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MU8C0VETUS PILLIS, FOR THli CKRTAia AID PERMANBJST CURI3 Of FEVER AND AGÜE. HMIJKSK pills ureprcpared by thr di.siiitguishci JL F. KLING, M. U. of Jnekson ■ Mich. Ji all of ihe.niaiiy tas es n wliich thcy have hcei ns;d. tliny have given the most entirc and perfect satislacion. Tire propnetor háganla boxhing in auying, ihirt ihoy are the vcry bc9i medicine in the world for the euro of the above meniiuucil diseoMJ. Any quuruity of recpntmemlatiuns fiiigh; bo publislied- au is the cnatom wirh many - bui ifattt ís considerad mineceesiiry. One tiial wíl! sntisfy tlie most incrcdulousoi" their greit vi.tue. ' The innjomy of Medicine now in use atlord bul a lemporary relief, jnerely breaking and clieck ing iho disense for a s!rort fimo nnd pfevóniitig only ii e.xicriiiil appenrnnre. wlnlc invvardly it 3 still raging, thna cnuein many o;hcr mal.idyand consequcMUly pto'ing hipltiy to fturc licntih. ít is liie object in tlii'd Ui8#mc, to present to ilic publica Medicine cntircly diff;ierit rom thal herctofore offered. amlonethöt will n 't icrcJy chkcKthk chii.i.s, but that will rradicaic ie disenso cn'irely from i lic system. Wnrrunc.i to r.Jl'cct a perfect ctti if the dircciions are trictly foüowcd. Direciions acCompiny evory )O. and no MufcovcIus Tills are genuino w;h ut the writtcn sinninre of ihe invenur ',P. Clinc." Ech box eoiuaiiii 100 pills and twelvo )owder6. prico $1,00. For Bftle by ftlnynards and Lund & Mc Colum.Ann Arbor; E Sampson and Norris & Felch, 'psilami; Cassius S'wift. Jackson; B]clj.ef Sr .mest, A Temple, J McConncll &. Co.. JjcIíon F. KLING, M. D. Jackfon, Juiy 'st. le-. 'cmT.OFEVER Al ABK, EFFECTÜALLY ÜSE9 UP. DR. BANNISTER'S CELÉBRATE D FEVER AND AOlfE P1LLS are a mlc. spcedy nndsure cure for Fcver and AeueDumb Apue, Chili rever. Periódica! Ileadíche, and the Blious Hincases peculiar to ncw 'ountritsThese Pilis are designed for tlic atfectiorw ui iic Liver andother nternal oreans; and tliu un mralelfeü anccess thai li-is attcndu.I thoir use, in duces the proprietor to beliove tint ihcy ure su)eiior to nny remedy ever oflercd (p the public or iho nbovcdiseases. They nre purely Vegetable, ond nre perfectly ïartuless and may be triken by any persun, mul r fenutie. wiih perfect safety. Certificaten t any nuniber nnrl extent testilynp to the extraordmary powers f this medi cinc níght be itiseried. but it jb doemed ontircly nu icci'isary. as it htm boen used fin sevcral years y great munbers of persons, of all conditions, and wiicic they liuvc been taken in accordancc wirli ihc lün-i-tions. they were 0? WTever known to fail. „ Tne nbove Pilis nre kept constanily for saie. whulesalc and rctiil, at the store of BECKLEY, FOSTER & CO. Ann Arhor, Lower Town, July I. lL46. 2J0 The Woiidcrful Success WHICH Dr. Folgers' Olosoonian, or AllHealing hus met with not only in its sale, but also in the cures which it hns cffected. in persons who we; o in a hopcleps coni'.uion. has convmeed the most skeptical of u extraordinary curative proporties, and established its claims to the name ofihc GitEAT RKA1EDY. The question is no longerasked."Cn Asthma he cured?' It has been saiisfactonly scttled within the last two months that Folger's Olosaonian will produce a cure quicker than any othor remedy in the world. and references :n be given to persons in n:id out of the city who havo expe rienceu iis wondurful virtuea, whohadtried for years all oihers remedies in voin. Mr. WlLSON,a brick laycr, fcadingat Hoboken, N. J., tn tried every retnedy wliich he could henr oí for the relief ol asthma, ond hnd spent more tlian one hmulred dollars in endeavoring to procure help, but in vain. He omnicneed usnig the Olosaonian, January Sist. The firs'. dose he took gave liim relief, and :wo doys afterward h's wife called to Ay that tle smal! quantity of tbis femedy vhich ho had taken had dune liim more goud than any and all lic medicines he had eVer ust-d in his iife. Mrs. Bell. the wife of Ilobert P. Bell, of Morr8town. N. J.. who was scverel alilicted wit! asthma, wasgivcn up by her physicians. She Vas removed to the scaboard in the hope of pal liinting' her dtstressing symptoms. but with no benefit. One bottle of the Olosanim so far re lieved her that shc wr.3 oble to getnp from hc bed and dress herself, a thing she hd not done before in tnon'hs. nnd shc has now rcturned to her residence in Morristown, N. J., wiih cvery prospect of being sjieedly restored. INCIPIEN'I CONSUMPTTON yield8 to . its eflecis. It soothes the troublesomo Couirh lid giveg refreshing ölüinuers to th wcury; it ullays the pain in tire e;dc and sure ncfcs in the chest, and cnablcs the pereon to ex pcclorate easily, while it entirdy restores the 6e cretions of tlie system and expedites rcturnin hcalth. JAMES B. DEVOE, 101 Readc etreet, lm long been complainigg of a soreness in the clicst aecompanied with a short hackirjg cou&h; h rai8ed niaiterfreely, had logt his appetite and fe abrnied at hi situation. He had tried variou remedies without any beneficial efFect. Hi shortneea ofbreath and pain in the sidecontinuec to increase. He usedone bottleof thcOlusaoni an. and is restored to health. George W. Burnett. of Newark, N. J., Geo W. Hays.ofNew York; David Henderson, 0( Laightst; Mis McGann, 20 Walker t; F. La ban, 52 Pike si.. Mrs. Archibald. 35 Walker st wiih HUNDUEDS OF NA Al ES of persons re siding in New York, could bc given, who ar readV to bear testimony to the supcriority of ih Olosaonian over evcry other reincdy known fo ihc cure of coughs. colds, asthmn. cotosumptïq'n epilting of blood, dvspepsin, consumpiion, bron c'iitis, difiiculty of bremhing. hoareencss, influenza, puius in tne brenst ;nd sidt'. and the vari ous affections óf the .stoinach and liver. For siileaf 106 Nnsaau 61, one door nbove Ann. and at Mrs Hays, 139 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Aicnts for Ann Arbor, VV. S. & J. W. Maynanl; Samhson, Ypüanti; D. C. Wltïtwood Doxter; PL-kford & Craiir. Saline: Smiih &.Ty rol, Clinton; H Hower, Manchr-ster; P. Farlick &Co., Plymouth; D. Gregory nd A. Grunt Noimville. 218-GmoTHEO. II. EATOIV. Stores 18G and 190 Jeffcrson dviwue, Detroit. OFFERS forsile the following goode - fithor lor cüsI) or appioved paper; the goods art all ni:vv and fresh, havmg beeu pucbaaed withii (lic past iliir'y daya, of ihc ïmporters and atauc tion. EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, and wil bc sold al venj rcduccd price?: 100 clicsts and liallchcbtsTea, 28 hopshends tsiiííar, II) boxes sunr. Loaf and Lunip, 10 liiigalicnds Molusscs, 2 hr.gsb.i-ad! Slewart'e Syrup, 120 bagáCuil'ee, 5 lierces ticé) J50 boxes rnibins, li'O drums liijij, 50 Oranjes nnd Lcmotis, % "Mi pounds Cinnanton, 250 pounds Clove. 175 lunii-.d Nutmcgs, 25 kugs Ginger, 10 bagá Péppfi and Spier, 40 kes and bbffit Tobacco, r balc3 AiuiOnds, VOO boxcfi 6faKS 10 hngslicaüs Spcrm Oih 20 boxes Spe rui Cnndleu, 230 barrels Dyc Woods J5 buncis Copporns, 6 barrels Blue V i triol, 20 barrels Alliun, 15 barrels Madder, 400 kqgs White Lend, 15 barrels Litibeed Oil,'10 títurcli, .'}." boxes pipct', 2 cases ïndijif. 5 barrels Sulphur, 5 barrels Sul is. ' hiinolti Castor Ó1I, y bal 's Senñu, 1 case Gum Opium, 10 barrels öpirita Tiirpcniine. ITF T!o ibllowing nainctl papnrs wil! pacli )ubli&h iho obov'o uolico, tnstdt to the ainotin. ol Incr, dollars and sc-ul fopy of noliec w'iih biils o tin? pjrtiDii advciM.singF. I'ontiac Gazcttc, Pontinc; Ann Arbor Slnte oürrrtl, and STgnöl ol Liberty. Ann Ailmr; ncksun Gnzette. J.ukbnn; Ixpoumjcr. MaYshall: azette. Kqonntoo; Nilcs liepub'lichn. Niles; Jaiiner. Si. ('luir; OV.i'ite, Ho'nroo; Citneecc )cnioorai. Flhu; anit Chatham Glcaucr, Cbat uní) Camida. M;.y 19, 182o. 2l2-3uiJEROME M. TKÊADWELL, ATTOK.NKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL atlcjid 10 (lic siMe aad txclianga ol Landt, pnymcnr of Ta.ts. niid iccionp - on of Lands sold tqt TJxcs in .lackon and adoiiiiny counties. cxaniination of Tilles, Cfnvcyneing iiiiiinll biimnpsspertninifig lo Real Estáte. Uflici in the Courl Houüc. Jacksou, Michigan. J7-tf.C. BRIJNCKERHOFF'S The practical uso of the Health Rcstontive eing to reheve anl cure thosc most h.v.nrdoiis jnd of all Jisonses. Consumption. Liver Complnint, sevcre Coughs and Colds. ;ml i'üins in tho Sido and Chcst, it is considèred oth riglit and proper thut a statement bc made more particularly relating to lts proporties. In the first place, it fortunatuly is cumpuum'cd of nütive planta herbsand roois, and has not sought, ilicrufore. tho udvcmiiious aid of diingerons mi.ieral preparations, which only palUate at the best. nstead ofcuring dieease. The f.iot if the Ites:oraiive being purely vegetable, is corroborated y the tetiniony of ihe eminent Dr. Obiïion of New York, who aftor n cárcíul and minuto eximination of it, decides the truih of '., and so v fIcciually stops cavil on that point Further, iho iromptness of the action of this medicine is without doubt unpnrnlled: it shows sucji cnercetic action in eradicating disease and then henlng tho p irt, that the tran=iition from impaired ind enfijeHcd hcalili to onnv.ilesrence is ris'.onphing and Conclusivo. Tho hripninesa ofbcing the instrument of euch unbouivled bciu'fii. is so reat 10 pertnit tln's Reetorative to circuíate as ïeretoforc witnln narrow circuïr.ecribcd iimits. nnd the Proprietor hns mado such iirrangomenti with his Goneral Ac:nt thut the remcdy can be rtached by all. The continu.-! ac(;ebsion8 of certificates statin the tnosi tonching enses of discase Ir.ppüy cured, prevente the possibliliy of heir beinsr puMishcl to any extent, hut vet they ire left at tho office of the General Agent for exirninaiion. The following certifícate is from Dr. Chillen, the well known New York cheniist. "1 have analvzed a bot'le of medicine c'jlled C. BrinkcrhofF'8 Health Restorative,' and find that it does not contain Meroury, or any o'her metallic rrcparation; nor opivun in ony of iis brms. It is composcd of vecctablc matter cntircly." Jamks R. Chh.ton, M. D. C. DR1NCKKRHOFF, Proprielor, N. Y. Ho race Evkrktt. General Agent. Principal OfiíceOfi Hudson stieet.N. Y. For en'e by W. S. & J. V. Maynard. Agcnts, Ann Arbo. 'l7-4w " TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOlLsT ALTIlOUCiH inony prc[nrations in the form oí "POPULAR MEDICINKS" have been beforo. the public, claiming to give relief, and even cure the most invetérate dioeases, yet none have so well anawercd the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Aledicatcd Lozc.nges Tbey are agreeable to the taste, easilv fedmintstered, nnd Irom the unprecedented success which thcy have met with, and iho remarkable cures which they 'iavc performed, may jtistly liy claim to the tule of Conqueror over the iliscases for which they have been recommendcd. Dr. Shernian's ' COUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in n few liuurs. They have curcd a large buqtuer of persons who have. been given np by ;heir physiciuns tnd friends. nnd niany who have heen redneed W tho vergeof the grave by epitting bload, Consumption and Hectic Fcver, by their use have had the roso of health rcsiored iv the li;igi-artl cheek and aov live to epeak forth the pruiscs ol li is invaluabie medicine. Dr. Shermun's 'WORM LOZEXGES" Have been pnvcd in inore thun 4(',0J0 cases to bc infallible, iri fací only ceriain Worm Dfstroying Medicine ever discovered. Children will eat i'uom when thcy cannct be forced to take any other medicine, and the benelit dcrived from tlie administiation of medicine lo thetn in this form is great beynd concepiion. Whcn the brcath of tho child becjmes oflcnsive, and ücre is picking of the nose, grin!i:ig of the teeth ('jring sleep, palcncss ahout lips with flushcd checks.. headiche. drowsinesp. staning during sleep, disdirbed dreams, awaking with fright and ecreaming, troublesome cough. fcvcrisliness.thirst. voraciniis appetite, sickness at the stomnch anti bloated etomaeh - the6e are among the many prominent symptoms of worms, and can be relieved by t!;esc iticomrarable Lozengfs. They have never been known lo fuil. Dr. Shennan'e 'CAMPHOR LOZËNGE5" Relieve Ileadache, Nervous Sick Hcidache, Pal pitation af he heart, and öicknefs in a very few (iiiniutt;. They cure Lowress of Spirits, Dispordi-irry, Faintness, Culic, Eípasms, Cramps ol ihe Stomach. Slimmer or Bowcl Complaints; thcy keep up the spirits, dispel all ihe distressing synijiioinsof a nightof dissipation, nnd enuble a person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. shermnn's "POOR MAN'S PLASTERIs acknoulcdgcd by all Who havo ever d it to be the befct sircngihcniiiL' Piaster in the vrorld, nnd a suvereign remcdy for pains nnd weaknesó in ilie hack, luine. bidé, breas jicck, limbs. joints, rheuniatisin, lumbago, & One niillion i yesar wil! not supply the deniancr. Cnuiion is necresíin . ;is ihere are many uiiprincipled persons who vvould lorce h tqwriotid article upon the cotninuiiity. 13e carcful to pet Slierninn's Toor Maii's Piaster, with a 'ifac siiiiilc" oCliia wril len name on ihe back - nono others are geiuiinc. and will do more hut t tliau yood. VVhen such men au the llev. Dnritis Anihnny. of the Oncida Conierenci; flcv. St-bitsiian Stieeter. of Uo&ton. Hov. Mr. Dunbar. Mr. Hancock. llev. Mr. l)o Foresi. Hon. Aüiod Claik. J (loxie. Esq. Hon B. t. leaniflcy. Daniel Fanshaw, Esq. and a host of naniea of the likc reputation ean be broujrlit lorvvaid lo prove ilie eilicacy of'Dr. SlKrinan's preparaiiOHè - vvln-u ihey are so wamily rccomincnded by lite medical pro lest-ion, and picscribcd in tlic )raclice, and when such universal approbalíon follows (hcir u :niong all classes, we muy justly say thal tliDr. is not only ciiliilcd to the ap[icllation o! VÍCTOR," bui ean fairly lay olnim to the patronage of-ihe public, nnd will rci:ive t. Agenta tor An Aibor, li. M. Thompson & Co., W. S. & J. W. Maynard; K. Sampson. Ypsibnti; D. C. WhiiwooJ, Dexter: Picklord Kí Oak, Salinej Smiih fe Tyrol. Clicton, II. lower. Mancïrestèr': P. Farlk-k 4 (".. l'lymoutu: D. Gregory and A. Gram, Northvilli:." 21S-6nSialc oí Michigan, the circuit couri lor ilic ouniy oí Waslucnuw. oi tlio Juno Temí, A. D 1845. ' Wing Tabcr. ) vs. IN ATTACHMENT. Vnihan Sturgcss. ) TVJ OTICE rs lierc!y grvcn, ihat on (lie twenXV ty-t-igliih d.iy ofl'Vliriuiry, A. i) one ilion -íand eight hutidred nnd furiy-five, a wnt of;t aclnneiit wíih lí-sucd oút ol ihe Cnciiii Court fot lie louniy oí Washicnaw afoiosaitl ngainst thc and and luncnu-rüs. gooil. chnttcl?. rigliip; crcdiis monoys miel eíibcts oí Níiilian feslurgess. DcfcnJant at he siit ol Wing 'l';ilnr. plainiifT ur thc aum of tu-o hundreri nud iwciny-livc döltrs and siiiy cphin wbich wrn oí. .utaclinicni was .nnde leuirnnDie oiï ifie firsl Tucfd.iy oí lime. A. D. 1645, and lias ticen reiurned dul erved. I!. KlNr,.CIl-rk IIawkins & Pl.itt. Aii" ur í'hnrttui. Aun Albor, Juno ÍS. 1S;5 'IH-GwIn Cüamcry-Öd Circuit. Matlicw N. Tillotsuji, Comji'amaat, va Ficdcrick P. Towiiicnd, Ocf.ndnnt. IN pursúanfib of u o der pJ ihc Coiirt ol Chiiiiceiy, mude in the above cause, will bt o!d umler tlic airc:iio!i o) the strisei iber, ai ulilic üiiciioii nt tbc ÏTpta Jour of the Courl louac in ilie villagc of Ann Albor, in llic couiiy uf Wnshten&ft', on öntunlny the twcniy ïird tlay of August ncxt at one o'clock in the ailernoon, of 8nid day. '"all tliat cennin trnct or parce! of land sitúate in the town oí Stitierior, in ihccoiiiüy of, Wiifcluenaw aml trie tíiateof Michigan, viz: iho west luji of the norlh west quartcr ; m rtinc in towo two inh in range r - n cast in ilie Uisirict ül ' land olVt red lor tul6 ut Deroí,, Michigan" jp}fN N GOTT, MfiS'crm Chancery. James E. Flair, Solïcilor for Cotnjilainant. Aun Ari or, June 30, lisio. J)6-6wPeopSe íroiii íhc Country VlSI iNG Deiroii. lor ihc pinchase of Dry Goixis, l'upcr Hangingi. or Foaihers, while goiny thu rotinda to ascerinio the vnnous styles or priccs oí Güods in ihe cuy, are requestcd to cali nt W. A. Kaymond's Store, No. ]4H, Jcfbrsjn Avenue, buing onc door aLuve Uiitee St. r::id nuxt door to tho "Manhat'nn Síore." Thc undersigned bas taken a grcai deal of pains m selcctinjí his goods to gnt fashonohlo etylcs and dcsirall qualities and he $ conüdeni ttiai his assornncnt particularly nf íuc!i yoodd as are deairnble for ihe coumry irado, 8tas complete as anv in the city. He fuis on hand Giníjlinme, Balzarines, Lawna, Musiin du Lainea, CalicoL' ot" eveiy AIulls, Laces. [öiylc, Edginge, Ribbons, Parasols, Shawls, Dresa Handkerchiefs Cravats, Scarís, VeiLs, Gl ivea. Iloeicry. Alapncns, Brown Linens, Lleached L.mens, Table covers, Toweling, Shirtings, Shcctinge. Cambrics, MuHÜns, blark, blue black and faney dresi Silks, Bonnet Silke, Lincn Canibric Handkerchicfs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, SATIXKTTS, VE8TING8, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKINS, DIULI-INGS, BLACK ANO FANCY CRAVAT8, And indeed, almosi every articlc belonging to the Dry Ooods business. Allcfwhich will be aold at tie very lowest rotes, for Cash. Cali and see for yourselvcs - nono aro expeeted lo buy if thcy do not find priccs fu 11 as loW, if not a UtUe lowcr than clsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Dptroit, May 23, 1H45. 213-6moImportant Io Farmers. KNAl't' &HAVJ-LAND, wouldrespectfully int'orm tho farmers of VVashtenaw and the burrounding Counties that ihey coniinuc io manufacture at their shop near the river bridge. LowerTown, Ann Arbor, Threshing; Machines of different kinds coinprising theBurrnll, Cadiz, nn! Easttnau's Planetnry Power, and Machines, different from nny made in this Conn:ry tata preferred to any other, which they intend to aell at bucIi prices and on uch terms as cannot fail to give satisfaction. They are determirted not to bc outdone by any cither in price or quality of work. Hoving been for many ycars engaged in the business they tliink they can with contidence reeotnoiend their work, and farmers and others wishing to buy will dj well to cali and examine ilieir work previous to purchasing elsewhorc. - They uro prepared to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more rensonable lernis thnn tny similar establishinent in the Country. Also. Burra U's celebrated CIOYEJR ïüACHirVES, which separate the chafi from the seed at a siigle operation und are um'versally approvcd of" and tised wherever introduced and warranted tö thresh clenn and not break rhe seed. For referencjnpply to Robert or John McCormick of Sa lem Wathtcnaw Co., who have used oñe the past bcason. VV. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAVILAND. Ann Arlior, May Ist, 8lër. Cm2'ïUIF, subscnbcrs have removed thcir eslablishJL mem to tlie store recently occupved by iieo. Grouville, No. 2, Hawkias' block, and have received direct íroni New York, a choicc lot of Favühj Groceries, Fruits, Nuts &c. to which liiey would iiwite the attention ot the ciiizcns. They ateo continue the BAKING business at their old stand neer the Depot, ündkeep constantly on hand at both pkiccs every article in iliat line. F. B. HALL, & CO. Ann Arbor, June 4, 18457 HLAR&BQRO HOTEL. TlSMPERAACE HOUSE. NATHAMEL llOGER. No. 220', WtisLinglort Street. Bosfotu 'PU IS house has underone a thorongh rrpair, and it is intended tliat noruni house sliall bc superior K it. Jt wilj l.c undur tlie inimodiatc charge o Brown Sí Colburn, as Mr. Rogers Ueeps the Delevnn House in Albany. M:;y ]'.), 1845. 2I2-6m NEW ARRAITEH1EITS. REMOVAL Tí IK Suoscriber bas removed his s'ock ol BOOKS to Storo No. '2. Exchnnge Block, Kijoininjj Lunds & M'Collums tlore,vhere he i itaily to fnriiiíh cash custonicrs wiih a new and well selccicd ssortnent of Miscelfaneovs, Keligious, fiist&riiaí, Biogi aphical and School ïiuoks, totfctlicr wiih he tcsi aesorünent of Paper. Qiilii. Ink, Wafeis. Toy Books ond Staiionery enerallv wliicli luis oVer been otlered west o! Detroit, and wil! bc eold at 'lie Detroit Casfi prices. lic Ims addcd to liis fornier business a -.veil selected ussirtiiitnt of FnmiJy Groet lies, wliich hc wilt exchange for Cash or moat kinds oí produce. Wunied - Eggs. Beuswax and Tatlow. Rcnici.,ber ihe store, two doors Irom the Flouring Mili. WM R. PERRY. Arm Aibor, Lowo Village, June 6, IÖ45. 7tHARTFORÏ) Vire fiiisurancc toni pan y LSCOUrvRATED IX 1610 - CHARTER PJKIlPkTOAX - CAPITAL SI50,000, WITH rOWKR TO INCICF.ASE IT TO $"0.0Ü0. THIS well ktiown and long estabtislied Institution. witli ampie cash capital, liavc cstaLtmhed an asoncy n Ann Aroor. and ofi'ur to iii-urc Dvslftögij Kuriiitarc, Siorc, Mcrchandi.e, VTills, Wbcat. P'luiir. &c, on vcry favornblf. crms The high thnracter óf this company is wc-ll kuon, aird its extcn$ic bustncfs is cjnliucicd on the most just nruJ Iionornblc principies. Owncrs of pj-operiy D Ann Arhor and vicinity h) wisli 10 usure ii npninet loes and daninge by tire, are invitcd to caï! dirccily on the eubRoriber. itt his Siore in Ánñ Arfior, wlio is uuthoirzcd u i-öuo policics wnhom delny. F. J. B.CRANE, Aeont. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1845. 39-fctai. uobërtTwT ívarSér, Carpcnter and Joiner, I.AKNAKI STI.KI'.T. HK1AVKVN BAES AM) RaMïOl.PH stKl-r. rs. rKii;ni r. Shop. on the A1U:V in rear of the FianlÜin Cold V;hüi lluusc. M.iy 20. 11"). 515-6.) Ti'afcliiig' Baskcls, LO1MS" Ciriict liairs, Suaw and Vane H'igs, forsn!eiy W. A. RAYMOND. Dcuoii. M;ty i 9, 18Í5. 213-Gino OTkTvEGS of White LeatTiii Oil, 500 lbe. Oí)' DiUo,tlry, for sale ciieap for cAsft. Mny 5. gl3-3w Paper Ilaiiffiws, BOKDKKliVCi Wimluw l'apeis. Kire Uonril Vdpersr. &t. will be evh ai vcry tow prioÑ W. A. RAYMO.N'I). ' Detroit, Way l!). lf-'4'K ÜlÜ-Cir.o BÍaítk líecd andMortagc, WilOLEtíALK AflD HKI'AIL, orwrte by HECKLE1Y, FOSTJEB Co. March-ÜO, Icl5.DR.-SMITH'S UNIVER-S-I-TY P1LLS. rpHKSK Pilis are prepared byWm. M. Smith X lnic Professor ol Malcría Medica áii'i'Pharutttcy in the Universiiy of Lnke Erie, Ohió. - Dr. Smitb would say to the public, iliat in ofiering ■lhcm this Pili, lie prcseiits no quack ostruin that will. by iis rriiailns effects uponthe' stomach nnd bowds créate distase vVhcra diere wns liulo or none boloir, nat one is safe, mild, s.-ilutary and un'tiorin in iiseifecis npon the whole system. He would say that he hoe now epent twenty y i ra in reseaich nnd iiivtHtigation, duected to the Patholoey of distase,, aud ihc propendes of medicinal sulistances, ond tïicir adnpiatioh to tfla lemoval o mnladies to wliicli flesh ia hcir. Aa the result of these Idjora, he is riow ad!e to gut; to (!ie public n conibinatron of medicinal vegetable Biibsiances which is ns ncar1 perfectlori, ne careful study and closo jnvt-utigation, weid nnd experimenta, can bring ft. He would eny ij Physicians, ns wcl as olliers, try thispill; it will not deceive jvu. It 8 peculiarly adapted to jh'fi rcmovnl and prevention of tt e fullowing rfteersee: Bilioua, Intermittunt, and Hemiitaiu Fcvcrs, Fever and Aue, Cough, Liver Cumpiauits, Sicic Ileadache, Passivc Dropsy, Rheumatisni, Enrargenent ol the Spleen. Internal Piles, Colic. Acidfty of the Siomach, íucipient Diarlicsa, Habitual' Coativenees, and in all caaes of TorpoT of thO Bowels. whtn a caihar'.ic. nperient, 01 alterativc, is needcd. They are mild, yet cermin in their operation, producing neithor nnurea, gripirg, nor debility. The agents of these Fifia ure icerrucped. in cate full enlisractioü is not givert to nny tereon who may purchase ihem, that thcy sbalf have their money reiundcd. testímokials in favoe of de. smitil'3 t;niver81ty pills.Trslimonial of Dr. Landori. Moxrok, Miehigan. June 12, 1841. Dr. Snith - Dear Sir,- 1 take pleasurn irf piving my tf:stimony ir. favor of your' va!uble University Pilis. I most cheerftflly recoiniuend; them to the pnblic as a nnfc, easy, and efficiënt' cathartic lor ïnost ofthe diseases indideril tó tliia región of coantry. 1 have made extensivo use of ihem for { ur yenrs in my practiee, and'I b'elieve them to be the best anti-bilioire Cathartic er Aperient medicine ever combhted and orTurcd for7 general use. Yours, Vc. GFORGK F. LANDOS, M. D-; Tt'Jimcniul of Dr. Tclh r. 1V1asii.m.on. Olno, May lst, 18-14 Dr. Smit.í - Sir, - I takc much pleastire itf bearing tesiimony to the eiBcacy otyour Pilis inremoving hile from the stomach, deterging tlie Liver, and in all complaints cinanaiiug from ihat souree. J. V. C. TELLER, M. Di Testimonial of F. L. Wells. Watkkloo. Mkh...March 10. 1S44. To Dr Smíth - Sir, - For upwards of si.r monihs 1 was cruelly afilicted with Fever pndAguc, and during that time could find notli'rig" that gave me pernancnt relief; a lcngth, hov-ever, your University Piils were reconmiended to me ty one of the beet Physicians in these parts; and 1 am hajipy in beine able to say, ihet from the use of oné bol waspermancntly cur-ed of my agüe; since then a nutnber ofniy fartlUly haió been as signaliy benefined. Yonre. &c., F. L,. WELLS Testimonial of Dav.itt Goodnow. Mosroè, Mich., June 1, 1844.I hercbycertily ihat Dr. Wm. M. Smith har been my Family PhysicrWir for i'oür yea;s last past; that lic hos ukcÏ bis Univcrsiiy Piüs in his eracticein my family with unjiarallelcd succCss; and I think them prei'crable to any pill for bihou affections in the wotld. DANIEL G00D.N0W. Innkeepar, Maconil-Sl. House. Testimonial of D. S. Parshall Flint, Mich-, June 5, 18-14'. Dr. Smitm. - 1 ani happy (o give you rhy ordial approval of your UnivérBity Pilis, l airr able to keep off Fever and Aguc. nr.d FcvèrB to which all of U8aresubjtct in this Western country, by (he timery use o{ your Unirversi'.y Pillè.- Send ïit Agent this way as soon aa potfsiljlc, for we are all out. Yours &.c, D. S. PARSHALL. Testimonial of Messrs. Noble and FyjUld. We certify ihat wo are and have been personall acnaairiUt M'hh Win. M. Smitli, Mi O., and know that hó 3 a fnan of eminence in Hisprorj?9on - and th.?t for font yèafs he filled tho chair of filatería Medica nnd Pbarmacy ia trio" Willoughby University of Lcke Erie. with' Honor to himpell and 6atisfnction to the TrUsiees and Faculty and as well as to Siudeñts oí the above Univereity. As for fek Pilis, they drö 'par excellence." CHARLES SOÜLF:, B. F. ETFIELÖ.Moñroe, Mich.. June I, 184". , Testimonial of Rial B C]fá'sc. This I certiiv, thnt in the montK of September last, I was attacktd with Bilious Fewf (whils away from homij nt Owasso to BuiJd a water wheel) nnd with one dose ol Smith's Ciniversity Pil.%. I brökc it up; nnd as niarty otñcrs wcre sick at the time, 1 administcréd tlieso Pilis to'them, ond in cases it bruke up their fevers.f have ueed ihem many times sincc, and with groat success. They are the leat pill f e?cr weed. R.ÏAL B CHASE. ÜiÜwrinht.Shinwassee, Micb., June su 1811. Testimonial af Mr s. Abigail C. IVtízH. . This mny ceriify. liiat ihree ycaïs ago J waa attackcd with fjisor Coniplnint so sevuiely that í could' scnrcdy (urn inyscll id bai: 1 uged many ipcciílc8 and rcmndit, such asBrnndreth'&-, Resurrection, Oriental, and othér pills, but vvjth Ittlo or no cflcct. One year ago my frrend Dr. Smith called on nic on his way to Boston, whcir hegavo me n Lux of his L'nivereify Pi)ls, vvhrcFr perfeetty réátorcd me, and" ihy hcalih has not ijjnin sufleréd fiOm likc canse. llocl.c.tor. N. Y.. No. ÍS, 7 Fr&fikfín Slrrot. June 24. 1644. J Testimonial of John IV. Miller. Pi i. Doctor - Josiice rpquircó me to staTe,ih;t I have Si)ld your Umversity Filis for ono ai:l o hall yo.irs last pa.i, artd that 1 can sefl no oil.ers hile 1 Imve them on hand. They fiave supersedéd the sale of aii otücrs - ihe'ti effect ia uuív woudcrfr.I. .HiHÑ W. MFLLERí Drtggut. Monroe. Midi., June 12. ]4l. For sale bv J H. LunJ. Lower Town, and Win. S. and' J. V. Maynard. Uppe? Tow:i. Ann ÁrhoT. J.WyNCW ENGLAND HOUSE. No. III BROAPWAV, NÉVV YORtf. (Bclwctn the Citij Hotel and Trinihj Chnrch.) THK Pfoprietor, gratcfirl tor the Dairorrage airead? bcstowcd Oyn him by :hc pnlIic gcncriiüy, woald give noace üva liis liou'sc is now in contpltMc 01 lcr for ihe reception of Ladies and Gentlemen who niay want permanent board or traonent accommodatrofis. The New En;laml Hoiiee béiiYg stricily a tempcranceiiu 6e. a::d plcnonntly locatcd in ihe fmnicdiate viciuity of bns'incs tïinkes it Veiy diesir:ble or men of business, as weH asall otheia who line quiet accoinmodatrunsand agrecnble coinpaOy. P. WIGh f. Moy 1. 1845. 6n3E. 4Jt. BURGER, Denlisl, HAS rcnKrod fris ofllee to Crane & Jewctt'a liluk, iïrsr room on ihe Second f"loor, wljeio bcing woll prcparcd fo aflend to every Dmii' h of fris protession. woulrf rt'6pectfir!ly say tu uil vvho have no. liad dioso ncceseory oi'gans, 'JMIK XÉETH. propcrlv nttómled to, dcly no .ui 'T. 6ui crill upon hi'in anti eXicricnce ihe oase and duubiluy óf liis operationa. Tkrms accottííáOTOtíng aiiJcfmtges inno tase uni'easonablo. Ann Arbor. March 6, Ï845'. 47-tf. Wool Wanted! rinlIli-Suljscribrrs with to puroliac 50,000 A jtoondt; of Voot. for wliich they wiU pay Ca?h or Goods at thcir btorc irt the Lower' Villagc. BECKLEY KOSTER b CO. Anii Ar'ojr, Msy l'J, 1345 213 WOOL! WOOL! ffï fííífí ' "öftl Wanted by ifiO wVjllM Mibscrsbcrsforwhich thi-y willpay the higlicst pncf in Cu&li or Goods. LUND'b MCOLLUM. Ar.Drbor, May 1.14. 2-liv


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