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HEW i oruí. Jan. 11. The money maiket nae a little stringent to-day, owlug to a dlsagreemcnt between some members of the GoKl Board and the Gold Exchange Bank. Commercial discounts are quiet at 8@10 per cent. Tlie bill introduced into the Sonate by Mr. Shernijii, to inermse llie volume of National Bank CniTcncy to $45,000,000, lias not yet cITected linancial iuterests perceptibly, but must do ao shonlrt t become a luw. The dry goods market remains quiet, althongli the Southern trade Is beginning to come forward moderately. Heavy and decllnliig is the report, on nearly every article of country produce, especially flonrandgraln Btlll, these staples have already so nearly touciied bottom that the decline on the week is comparatively trilling - Bay 10@20c on flour, and 3@5c on wheat, vvhlle corn and oats decline l@3c. Michigan WheatSj liowevrr, hold llieir own well, wliile belng qnoted at $1.4á@1.50, against $1.4ö@l 60 two weeks ago, and amber $1.3i@l.ü3 against $1.30@l 3;J same time. Beaas are slack, although the decline liere has ]iot lx;cn equal to what it has boen at the west. In butter, low gradeB Of western have beeu in more Inqalry, mul are held a Hule more firmly. Medium grades of western are dull and qnalitlea so scaree as to bc almost unquotable. Michigan firkins, good to prime, 20(330; fair to good, 20ffi2ö Jiop3 are dull. Brewing is light, and brewers only buylng for lmmedlate wants. Somc hops are going abroad on conslgnnieut, and altliough thlnga just now seein a Httle flls. couraging, hotders think that the look of the market in the futnre is all in their favor. There seeDH a little better feellng in wool. The stock in leadlns; markets is small com pared with tast }"cur, but the wants of con snmers are less, owlng to the stoppage o milis. Michigan fle'ice in Boston is stead; and flrm. Sales, 29,000 lbs extra at 45c aud 3,000 lbs., at 44c. Dktüoit, Jan. V!. TheJannary thnw h:is ad(ied gloort) to flullness. Sül!, white a rery light trade i looked for for so:ne time to come, there is bopeful fcc-ling. In conversatlou wlth th senior meralier of the finn of Holmes, Bm Ier L Co., coinmlsslon merchants of thl city, tlie opinio was expressed that th year 1870 opens wlth ..rooi prospects a arounil. Values have nearly approxlmatec a normal conditlon without producing au wlde-spread disaster. All prudeutbuslnei Dien have kept their January balances a close as posslble with tiie contingenoy o possiblc troiiblc ni view, and tne ycar opens thougli witli a dull trude for tlie time being, yet wlth everythlng on u comj tlvely safe basis. In ilour and grala tlic tendency has been clownwnrtl for the week, but with very llttle ehange In prlces, whlcli are uominal. Beaiis are Btagnant at a decline. Buckwlieat flonr diill at ?5(S5.50. Butter Is a trlfie lower. Dressed hogs pro a little weaker at $10.50@11.00. The seaSOD s so Air advnnced tbat not mach interest is feit. Dried npples are in HgUt de mand at qnotatious. Dricd peaches quict at í8(á20c. Eggs searce nn;l Örm. Hops ure a little Improved. Poultry is searce and prices improved. DETROIT PRODÜ'E MAUKET- The ftjllowltif: quutatious represent tho cnrrunt net prlceuri by CjDmioisiou dealer-s. aud ara carefally ru tst-d every week, fir tin Aitocs, by iir Detroit correspondent. DeiUicti mis (rum tbéae prltoa tot c ntmissi us aud charges , wlll s!mw the aet ate tu firt hands : Applce.- drifd . 10(10 ' ,c : Qretmper bb!. 2.75@'2.S0 Barlej - percwt..$l 8Otál.0 furNol Be Bwas - per Ib. :.s. Beans- white, l ..M'i.i 1.00. Hutter- crock lW@30c.; lirkin. id'ci.iSc per lb., Cheeat- Michigan Pactory, 1990, Dniry, 14@16, Chickens- dreeaed per lb. , llalic. Clder- Per bbl. $4.00 Oom- parbn , i ■-"■■. Eegs- pcrdoi., BI Ilides- rirv.pi'rlb. ,1820c-! eroon , 8@8)ie. C'all' Skius- (nvii, 1517: dry, L'■■■ SIiivjj Skins- 4(lci.T.") ; hlinb skius40feü. Hops- New, j)er It).. lCt;4.20ü. Lard- perlb., 17 Onts- piT ba. -vi1' 14c. Oolons- per bbl. i 50(82.76. Potatoee- Beet rarleties pTbbl.,140@l.M. Smoked llninn, 10c, Shoulders, 12íá'3c. Tallow- 83 De Ttirkeys- dtcfsed, perlb., 14rTöl5c. What- extra white, l.I8 1.14; No, l.$l.0T@1.0S Amber, L.0I Aiï AUBOR PRODIT K MARKETS. AüG'is Officie, Jan. 12, lüïO. We quote thïe afternoon as folioira : WHEAT- Wbtte. S5@0fc ; Eed.SOc BUCK WIIEAT- 75c. CORN S6O.(8 O.T.- 40c. BEAXS- Í1.7C BDTTEE- C@;8c. EGOS- 2830 LARD- 18 20c HT- tl3@15. WOOD- B i T 00. APPLES-i'ried- perlb. T@9c.; green. 60@63c. POTATOE8- new, 80@86c, CHIOKBNS- 8@10c. TDRKEYS- 12c. HONKT- Sic. POHK-Í9 910.7e psr cwt. BEEF- Í7@$o per cwt


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