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A Skeleton Giant In The Oil Regions

A Skeleton Giant In The Oil Regions image
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JVlr. U illniiu lliomjson, uistjd by lïobert R. Smith, svas ei;gaed in inaking an excavation near t'ie house üf the former, about half a mile north of West Hickory, preparatory ío ereotiag a der riek, they exhumad an cnormuus helraot of iron, which was oorroJed with dust. Further digging brought to liglit a sword, whieh measured uino leet in Jongth. Curiosity incited lliem to enlargo the hole, and after some little time thoy discovered tbe bones of tno enorir.ous foet. Followiog up the " lead !' they had so unexpectedly gtruok, in :: few hours' time they hád unearthcd a wel!-proserved skeletou of an enormous giant, btlongiug to a species of the human fatuily wbich probably ichabited this and other parts of the world at that timo of which the Biblo epeaks, when it says "And thero were giants in tlioso days." The heimet is sid to be of the shape of thoso found aiuong tho ruins of Niueveh. The boues of tho skcleton are remarkably white. Tho tecth are all in their places, and all of thetn ue doublé and of extraordinary size. These relies havo been taken to Tiouesta, where they are viaited by large nuuibers of people daüy. Wheu Lid giantship was in the flash he must liavo stood 18 feet in Iiír stockings. These remarkible relies will be forwarded to New York early uest week. The joints of the skeleton ara now being glucd togetber. These remaiog were found about 12 foet below the surfaco of a mound whioh liad been thrown up probably oentariea ago, and which was not more than thrco feet abovo the level of thoground around it. Ilcre is another nut for antiquariaDü to crack. - OU City Times. A gentleman was ono day opening a box of dry goods. His little son was standing near, and as his father took tho packages fiom t!ie box, he laid soine of them opon the arm of the boy. A little friend and pl.vpmato of tho mcrehant's pon was Etanding by, lookinfj on. As packan;c a!ter package was hád apon the arm of the boy, hiü littlo friend began to fear his load was beeoming too heavy and said : "Johnny, don?t you thiiik you'vo got as mach as you can carry . ' "Never tnind," dear little Johnny aniwered in u sweet, happy tone, "father knows how much 1 eau earry." Brave, irusting little feliow ! Ho did cot grow rcstlff-s orimpatie t ander the burden, heavy though it doubt lesa sc-c raed. Thero was no danger, hc folt, 'hat his fatfier would lny a load on him t o heavy for him, ïlis fathcr knew Lis etrcngth, or rather the weakness of that ïittle nrm, rnd would not overtask it. More than all, his fathcr loved him, and thcrefore could not hnrm hitn. It is such a spirit of loviug trust in bim that God debires all Hiscbildreu to possef s. lic eays : "Exeept ye be converted, and bccome as little children, ye sliall uot cuter tho Kinedom of


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