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" A Model " Review Of 1869

" A Model " Review Of 1869 image
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liie year tbat has just vanished has been a very romarkablo tme. We mention thic, not as ao item of ncwe, but inerely to show tbe eustoniary respect to the departod. Like otber post-mortcm eulogies, it does not imply anytbiug exeept a feeling of satisfactioa at the unalterable and final death of its subject. Nevertheless, sevoral occurretNJcs wliicli may fairly be callod reniarkable bare taken place d 11 -ing tbe past year. The Kmperor Napoleon hm been at the point uf jatb at regular intervals of a fortnigbt eseh, atd the Frenuh Empire has been tremblrog on the verge of eertain destruction a eorresf onding number of times, ever since the lt of Januarv, 1869. AIsd a number of second Wah. ingtons have died universally lamenled, and a liirge qnantity nf monumento t their several memories have been contemplated. The usual montbly revplotions have taken plaw, with couimenda bl rcgulnrity, r the South American republic, and the Dicla'or of Paraguay h fted to hrs ntive mountuins, a de reated and1 ruined man, just previous to the deparlu'e of every steamer that has 1-ft Brazil for aoy foreign port at nny time during the twalvu raontba that have pissed. His o-tly rival in the business of periódica! ruin has been Salnavu, the President of Hayti, who ba ben driven frorn his last strooghold weekly throughout the year, ami gives as yet no f gus of wuariuess at the monotony of bis coutinuous ruin. Tbe enlire male populati in of the Spanish Peniusula has been impressed into the army and sent to fight the Cuban rehuís. In spite of the trightful slaughter among the latter ihey still maiutaiu their independeuce at everal of our city baardiug house, and d.-fy tha Spaiiards with esemplary lortitude Amoig the most important evnt8 of the year is the m9venent in Bo-ttou io favor of ctit'iog a canal across the Is'.hmas o-f Cape Cod. The eyes of E iropa h:tve thui been tixed upon our hiCHiy land, an.d the opening of the Suex CaDil has na'.urully excited liltte atteiitico. Several thorojghly executed and workmanliko murders hava been ommitted at Chicigo, and Mrs Stowe has written a ploasant 1 it t lo romance hbout the late Lord Byron. Among the graver crimes of the year should be tneotinned the publicatie by Mr. Grf eley of a treatise oa polttical eeonomy, whiuh. wi'.h a malignant cruclty that Traupmann eoald hardly have equaled, lie haa inflicted upon tbe public in slow ■weekly. installments. Dr. Livingstoue hns been discovered tD be alive, but has ktiwlly moderated our exces.-ive joy by wriling several unintel'igiWe letters, whiuh have resulteJ in impressing the guneral public with-a confused convicioo that África ia infested bj a variety uí rivera thut rise Dowhere aml saceeed io lofiing themselves immedititely. The small pos bas prevailed to soma extent in thU city, and Mr. Train has leetnred Iwice. Several earthqnakes, Miss Anua Diukinson, and the Itcr. John Todd have visited California. The Ecumeniol Council has met in Home, and the Botton Coliseum bas been torn dowo. These are tbe principal events of the year. Eighteen hundred and S9venty opens rvith a strong prospect that General Grant will make up big mind not to decide upon any particular policy at present, and with a certainty tbat the public preíers tbe Wtrli tu any of the daily journsis of America.


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