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The Telegraph Strike

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JScw York, Jan. 5. The telegraph operators of tbirty four principal eities ae now ou a ftnke, oo account of tlie allf-eed reduction of vra(fes of to operators n San FraDciseo. Nearly all the operators, male and falaaie, in tliis city, have joined ia the ctrike. Iiosiccss is not stopped, but only re' arded, ho-weve. Tho cnuipanj: gay therc ís no ground in factfiirtho strike; lint no salaries have been rcduced, and they can pernal no combination or orgimization uf men to diciutu who or liow niany ])erpons they fhall empluv for the trausactinn of their business. ïhcy upprove oí the ai-tion { Mr. Mumford in roply to llie proponitiion of the operatntB, tliat the inembern f th le!egrniliers' orpuniz ition who hd alicady stopped work be restored to tbeir foriLcr positions. The ootnpany ileclined to nt tor want of oflicial knowltdge. The tlcgraph ofliners say part oí the men lme struck, but that foroe enough i oí) liand k perfhnn the eer♦ice. They s;iy tUo.y liave twenty-five npeiators in the main ottico here, and tifteen n Philadelpliia. There aio nine liomnn Catholie lay ichooln in Milwaukeo, wilh au nggregate daily aUendance of 3,000 pup lí. Homcc Grreley says he has lived 30 yearin New York ciiy, and doos nol know that therc i a gambHns paloon in that c'tiy


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