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Morígago Sale. TLFAT7Irii made in the condl ' 2 J 11 ■ ■ ■- ■ ■ ■ ■ o'clock x. iu I tenaw, on th ■. . ■■ ■ . : bere La claim: I Uïc snm of fí-l'tij foor hnndri - ne dollars, and bu':! leeof tii ld mort Instilóte - any partthcreof, . fore bereby glven, tiiat on Satnrday,thel9thdfty of Mareli vil! Veil :it pub ■ ■ ■ tolüed or d I the iii! irtfiace with i ■■■ of tnlrty dollars agrced for thi . all that certain trocí ot parce! of laad. eltoata ■ CottDty of Waehtenaw, State oflll knon n as the soul i onmber thlrty-threo, townehlp iiamut, excepiiog d res ftnd Coi ty-one rodi tn nortl thcrvof, íilso - íiliouí thmc-fourths of nn comer (:" i i rsonthwest quarter of Baid ectíon, lyiug b Broofclynand Chicago roa(l8,8O-called contalnlng En cola thlrty-elx and onc-third aerea oí . .oro ur toas. LOÜISA BIQBLOW, E. TÏANCKicit, uee oí Mortgagee Attornny for Ass: Díited. Jackson, icc iith, ir-CD. 1249 Moví gago Sale. DEPAULT havlng been made iu ds of ,t ■'d byCtutrlefl It. ThompJouia AI. Tht i ,. of Üio i to Firman Q. Rose, of thevlllagfl th day Ín thc olflcc ot La of Waehtenaw Connty, Ín thc Stite ii' Michigan, on th a i). 18601 at rouro'clock in the afternoon, Ín tiber ;ï1 ot mortg&geSi on i . Daiin, i ment datcd the twenty e d;ty of J ■-', whlch assignmcnt wae recorded h: thc Úegi nnty of uth '!:iy of !, A, 1). ].-'.- in Ilbr onc of Assi nmentsof Mi at pago u, by whlch defaolt the poi ■ hae bicorne i . ad the :unouut claimed lobödae tand ti ortgage, i noto accompa üic at thc date of od thïrty o n ttomey'd fee Of tiiii ' v . . .■ . or pf ooeeclings at law or in chancery] i he y tme or any part theicoí, now, theretore. i friven, thnton cwelfthday of Mnrch, A. I). , nt thc south door o t tlie Coart Hoose, in said Chy of Ana Arbor, e d!' a power of sale lo Baid m i shal) eell at publl ■ highest bidder the pr much I Hmouni al lo wed by faw, the premi as fíll rcola of ■ - bered on in blocknomi ■ rth i i' Uuron Street, nnd rangen . , accordtog to a recorded pial of Ann Afbor. Dutcd, AnnArbor, December I UNN, Sdblkt O. Tayloe, Attorney forAsaïgnee. Mortgago Sale. HEF' " ' ■ ítlon of a J mortifftg' . ten i Qd :-. lo BOCJOrO V..'' ■ tt of further advances and premiums forln: L otfaor ibin ii, a. D tenaw . -. ít', ín Uber 29 of mort gage, at ; by wíilch the power oí Bal i iher Xn ■ ■ operai r proceedií Btituted at law to i thereby Ot ;■! ■ v I ■ ::; Imuclaimt ■ . ■ a sale of the - ck No. bíx . in Brown s tí ■ ( tonnty of ■ or eotne paft mrt Honse, Ln ou the twelíth day oí' March next, at , December ttth A, D.1S89, J. Kimqslet. Att'y. Morí gage Sate TJEPAULT I Ion of a xJ D3 -;i;':r Ü vX: CUt (3 I ■ to Augustas JanufirríM, i I hu proceedi ow clalmcd to be i ■ in 6aid ;. : The two, ia tbe tüWDöhlp of Anu Ar . i ihteaaw .■ ■ ■ ■ soutb of the oorthwi I tbenos alie] to tur nurth I me of tho sectiun " and 60 llaks, th oce north parj II 1 to th i v: .■ i line of - and i G '.-. linke, tbence w allul to tlio north lino cfr the Bectlon to uth S chaina and i 6 , llnki ■ ceptinf; arlght i rod ín width ti tbo east the abo I ai d, ftt ■ at th ■ Conrt House, In the City of Ann Arbor, in eald st, at uoüu. Dated Decen 3 WIBENMANN. K.. Y. . ■ Moi tgae Salo. DKVATLT haviug boe:: i mlitious of a certal hard Clinton and u to Nt'i-'ii 1. Nyo, Execntor under the wlll of Charles Hytaiidi deceused, dated [ ber the eevButh, A. D. 166, and recorded on the tenth d ' n 1860, in the office of ■ . pan. in líber i i, wbicb eaid mortgage tvaa dnly aeslgned bj eaid Nülsou B. NyOi Execntor, to Richard iicahzui, AdmlniBtratorwUh the will annezedof the csl .c:iitl Charlea E tsed. by asaigumenl May the i Ijhteenth, A. D. 1860, whícn as, _'iimcnt was duïy recorded tn the Reglater'a Offl on the ilith day of , A. !. 1869, '■ two of AsMgnmcnts of Mi i n pae tlirco hondred and twenty-slk, apon v. isnow claimed tobe d llara and nin ■ ie sum of thirty dolían .is au A ; or8fee provided for ::. . . or proI at law ti) recorer chesomnowdueandsecurcd by eaid mortga ■ power of sale contalned ín said niort.L. virtuc ot statnte So snch ca i mnde and i1!' notlce la i( that on Bata dayi the "... at 12 o'clücki iioou, of that ( ! : i ■■ t at the . ath door of the Court Hou ol Ann Arbor, touuty of Waahtenaw, and State of UlchJgan Coeing the place of holding the Circuit Court wlthln ■ .■ thore wlU bc sold at pnblic anctioi Ider, thepri deacrlbod In eatd morl ■ mach thercof as may be neccesary to aatlsiy the amonnt doe on e, wil h Intere attoroey ■ iv ■ of thirty dollars j;s aforosaid, wnt premlsea are d followa: The northeast partof lotnnra locktwo north ofHnron strect, ranse three, aocordlo irded plat of the villa ", Michigan, nomat tbe noi the ■ ■:' ?nid lot and I and ronning sonth elhteon leet, I ; Bis Beet to the joln the brlck waU Btandiugnear the touth liuo oí' sald land. Dated Nov. 2Sd, 1 RICgARD BEAHAN, ABalgneo. ' j Mortgago Sale, nEF ] - condUton of a U cerl Lorenzo Dai ia, ■ ! ■ unty of Wahl ■ -ift day , of the : in the i !ountj of Washtenaw, os ■ock P. M. of s.iiii cray, Ld líber 87 ol mortgages, on ] ou wiiiiii mortgage there . tobe Suc at i f two hand forty-fivo dollars ;ui! tw Attorn ■ dollars should finyproceediiigs bo taken I id nt ultor llogs at law or eqoity havlng been Ini to recover t!ic debt or any parttnereof; Koticcis giveu that bj vU power of sale in s lij Biorfoage contatfled, ï L.1'! sell at public . heet bidder, IRi thfl i, at - o'clocb I ooon of tbat day. at r . ín thiT 1 ,1a the Oonnty of Washtwu In f:li(l . al) ih:;! ccrtaln tract or parecí i In the CiLy of Ann Arbor, County an iid, kin-wil, bonnded and to-wil! i - at the Bonthwest curnerof) t number olght (8) in block nnmi Iltimn street. and range m - in DanATddition bo Arbr, i ify Ilnkfl to fl ]t to n i be ïnTfh li:: ■ northwest cora ■ 'ii the . the place of begiunlxtg. I.OUISA J. TÏCKNOR, Ex ■ ntris i ment of 1) iriua Duulas JOHN X. (DIT. rney for the Execntriz. Real Estato for Salo. ofWaahtena ilakeee, Harrict U. iors: N . . I). 1SÖ9, thi ïonnty of Waehten i b , . nnary, A. ]). i'clock l tho forenoon of tha! i to all ■ : tli balf of tl f the nortliweal qnai o twentr-two, In tato. ber 'Ih, A. I) 18GÍ. V-U ALUA JiLAKi: Ib, Iiír I ? tt'iíi', O) 0 ihirlo Wll ■ ■ i tnoit■ i ■ ■ 1 much i ;i y;ií morí tula nol ty-fotur S2-H'O ;ilso an Attoi to fon el . i íced bcen inatUntod either Id la w or equtty to .:■!(: or any partthereof; No Even, on I th ibiy . . ;í(í Uoart tioase, lu the i Ann Arl te bulldintr Ín whJch the Conrt fot . ; ad by virtue of the power of sale contuluul lo Bitid Ishall Bell at pabilo auction, to ■ Ier, the Ufy thc amountofptincipal und Interest above i wlth til sa]e, laenranoe and an Attoraeys fee of thirty dollars, the I ■ tfAnn Arbor, i ly of Washtenaw and Bta ki;iwn, bounded and deflcribedas ibUows, to-wlt ; [bar, (i; in Bower's Additton to bor, accordlng to the recorded ïiïat Novembor-2öth, 1R69. WILLXAM II, PARKKR, Mortffagee. Jon y N. Gqtt, Att'y. tor Morttice. lü-l-Ad Mortgage Salo. DEFATJLT havtog been made in thc conrlitions of a ■-line Bentier, Richard Cï. Travi ■ - Waahr, State aforesflldt on thc recorded in tl :' VTashtenaw Connty aforesaldt on the 29th day of J ' b P. M. ofsaid day, in Uber 85 of mortgages, on page T68, and that : e bandred and nroe dollars and thirty aUo an Attoniey's lee of forty dollars fhould any procecdin-s be taken to forecloso Baid mo I no proit Iiiw or in cqtiiïy havinz been had ld 8tim or any part thereof, now, therefore. notíce Is hereby giren i that hy virtne of a power of sale in i e contained, I shi!l scll ut pnbllc nuction, to the hipheet bitldtr, on tïie 5th Cay of Fubrnaty iiext, nt 2 o'clock P. M. of sald day, at the Iront door of the Conrt Ui - ■ city of Ann Arbor, Connty aforeaald : The west tweaty Beven and a half fuctof lot nnmber flve, In btocfa nambertwo south of Hnron streel and range nnmber fuurcast, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan j accordliig to the recordcd plat I ■ November K ELLEN MoCOItMTCK, Ezecntrlx of the lat will and teptiiment of Kobert McConnick, lloitJon N. GOTT, Atfc Mortgage Sale. ' TLT hw in. I condUion of n Darte, ■ . inty of ■ ■ Octolier. ïsöo, asdreoorded In tb ■ .-. A. 1). I66T1 : . ' ■ . ■ ad that there nnd the note accompauy! of elght bandred and forty-nue dollars nod for . i rnej 'a íee oí be taken to at law ad i" recover eatd sama of money or any parí I y Iven that by viïiue of a powci of t:ilo iu pnblicancllon od the flfth day of February nezt at 2 oclock P. M. of that day, at the front r i :■■. the city of Ann Arbor :.ll that certain parce) of lftud ia t!. Tpsllactl, knovrn an i described as Lot No. one (ij formal School addition to the vlllüge (uow city] of Ypeilantl belng the anme property conveyed ly ttu party of the second part to the party of thc first part November 8d, 1SC9. JULIA A. TIALL,Mortga!ree John N. Qott, Ati'y for Mortgaeee. " i _ -i:ï ?.lortf,'aL0 h-'nle. TYEFAULT having been made in the condHions of XJ amo bcr htisband, to KorgAn O'Brien, ■ tenawConu 33th d r 3;! of ■ (vi'.:ift! lo Cüty VanderblU, Jai nmi i.í duly recorilcd Ota I the (ace f the . nv wbl 8aid mi : ihc del i ío be dne :. 1 mortof the premi e, or some part thereof, to tiou Ui Doon. ■ CATY VANDEKBILT, Asquee. ' Mortgago Salo. Di in the eondltkmt of a cerl }iy Aaron :.ik1 Oatharlne ] : ■ : ; of the i Kon al ordedon ll: enth daj ■ - 8, i:i the office of lh shtenaw ('■ . mi, in libcr S5 i . niort■ I ned ly r e :iic twenty third daj ol Au ast, A. D. .micnt was reoorded ín tbe CountyofW ndayof . ■ . ccompanying i t'f iliiï notice, is foarbun dolían and twelve tweutyflve dollars provided for lnsaldmoi and no bu at law, orln hancery, hav. or aay part i ■ aow, therefore. r.k-: I nouii of früid i'.av, at the theCoortHon : IcityofAna Arbor, by viitn lof n power of sale In said mortgaire ■ !, T shull sell at public auctlou, to the bidder, the premise descrlbed in sal :cli thereof aa wül be oecessarytot tbe amount due ou p.iid mortgage with Interei coste and ezpenaes allowed by law, the premiara i Bcrlbed i 411 tbe followi orparcel of land, commencing In Ebej White road, on Bection tliirtv f:!Oj in the town f of Michigan, at üie norih-west corner of land i ■ : iarter line of said Bection to the sontb Une ( of Baid section therce weet on the pouth line of said i seciion four chaina aml eeveuty-elght andone-hal v link,. theuce north parallel to theweei ■ i -.Aúng the center f t.ui road 1: to the place ( beginn OBol); n r-, more or i ' : !, Anu Arbor i i o JAJCKSF. BOTCB, h P Oka uec of Morigac. a iee. 1243 p Real lístate for Sale. U CTATKOPMrcniGAN,TonntyofWasbtenaw, Jj k7lnt!! tmtoinette Ii. Ann, ' ■bil, minor: Notlce U hereby given, that in 1' m order granted to the uu ■ !' lofsald minor, by the' Hou. .' ite for toe Oonnty of WaahtenaWi on tlio ttret day of Novembe atpnbllci Idder, at the ' 'd,in ty of Unshtcnaw, in Bald State, on Saturday, c tlie nineteenth fiay of February, A. 1. ï.o, at ? 'doek, Hoon, of t li. all „ cnmbrancea by mortp . . t tlie c wer of Ibe vi ow of Ira Annabü, i eection elghteen, mul ai hult of the northeast qu . h of range tlir-.e ras!, cos ;Jrcil and sixty acres mure or luss, in saiJ Datcd, Jamiary 5tU, A. D lilIOl.Hl.LE ANHABILi I2Ö1 l-J1.ui. Cbancery Notice. miIE OIKCUIT OOÜHT for lUo Oouuty o: t?naw, In Chancery. Charl ■ amplainant W. EUJah W, MorDd v, llllam CUeever, Adminisinitoi of the i-.-iat,. (,i Wllllam s. Maynard, (!. U:" !' ' the aff.iirs and busi] hecetolore known :is the Ai 1 t divide the property and iny. Iu pucsoance cl' ai Conrt, nnücc ia hcreby and holden of the scrip or cortiilcates of stock Usned byeaidCompany to present and prove the same and al] otlior cluirus to tlic etocksofthe Compai ■ Commli ofAnnArboi, on or bafore Taasday, thcilrstdayof FebrnaryDezt, and lo contrlbute thelr proper ahatec to the costs and expenses of prosecntlng tliis suit. Datedi BIB] .onooftho Cirouii Coart ('■ . for i aaw Counl Teicy W. n.oi, Sol. f Real Estáte for SalT CTATi: Ol' UICH1GAN, Conato of Waobtenaw, M i In the matter ol theestateo ;'imiier minor, ' "üritv of "'.' . i D sixth Decembi public uarn on ibn . :ird, in tho Oom . coveDtl: A Qcpmlïme of -l : tilt' ! ist quorterof i Ui townsfalp twe ; hüudred and sixty nca-s, moreor kss. .:. Btato. Decsmbor cth. A. 7). 18. Al ■ Goardlan. AJTS' JPresoriptionsl Accnralchj and Carefully Preparcd fyy 11. W. ELIAS A Co. í - Estáte of Robert llookc. gTATEOP Mlcmi ■ of C Ai :i aession of the Probate Courtfor the Connty .hoMcii at the Probate Office, m tlie rbor, on Frtflay, the tbtrty-first day iber, in the year onethousand eighthundred : ty-nlne. J.Beakes, Jiulpe of Probate. In tlio muiter of thu estáte of Koljcrt Itooke, ing the petition. dnly ver! ■ thata cortnin Inetrnraent wil] and teatamout of said deceascd, may bc admltti il to probate, nutl that the maj be uiiiiuiutcd ïolo Executrix the apon lt 18 Ordered, thflt Mnndav, the thlrtyfirat day oi Jaunary next, at ton o'clock in the . r the hearing ofsaldpeiitlo 9, dcrisees and heirs at law of Knid llother persona interested in saidestatt are roqnlred to appear at a gestión of aaid Conrt thco leu i the Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor. and Bhow cause tfany therebe, why prayei ol the petltloner shonld not be granted: Anditio' (tatbero I Bflld petitlonerglve notice to the a sala catate, of the pemlency of aald petltton, and the hearing thereof, hy cansina} copy ofthis Order to be publl r prlntcd and circulatlng nsalj Connty, three successivc week prerions to suidday of hearing. CA triiecopy.) IIIIJAM 3. BEAKXS, 1251 Jjtdge of Probate. lístate of Joho O'Brioü. pTATBOF MHMIIGAN County of Washfanaw.Ss O At a seaalos of the Probate Conrt for the Connty htenaw, holden at the Probato Office, In thi city "f Aun Arbor, on Honday, the thlrdday of .Tamiary, in the jaar oue ihousund ci-ht bundred and leventy. Present, Iliram J. Tïcakcs. Judc ofProbate. In the matter of the Estáte of John O'Brien, dcceni '!. On readlncand Bllng the petlHon, dnly veriiiid, of Cntharlne Kclley, praylns that certaln real whereof aaid leed, may b partltionedamong hls. heirs at law mr! thcir asslgnces. T!iitch]hhi lt Is ordered that Mnnday, tne thirty flntday of Jannary, Instant, at ten o'clock lu the förenoon, be assigüed for the hearing of said peti ti'ui, and that the hcirs at hiw of áald di mul all other pa uil in aiii ntate, are rcqnircd tn appear at a sesaion of'said Court, then tu be holden at the Probate OfBce, In the City ui Ann Arbor,%nd show canse, Ifanythere be whytbe prayer of tíshotild not bc eranted : - 1,1 ú said patina notice to tHe persona Lntereated in aaid estáte, ofthe ld petition, and thehearlns thereof, by iicopy of thls order to be pabflebed In the Michigan Argwt, a newapaper printea and cirmlatíng l 'oimty, three saccesaiTe weekt previoastosala dy of hearing, HIliAM J.BEAKB8, Á truecopy. Jude of Probate. V.'Sltd Estáte of Arba Hurd. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, s. J Al a Beasion of the Probate Conrt for the Connty of Wii-htunaw, holden at the Probate ofi'n-e in the city of Ann Arhor, on Thuraday, the tweuty-thirö day of December, in tbc year one thousanü eiht hucdred and ixty-nine. Present, liirmu J. Beakea, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the cstatu (f Arba Hard, de:■. C. Tlurd, Adminlatrator of sald cstatc, comes into Conrt and represents that lie is itoVpre. pared to reuder hi ünul accouut as Bnch . [gtrator. Thcrenpon itisOrderea, that Mondny, 'bc twenty day of Jannary next, at ten o'clock In Uw forenoi ■ l Ur examlning and alluv. l ;..-.iid thaithu holnat law of said .: and all otliev peraonfi Intereated in ?aid estáte, are ruqnired lo ::p;cir nt a Beuion of snid Court, then to Len at the Probate Office, i:i the isity of Anu Avbor In sald Connty , :n ehow '■r:nij' i f any there he, v.hy eaid account t-li()ultl not be sllowed : And ï'l i(t further ordered, that aaid AdmlniBtrator give notice to the persons Interested in aald Batato, of the penof said account, and the hearing tbereof, by ' a copy of thia order to be pnbllehed in the Mixiivt - aewspaper.prlnted and eircuJatlng in said County, three BnccesBÍve weeks pretioua lu Bal ■ day of hearing. (A tr'm COp.J II1RAM J. I1KAKKS, 1251 td Jud'e of Probate. Estáte of Sarah J'acy. STATE OF MICniGAN, County of Wathtftnaw.M At i Besaion of the Probate Court for tïie Couuty of Waeliteuaw. holden ai the Probate Offlce in thu city of Ann Albor, on Tuosday, thetwentday of Jannary, in the ycarone thousand eight l.undred and ixty-nine. Present, lliram J. IïealAïP, Judce of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí taran Pacy, -ed. tdingand illinpthe petil.lon.dnly vcrifted.ol Ratns Knlght, praying that ilarriet Knightmay be ited AdmiuitU'atnx of the estáte of said de. Therenpon it Is Ordered, that Jlonday, the twenty-fourth day of Junuary. ntxt, Httenoclock i:i tho foronoon, be aasigned for the hearmg oC Baid petition, and that tL iwof saiddc. andallotberpersonaluterestedlnsald ure reQoired t f appeat at a sessiou of sald Conrt, theo to be holden at the F .intheCityoj bjh . i"l Bhow cana ■. Ifany therebe, n hj theprayei further ordered, thai ■ QOticetotlM ■!:-nry ol . and the hearing thereof, by canslnga copy of thia Order to be pabliahed in the; Arijuf, ;i printed and' ii; Connty. three auocesaive woeks prerlonstoaldday of heanng. pj-.J niEAM J. BEAKT5S, i.5j Jadee of Probate. Estáte of Murgiret MriCart-hy. STATE OF jncnil i ' 'ikiw.fs. At a 8C86ion of th ■ ■ ■'■ i"r tin-'. , in tbe ,0o Vi ■ weiity-iiinth day 'Í December, in the year onc thousand eiglit ;. Riram J. Beakea, Jndgo of Pr In the matter of the estáte of Hargaret UcCarthy ■■!. iding and flling the petition dnly vcriflrdof thata certaro irstrumeiit now on lile in thls Conrt pnrporting to be the last w UI - iment ! fald deceaecd, may be admittcd to !i:it hs may be appointed eole Exccator thereof. ■upoii it. is Ordered, t'.iat Monday.the tw( ntyfourth dny of Janaary, nezt, at ten o'olook in tho for the hearing i eaid i - andthati atlawo-fsaid - . reqnired to appear at asessionof sald Conrt thentol .MilKitr oiticc, in city of Ann Arbor, and ehow canse, ifany thcre bewh) the prayer of the petltloner shonld not be granted: And it Is farther ordered, that aald petltioner ive noI in lidc tate of the peu dency o!' Baid petition, and the hearing thereof, by Li r tn be published in tho wspaper printed aijd ctrctflating onnty, three saccesaive weeks viuvioutto said day of hearing, tAtruecopy ) IIIRAM 3. HEAKES, lJj'td Jud'eof Probato. Estáte of Ilnnoah Browning. PlTATB UV MICHIGAN. Connty of Washtenaw.PS 0 At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the County ifWaahtenaw, holden ui the Probate Office, In the ;ity of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, theeleventh day of December, iti the year one thousaud eigbt huudred iud sixty-niiH1. . Stram J. Beakes.Jodge of Probate. In the matter ofthe Estáte ol' Ilaunah Browning, On roading and ñlinff the petition, dnly verifled, of :. Wherler.Admlnlitrator . prayns that he muy Ue ncenaed !■ sell cenata real estáte, ■easeddicd siesed, Therenpon it is Ordered, that Mondaj, the wenty-foarth day of Jannary nezt, at ten o'clock d Tor tlie hearing of xlM latthe helrs atlaw of saloaeceased Lodall otiicr persona interested in said estáte, are re[nircdto appear at asesslon of said Court, then tobo lolden at the Probate Office, tn the City of Ann Arbor. ind show canse, ifany there bc, why theprayer of th6 tetitioneranoald not be granted: And it isfnrther orlered.that said petltloner give notice tothe persons ; i ti said estáte, of the pendency of aaid petilon.and thehearlns thereof, by cansfng a copy (f nia Order to be pnbuahed in the Michigan Anu, t lewspaper printed and circniating in Baid Connty nu euccessive weeks previous to said day of heai"l trne copy.J IIIRAM .1. UKA T Jndgeof Probate. Estáte of Lucretia Swceting. TATK Oí'1 MICHIGAN, Connty ofWaehtanaw, ss. ' At ;i teMton Of the Probate Court for the Couuty f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftlce, in tho 'ity of Ann Arbor, on Thnreday. the sixiceuth day 1 December, in the year one thousand eiht hunred and eixty-nlse. Present, iliram J. Heakes. .Tnd!rf! of Pi-oh.ite. In the matter ot the estáte oí' ijcrctki Sweetlngt deceaaed. and fllmg the petltion duly verified oi James W'. S j nu' that :t cerlain Instrument aowon lïio m tiiis Court, imrportiiiLr to be the last w i'i as i testament of t-Lid iitn eased may ic admittcd to probftte. nnd that hc may be appointed solo eiecureor, Theivupon ttls ordered, that Monday, tlie seventecnth dayof J:miiitry iK'xt. nttcnoV'lock in the forenoon, tol the hearing OÍ saidpetkion, and that the lejjatees, deviseea añil heirs nt Jaw ofeaiddc. ad allother persona tntereeted id s:ücl eetate, are reqtüwd to appear al a sefulon of said Court thrn to bc hoKlen at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arlor, and show cause, if any there be why tho f the petltíoner ehonld not bograntcd: And it is further ordered, that safdpétitloner gire notic to the persons interoeted lo eafd estáte, oí the pendonero! id, and the hearing therëol, by a copy of this order to be pnolished in tLo wspaper, printed and circulattinur In eaid Count, tluee eucecssive weeks previoiiB I day i' beaiins. (A tntó copyg IIIRAM J. BBAEX8, 1248 Jndge of I'robate, Estáte of James S. Birchard. QTATI-: OF MTCHIQ X. Connty of Wafebtenfi, ? ITl BnT the Connty i-í Washtenaw, holdi-n at the l'robuW' OL9ce, in the Citj Of Ann Arbor, on Thureday, the Böcotifl tnv of DeccmbttTi in the year une thousand eiht liuudrcd ;, ÏIir;un J. Brake?, Jndo of Probate. Tn the matter oí the Estáte of James s. I'.irchard tlng and fllinjr the petttion, duly vcrIfieí,oE HarrisN. I ministrator, pi d to Bell certuin real estáte whwcoTïaid . dled sicEOd, for the purposa oJ OistnbU' tlon of the proceeda of such eale among the persons me. ■ -deredtthat Uonday. the peveny of Janttary nest] at ten ocloclc in the forei for the hearing of said petición, and Lhattheheirsatlawof said deceased, and all other.per . ■ said eetate, are reqnlred ti amw l Coort, then to-be at the, Pro of Ann Arbor, and shov ■ . ■ ■ ■ : rof tli hbuld luted: And it U fiirther ■ Interested in sald ■ ■■:, and the b i . : ia Order to be pnblisni d . ■ - - ; ■ .; circa . aks previous taring. (A trueco] v.j UIR.M J. BBJ 1243td Jndffoof PcobAjte. 'pEOPLE'S DllUG STOKE! R. W.ELLIS& CO.


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