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A Vexed Question Supposed Settled

A Vexed Question Supposed Settled image
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The Board of l'egeu'B of the Uüiversity, at tlie session beid lust weck, made au ad van co movernent, tbat is as tho age eounts advanccment, bj adopting, vith but a singïe dii-senliug voioe, that of Regent Walker, tbo following roeolutio ofFered t)y Regeot Wii.i.akd : Resolved, That tho Board of Regente reeognlzc the rlgbt ofevery resldout of Mlchli the eiijoynii.nt. 01 tlic privileges (1 by the Untverstty, and that norale exista In any of the Uulverolty Btatntea for the exclusión of any person frorn tlie l'r.iverslty, wlio poasesses the requlsite lltetarj and moral qoalltJcations. Itecognizing the wisdom of the adrice i'.ot to cry for pilt milk, wo are not about to go iulo ayooy oVcr tbis actiou - detrimontal as we believe :t mJ prove tobe to tho best nterMti of tïïo Universitv. and that, too, rrithcut promoting ia the least the causo of hiher foiualc educatioB. Sooner or later tho 9periraent ha3 to be tried, and. we ikm't knuw but it may as well ba dow bs cvi.-r. The resoíutiou bpeaking down the b-i riers of both sex and color, stealing the 'in.'irch on both the XV. and XVI. ameadjiienis, the next Leg:slature will have notbing but the war of tho p;nhics to eettle, and can mak e a busiuess of that. And iioïï that the partition wali is ro moved, we shall expBotto toe tho hungry and famihiiêd yoiing ladifs of the State, - they must bebotb huugry and fainished, judfjing by tho leoglh cf time the clamor lias been made in thcir bc half, oot by thcmselves in thtir w.i betalf, fur up to this date, or at loiiBt up to thü dute of the adoptioo of tho lesoluiion, i not a singh une had ofrrtd hentlf for txi anination or made ttpplicatwn fur adiiiitsion, - we shall ex poet to sec ihem i ing down upou tlit Uuiversity, Atsyrian fashion, " like tlie wolf on tlio fold Their cohorts all glcaiulng wlth purplu and gold," Or to quote aonthcr ]t et : "Come ns the uimls 'jc;c whou. íbrests are rended, Come as tlie wavos come when navios are strauded." ; üur boardii g house lietpcrs are gottiog ready for thrm, the students are binjshing up their ohl liats and couts and oiling their locks, and thu professors are in auxious v.ailing for thuir promiscd aid and ussisiance in adiiiiuistering discipliue and taming royatering Freshmen, toning down vain-glorion Soplnuorts, and elcvating dem rallzed Juniois, the iiigh and mighty Seniors are, of eourte, ubove such inüuciiot-. Tiio doors once opened, - anil tlie Grst applxaDtB rejected for falling lielow thc standard rcquireci for admitsion or ; ping out by the waj bt causo they Gud (he road too rugged or tlio prescribed i eourse not to tlieir fanoy, - Ihe clamor for "a ladies' oouro" will be henrd, and thoroiu 8 the real danger to the Uuiversity. We have 1:0 íar tbat it will be iiijured by the aduiis3ou of few or maiiy young ladies with a ihirst for kuowledge, if the standard is kept up. But, if ndmission u to provo anything more than a tiintalizing offsr of Grcek and Latió, higher matheiruitica and philosopby, modern languages, history, eto., 10 be rejec-!ed by the average intelleotual female stomaoh of Uie bnardiug school or "feaiale college71 type, aa too stroug a diet, and followcd by a demaiid - the women have givrn over asktny - for a litlle piano aud guitar wi'.h vocal ae coinpaniment; a liltlo peucil sketching, water culonng or oil-daubing ; Hghi gymuastics and caüsthfinics, witb all the acconiplishmenls of a modern belle; the deaiand to ba backed by susceptible legislators who uever do anythingffor the University cscept to nieddlé with it, tlien will the dangerous rocks show just heDeath the water, and tbo Univertity begin to acrape hor bottom. Tlie danger, in sliort, will cot eoiae fron the admision of a fuw carnest yoing women to the present classes, but from the deaiand of those parenta who want their daugliter8 educatcd at the Uoivcrsity, but net after thu University pattcrn - thorough Boientifio and claesical scliolurship as a training for bu.sines3 or professional life. It tuiylit be well, howeTer, for the Regents, in view of their aotion, to add a special course or two to the curriculum already laid down in the catalogue - making thesa ncw courses not optional uor electivo but imperativo, lst. A couisB in household chemistry, parallel to that in aualysis, ia which youngwomen may learn the constituent elemen'.s of beef ond mutton, tea and cuffeo, sweets pnd aeids, vegetablo and uiineralilkalies, grains aud fruits, and their best modes and mauner of pre3ervation uud use; a courso ín domestic economy, including a knowledge of roateriali f'r clolhing, their proper manufacture and uso, with instructions in veiitilatiofl and the preservuñon of beallh Anl, perhaps, a model kitchen mighl be attaotied, vuider the supervisión of soine feminine Blot and a uursery - vol. iu charge of Susan B. Anthony. But we forgët, the "Coming Woman" is to givo the home and hoine-life, . tbe kitchen, dining room ind nursery, a wiile berth, and deal with naught but the affairs of St-.ito, so that our eiiggestions aro both. premataro and iinpenincnt ; and any of our lady fiienda who huve, in mode: n phrusc, "a soul above buttons" with no domps'.ic propeusilies (vorth speaking of, may consider them withdrawvi. Not to weary our readcra' patienco, we do not sea tbat without 6ome of the char.geshintod at ns probable, or sug gested as protitable, tbs Uuiversity. is liktly to be overrun by women, for believiug in the most tborough and liberal educatiim of feaialo for the station and sphere markcd out for them by the Almigbty, we do not beli-cve tkat any largo number of them w III fiiid it in tlio present Univcrsity courecs - Literary, Medical or Law. But wc slull sao what wo ehall sue. - It is pcrhíip?, proper to Bay, d tbts eonr.ection, that tho Regenta iu discus9Íng the rabjüct cxpresseil h deteruiiuation uever to lower the btandard' of admission or relax tho rci]iiire:onts for graduntion ; and tliat au ovi, lonco ef the honcsty of tuiüh declarations they. adranced the age of npplieauts for aJmission frotu 14 to 13 yoars. ■ . - ii ■■ ni Spbaking n oommendation cf ihe great financial achievements of Presiden! Gkant and Sccretary BoüTWKIL, the London Economist adds:: "But it k pluin, " ncverthek'ts, that tlicy ció not know 11 thoir business as tbo rulers) of a civil " ized Stato ouglit to know it. Wc ',' have rarely seon more cnrious Fi;'i " mens if crude ihought aud pnjudice " in tho doniain of politioal eeouotuy, " than iu the two documenta whii h oon" taio the first formal ixposition of their " views. Vi;h the bust iutentions io " the world they blurt out opinions " nliieli will keep American credit. " abroad frora increasing as it "iight, by " deslrnying all faith in tho knowledge " aud disceruuiont of tliose who havo ' tharge of the finauco.." Well, that writer must be eilher a novice, a tliickheaded John Bull, or a copperhoud in di-guiso. We turu liim over to tha finaiicial editor of sorae luil journnl, and hope to see him impaled on a eteel pou without delay. Duubt the fiuaneial ability oí' Gkant aud Boutwxll. "Haurid !" Avtkb allowing bis fríen Js to prees claims to tho new Circuit Judgeship, procure his uomination, und sccuri his oonfirmation, Judge Withey fouud out ihat he couldn't ho!d coart iu OLio, Kentuoky, aud Tennessoe, wi'hout leaving hia comíortable home at Grand Hap iJs, and tleeliued. But, the publio has understood thaí he was a can.lii!:.te whea he wasn' t, and tlie honor mayij!) have been thrurit upon birn by rival Senatorial candidatos against his wi.ih. - Hon. II. II. Emmons, of Detroit, i has beun app'ántcd to fiil the vscancy. Mr. Emmons ao able lawyer, and with his lucrative practico must acerpt the oïïce for the honor ratber thau the sala . „ Is the Illinois Constitutional Convention the fufiÏHge article is set down for consideration on the lOth dny of February. Two reporta are pending. One ïimits the electivo franch'sa to white male citizens, with a clause separately submitted Btiiking out the word white. The otber lcaves a blank section, tvro sectionsto be submitted, one timiting suffiaje to white citizens, the ether making it "impartía] ;" tbc attor report also hnving a woinan suffrago atíachment. The Tribune eliuckles somewhat over ihe nomination of Hon. H. H. Emmons to be Judge of tbis Circuit, and railier likes it. The Post dun't seem to tahe to it kiudly, lid says little. The Tree Press thiuks that Judge Oampbbll would rnake the better judge, in fact (bat ho is the fittcat mao io the Circuit. Alean timo the telograph bas failed to report his cooCrmation. Bom branches of Cougress have ta ken two thrce turns at Virginia - raother of Slates and Preskleuts - sinco ihey rcjonvened on Mond ly, but the venerablo old l;:dy who wnsu't allowcd to leave the family circle and forui new dometic relations - Mrs. McFarlandRiciiardíon like, - is still out in the cold and prevanted froin warming her toc3 at the old heartb fire. Wiif.n the l'resideut issues that procIamation of neutrality between the Dominion Goverument and the Red River iniurreclionistB, -which tho te-legrnph report? as being in process of iucubaiion or contcmplütioT), we shall keep an cye out for tho nest prize figLt or dog maten, and forthwith eolicit thut oöicer to declare tl:e neutrulity of this great uation between the belügerents. Sbnator Phatt, of Indiana, has been persuaiied to withhold the threatened re.-igaaiioo of hin Beat until after the nexl Outobsr elections. And then if the Demoerats shoufd be in position to elect his successor he will take tbc " sober second thought," swallow his inclinatiOD, and huid on to his place. Tlie party commands and must bc obeycd. Senator Kobs is reported p.b threatening the proseeutionjbr libel of sevoral newspapers whicb liave givon curreney to the charge that he sold his vote in the impeaohment trial. Better coufass to bribery, arson, mnrder or almostan}-thing ulse than to commit sueh a blunder as couimenco allbel suit. It won't pay. The President sent in his flrst veto messiige on Tmegday, The bill to wbiob he refused his signature baing only for the extensión of a patent end having no negro concealed in it or no stheme for increasing tho Radical power, it is presumed that the unexpected uianifes tution of an opinión of hia own will be overlooked, and that no cffurt will bo made to impeach liim. The Worliuï the 7th nat Lasa tabular B tu temen t of business fuiluros in 1868-G9 in the scveral Staics, compiled from tho best aud most roliable sourecs. The failures nuitibered : in 18G8, 2Ü04; in 1Ü9, 2709. Liabilities in 18G8, 863,774,000; ir, 18G9, S7f),554,000.- Micliigad is givcn : failures in 1868, 80 ; liabilities, gC;)9,000 ; failures ia 1SG9, 148 -y liabilities, $2,204,000. The Supreaie Court aJjourned on Mouday, a largo uuuiber of cases gomg over until next term. ïbo [mandamus oiso against tho Towusuip Jioard of Salein is oae of tb cootiuued cuses.


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Michigan Argus