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DOTT'S WASHING-MACHIN3 LATE1.Y MlCil IMI'ROVED- AN'DTHK NKW Universal Clolhcs Wringer. Improved with Rowktx'S PatkntDoi-ulrCoo WHBU and the Patkm'Stoi, are now ucjaestlcmblj f ;w superior to anyappr?tus for wasbJttg clothea bvt-r in vented, and will save thcir cont twice a year, by BVing labor and clothes, Those wh have naad them testimmiy a folio ws "We lifci on machine much ; couid not bo rrAuadedto do without il, aud with the a:-l of Puty, we IVtl thiit we re matten ol the poition. "-L. L. Scott t Bi)uip M. E. CArcA. "It is wortb one dollar a week in any Tamily." - N. r. Tribune. ' lu tlie laundry of my house thrre Is a perpetual thanksfMvinfr oo Hondada fur the inveulion." - IUv Tktodure L. Cuyltr. i( Every wtt'k hu given it n stronper I10M upon tlio rt(Tci ■iiuiis of ihe iniiüiU-H of the iaunilry."- Tf. Y. Obscrvtr. "I he.irtfly commnd It to economistR of time, monev, iind content nifiit." - Jiev. Dr. Btilovs. " Frloii'l DotJ - Your laft itnprorpiuent of your Washing Machii.e is a complete kuccpbx. I assuro yu our Mhc lii ie,' aller n yeai' use , Is khoughtiDvr6 of t o-da y thaii ever, and won ld nut he ptwtcd vith uu der my i re u ui t t nces. ' ' - Solon Ilobiion . 11 Your Wasbing Uaohlne b,as been in daily usa lo iur Ihuu'Iïv, :i ui 1 1'. e hoatvkeepor sxprftBBM hftrtolf ashighly pïeaseil with ir. It onrtniolv acoomplisbea ■ ffrealer amount f vork, wltb lea labor, and does uot wear (he clothes near so much as tho uld fashioned waRh-hoard. Hy using it, onelautirirrp i dItp8H6'1 wtth." - Wm. F WkumI, Supcrhittntlent of ïnfant Department of St. Calhtriiic's Vitrsery N. 1'. City' Aftara constant usa ui tba Umvfenal Crothrs Wi.:ní; nn lor mon tbn n foor yca-i s in oux f;uni ly I mu aatborlvd by Ihe pcwora that be,'to giv it the nr;st unqualifled piaisa, and io prooouoca it fin Indlsiicnflablt! psrt Of 1 Ij e nachinery of licusckoepin?, luï BdTTanta h&TeA-lwaVf bern -llintj tn ui it, and always have likod it.1 - ff ar y War tl Brccher. PU IC ES- A Fair Offer. Spii.1 the rr-tiiilpricf. VPafiïVer ST4, Extra Wringer $0, and we wil! forw.trl eitlier or both machines, iree ot . to places wliorfi DO i Belllngj and ro sure i-e we tht'V will ba Hkfid, tlutt wc agree to nfand the raont-y if any ono witfbW to return the nkaïchloes frafl of frt iht, aftür a rao ntbfl trial, according to di rfClinn.". N( li vslmrtl, fnilicr r brother houM permit the itradgCTj of waêhiiijt with the banda, fifty-two days in ilie ) f-ii i', irben it enn be done better, more exptditiouly, witb los lalior, and no injury tothegarineotNbya I oty C'lothes Wasber, aud a Universal Wrto -'-r. Canvaawn wlth exclusive right cf sale make money fast pelling them. Sold by daalarfl ganeimïlji to wliom liberal diacouute are maU. R.&BEOWNING,Gen.Agent 10351 f 32 Cortlandt Street, Xcw York. ti d f : J :.;... -13 ■■ I H o 53 H a . o L i W GE n i_j b s . flt! i ! i ? ifl H a ï U H I ■ i m 8 , 3 ] J ftíSo P l5 ■ 1 9 1 ? 1 á H o ñ h POR A FULL LINE OF FLANNKLS, PLA.TDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINEN3, BLE ACH E D GOODS, TIClUNfiS AT DOMESTIC GOODS CHEAP, GO TO THE FARMERS' BTORE PflYSICIANS' Frescrip 1 ; tions Accurately and Care J ; fülly Proparcd by ' jB. W.ELLISikCO. O EMEMBEK TH AT HÜLL R0BII1 4 CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSORTMENT oír C R O CZEBY, SOLD CUEAP. 1245 ANDA FLi.I. A88ORTMKNTOF D0MEST1C AND HOUSE FURNISniSG GOODS AT G._H„MÏLLEN. SFIXUL ClTï HEETKÖ. TvrOTiCK Ishereby elven, that In accordance witti x ttua requesl In wpltiag ui thiny tax puyl tor ui" tin; city of Ann Arbor, in the Countyoi ttashtenaw, Ihat a meeting f the electora o saii citv ui 1 be held at. Ut wai ?d ward Etoote office; 3d ward, ( ourt Hooee -uh warti. Piremen Hall ; rth word, u. 11 Bnodes' Shop ; Oth ward E. J. Jiltüs' Shop, in eold City, on Tuesday tin 26th day of Janosry .a. I. isïo at i-ine oclock . M. tot the parpose (it electora snall bo vo Ing the ald of Bald City by loan tu the l4Tol) d Arbor and Northern Railroad Company1 in the conBtructioiiuf Hs rallroad, accordlng to the provisión oi' the Act of the Legisla ture of the State of Michigan, i'iitUled1 Au Act to enable flny ToDShip, City or Til lage to pledge ita aid by loan-ordonatzon, u uy Rauroad Companynow ehartered or organïzed, or that may io hereafter organtaed, ander and by virtue of the laws "f the State of Michigan, in the constrnciion of its road.'' and appröved laren 22d, A D. IS !► ; And ihnt sach electora nave In thelr said wrltten rcqnest Bpecified the mm of One Hnodred ïhousand Dollars as the amono t to be pledgedto euch Rallroad Company, by way ol loan In bands tu be laaned by mch City In accordance with said act, in such Bums, not more than L:,ooo and not lei fiüo, ussald companj Bhall rcqnest. with coupons anncxed for the ninunl interest thercon, such bonds to draw interest at the ra te oí ten per o ut. per animm, mul Buch bonds and coopona t be exeented for such City by the Recorder and Mayor ol said Uty and be drawn payable at ihe office of the TreasBrer ofttid "'ouuly; the principal to be payable i ten equal annmü fnstallraents, the Hrst Installmeut to becomc due ou the lirst diiy of Pebnuiry, i l?Ti, and the other Lntallments yearly theroafter, for the Dlnc éucceedlng years; and thecondltlon aponwhlch such loi.n Is to be made, thut Ctom and after tho timu wlien sald Company sliall receive euch Bondfl from the State Treasurer, waenevcr. and as olten as --aid Company i-hall make any dividend payable to the Stockholdcrs of aid Company, opou the stock of aaid Company, sald Company snall pay Into the ofilce of the Treaanrer of sa UI County, for "the use of uaid City, on the amo uut of such lonn or tin: balance thercof then unpkl,a enm eqnal jn-o rata to uch dividend then made ; and wlum BCich divjdends do not ezfieed the rate of ten per cent per aunum for the time, such payment to be deemed and r#ceived i a full payment of the interest to be paid by sald Company for Euch time upon the indsbteaness of said Company for e ach loan ; and whonerer sucli dividendfl ihall exceed the rate of ton per cent fbr anco time then the amount of such excess over, and after payiny such ten pur cent. Interast) shall apply towurds repnyin the principal of the indebteJucss of t?aid Company for the amnmit of such loan, untü such principal shall be thereby fully And mid Company shall upon the receipt of snch lïonds, cxecxitc anddeliver to tlie Recorder of safd City the agreement of sald Company with said City to that effect. 3uch bonils to be ezecnted and dellvered to tlie State Treasurer to be disposcd ol' in accordance with the provisions of said ld Dated, Ann Arbor, December 2Lth, l!i. iSSOtd ALPÜED U. PARTBJDOB, Mayor. SPECIiL TOHWSHIP iflEETIAC. ivroTTCE ia hereby givenj that in aocordance wïth il thoreqaestin writinff of thirty tax paylngelec KOTS ot the township Of Ann Arbor, in the ÜOQttty of washteunw, that u meeting-of -e electora of said township wili be held at tho Joiner bhop of Nelson BdmondSt on hiccioii thirty, in said townshfpton Tnesday. the -."th day oí jánuary, A. 18Tu,at9 oci(ck A. M , for the pnrposè, üi electora sliall yo vttjij oi' pledglnj; the sld of eald towi Bhip by loan to the "Toledo, Aan Arbor and Northern Railroad Company," in tiie constraotlon of lts Kallroad, according to the provisions of the Act of the Legltflatiire oi the state of Michigan, entltled ■' An Act to enableaüy Township, City or Vil lago, to pledgeits aid, by loan or donación, to any Rallroad Company now cbartered or organtaed, or that may bo ïiereafter organized, onder and by virtne of tne lawsof 8tate oí" Michigan! in tne cpnstrncUoB of its road," and approved Harcfa sï2d, A. 1. I89; And that snch electora havo in their said wiltten reqnest Bpeciüed thu enm of Biftcen Thonsánd Dollars [fti5vu0u) ai thjO amoont "i :--iii to be pledged to sach Rallroad Company, by way of loan tn bonds ío b issned by bucu township in accordance with sald act, Bums, nol more than il OCuand not loss than $100, :ts s:iil Cumpany Bhall request. wiin connpns aunexed fortb.e autmal Interest thoreoti, such bonda to draw ín tere of ten per cent. per anr imm, aiul Fiicii bonds and coupons to be executed for saco Township by the Snpernsor and Clerk of said Township, ."nul be drawn payable ai the office óf tin L'reasnrerof saidConnty; the principal to be payable in ihree (8j eqnol annnaJ Installments, the owt Inetolunent t becomudae on the Drsl daj of Febrnary, A l). ist:i, and the other Installments yearlythere artor, for Uw . ■■ ding years ; and tne con dition upon which Bocb toan La to ba caade that from and after the time when Bald Company shall receive Bach bonds ïrom the Btato Treasnrar, whenever and as o f ten aa Baid Company Bhal] make any dividend payable to the Btockholders if said Cumpuny. upon the stock of said. Oompany, aaid Oompany shall pay Into the onice of Hit; Treuorer of said too the nse l sald Township, cm the iimtmnt of suca loan or the bviance thoi eoi then anpaid, a snm equul ■ to snoh dlvidei d then made and when such dividend i edthe rate ol tenpercont. per .intiiim for the time, Buch paymenl to be tteemcd and recelvedas d full pnyment ui Lhe Interesi i bc paid bj said Company lor #oeb time upon the Indtsbtednew of sald Company for sucb. loan ; and wnënover sath dividendo ahall exceed the rate of ten per cent. fo:Buch time, theu tho amonnt of sacb excess over, anti after payibg such ten per cent. Interest, Bhll apply t warde repuylug the principal of the inde'1' of sald Company for tne nmount of snch loan, muil BUbh prinetpal snall be thereb; rally paid. Aul Bald Company BUflll apon the rocelpt of Buch Bon ; i! ■■ Bnp rvlsor of Baid township tha agrfttmnt ol sald Company with said townahlp] tf ihat effect. Sach bonds to be execated and dllv red to the Btatfl Treasurer (o bö dispos ■! of In B the provisión Dal !, Ann Arbor TOWUSQtp, DíCemll s ■ V. 12 ."(Ad Snperviscr Tor Township of Ann Arboc [IVE ÜEESE FEATHBBS FIBST G1X7A.LIT"Ï", (JuiistaiHly üu haud imt for snlc by BACII ABEL. ai i r;. ïi-:i.' and CARiJFÜLLY PREPABED BY I!. V. KLL1S ê CO., DsRUOGISlS. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT hfivlns been matte In the couditions of a certain mortae made and execn'ed by Gottl'ned David Frederick üf Ana Arbor, Comity o(V:ihtcnaw, and State of Mivhian, to Freeman p. Belpln, of the towuship of Superior. Cotmty of Waahteiiaw, and State aforèsftid, the Sd day of July. A D. lStiti.and recurded in the Ki-l'Isut's office of WashteuawCountv afores&ld, on the llth day of July, A. 0 at 8 o'clock .. of sald day in Iiber86of morlgagea on p;tLre SI and that there Is now dae ajad uupald upon snid mortgage, and note accom,!U]y:l' the fiime, Ihc sum of twelve hundred and .-ixtj-iivu dolían aad ceventy-seven cent, together u ith a reagonable Attoniey's fee provided for in snid mortgage, and no snit or proceeding at law or in oqalty iüivhi been Inatltuted to recover Ihc same, or any part thereof DOW, thcieforc, notice ia hereby :ivr:i that.on S,tur!;iy, the. lOth day o! March, A. i) 1870, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of sald day . at the sov.ih door of the Coqrt House, In the City of Aun Arbor, in Baid County, by vlrtne of a power of sale in sa:il :nurlLr:i:'e c htiiined. I Bhal] sell at public áttctlon, to he highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgtige, or i much thereof ;s may be neeto salTsfy the amonnt doe on s:iid mortgage, with mtercBt and cost and expenses alloved by law whlch eatd premlet-s ara deaeiibed ae followa The east forty iu::-es of the west halfol tin; aouthwesl qnarter "of scctiou number fourteen, in te number two south, in range nnmber six cast, lyiu in Ann Arbor,in said ounty and State. Dated, Anu Arbor, Dec - '! ■ MD VREEMAN P GAI.l'IX, Ki.waed R. Slawson, MurtL'iit'CC. Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1-49 Notica of Attachment. STATK OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the Cuuuty of Washtenaw. JULIA UOWARD, ) vs y In Attachment. ADAM KLAGER, ) Notiee is hereby elven that on the twenty-fourth November, A D. 169, a Writ of Attachment .v lasued out of th; Circuit ('"int lor the cn'uitv of Washtenaw at the Buit of Juliu Howard, the above named plaluliff agalnst the lands, truc gooda and chattel, moneya nd effecta of Adam Klager, the above named deiendant, for tlie sum of thrèe hundred dollars, whlcb eald writ va returnable on the teiith day of December, A. D. 186. Dated thisSOth day of Dec-mlior, A. n. 1'í:i 125(.wC J! r.l. - MÍAN, Alfy. for Pl'ff. Eeal Eslato for Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waphtenaw, ss. In the matter of ih" estáte of Varia habel Blakeateé, Harriet M. Blakeslee and Jolina Blakealee, mliiois: Ñotlce Ia hereby givea, that ín pursuancc of ;i nni' r granted to tin" anderalgued, Qnardlan of the ■ (.■ii e of sald minora, by the Hon. .ludiré of rrobatc fot C ■■''■ on the aeventh day of ter, A. t l$0!, thero wUl be sold at public e hlghest Wdder, at the dweiling house now occupied by Ui ram Comba, in York. iu the Óounty of Waahtenaw, In oaltl Btate, on Thursday, the twenty-seventh day of Jannary, A. T). 1R7", at ten ovbiik In Ihe (brenoon of that gay, Csnbject to all enemnbrances by morteaffeor otherwtae exlatlngat the time of the ale, and aleo Bohlectto the rightof dower ii the widow oí Jnliu W. Blakealae, deceaaed, thereino tho followioc doícrlbed real estáte to-wit: The uiKüvidcd threc-'onriiis of the north ten acres of the nonh half of the south half of the west half of the northwest quarter of eeetlon twenty-two, in towihip four soiltll of raiiL''1 i x east, in sniil State. Dateii, December "th, A. I) isr.0. i.; AL1DA BLAKE8LBB, Onardlan. Rea] Estáte for Sale. ■TATE OP MICHIGAN'. County of Washronaw, et. In the matter oi the Katste ifJoel MuLaan, de ceasad. Notíce U hereby glven. that in purMiancc of an order grautod to the onderslgned, Adminittrator of the Kstato of aid deceased, by the Bon. -indije of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the twenty-sevenih day "i1 May, A. T. isco, there will be sold at public venone, to the hlgbeat bidder, at the late of eald deceased, in Freedom, iu the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Thursday. the twentleth day of January, A. D. 1870, at twoo'clock ia the afternoon of that day, (snliject to all encumbraneea by mortgage or otberwise ezistlng at the time of the death of satd deceased,) the folio wieg desí-ribed real estáte in said County and State viz: The west half of thenortheast quarter of section seven, in towns'nip three south of range four east, exceptiu;; anfl reservlng twsnty acre from the northwest corner thernof, owned liy Frederick Eiseninn. Alsoa parecí of land descrlbed as commendn on the quarter line ten c.halns eouth of the north quarter post of section one. in townshlp llirec south of rsoge three eaal, and running thencc cast parallel with the north line ol the section, fifteen chaina and tbirty-elght llnka, thencc south ten chaius and foriy-six links, iheuce west on the half quarter line fllteen chains nml thlrty-elght links, thence north on the qimrter line ten ehains and slxty links to the place of besinnins, contalnlng Bisteen acres, more or less, ezcepnng and reservinïr thcrefrom two acres on the east sitie, of eqoa! wldth ut both ends, bcin; the same parecí cony deed from said Joel McLcin to William Force. Dated, November Mfh, A. D. 18O. 1S4'' JAMES MoLEAN, Adminlstrator. Ecal Estato for Sale. STATE OF MICHIOAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter or the estáte of Nathan Thomas, deceased. Noticc is hereby glven, that Inpnrsnance of an order (jraiilml to the andenlgned, Execntors of the estáte of ald deceased tiy the Hon. .Judge of Probate Tor the Connty of Washtenaw, on the fli"t day of November A. 1) IS60, there will be Sold at public rendue, io the hlgheft bl -der. at the dwelllng house on ihe bremlsee hereinafter described, in the Connty of Waahtenaw, iu aald State, on Thursrhiv tfio tnlrteenth day ol January. A. ]). 1-To, at t uiivc o'clock noon, of that day, (rubject to all encnnibrnnccs by mortgage or otherwlse exlstlngz at the Ume of the death ol snld decessed.) the fpllovrlns descrlbed ral estato : The e:ist hftlf of the northeast ■ of section fourteen, in townshlp one sonth of ran.e flye east, contalUng -elghty acres moreoi xepting and rescrvlng one fonrtb of an aero now used as n family bnrylng ground) ; the somh part of tho west half óf the northwest quárter (alter taking off ei 'aleen erts from the north part of said loi) f section thlrtcín ■ same townshlp and range is above, and contalning flfty-two acres: and atoo the -i part of the vost hal? of the northwest fraction:il qnarter of section soven, iu (ownsblp one south oi ■ i east. contalnlng thlrty-flve acres , all belng in aald 8tate, and subjocl t all encambróneos by mortgage or otberwisa exlstiug at tho tiino of the dontr ni sald aeceaaed. Dated. November Ist, 18fl9, I.YDIA THOMAS, Í Fvecntors Ü45 bAMUELLYON, J Execntora Commissioncrs' Notice. OTATE ov MICHIGAN. Couutyol Washteniw, es o The nnderalgned havlng been appolnted by the Probate Conrl lor said County, Commtsstonerato reeeive. examine, and adjuat all claims and (Iemands of all persona agalnst the estáte ofBnfus Matthews, late of said County, deceased, hereby glve noticc that mx montha from date are allowed by orderofsald Probate Courl lorcreditors topreseutthelr claimsagalnst theestateofsaid deceaaed, andtbatthey will meet at the Probate ollice, m sald County, on Ülohday, the twenty-fourth day ol' January,' and Uonday, the twenty-aerenth ctny of June, DÖxt. at ten o'clock A M. of cach o! aid daya, to receive, examine and adiusi said claims. Dati -i! íTth, A D. ISO.t. 1-210 SELDEN W. 3HDRTLEPF, 5 Commissioners. Commisaioner'a Notice. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Connty 6f Washtenaw, se. Tb.'1 nnderslgned bavlng been appolnted by the Probate ('uur; for said Oounty. Comroluloners to recelve, examine and adjusl all chiims and demanda of ■ of WUllam v. (;i:iut . :i:l Cuuniy, deceased. h reby glve nottee that Blx monthe from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, (briredltora to present thelr claims ajralnsl tl ased, and that they v u mort al the office of -. 1. Crane, in the villnge ol' lu'xter. in tsniil roniity, on Snturday. the '.'th dny of Pebruary, and Thurday the ixtcenth day ol June next, at ten o'clock A. M. of eacb of said daye, to recelve, examine and ftdlust said claims. Dated, December lfith, A. D. L880. 121 KA ELLO, } Commissioners. - - - i ■ " Estáte of Kuainn T. Falle r. fT.TE OF MICniOAN, Connty of Washlenaw, ss. O Notice i I . that by an order "i the frobate i iconntyol Wushtenaw, made on day of December, A. D. . ■" :', ix monil.s trom date were allowed for credltors to present thelr claim agalnsl the estáte of Raam T. FulIer; late of sald county, deceased, and that all credItorn of aald deceased are rcqulred to present their to sald Probate Coort, at tbe Probate Ofllce, injthe Oitj ol' Ann Arbor, for examlnatloji and aiiowor beforethe slxtecnth dav of June, next, asd thal Bueh elalma wül be bearrl betore aald Probate Qonrt. on Satnrdny, thetwonty-slxth day of Pebrnary, and Thnrsdfty, the sixteemb tiay of June next, at tea i ou-k in the forenomi of cach of tliose days. Dated. vnn Aibur, December lOth, a. I). iiii'. ! UUR AM -I. BBAKG9, i::r.' Migé of l'robate.


Old News
Michigan Argus