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We Are Indebted To John J.

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son, Couuty Clerk, for the following list of Petit Jurors diawn for service at the eusuing ten of the Circuit Court, to cominence 011 Tnesday, February 14th : Horace VV. Bigelow, Ypsilauti. Abram BnimÜeld, Ypsilauti City. AsaBtirnett, Aun Arbor City. Johii H Campbell, Superior. Roscoe P. Copeland, Webster. Alexander Dancer, Lima. M. C.BdwardB, Ben., York. Artemus H. O lover, Lodi. Loreu P. Oiover, SyKan. George W. Hall. Saline. W. D. Harrimau, Ami Arbor City. Wm. Ilorner, Ypsilanti City. James M. Ketaey, York. Wm. L. Loomis, Aun Arbor City. Jacob II. Martiu, Ypsilauti City. John Nowlaud, Scio. C. M. Osgood, Ami Arbor. Arabrose V. Roblson, Ami Arbor City. J. C. Rouse, PHtsflcld. Rmisom Salsbury, York. Carlos Spencer, Bharon. Albert Todd, Superior. Benjamin F. Voorhes, Suierior. Wm. Yager, Lima. The Board of liegen ts, of the Univers'ity, %vere in session yestcrday, every membcr being present The business transacted was mainly of a routine nature, and if auother President was olected the public are yet in happy ignorance of Who he is. We presume they concludïd to let "the mashecu" run ltteli awhile longer, a wtse conclusión in view of the little friction there has been during tlie past few mouths. Besides, if they slioukl e'.ect a President the occupatiou ofsuudry sore-head aud owllsh-ly wise editors and paper corrsspoudents would be gone. The old year weut out in a mild and mauiierly way, with soft aud balmy airs, and the uew year was inaugurated a little moodily but not in a very bad temper. But Saturday night, Sunday, Suuday night, Monday. Whew ! Our lead pencil can do ueither the blowiugs of Old Bóreas nor the consequent snow drifts, piled iudiscrimi.nately aud without regard to place, justice. Try it for yourself. - Enough snow had fallen by Tuesday rto make capital sleighing if it had been pread out evenly, and by the nuinber of leighs seen in the strects it is being improved. ■ Assistant Professor S. W. RoBIFSON, f the University, has been elected to a Professorship - the chair of Jlechanical Science and Engineering - in the Illinois Industrial University, the institution pre■slded over by our iormer fellow tovvnsman, Eev. J.5I. Gkegohy. Prof. Robinson Isa thorough student in liis department, a practical mechanic, a,nd agood instructor. Prof. M.C. Tylkb, of tho Univereity, having just declincd the editorship of the College Courant, Hartford, Conn., with a salary of $4,000 a year, is now teinpted again ; this time with the editorship of the Brooklyn Daily Union, rccently purchased by Mr. Bowes, of the Independent, with a inore liberal salary, and wesurmisc, issomewhait ünctined to accept the offer, On Friday evening last there was a social gathering at the -Unitarian Church, Th; chief incident of the evening was the presentatlon of a gold watch to the pastor of the Society, Rev. C. H. Brigham. The presentation speech was made by Jas. B. Gott, Esq., aud happily responded to by Mr. B. The watch was manufactured by the ilozart Watch Company, and Is a beautiful piece of workmar.ship. Maj. Powell, the Colorado explorer, - who dklnft get lost in the deep cut canons of that river - will lecture before the Students' Association on Tuesday vening next, the llth iust. We suppose that his lecture will pertaln to the wonders of that unknown región, and presume that it will be oue of the most interosting aud instructivo of the course. The annual meeting of the Pittsfield Bible Society will be held on the evening of January 12th, at the Stone School House In said town, when reporta will be made of the Jast ycars proceedings, offleers elected for the eusuing year, and addresses delivered appropriate to the occasion. The patrons and friends of the Society are invited to be present. Exerciae8 iu the Literary and Medical Dcpartmeuts of the University were resumed on Thursday. Lectures in the Law Department will commence again on IConday uext. - It is announccd that Prof. Walkich's eycs ore improving, and .ve presume he will bc on duty agaiu at an carly day. The City Marehal ani his Dumerous deputies ouglit to stump it aronnd town a little livelicr, and euforce the ordinance requiring sidewalks to be cleaned. Now knee deep and uow waist-deep in pnow is too nftch for weak human nature to bear without thinking gwear. Dr. Cuase being disinclined to riJe "hi Elephant," - the ''RusseH House," at Sauk Rapids, Minn. - advertises the samt for Hale in the "Business Notice" column o this Argus. There ij a fortune in it for sonie man "who kaows how to keep a hotel"- lus thlnks. The pubüc schools of this city opened on Thui-sday. Teachers and scholars having thooughly recruited during the hollday vacatlon it is safe to predict that some good work will be done dnrlnx the remaiuder of the term. It will be well for every citizen, cspecially on our business streets, to guard carefully agaiust lires. With the high pre vailing winds, a short supply of water, and cold nights, a lire Un't to bc coveted- unloss lna good aud safe stove or furnace. Ncxt Sabbath ovening, at tho Unitarían Cluirch, Rev. Mr. BwohajcwIH oommencc a course of nine lectures tipoa ' Orginlzed Religión."


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