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f mam müm G. ErFRÜTII i . " ( : i i A U , M . !., PIIYSJCIAN AND 8URGEON. Office over Drui Store, No. 7 Huron Btreet, Residcnce, No. 81 Thompson etreet. Otlicc hours, 8 to 11 A. M , and 7 to S 1'. M, " GEORGE GRENVILLE, DEALER IN BRUGS and Medicines, Xo. 5 South Main Streel, Aun Arbor. ' HULL, ROBINSON & CO. GRQCERS, Produce and CommSssion McrchauU No. ■13 Sunth Main Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DRUGGÏSTS and dealern n Paints, Oils, etc No. 2 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. THEODORE TAYLOR & CO., DEALERS iu Grocerien, Provisious, snd Counïy Produce, 13 South Main Sircct, Alm Arbor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEALERS in Fnrniturn of all kinds, No. 3J SouJi Mam Streel, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, Real Estáte su! Inaarance Ag6nt. Conveyanciiiíí and Collecüon if Claims promptly attenced to on liberal ternas. Office one door tienta of Firat National Bank, UJ stairfl.Sontll Main Strect, Anu Artnr. W. H. JACKSÜN, OENTIST, sncceegor to C. B. Portcr. Office Corner Mnin :iml DatOD Stieetö, over the store of II. W, EHIb & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Aua;sthctics adminSetercd if required. W. F. BRËAKEY, M. D. PHT8ICLA.N ANDSÜRGËON. OIHce at residence, corner of ilurou and División Streets, firiít door Kast of Presbyterian Cluirch. Aun Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN IIATS and CapB Ftirs, Straw Oooá8' Gents' PorolshlDg Uoods, ifcc , Nu. 7 South Main Street, Anu Arljor. SUTHEBLAND & WHEDON, Ï.IFE aud Fire Insurance Agents and dealere iu Real Katnte. Office on Hnron Street. Alsu eil firntclass Sewiug Machines. W. D. HOLMES, AGENT for the Florence S' ',int! dealer iu PictureB, Framcg, &c. No. 3 East ïluron Street LEW Is'cTTtïSDÖNT" DEALER In Hardware. Stoves, Ilonse Fnrr.ishing Goods, Tin Witrè', &c. No. 31 South Wuln Strftt. BACH & ABEL, DXALERS in Dry Goods, Grocerics, &c, &c. No. 26 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER in Dry Gonds, Groteries, &., 6c. No South Main Street, Ann Albor. SLAWSON & SON, feROCERS, Provisión and Comnitesion Merchante and dealers iu Wftter Lime, Land Plautr, and Piaster Paris, No. 14 East Iluron Street. s. sondheimT" 4PHOLESALE ftnd retail dealer in Ready Made ClothiQg, Ciütlië, Cassimerc?. VesÜDffB aud Gents' Pnrnishiiig Goods. No. O South Main Street. wmTwagñer, ÍIEALER in Ready Made Clothinp. Oothg, (".ikpíraeres and Vt'stinrí, Bate, Caps, Truuks, Carpct Uag8,Lc-, 21 South Main Street. GILMORE & ÏISKE, HOOKSELLEIiS and Stationer?, Medical, Law and College Text Books. School and MiHcellaneous Bioka. No. 3 North Main Strcot, Qregorj Block, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, OEALERS in Boots, Shoes, Galter, Slippeia &c , No. 2 Kast iluron Street. R. ÏARKANT, t,ADIES' Fashionable Shoe Houee, No. 24 South Main Street. A . CKOSUÏ, M .1) GREGORY HOUSE Begular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. flROCKERÏ ■GLASSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Ht Instorca hirgestock of Crockery, ülaasware, flatedWare.Cutloiy , Orocenes, Kc. &c.,all to be old at uDusuatly low prleftf. No. 12 Kut 1[ uri u sti ri't . Ann Arbor 1128tf J . k P. UON.N'EIXY . niTY LINE OfIÏaCKS ! EOBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Fnrnlshesnxpeditious Convoynniws to and from the ors, nnd all part of the city. W Finierais tended, and elgnnt tnrnnnte ftiritaheu ladies making calis. Pricesreasonable ■Orders left at Cook'sIIotel or at thcir office promptttended to. l'.-Htf JOHN G. GALL ÏRESH AND SALT MEATS. LARD, SAUSAGKS, Etc, Crders Bolieited an.l promptly fflled wlth the bct meaU in tlie marku. 3] Eat Waihlngtoo trei. Aon Arbor, Sept. 161U,1SÖ9. 1235tf "QR. 0. B. POHTËrT" DZNTIST. Office in the HEW BANK BLOCK, ANK AEBOE. All Operarions on the Natnral Teeth, PBRFORMED W1TB CARE. UNSÜRPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE SETTING ABTÍPICÍAL TEETH, T( Cdr, lach INDIVIDUAL, Dmturcê of the proper ,ixe, thapt, color, firmncti ml na'.nrnl pi-praaiori. ]4 Best selected stock of Plaid roplmsjalsothenew and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the 12400-y: :i . jaittMjBis: store. pOR SALÍS QflEAE! ífiSSaSSírs '"-A MICHIGAÜ CENTRAL RAILROAD. NEW TIME TABLE. Fussengertrilnsnow run on tne Licli!;;un Centra Eallroadasfol we: GOI2ÍG WF9T. MÍ1 Doy Dexter Evc'g Patiftc Tranl. Ex. Are. 1 Detroit, 7:5A II 11:00 .im -1:40 1-5; (:3?FH 10:O0f Ypsllantl, 8:11" I13ph6:10" 7:0o " llilS " AnfiArbor, 9:41" 18150 ' 6:40 " T::;0 " 11:85" Dexter, 10:10" " 7:10 " T:56 " ll Chl?ea, 10:M" " S:I6" " Jackaon, 11:81" iil " - 9:15" I:('0ah Chicago, 8:Cfl'M 10:00pM C:30A si 9:00'' QOINU BAST. AtlaníC T)exter Klght Day Mili Kj. Ace. Ex. Ex. Train. ChicSRO Wm !:00vuS:li0 i 5:I0am Jnckson 1-W h 9: i ■ a m 3:4:! .m -: ! ." m ) 6:40" """. DestCT " ':lrM i!:2u " " 8:W " AimArhor. 2" :i- " 6:50 " 4:65 " 4S0 " Ypstlanti, ï:"" 8:10" 7:10 ' 5:15 ' " Detroit. 3:(0" 9:36'' 8:20 " C:ï0 "6:50" The Dexleritconimodation Train BoesnOtgoWert Ssturdoy, P. O, ul on Momlay raorniug starts from _ AConneot withtraine at Jacksoli for Lansir.g ana driau. Dated, Sot.!518W. TCAKSON.LJNSIXG & SAO1NAW E.R. ISrOVEiMBKÍl, 186ÍJ. New Tiimtc to tbo Salt and Lamber Regions of the Saginaw Valley. ■fUMNft XORTH. Mixed. Ex. Accom. Mali. Jackeon.Dep .8U h 11.50 a ji 4.16 r m Laneiuï sis'1 g.2Omg.0O" Ovosao 9.40" " 1. wCÍty S.O.-, AM 11.30" 4.00'' US Kalt Saglnaw .8 16 ' 11.40" 4.10 " . Wenoua .00 " H.1Í 4.15 " 10.00" TRAÜ1S SOrTII. Acconi. Moll. Ex. Mix1!!. Wenona 10.00a I.H 816Pf ■ EastSsginaw 0.35 " I.Í0 ■ 3.5U ' 0.4;, 8aLlnaw City .... 10-48 " 3.0O" 4 e " C.S6' Owoewi "..... - - 9.45" 5 50" Lanslna 7.2.", a h 11-10 a m t W " son D.55AJI 1.09 rji'J IS" Close connecinu' made at Jackeon witli exprese traina on the M. C. R. K fora)! pointe westaoi and .vuil M, S.S.H for Toledo, Cleveland Cincinnatl, &c , _ , At Owpaso ctnnect witli T). & M. R. R. for Ionia, Grand Haven, ïu-kiL'u:i. A;c. At East Saebaiv with F. & P. M. R. fr Fllnt, Midland. &e . Tram run b Jackson Time. For detalle sec poten in all pabib places. A. WATS0N, Sl]pt. Tackson.NoT. lBtli, 1869. npHB MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (ESTABI.1SHED IN 186 . JOHN' J. BAGLEY, President, UCOB 3. FAilEAND, Viee Presidtnt. NO. ï. UgSeTT, fecretary. .AMKS C. WATSOM, Actuary. , O. FAKKAND,M. I., Medical Éxoniinír. K Succestful Michigan I.ire InFurance Comp&DJ, jrpinized for the purpose of furuiühiug Insuiaoce "KJB üves at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITH Ateolute Security? ana for the further purpose of KERING MONEY AT HOME, Ewlh lieretofcrebaB been sent Easi, RATES B LOW AS SAFETY PERMITS. EISflRE MÜTALITY A.VI) STRIDT EQUITY Mark tb system aod prevalí in tlio dutributiun ui ANlNUiL DIVIDENDS H THE IXSURED, 1 roigion, of the State Lw, and by thtir owo u-iiTi, ALL POLICIS ARE NON-FORFEITABLEIN.URAXtt FURXISHED UPON ALL DESEABLE PLANS. AH the BEST FfUTtiES of the Old Companieg ADüI'TED,aIl thcir ERIoas AVOIDED. SECURITYj ECWOMY, EQÜITY THE YEST, ITS MOïo. LíL" For Agencia npply at tho HOME OFFICE, Buk Block, Griswold Street. JStST h, M. TIUïERiOcn'l Agent. TRV.Ï. L. I1A1IN', Agent. 123'tyl A NN AR130R CITY MILLS! BEST FLOUR $3.2ö per 1O0 Ibs. OR AS LOW AS THE L(rVEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE POST LP1CE J, T. SWAtHEL. ?RPT. 21st, JADIES' K1D GLOVÍg IX ALL TUF. NEW COL0E, Best in Quality atC. H. Millen'sJ


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