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Estáte of Franklin Swift. QTATBOFMICniGAN.Cp) kty O At ascs.iion r tlio Probate Conrt for the Couot) tenaw, holden ai the Probato Office, tnthc clty of Aun Arbor, ou Wi-dnesdny, the tuelfth dny ofu'auoary, la the year one thousand elgnt huudred .-nut Bevcnty. . .IKram J. B In toe mattei ofthe i■ runkllu Swift, itor r.f the las! n . teatameni of satddcceased, comea uto ci;;ii 1 1 '' ■ tüat he !■ now prepared lo render hls first accodui o itor. Lherenpon ii is Ordered. i. . the flí:h day of Kcbruary next. ;it ten oclock in the forenoon, bc examlniufr and all cta acconnl , ni that t:. ■ law v( said deceaaed, and all otb i Bafd estáte uro requlred to n in be udeo M the Probate Office, in the OHj ril' Aun i'hur, in ;ii:l Couniy, and show caos, if any are be, why the sakl acconnl be :iílowed: Ai. ■_: iic. . c íioticL' to the persons latereated in ite, of the pendencyofsald account, and the learlng thereol by causing a copy of thls Order to pabllslwd in tiic Michigan Argtu, a newspapeí rinted and drcuHu ; I !onnty, thvce nc■ weeks prerloiu to saM Ine. CAtrnecopy.J IIIKA.M '.i. BEAKE8, 1262td Judeof Proluite. SherifFs Sale. BY viRTi.i: of one wrll of Werl Pacías, isetiíd out ofaodnndcr the seal of tho Circuit Court for the Coniíty of Waahtenaw, to me direeted and dllvered, aucl bearlng date the afteenth ony of xuvember, &., ii i tu, In favor n: Obrlatiañ Maller, conunandlng me tbat ji' the goods and chattels, i d ;. ir w.i.t tbereof, then of thelanda and tenei i Qresaleln and Barbara Ores-leln , to mi sum of tln-i:c huudied and ninel ■ dollars, damages, and twenty-nlne nuü 2VI00 dollars costa of Bult, í tiid ou the 13tb daj of November, A. I). 1899, luvy opon, se]e, aud takc thc followlng deacrlbed properly, to-wtt: Nortb lt nnniberfour (4J Ín block nuniber tbree f.'ij ntn;!:. rosge two ($) east; the aouth one (1) rod In itlth of lot numbvr Uve (ó), Ín blocte three ::) north, range iwu (t) east ; ihc sonth une (i) ra{l in width of lot mimoer twelve (lïj in block nnmber toree (3) north. range Dnmber two C-') east, accordlng to the recorded plat ol iliu cíty of Aun Arbor, Couuty of Washtenaw, Slate oí Mlchran, whlcb property I sh:il ezpoee for Bale, and Bell ;u pnblic auctlon, to tli bightat bidder, on lïonday. i il.iy oí Kebruary, A. D. Ia7, at ü o'cloek p. M. ol tbat tlay. Dated, Aun Arbor, Jftn. 11 th 15T0. 12 .' BYRON R. PORTEE, Sheriff. Cornmissiouers' Notice. OTATE OP MICBIQAN, Connty of Washtenair, M. The anderslgsed bavlnjE been appolnted by t!ie Probóte Court for rti'l Counï.y. Commiaalonera lo reexamine and adjDst all claims anddemandsof all persons against the estáte of Adam Hnts, lau ofaald Connty, deceased, hcreby rfve nu, i Blz months from date are allowea, b) l-r of sak: Probate Conrt, forcredltora to present ïhcir claims aL'aiuüt tho catate of said deceaaed, and that tl ■. illl meet at Hik store of il. Schlotterbeck:, in thc city oí Aun Arbor, in said County, on Satnrday, the nimteentth day of Marcli. and Tuesday the twelftli day i July mxt, ut ten o'duik a. M . of each of said daya to recelve, examine, and adjnat said claims. Dated, Janoary lith, A. b. 1810. 1252w4 WILLIAM F. ROTH, „ IIEKJlAN SüHLOTTERBECK. ) Commiasioncri JSJ0TICE1 Notfee is bereb; given that the co-partnership here oforc exlettnjf ouder tlic name of Hall, Kol Co., Ia ihi.-i day lasolred by mutual consent, V ra. D. Harninau ïetirii.g. . L. Ht'LL. WILMAN 1: ROBreSOIf, W1LLIAM D. UAl'.KIMAX. A mi Arbor, Jan. 1 f th, I QO-PARTNERSHIP. The midersigned have assoeïated tbem&eiyet In r parluerehlp, ander the tirm nñino of Bal] & i cl iif.-ii, and Wul continue rlio grocery andpn baíÍDesftfli tüe old Btand rts snecessora to Hall, RobiiiHon t Cu. All bnslaesa mattera and oatstandine nccoiints of the httu Urm wil! bc settlcd by Iltill & Kobiu-uii. OEO. L. HT7LL, W1LI.IAM L KOBÏXSON. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. lüth, i87o. 153 TDEGISTRATION NOT1CB. ■ TheBnard of Reetstratios of ttu Ctty of Ann ArtKr wilt meet on BATURDa Y, Jannary 22d, iST0,at the foüowlng places in the BeveraJ nrardsi lst Wurd, at tlie vtoie ol E J. Jobnapn. 8d " li " " Geo. F. Luts. M " Sherlff'a Offlc Court House. 4ih M Piremen'a Hall. 5lh M ' Sh'pofG. 11 Rhodee. 6tb " ' " ■ E. J ;. i.chi? at 8 oVlock . h., and doslng al o'clock ur Lhe nv.rpoMï of correctiag and completln} theseveral VTard regmtmti 11 penonn win entttled to vote at the .special electlon to be held Taeeday, Janoary 25thj iru. bhanid tegiste their ' . By order of the Booni of Rociskration, GEÜ. H. JtUOUtS, Chii. E. J. JOHKSOif, Sec'yAu Arbor, January Bth, 1S70. 1-j. Mw2 DEMOVAL. J. KECKCO. Ha vs removed fhcïr STOCK OF FüffflTÜRE And TJndertaker's Goeds, To Mack fc Sclimió's Mock, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGEST STORE ÍN TIIF. CITY, AND ni'lLT EXl'RESSLY F"OR THE FITTNIU'R: TKADK. TBEY HAVE NOW IX STORE THE LARGEST nd FIN EST STOCK OF FUSKlTDRE r.VKR QFFEBED ÍN' TUIS COl'NTY.OF TIIF.IR OWN MANDKAC TCKK, SUPERIOR HOTII l.V Qf.U.ITANDSTVI.K, WlüCH TIIEY NOW OFFLR TO TUK Pt'BMC CHEAPER TIIAN CAN' BE BOUGHÏ ANY WHERE EL8KIN IIIK STATE. THEIR STOCK IKCLÜDES F.V111Y AltriCI.K NEEUEDTO F7RNISH T1IK BES T HOUSE FROM TOP TO BOTTO3J . Their oli patrons luid the public geoorallj are invitetl to give tLcm a cali. J. KíXK í: CO. Aun Arbor, January, 1S70. 12M jyÉW GÓOBS ! FO THK FALL AND WINTER TRADE ! NOW OPENING AT C. H. MILLEN'S. Wm.H. Burk& ColumnMAYHEW BUSINESS COLLEGE. Detroit, ]IioH. Conducted by Hoic.IRA ÍIAVHEW, autliorof HUtybe'W'a lrnc(ïcnl iïook-kecptn, (forCommon and üalon Sch0ols.}.an4 .'I :iyiitv's l'ntverslfy ISook-k-si-plii, (for Husinpss CollegpB anl the OoDntlng room.) inall respecte a KIRST-CI.ASS iDKltnttoa. X& l'leaso culi at the Cu I lepe, 01 wi Ur lor Circulars. STEPHEN PRATT, Jr. MANDFACföRER OF STÜAM BOILERS, Of AM. liiiidaE" Rcpairinir done on shuit nuiice, by first elass Cor. :tLhili Sí Vootlbrl!gc s1sM Dclroli O. BROWÑT VVI.oiphale I ea'.or n BALTIM011E OYSTERS ! CANNKD FRUITSj Bto., Etc., O Michigan Aveuue, Detroit, Mich. 18104 ELOOMINGTON, ILL. IÍDRSERY. lOth Year ! SOO Acres ! 10 Grcenhcuscs. stock aiu! Bhlppiag fkoUitis. APPLE, TraníC' qdent, Uis.ojj 1 . 2 IFTSi cholee, udiog abara. roí Pear Plum, ( hrrrv. 81 I Annlo PfHr fcc. , WIIOGOOáBj Uiiier, Lombard. ■luin EVERGREENS, ROSES, 1.000, 100 J)ahlioB. BREENHOI Planti, -tua iu for CatHlogu. lp. K. PHULN1X. irlS I IVE ÜEESE FEATIII FIKST GHJ-A.XXTS-, Cunstantly on hand and lor sale by BACIIfr ABEL, Sheridan 20 Miles Away!" . A.. TERRY, (hUC'CESSOK TO KEMPSir U, DllilII.,) l on hand a large and v.-.-ll wtaeted stock of "WHSTTEB QOODS incliiJinga Tull line of HATS & CAPS! L&tcftt styles nnl best qualtt . nadies' and Gents' Furs, GeDts' Furnisbing Goods, Glovcs, Coüars, Ncckties, &c. wiiiclj wUI be sold at t!i VERT LOWEST FIGURES tW Hemember the place, No. 1B SoutU Malu Street, the old store of John West. Ann Arbor, Dcc.58, lfCJ. 1249tf T)OOÏd AND SIIOES ! FINLEY & LEWIS, ARE NCMV RECEIVIKG A LARQE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OK BOOTS, SX3IO3ES, SLIPPERS, RUHHËRS, ARCÏ1CS, JiXD TUR LINED OVER SHOES THE ATTES'TION OF BUYEKS VI1O WAN1 (K)OU GOODS AT 1ÏEASONABI..K PRIOKS, ia invited to oür STOCK 01' RAND MADE CALF, KIP, AND SIOGA BOOTS ! WORK WBICH WE WIJ.I.; WARRANT TO6IVB ENT1RE 8ATISFACTI0N on; goods are BOUGHT FOR CASH, AND WILL BE SOLI) AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICE3 AND PR0F1T3. 1210 BROAD CLOTUS L CASSIMERES I FOK ÏXjX, STJITS, AND GENTS' FÜR3HSKIWG GOODS Y AT 0. II. MILLEN'8. 50Ö liL)sllEI:s CLEAN WHITE BEANS WANTED AT THE FALMLR'S STORI3I ALSO AND DRIED PEACHES In Exchange For Gooda or CASH Kwr. !h, 1869. ml-124t TACOB HALLEK, DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AJD JEWELRYV WO. 22 EAST HURÓN ST. MY STOCK INTLUPES American & Swiss Watches Of Uw Bwt Manufacture; Gold and Silvtr,. Lady'i and (eui's. SOLID GOLD RINGS, CHAINS, LADIES' SETS, SPECTACLES, SPOONS,. FOBKS, Eto. All Goods warranïcd as repr eseiited, anti sold .att. LOW PRICESK7- P4BTICÜLAB ATlr.NTlON G1VLS TO RB I'AIKING WATCHES, fLOCKS AND. .lEWELRY, AND WORK GOÁRAMTKED. 124flmï. RAB WRAPST AND NEW SHAWLS! A Fine Staak iu this Line now opening at " C. H. MILLEN'3. A NEW INVOICE OF FINE DOIBLE AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STU1PED SHAWLS JUST 'RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. JCOR THE N EXT Sixty Days the Farmers Store will Sell Goods Oheaper than any other Store in the City. r " PlIYSICIASS' PRESGRiPTÏÖKS ACCURATELY ANI) CAREFULLY PKEPABED BY J n. w. ellib .( (o., DRuaoms.


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Michigan Argus