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The Agricultural Society

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An nnusually füll meeting of the Board - 17 membera belng present - uf Managers of tlic Washtenaw Countj Agricultura! Society was held ; l the office of ü. Ciumeii, Secretary, on Wednesday last, pursuanl to adjournraeut, the President, Lyma.n S. Wooi), in the chair. The followlng business was transucted John S. NoWX.AXD, of Scio, was Superintendent i' ii;o grounds, and E. T. Vai.kku, of Salem, Marshal for the pres" tut jrear. Tlic Sec rotary was dtrectcd to luvestlgate ilie claims of Charles Haincs, Abram Moe, and Jobo Coyle to premiums, wlth authorIty tO draw orders for the paymeut of tlie sanio il' loiuul d::. The followin commlttces were appoiuf cd. Jl'.tsincss Commtlet-D. "Sí. Ulil. J. O. Leland, Hl ram Aniokl, öumpson Parker, and Nelson Booth. Oh Claims - J. (!. Leiand, Lymau S. Wood, aiul K. B. Pond. On Tille lo Real EsUde and J.ife Mi mberi - E. B. Pond, J. (i. Leiand, Bob't. McColl, and D. M. Fluley. Tlie tollo wlng addttlonal Hule wasadopt ril : " Hereaíter no preroioin símil be paid to any person uh'.os !■ sliail claim tlic same vlthln une yeár, and annuslly thereafte UDtll the Board oí1 .Manager have passec on the sanio." On motion o:" (1:0. C'. Akms, the follow ing resul ut ion was uuaulnaously adopted : Resolved, Tiiat do animal shall compete for premium i bot one Class at the sam exhlbltion of the Society, except when en tcred witii a Herd ot for a öwcepstake pre uiiuin. The grounds heretolbre caltirated ncai the dwelllug were ordereil leveled, sèeded andpastcred; and the Business Commlttc e were Instructed to bnild fifty oj en cattls stalls ou south sido oí Fair Grounds, previoas to the next Pa r. Adjourned to Tuos.Iay, March 8th, at 11 o'clock a. 1C A meeiiüg was Leid at Dextcr, iu Costellos Hall, on Wednesday nflernoon, January 6tb, to conslder i proposltlon tu aid, by loan, the Toledo, Ami Arbor and Jíorthern Ballroad. 'J.'he meeting was presldcd over by X. A. Piiki.i-.-. Eeq . and was addressed by Ciias. II Richmond, of this city, Agent of tlie Company, and Col. A. I). Craxe and Dr. Ewisg, of Dexter, and oth ers, oftec wliich tne followiug resolutlon was adopted Iitsoloed, ïliat t is the seuse of Lliis racotiug that the townshlp of 8cio vote aid (by way of a loan) toaoy rallroad from I passing throngh o cou veuieut tu the vlllage 01 Dexter, to tlie amonnt of 5 per cent. on lier assesscd vulualloil. Pive percent, ou the assessed valnation of Scio vyould lie a lïaction over .?Ü1,000. - Ie would seem from tlie tenor of the resolutie that our Dexter friends liavc nat yet lost :i!l falth in the rltallty oi ihe Lansing project, and are not yet rea strike hands wlth the Toledo and Ann Arbor o.rgaiilzatlon. Their situation slike unto tliat of the rolücking lover who sang: ■o, i coald be happy wlth t-iilicr, Wiih L'otlic;1 tiuiu1 cbarmer awuv." - A meeting was held at Whitmore Lake on Tue8üay,-which was vcry we'.l atteuck-d conslderlng the prcvaüingstoriD - to consider tlie questioo of railroad aid. The meeting orgaaized by clecting Gko. Suttox, Ksq., Chairnnin, who brlefly s-t.itd the objects oi the meeting. Mr. Ricii mond tlien addressed the meeting settinjr (orth the advantages the farmers of Xói-Uifield woulil derive from a rallroad running North and öoutli ; the chea pening offrelghts on produce, and a corresponding lacrease of prlce to the producer; tbe opening oí a eompctlng market at Toledo, wlth riew lines of road to the scuboard ; the access to tbe lamber of the Northern portion of the State; the bolldinj! op of a thrivlng yillage at the Lakc, ease of access alone nccessary toinakc t a snmmer resort, etc After his remarka a commlttee of three, coaslstlng of llessrs. J lcobb, Qroves, and Wall, was appoluted to consider tlie subject and prepare and report a deünlte proposition to au adjonrned meeting, to be lield at Wat.sii's Corners on Wednesday next, al 2 o'clock r. m., to whieu day, liour aud place the meeting adjourncd. The feeling secmed favorable to the project, and Nortllfleld inay be relied upon to go her "bottom dollar" in aid of the Toledo, Ann Arbor aud Northern Hailroad. It is understood that there is considerable feeling in the eastern and soutliern portions of the town of Nbrtbfield agalnst alding by loan or tax the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Rallroad. The ground of the opposition is stated to be the fact, that Ann Arbor will continue to be the railroad station ior the parts of the town iiamed, and that, thert-fore, no railroad iaciütics wlll be afforded. Thosc who raise this objection shoulcl remember that getting at Ann Arbor tlie competition of and choice between two systems of raüroads to and from the great eastern markets, wlth the ohoice of Toledo or Detroit as their home market, ther will reapall the benefits that do the residente of the western and northern portions of the town who will nake Whitmore Lak their station. And more too, for the snipper at Whitmore Lake must transshlp at Aun Arbor if lic seeks the Detroit marfcet, whilc tlie farmer marketing his produce at Ann Arbor inay uuload at cither depot. This advantage will (ully compénsate for their distance rom the line of the new road. A very few of our subscribera tliink it rathcr rougli to be charged ?2a ycar for thc Aiiovswitli wbeatswingliigaroDDd $1 Well, they needn't pay tn wbeat. V.i-'ll take tlic pay when tliey sell thcir butter at 80@35c, or thelr eggs at 80c., Which inicies tlicy used to be Klad to let us have, the first at 15c , the sccond at 10c. Wlien poper, ink, type, etc., come down to antowar prices, aud ollier artlcles of living along witli tlm single ebeap irliclo flonr we shull bc glad to reduce the Aróos te $1.50 a ycar. We cau't do t bofore, unless we can get our faniüv bo irded t'ree. That ancient fellow w!u in a fit of historical inspiíMtion writ : "There was ncvei a Jauuary wltboat ;i tliaw," is now at líber ty to count another one lo bis reporta, nm blg thaw, too. And also at llberty lo make a note that the taUl tha.v aforesnld caoght a sim en ard severe cokl on Wednesday uight ffcezlng ip the ■water that bad rallen dur log two days, coverlDg the groand wltb thick coat of sleet aud coarae-gralned sno w and reoewiag thc aegin-6tigh(ly. We havo been rc([uc8ted to mention th'it there wlll be a meeting of the Am Arbor VVoinan's Suffrage Assoolatlon a thc resldeoce of Hon. E. Lawrbmob, oí Saturdivy tvcuing, Jamiary ir,i at 7._ O'clock, to elect delegatcs toa State Con Vention to be bekj at Jiattle Crcek o:i th ÍOtli md lint.


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