. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cototy ',„„„ „ O At n Bession of the Probate Conrt lor the Com Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in H of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the thirtieth da, Sr amrXtyfl. ''" th0USaUd eht h"" Present, Hiram J. Benkes, Jnd"-e of Probate In the matter of the lístate of Alvah Biimess. ,, ceased. s " aeOn reading and filias; the petitlon, duly verifipd r Horace Bouth, Admfn&trator, praying that he m?v h ;l 1.11 certaiu KcalBslite Vhereof8aidS ThercTipon it ís Ordered, that Priday, the tro day of Jaunary next, at ten o'clock ia the f? noon, be assignecl for the hearing of said i,,.i' „ and that the heirs at law of gaid deceued, mdSï oth rperaoaa toterejted in said eeiate, are reqnlrekto ipear at a seseipn ol said conrt, Sneu to be holden at th J Tóbate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, andrtm cauije, if ;ny there be, why the prayer of tl, petuionpr ïhcmld not be granted : And it is further ordered tl qt soid petitioiwr eive notice to the persons interestS in ajd state, of the pendency of said petition, and Z hearinfr thereof, by causing a copy of tliis Order to Z pablbheditithe Mi ■higan Argm, a newspaper, wintert and circnlatiiig m said County, four snccessiTC w5 previoaB to sald day of hearing (A tme copy.} " HIJUM .1. BEAKES, 1038 Jndge of Probate. Eslate of Raasom BradJeyi CJTATEok MICHIGAN, Counxy op Wasbtfs1w „ O At a session of the Probate Court for the ('omS. of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the f' i of Ann Albor, on Tnesday, the twtlfth day of Dewm ber, in the year one thousand eight hnndred and siitv! Present, Hiram J. Bcakes, Jifdge of Probate Tm the matter of the Estáte of Ransom Brailey ir ceased. Alvah II. Bradley, Executor of the laetwn and Testament of saM deceased, comes into Coiirt aml representa that he is uow prepared to render ole 1mI account as snch Kxeoter. ' Therenpon it is Ordere that Satnrdar. the iith day ei fcmoary uext, at ten o'clock in the w noon, be .'issiímefl for examiniiür and allo sucn account, aud that the legitees, devise" and heirs at law of said decease and all ouV persons interested In s,!l estáte, are renuiwi , to appear at eession of said Court, thni' ,,' f holden at the Probate Office, in tho Citv of Aira Arbor, in ssid Cotinty, and show cause, ifanv thereb why the said iccount should not be llowed- A-nd it is further ordered, that said Exocntor iHve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, oAhe ■endency of said account, and the heaiïn" thereot br enusHiji aeopyaf this Order to be publisbed in the i ..,„,„, auewxpaperprrmed and drculaiioem safa C omity, three sucwasivc weeks previon to 8ai4 day of hearing. CA trne copy.; HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1039 Jiulire of Probate. Estáte of Lwis Lobdell o TATEof MICHIGAN, Coükty op Wasbteuw i 0 At a sesrion of the Probate Court for the i of Washtonaw, holdea. at tne Probate Otlice, in the City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the twlfth i„ 01 December, -,n the yeur one thousnnd eight htmdreï and sixty-five. Present, Hira-n J. Beatas, Judge of P-olmt,In the matter of the Estáte of Lctbí Lobdell deceased. On readinu' anti ftïmir th petition, 3oly verified, ol Abby Jane Lobdell, praying that i certain Instrnmeül now 0:1 lile in this Conrt, purporting to be tSe last WjH aad Testament of sairl (leceased. may bc admittedto probate, and let ers tostanientary fesned th-ii-on or that Joha -T. Robiion may be appointed Administrator wfth Wiil annncxed. Tliovonpon it is Ordered, that Friday, theSfthdir of.Jautúirv next, at ton o'clock in the fiirenoon. beii signad for the hearing of sáid petition, anti thaE tie legateeB, desasees, hetrs at law of suid deceased. andiJl otter persons teterested in aid estáte, ara reqnWfo appear at :i sessiou of s;iul Court, theu to be holdtiu the Probate Office, in the Oitvjrf Ann Arbor. and. canse, i ;mr there be, whjÉÉWpr:ver of thepfiiár,should. not be ltíuiipiI : jfftoyt is further ordtai sairt poütioncr l-ti noticMBMhe persons inti r said estáte, of thepndenewnaid petition. and theieirinir thereof, by eansúag a t:Miy of t'iis Order to lished in the Michigan Argè". a newppaper printffllli circnlatlng in said Coiaitr,;three suecessive weckt pivions to said day of hearing. (A trae copy.J lIIEAM 3. BEAKKS, 3 1 :;; JiuSge of Probate. Estáte of Harriet L. Rice. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Connty of Waslucrar. s. At a sesion of the Probate Cotirt for ihe Coumvof Wasb enaw, Itoldcn at tbo Probate Office, m the Ó'ï of Ann Arbor,. on Monday. the foitnh day of ilin the yeur one thousand eiiln hnndred and 6 . Preeeotj Hirftm -T. lïrakcs. Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of ilarikt L. Kice, - pëaged. Cfe ivadincr and filinr the petition, ftuly Nancy A C. Wells, praying that a certain Insinuiol ïKiw on öle in this Cdirt. pnrportingr to be thi and Testament of said deceaed, may be admitirán probate, and that she may be apj)osa:i Esetntíí thereof. Tbeïenpon it is Ordered, that THesday, the Mini day of next, at t-n otlöfck tri fDreuooD.! assigned for the hearing of said pemimi, andtluitbe leñatees, deVisees, heirs at law of said im'aiw. and all otlier pfr.sons interestcd in s:ml pstate, we tfquired to appear at a session of saïd Corar, ttiítvite b(j]den at the Probate Oflice, in the cfMArM. and show canse, if any there be, ivhy the priirerof ik petltiooer shonld not be granted : And it s ftinbet ordered, that said petitioner give uofcfee-to thepcrsowui1 terosted ia s.-iirl estáte, of tlie pn;i'iFjof saidpe'-im and the hearing thereof, by cansíng a copy of ïhisOraer to be pnblished in the Mirhi'tan A ncs ft n printed and eirculating ia said Connty, thrce suaesm weeks previops to said day of hearing. (A trae oopy.) "1IIKAM 3. BEAKÏS 1038 " Judge of PruWEstáte of Lot Willcox. CTATEof MICHIGAN, Cotnty otWasih tj At a session of the Probate Conrt forti of TTashtenaw, holden at tlie Probate Me1"' Cityof Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the'siirt" December, in the ycar one thousand etnt knudtw m sixty-iive. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jitde of ProbatP. . In the ma! Ier ol' the Estáte of Lot Willo Onreadtog and flline the petition, dn'y venwj Ann Phillips, prayins; ihai cortnm realefta of said deceased dièd eeized, may be parutifli amomrst his hetra fA ïaw. Therenpon il is OnJered. that Tuesda day of Jannary next, at ten o'clock in the K be assLrned for tbc hearing of sniil petitioii, niifl1 the heirs at law of said deceased, and all "'"S sous interestett ÍB siiil estaf, an; required t01v at a session of said Court, then to be holden at Uw bate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, andshowj if any thciv be, why tlie prayer or the petiQBWtUJ not be grantod 1 And it is further ordered,JjjW petftioner prive notice to the persons inter(-itoflO_ estáte, of the pendencyof said petition, and ing thereof, by cansina; a copy of this Order ; lishcl in the hlichiga Arffia, a newspaper 1 ■■■ drcnlattoü in saW Cojinty, three s'.iccos.-ívl1 f vions to said day of hearing. _o CA tnie copv.j ÏIIRAM 3. BEAKS 1038 .liilto-onÜ. Estáte of Ann Warren. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslit''5'" At a so.ion ol' tho Probate (Jonrt for "'■'"v Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tMJ ■ . of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenly-seveiitnw. , November, in the year one thouaaiid eight nunow sixty-five. Present, Hibam J. Bhakes, Jadge of I8tevJ1? In the matter of the Etatd of Ann Warreijfl Onreading and filinï the petition, duly verttdj Alphens Felch, praytng that acertain IdíS on flle in this Conrt, pnrporting to be the Testament of said deceased, may be admnte r, bate, and that letters tcrtamentary may bc go1 hhn :is Execntor thereof. k,j?J Thereupon it is Ordered, that Saturday, the day of December next, fit ten o'clock in the ""', beassigned for the hearing of said petiti the légateos, dcvisees, and Hi-irp at law of - ■ and afl other persons interested ín saiu en vjli quired to appear ai a session of said Conrt, J- holden at the Probate Office, in the City ofl5 and show canBe, if any there be, why the VXfy petitiouer should not be granted : And it t" f ordered, that said péiitioner eive notwe to tnc i ■ . interested in said estáte, of the pendeucy o' TS, tion, and the hearing thereof. by cansing í oofí Order to bo publlshcil In the Michwin An, per .printed and circulating in said County, cessive wcaks urevions to said dny of l"W"fea . IIIK-VM,i Estáte of Ida Ham. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cockty ocffw! At x scasinn of tho l'rubate Conrt for :: Washtenaw, holdrnat the Probate Offiee.,'j( of Ann Arbor, mi Saturday. tho second ilay ot l ' . in the sar bne tnöisaba eight hiinóred ana lx Present, Hibam J. Bkjikks, Judge of Prob Intbe matter of tbe estáte of Ida Hm,Sj.i On reading ana filingtbe petitinn, uj'V?. ,tcl(i ary Ann Ham, pra.ving that Knnkim i. . be apnoinled Ailmiuistrator with lbo "'"Lu: said (leceast-d. on tho óslate not abeaily ;i.rc i ■ j. Thereupon it is Ordered, tbat Saturday, J, of Peremberinstant, at ten o'clock """""jf assigned for the hearing of said petition, JJ the legateea, dewees, heirs at law of j, coaaed.'and all other persons intorested in ■ ,. are required to appear at a se.sion of soul V" cf f to be holden at tbe Probate Office, in the l"J MAi-bor, and shoiv cause, il any thw,.l j.rayer of the potitioner should not ■(?""(( it is further ordered, that said pe'itionerei.f ,,, the persons interested in said ístatí, ol ( ,i of said petition, and tbe heaiin-; '-j, a eopyof this Order to be publisbed ia m , ti, a uewspaper, priuted and .ul"i.' Oountj, tbreesuccessive weeks previoutiw"" LcoP, -


Old News
Michigan Argus