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;. Ë. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. Office ovcr Dru; Store, N'o. 7 Hurón ftroit. ]ii Bidente, No. Bff Thompson slrect. Office hours, 8 to 11 A. M., and Ï to á 1'. SI, - GEORGE GRENVILLE, DEALER IN DRTJ09 and Medicines, Xo. 6 South :bor. HUL.L, R0BIN80N & CO. GROCERS. Produce nndCommigeion Mcrchaut1, Xo. Habí Street. ELLIS & KISSELL, DRUOGISTS.and dealer in Paiuts, 011$, etc Ko. 2 Suuth M;i:ii Street, Ann Arbor. , THEÜÜÖKE TAYLOR & CO., DEALERS in Groceries, Provlslons, and Country Produce, No. 13 South Main Sircct, Ann Arbor. JOHN KEOK & CO., DEALERS in Furaitore of all kiuds, :o. 33 South Hala Síreet, Ann Arbor. JQ. A. SESSIONS, ATTOKNET and Counsellor at Law, Estáte and Iosaraucc A , dancing and ïoll tcüon of promj tly attenced to on liberal terms. Uffloe one door Boatta of First K&ttoual liauk, up BCalfStSoath Uain Street, Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DEXTÏST, sooceSBQr to C. B. Porter. (c: corner Main and Unron Streets, over tho store of K. W. Elliu .'-: Go - Vnu Vrbor, Mich. AniesÜioUcs aduiiuUtcrcd ii reqaired. W, F. I3REAKEY, M. D. rnYSICIAN ANDSÜRGEON. Office at resldenoe, corner of ïluron and División Streets, flrst door Kast oí Presbyterian, ( Liirch, Aud Arbor, iiich. E. J. JOHNSON, DEALKJi 7X !IATS ftnd Caps Fiirs, Plraw OoodS' , tic , X'. 7 Soutb Muln . SUTHERLAND & AVHEDON, LIFE and Pire Ird'sn-te Agente and dealers in Honl Bátate, ü:,: i Street. Alsu eell first.: Machines. W. ]). HOLMES, &.OBNTforth 1 lealcf ii! Pictftrcs, Framt ■ LEWIS'C. RISDON, DEALEH i Hardware, Stoves, Hoiwe Pnrelshlng Qoods.Tin Ware. & ■.. No. :;'■ South Ji,:r. Siruct. BACH& ABEL, DEALERS in Dry Goode, Groccries, &c, &c. No. 2C ■. M;uij Streett Aun Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, DEALER In Dry Goods, Qrocerles, &., &c. No Somli .Main Street, Aun Albor. SLAWSON & SON, GROOERS, Provisión and Conimïeïon Mtrrohiints and dealers in Wnter Line. Land Piaster, and Piaster i'.iris. No. 14 Baet Baron Stveet. S. SONDHEIM, WHOLESALE andretatl dealer in Ready Made Cloth ing, Ouths, Uasslmeres, Vstius, and Gents' Furnismng Goods. No. O South Main Street, WM. WAGNEE, DEALER in "Rcntiy Made Clotliiup. Clotlis, Casiimerc3 itüd Vi-stinu'-;, ll:it. Cape, Xrunks, Carpet nií.'.i, &c, '21 South Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, BOOKSELLKHS mul Stationcrs, Medical, Law aml College Text Books( .School and Miacellaneous Ituok. No. 3 North Main Street, Oregury Bluck, Auu Arbor. FINLEY & LEW1S, DEALF.RS in Boots, Shoes, Uaiters, Slippeis &c, No. i East llurou Street. R. TA KRANT, LAI5IES' Fashiouable Shoe IIousc, No. 21 South Halo Street. A lí. CKOÍS1ÍY, M.D GRSOORY HOUSE Regular Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. Q E O C K E RYT GLA.SSWARE & GROCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Have In florea lirge stock of Crockery, Glussivnro. l'lxted Warc.Cutlery, Groccries, Sc, &c.,al) ie be ■oltl at UDUsually l'jw pricep. tfo,12Ei(t llurcuitrect.Ann Arbor. H28tf J.&P. OONNELLT. QITY LINB OP HACES ! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Fitrnishes cxpedltione Convcvances to and from the Cl-?, and hII p;;rts ui the city. ,ÍHf Ftinerüls attended, and elegant tnrnoutsfurUahedlad' iUs. Prices reaeonable. Uraen ileft at Cook'HotcI or at tiicir uülce jromptatteuded to. lïUtf JOHN ê.-QALL, DEALEE IKT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAKD, SAUS.VGJES, Etc, Lif?elUi "ni1 rromptly fflled with the best mest in thomarkrt. ïl Ert Wartlngton rtreet! Ann Arbor, Sci.t.ior,,, 1369. 1235tf jyi. o. b. portïërT" Offlco in theNEWBAKKBLOCK,AHN AEBOR. All Operations on the Xatural Teeth, l'EIIFORMKD W1TB CARE. UNSURPASSED PACILITIES AND EXPEHIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETII, to orre EAcn rabmi Datura cf the proper tire, rtop,, „lor, jtrmneu and ___ na'-l"r"1 ciprttshn. 1244 pil K -LAK&ISST AWD. Best selected stock of Plaid loplins; alBo the new and elegant PLAID BEPS to be had at the 12i0 FARMERS' STÜKE. ; pOU SALK CÍEAP! . , , AïlGTJS OPriCE. Ana Aruor, Au. "t!. Iflí. MICHIGAN CENTRAL KAILKOAD. NEW TIME TÁBIX. J'.isspnortrainf now mu OH tlie Michigan Centra Iiailrouu ís follows : OOINO WBflVí Mail I)ay Dexter Evc'g Pacific Train. Ex. Ace. Ex. K.v. netroit. T:tAHll:0OAii 4:40r 6:8.' pa 1" OOp m ïpsilantt, 9:15" 1 A18 P M 8:10 " Í.-00 ■ 11:18" Aun Arbor, 9:411 " 12:50 " B:40" 7:::0 " 11.-8S " Dexter, 10:10 " " T:10 " T:65 " m ., ]():30 " " 8: .'. " " Jacksou, 11:80" 2:15" 9:15" 1:Mjji Cllicago, SU'ál'ji 10:00 PM 0:80 A a 8:00 ' Atlantic Dexter :'_'ht Pay Mail Kt. Ace. Ex. Ex. Tr.iin. Chioao, 4:46 píi !00ph8:00aii Jackson, 1:01 u 6:' ' " 6:4'! " " Dexter. " T:W '■■ " " AnnArbor, 2:T. " " &)' " no " ,tl, 2: S:1O" T:10 " 6:U "!:■.'.-, " Detroit, 3:40" 9:8" B:SO " C:-0 "I Tlie Dexter AeoommodatlonTni Sntnrdaj, P. M., and ou Mondaj morning Btaitsfrom Aüonnect witli traías at Jackson for Lansing and L,drian. Dated, Mot. 15 18C9. ; - - - : TCAKSON.LANSING L SAUIXAW R.K. J NOVEMBFB, 1800. New líente to the Salt and Lumber Regions of the Eaginaw Valley. TEAIXB XOr.TII. Mixed. Ex. Accom. Mail . Jackcon , Dep Waii U.;.am i.iirr Dg BW" !.-p .00 " 9.40 " " 7.25" SaiHnawCtty C.05AKI1.80" 4. on " 9.15" Bast Saginaw . 8.1 " 11.40" 4.10 " I Wcnoiiu 9.00 " UJI 4.15 "ÏO.OO" TRAlSS'soiTTir. Accom. !r.n. Fx. Mixed. Wcnona 1o.(hi A Ji 7.5 ilillm ....Jl .:,:. ■' T.60 " 3.50 " C.45" iw City ....10.43 " 8.00" 4.00" c.6C " io 8.45" .",50" Lanslnfi T.ÍS 11-10 a n T.M " Jackson !i:'.5am 1.00 P3l 9.15" CIo3e connectíons maae :.t .Tacieon wlth e I train on the l. C. li. li for :ill pointa ■ ttndwithM,S. K.R. íor Toledo, Clereland Cinclnnati, j'-. At Owosso connect with D. & M. R. R. for lorna, Grand Haven, Ha-fkcgon, Ac. I Saglnaw wlth F. & P. M. E. H. for Pliut, Midland, Ac. Trauia run by .Tarksou Time. Ter details sce posters in all public places. A. WAT80H, Supt. .Tackson, Xov. löth, 1MÏ. npiiE MÍGKiGAN MUTUAL LIFE BNS. GOMPAHY OF DETSOIT, MIOH. (EsTAlü.lSIlKD IN 1667 JOHN I. BAO! KY, PssnOEKT, ■ - pa UB i':i', nee Preeicknt. .INO. T. I.IüiiLTl'. Secrctary. JAMES C. W.VI.-ON, Aetusry. 1). O.FAKKAD1ai. 1) , Jluütul Exsmisci. A ?ucco.csful Michigan T-ife TBtiranco Company, upoB ïlrea at THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITEt Absolute Seenrity, and for tlie furthcr purpose of KEEPIXG MOXEY AT Í1D1IE, [[whicli heretofore lias been sent East, RATE3 ÁS LOW AS SAFETY PBRMITS. EJNTIRE MLTAL1TY AND STHICT EQUITY Mark tbc ijatem nnrt prevail in tho distribvtion oí AHHUAI DIYIDENDS TO THE IKSüEED, W!i!!o,bv 1 rovisiuns cf the State LaT, and by their owu terme, ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FORïEITABLE. IX.lUItAXCF. ÏTRMÏHED LTON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. AH the BEST KK1TÜBES of the OW Companics ADül'ïi;D,alIthcir EEROKS AVOIDEO. SECURITYj ECONGMYj EQÜITY AND THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. L3T For Agencies npply nt the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Sircet. 3E3f L. M. THAYER.Gen'l Agent. tBXO. L. II.VIIN", Agent. 12391 A-NN ARBOil CITY MILLS! BEST FX.OXJR $3.25 per 100 Ibs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDFJ.S AT THE POST OFFICE. J, T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 21st, 1236(f JADIES' KJD GlAJVES IX All. TUK ISTEAV COLOES, AND THE Best in Quality at C. H, Miilen's.


Old News
Michigan Argus