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The Indiana Democracy

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Tlie following aro tho resolutions adoptetl at tha recent Democratie State Convention of Iuditina : Tbc democracy of Indiana, in gate eonvention assemblod, declare that the federal unión, with all the rightsand diguity of the soveral States, should be presorved, and to secure that great national blessing the constitution must be respooted aud observed, and evciy approach to oeutralized despoüsm defeated, whether attemptcd by cougress ur the expeutive, That recent eveats have more than ever conviuced us of ihe infamous and revoltitinnury eharacter of tlo reoon struotion laeasures of congress, and we dsDOiiuoe-tfaese meaauroa au au invosüoo of the sovereign and sacicd rights of the people; and of all the sutes. That the indepatulenco of thesupreme court of the United States is essential tu the safjty and security ol the staies and the people, and we declaro that the ineasures of eongress, having in view the destruction oí tho powers of that court to adjudioate on the enactmeots of gress, is a dangerou3 evidencc of the wuf palinna of the legislativo over the judicial department of the government Tliat wo are iu favor oí a tariff for revenue only, aud we demand that the burdens of tasation sha'll be fairly and cqually adjusted ; and that such an adjuatment cannot be made without s!rikinp from tbc statute book the proseot mijnst and aud odious tariff huv.s tmá system of tasuiwu based npon favoritism, and which has destroyed American Bhipping and oommerce, and oppewed the people of the gre:1- ogrieultural regions ; whiuh compuls the nnuiy to pay tribute to the few, and whieh has built up monopolies that control nut onlv evcry.jVntaricnn market, bul aio the loialation of congrofs; and we dornand tbat the prime urtickti of necessi'y, such as tea, coffie, sugar, nnd salt, shall be put upon the fi'to List. T.hat we are willing to pay our nationsi'debt in strict coinpiiaoce with our contract, wbether it was tnade p:iyable in gold or green bacts ; hut wo ire unwilíing to do more than that, and we declure that the 5-20 bonds are payable io greeuhacks or their ecjuivalent, and we condemn the po'.icy of the administratioa wh-jjh is Bquunderiog müiions cf monay ly buying such bonds at u higli saté of premium, vvhen the gOTrnineot has tho olear right to redecía them at par. That the natioDal bank system, an organization in the interest of the bondholderg, should be nboiished, and greentacks issued in lieu of such paper, thus paving millions BUDUally to tliú people, and giving tu the wholo people. iiiatcad of tlie few, tho benefit of issuing a paper currency. Thut the buainess "f t'ae country dcinand ai) inercased and niaintained volume of tho ciuroncy, nnd the burthen of the public ilebt,the high rate of interest, and tasation, mperatively forbid the contract ioo tf ilu cuireiuy in tin? interest of the bondlioldcr. 'ïïhat the ehares of stock iu tlie iiat'Oüal banliB ought to b3 Bubjectcd Io school and'muDicipal tazatioD. on the ame diiioii8 as othci' propert}-, and we demand of our e:a:o letri.-luture that the shares of sucb biuiks shall be subjeeteil to erjual taxatioo with otber property of tbe state. the bouds of tbs United States oupht to be taxod by congress for national purposes, to extent as v.-il Bubstantially tquaiizo tho taxaiion of such bonds with other propcrty Bubjeot local taxation. Tliat we denounce the tiction of our last logislaturo in attempting to forco upon tho people the proposrd I'ifteeoth amendmeni to tho toristitution of the Uuited States as in [lalj.ablo violntion oi our State constitu tiou, and ?o solcmtily protest against Indiana bi-ing coun'.ed for said amendiuent ; und we Lcreby doclarc our utialtt;rablo oppotitioa to its latiticatiün. Tbatany attempt to regúlate the moral idv.a'í, appetitea, or innocent amusemeuts of the psjple by legislation is unwise and despoñe. That we oro opposed to any change iá tríe naturaüzatioa laws of tbe United StatcB, whereby admission to eitizt-osbip will be made more ditïïcult or expcusive ; and wu eepecially denounco tbe proposed plan of transferring tbe raturaüzation of alieus to the courts of the United States aud abridging the powers of state courts in tliat respect, asa harduhip nnd expense to the poor and friendless candidato for Aineiican cilizeusbip. We recogniïo tlitt propossd ohauoe as tbe offahoot of iitolerant knownoth'mgism - tbc twiu relio of raiouüsm itseif.


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