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When That "arch Rebel" Horatio

When That "arch Rebel" Horatio image
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SbtmOUK was Governor of New York, in thu carly days of the war, be recoinuieuded the very "loil" Legisiuture to provide for the payraent of the interest on the State debt - contraoted beforti the war and whcu gold was tbo only "legal tender" - in coiu, the Kadical majurity congtrued the recoimneudation as an 8ult to the Natiooal admii.iisiration which had jost spawoed a prolilic brood of greeobacks, os mere copperhead venom, aud refused to consider it. So the great and wealthy State of New York - like every other State save Massachusetts - repudiated ts oiiligations, i tered i tb e 1 f under a law of t'ongress, and paid its interest in a depreciated curreucy, losiug in the sale of i's bonds j moro than it aavtd by its dishouest Cnanciering. When Gov. Feston catne uto office he was ultogethir too p:itriotic and loyal to reuew the recommecdet'.on mad by Gov. Lkymour nnd so the utain lias never been wiped oft'. Gov. Hoffmin, however, recognizing bis o,pprtu uity, recomMiends the Legislatwre uow in ses8Ïon - a Demouratie body - to inake provisión for pajfing the interest on J the old deb,t in coiu, which recommendotioD we have no duu&t wilF bo follow ed,, tardyjustice done to creditors, aud equal justioe to the State. - If Michigan shall ever chance to have a Democratie Governor, and any of her debt coutracted on a gold basis be unpaid, h& will doubtless adept tbc recommendattoa of Gov. HoiFMAN. Tiiïkk mus a general strike or at least a Htrtk, on Mouday moruing last, of bout 2000 operators in tho employ of the Western Uniou Telegraph Company th solé reison being the diecharge of two opc-rators at San Francisco whft would not snbniit toa reductiou of wages The strike brings to liglit tUe fact that there is a eeerct organization known as "The TVletrraph Pratection League," with lodges or "local circuits" in all the priucipal citics of the Uuion. And tliis "League," like uirailar associations of wh itover oumo, claims the right to dietate terras to employers. To day it is wages, to-morrow it is the number of h"urs laborera shall work, next day it is who shall be etnployed, the day afterthe nuuiber of apprentices preecribed, and so on through all conceivable changes. The men who furnish the canital and material, and foot the b;l!s, are allowed no voice in the matter, and the interesls of the public are sacrificad at the wbim of meo who will not listen to reason. - And deniagogues ia Congress and State Legialaturcs, withj an eye on the next election and votes, pander to the growing evil. The Ohio Legislatura, which eonrened on Monday, is politically oons'.ituted as follows: Senate - Demócrata, 18; Republicana, 16 ; Ret'ormers, 2 ; Vasancy 1. Home - Demoerate, 54; Republicans, 52 ; Reformers, 5. The Reformers seem to hold the balance ot' power, and used it in the organization of cithcr branch, etriking handa wi'h the Democrat8. In the Senate, E. T. Hall, Re publican, was elected Clerk, and B. F. Ciiükchill, Democrat, Sergcant-atArras. In the House, A. J. Cunningham, Reform-Republican, of Cincinnatt, was elected Speaker, and Amos Lammon, Democrat, Clerk. Cinxixuuam reccived the entire Democratie vo'.e, and the votes of three Reformers, inclu ling bis own, in all 56; and Dennis, Republicau, 54. - Tuis does not augur the ratification of the XV. aniendmeut. It is aunounced that the position of Assistant Superintendent of the Central Railroad, vacated by Mr. Mnn, who takes the General Superintcndency of the Oreat Western Railway, of Canada, Las beea ofiered to Mr. O. H. Hükd, of Detroit, who has signifiod that he will accept the same after putting hia house in order. ■ Mr. IIued is a practical and popular railroad man, and will prove a worthy successor to Mr. Munt. Meantimo Mr. 0. Knowi.XOB, recently Superintendent of the Joliet Cut-off, is to act as Assistaut Superintendent. In the arrangement by which Mr. Muir takes charge of the Groat Western, that road is to become thoroughly Americanizad, and will be ruu as a part of the great Central Line. Mr. James F. Joy is its Managing Diroctor. In the same arrangement, the Detroit and Milwaukee Railway ako comes under the control of the same managers. Tiikre is little hope that the tariff bill to be reported bv tho Houe Ways and Means Cominittec will be a material improvement on tho present one. - The makers of iron and other protected manufacturera havo tho faculty of Uie President - vide the paternal Grant - for "holding on to a good thing,' so that ship buildcrs and like trades or voca tions into tho raw material for which ron largely enters, must bear yct awhile a burden under nhich they can not tbrivc. Aud all to cnricli a fow ironmongers and coal-mino owners. Hadn't these gentry better bc rjiiartered upon (he natioual troasury at once, and the 8hackles on eommerce and trade forged for their benefit, knooked off? In tke Ohio Senate, on Tuesday, a bill was introiucsd, reíd a first and suooud time and referrcd, provlding for a submi.-siou the people, at the next October election, of the cjuestioo of ratifying the XV. amendment. The propor dispoüiiioo o! tho i'niestion in any State. I MoEY bas bceu tght several mootbs. llon. .0. D. Con'gkr wut8 Uuole Sam's fiscal agents to disgorge, "by au thority of Congres," a siiffieient sum of greenbaeks tu pay for the eretion of a Custom House ar.d Postoffice at Port Hurou. Whereupon that luil journal, thu Pontiuo Gazette, gtrangely forgeltiog its associations aud lts duty, mukeftthe decidedly coppcry suggestion that "Mr. Cünüer appenrs to foiget that the country s iu debt, and that taxes are heavy." The Jacktonian couldn't have souadcd a bulder uote of treason. Tin ïreasury statement for December ijlst puts the public debt, less cash on hand, at $2,448,746.968 31. The decreaso during December ia stated as $1,512,781 92, and sineo the firgt of Marob, 1869, as 876,710,306 70 When iho Ways and Means Coiuraittco shall biiugin the scvcral deficienoy bilis, we shall be able to kut-w whuther or nu there bus rcally been an iucnase or a decrease of the debt, that is whether the deficiency or floating debt will uot more than ovei balance the reponed and seeiniug decreao. In the New York Öenaten ïuesJny a rcsolution was utroduced repeaüng the pesoiutwn of last session ratifjiog the XV. amendment. The same was made the spesial order for Wedccsday. - The repealing resolution passed the Seuate, on Wednesday., by a vote of 16 to 13 ; and the House by a vote of 65 to 56. Congress will declare the resolution u nullity, as is "and of rigtt ought to be" everything conflicting with the notions of the Radical tuajority.


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Michigan Argus