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vTiTTTTTïTïT? TO WIK WURKING CLAS3 - W are now preparen furnlvb uil olaaaea with conatant amployioaní at ioiie, the of the time or tor tlie apare DDOleut. Boslueu oew, light, and proñtabl. Persooi f eitljer aex oAsily earu (rom 50c. to L" pr ve log, a m a h ruporti"'ii:i I bum by dêTOt in (f tlieir 'hole time to the bmlnea. ü ty Dd fflHi éarn earljr ai much au mep. Thai ai irho aee tbli ■"■ ie e ma v fi'inl tlieii' allresá, and t t butlo6fa( ra makfl iliii unparallftled offer : To sucha are not veil latisAed, we will tand $1 lopaf for ih tronbl, f VCT 1 tl Dg. Fili iiiirticular, u vuluahlo iwmpl, vliicli wlll ilo to eommeaoe w uk on, and & iy of "Ae PeopU'ê í.itcrarit nn of tlie larg8l od baal funüy nfrsBprflpabUBbffd - all wdI fre y mail. Iïi;a!r, lï' v--. iraaí permaneDttproBtabls vork, addTM E. C. ALtBN .v CO , AmdsU, M lIo LORILLARD'S ' 'U1 axoIIitaM ELIRatK.A V.ríitíia; wl. fc%S vawaff" Introdttced it ím uut Smoking Tobacco reraallj admlred. H i put iii In bAodamiM moflí n ■,-, f e i ttrhteh ortlers ■ i 1 ■ , ■ cliuuin Ii pen ii ■■ il:iil i;tc ked . ïtORILIiARD-S classcd by 11 who YACHT CLUB ïSST-W Smoking Tobacco uf grown; ittaan i Dervousln lts eff?cVB,ai t!e Kfeotinc has been uxraclcl ; it leaves no diaagroAftblfl tatfl aftt' r mokug ; it s Ttrjr mfld, lilit io oolor anrl ircight, helles neiound mll tMt as long M tbree ol cr-linury to IftOCOi In tliÍH brariii vt; aU: pueL orci't.i 6T6r? 0J ri-st qualfty Merscliituin l'ipt-c Tiv it itmlcon vinccyoursclf it is all it cbiins to be, " THE K1NESÏ OK ALL." T.ORILLARD'S T"'3 lir"n'i cf Fin" iWvrmIFI ■■# Cut (']:■ i. f ';t(T" LÜf-lii I US? Y üasnocqu.lorsupe"■ B 8% ■ r(ir amularle. Il is Chewriug Tobacco. ithout duubt tlie jOBt chüwing toIAcco in the country. JLORILLARD'S 1 lT(! now bten ln rtTTTTTnO Ri'ncral une in the S AM IV h K UBlIeo State over kjl 1 U X .1 O I 110 jeaiB, and till ftckoovledgod " th best " iitrever um. If your itorokeoper li-s nnt havp these articlcs for Mie, aak hlm t get tbam tbsyareiold bv rupccuble jobbc-rH almost everjwhei -. Circular nr jujees lurvvardej oa applic;itii n . P. LORILLAHD & CO., New Vork. m.'m3 SPLEUL TOWXSHIP :h:LII.. ]V"0TICE is hereby íííven, that fn nccordnnce wiih 1 the reqaeec Ln wrlfipg tif thirty and over tas paying electora of the tovnt&hlp of Northticld, iii -the County of SVashtouAW. thát a im:etint; "1 the ('lectors of sata townshlp w.U boiieldat Waluli Corners in tOAjashfp, on Saturdiiy, t!io i-tli cltiy o febraary. A. i. 3S7't at nloe oclock A. M., for tbfl parpóse, rit elwion thall ho vote) of piedt; iiij; ihii nid Of sajd tOWCabtp by loan to the "To ludo, Auu Arbor aud Northern Ballroad Com pany," in tli( construotloó Óf ItB liilrüad, ac cordtogtotbë prbvislona of the Act of the Legisla ture ui the 3tale ui lilcblgaii, ontlUfifl An Act to enableany iownship. City or villaje to pledge lts aid, by loan or donation, to auy Railroad Coinpnn; dow chartered or organlsttd, ur thiit may be here after organteed, uuderand by virtue of the lawso thetítittj.; of bfiCnlgaili ia the cousrruction of it roaaV'&nd approved ttarch --f!, A, 1). 1369; Am that such elector huw In tht-ir said Wlltten reques specitied the sum of Fiftoen Thoneand JJollar (15,U0U) as tlie amutmt 0Í Bid to bfl ptedged to sucl RaUroad Companyi by way qt Loan in bon$g í b LBSoed bj Bach townshlp ín 'cordancc yith saïtï act In sucii soms, not more than si.oooaud not leas thai $100, as said Company Bhall rcque?t, wltb coupon annexed for the amiii;il interest thereon, such bond to draw interest at the ra te of seven per cent. per an num, and such hoiuls and coupons to be cxecuted fo BUcb, Township by the Supervisor and Clerk of eai( TowDShlpi and bo drawa payable at the ollice of tb. Treasitrer of said Cotinty ; the principal to be paya ble in ftftcfn cqual animal lastallmenia, the iirinstailineuttobecomedieonthe flrstday of February A. I. 1874, and the other iustallruenis yearly thm artor, fr the [baxteen "ncceedingyears ; and the con (lition upou whioh smh 1 .in is to'bc made, that tron trui jit'ter thfl timo WUeU aiiid Company shull reoolv slicIi bonds from the State Treasurer, whenever tk as often as said Comp&ny shall makt! any dividem payable to the Stockholders "f aid Company, upo stock of satd Company, said Company shall pa into the oÖiCe of the Treasurer of said County, fo the use OÍ saúl Township, on the amuuut of'suc loan or the balance thereof then unpaul, a siiin equa pro rata to such dividend then made and when suc dividend do not exceed the rate of seveii per cont. pe nimiiiit for the tune, Mirb payment to be deemcd aiH nnvived as a íuJl pay.uient of the interest t bc pau b_ eald Coppany for ach time apon the lndóbtednoi of said CoxniMUty l'or loüh lo;in ; and wheneYer sur divldendfl sl.all Qïceed the rate of seven percent, fu such time, thee the amoont of inch excess over. an( after payiog mch Beven per cent. Lnteresti shall appl towara repaying th principal of the indebtedues of eald Company for the amonnt of snch loan, muí such principal anal! fie tbereby i'ully pald. And eal Company Bhall upon the recelpt oí such Bonda, exe and (1 llverto thé Snpatvlaor of said tovnuahl the agremnnt of said Company with aaid townshJ to that efl'ect. Snch bondri to be executod aml dflivi-nd io tho State Treasurer to b dlapoaed oi in accordanoa with the provlslona oí' said Act, Tbat íi tk'pot &hall be looated nt leagi three fourths of one mita south of the base lint', amJ wttbin ouehalf mil' of the wosi baofa if nriütmore Lake. Datod, Northfleld, Jantyiry Iflthi. Í8T0 PATR1CK WALL, ISíOtd Öupcrviscr for the Township of NorúhfieldBfltate of William Pidd, Sen. STA'Í'K OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtcnaw, es. Not; is hereby glvon, that by an order ol thfl Probaie'Oonri for the County oi ñTaehtenaw. madfl on the fourteemh day of Janoarj, A. D. 1970, sis months f rom that date were allowód for credttors to prOBent their claims agaln&t the estatua f William Eidd, Sen , late if í:ii(l i oontydeceasedi and that 11 cred-itors of suid deceased are reQDlred to present theii claims to said Probate Conrt, at the i'robate Ütllce, i u ttie City of Ann Arlíor, tor oxnmlnatlon and ailow:aned, on or before the fourteentb day of July, next, acj that Buch chiims will be heard before aaid Pmbate C urt. on Síiturday, the níneteenth day of iptrclj, aml Thursday, the loarteenth day of July next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoou ofeach of thutu days. U.itrd, Anu Arbor, Januarv Híii, A. l"p. ÍIIUAM J. BKAKE6, 1Í53 Jutge of i'robate. Attachment Notice. NOT I CE Ís hereby glven tliat on, the seventcenth day of December, A. i), élghteon hnndred and Blxty-ninei a wrlt oí attachmentwas tssned om of the Circuit Coort for the Connty of ashtenaWi in favor ot Alonso Clark and Edwin W. Preese, plaiiuiflTs, agalnst the landa, tenementBj, ods, chattels, moneya and effecta of Jacob Pnlkerson, defendant, for toe sum of two handred nnü ntnety ix dotlnit and Blxtyfleven cents, that said wrlt of atuichment was returnable on Taeeday, the -t ti day of Janoaiy, A. D eighteen hundrfd leveaty. und that it appears from the return of said wrlt that property has lu-m atticht'd tlieieou, and that sald defendant conld uot be found. Dated, Jauuaiy, ISth, 1ST0-. ALONZ0 OLABK, EDWIN V. FKKKSI-], E. B. Woon, IMiiintiffg. Attorney for PlairtiffiIft38wfl Mortgnge fc?ale. DEFAULT hnvins been m,adc ïn the concitione of u COTtaho mortgoge matiu by Johu Gcorje Klajjer to Anthony Burke, Johu lïiirk.c, Jr., umi Bdward Hurke, tlaü'd Lbe niuth ay of Jauuary, A. Ü. 18ti8, and recorded on the eïghteenth day ol Januarv, A. I'. isiis. In the office of the Register of Deeds fof waahtenaw Connty! MivhVxH", in ViJjec 88 yf mortages on page 283, wblch eald mortgage was dnW assigned by the said Anthony líurke and Joh lïurko, Jr., to the said Bdw ird BorkCi by deed of aselgnment dated Uii el.'vtiuth ilrty of September, A. h. 18G1I, which asaigwOMnt waa dwly recorded i tbc Regigtcr's ofllce oforesaldj on the eleventh dajr of uctober, A D, lS6i iu lfber 2 of asslgnmenta of mortgages. on page 305. upan wliich mortgAge there la BOftK dalmed to be duc the sum of iUc huudn'd anti two dolían nnd flftyelgnt cents, besidea the sum at thiny dollars as an Attorney or Solicttor's fee provided for in eaid mortgace: and np aalt oí proceedlnga havlnjr been institnted nt law to recover the sim now dne and accure't by said rrtgage. or any part thereof, now, therefore, by virtió' ,.i' tne power "i" eale contatned In said mortBtage, iMid by vlrtno of the statute in such case mnde and provided, noüce Lsherebygiven that on Satard:iy. the twenty-thirdday of April next, at lïoclock DOODt OÍ that day, at the south door of the Conrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Micliiuan, Cbeliiff tbn place of bolding the Circuit Court withiu siúú County;, there will be Bold at public aactlon, to ilie hlghest bidder. the premis s descrlbed In Bald mortcaire, orso mtich thöreofas may be rieccssary to thcamount duo on said mortgage , with the Interest and costs, Incladin;: tn Attorney fee Of thirty dollars as aforeanid. which Bftid premises are described as folio wm The sonthwett aoarter of the southwest quartcr of ectiou NO. twmty-'iiht, township No. one sottth of range tx east ; and also a strip of land two rods in wulth, tftkrn from the sonth end of the nnrthwest quarter f the öouthwestquarter of sectiou No. twentylght, township one eonth range slx east, Axcept a strip of land two rod ín widtli, taken from enst sla ol me Arst above described parcel; all the above deBcrtbed landt boina in the State of Michigan. Dated, January 19th, 1870. EinVAUD BURKE, IÍ. Beauaw, Hortgagee and Assifinee. Attorney for Mortgagee and Assignee. R68 Mortgago Saíe D SF AT7LT haring been wade ñi the condition of :l rt'rtiiin mortgacv matfc and execflted on the eieren th day ofOetober, A. l. I86T, by KmW. Whltmore, of the City of Ann Arbor, County of Waebtenaw. nnd Btate f MicbisaH, to William JI. Purkev, of Lowell, Mtissachti.setls, and recorded in the olllce of the Hepisicr ol Dccds of Washtehaw ConntyarorcMiirt. on tne i'-'tn iay or uctouer, A. 11. 1SG7. at 5 i oYlock i'. mm in liber :(T of mortgages. on papr 6S3, and that thcrcis now claimrri to Ea !uc apon note and morijjaiie the slim of.thirtaen hun(linl and slxty-four dollars and thirty sesen cents, also nu Attorney'a leo of thirty doilars shuuld aoy proeeedlDga lir takon t iid mostga] noproceedlngK at laworeqnBy haïlng been had to i s:iid iin, if ituy part ttiereof ; Now, theroi)i), üotioe Iq horeby ivcn, tlnit ly virtue of a power of sale n sald mortsape contatned, I shall sell at public auction, to the blfhMt bitlilt'r, on Sat-.irdtiy, the n tli day of April, 1S70, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said dny, t the front door of the Coiirt Boaw, In the citv of Ann Arbor, in t=;iid County, all that oertain r paroel f land slttiated in the towoahlp of Lima, Connty of Waihtena, and Btataof Htehigan, llloun. homnlfil :uul d68Crib0d is follOWSi tO'Wtt : Jtciiiu' Mlú BOQth forty aCTCB Of the north onc hundi-i'd and tra rieres of 'the northeast qu.irtir of section niimber twenlj-flfiTjaDi f-Tj , in townshlp No. two (2)sonth of range uumber fonr east; mul fnrty acres.of laad lies north and adjolus James Mitchell'n biud. January, JOth. 1ST0. WILLlAM H. PAUKKH, Mirtïntree Jcjix N, Gou, Aft'y. for Mortgageq. 1S53 POR, SALE ! The sabscrMïors offer fty rle $o ioupf, and all or t ponton oftbe raoBdfl on Ana Street, betweea ?o:irth ml Pifth Strëpts, being Ihft rcsitlence of the ajte V-qliify Uhnpvn. Por terms. apply to C A. Chnnu, &ó a bont 3 acres on Mlller Avenue. e a. chapín, ) V. CHAPÍN. -Ir. }- Administratürs. f?. B. WALkBR. J Ana Arbor, April mh, 9Mt 1015 Esteta of_ Mary Kelly. QTTO10JÜHJO.H,Countj ofWaaUawnr, I At it puaton Qf.tbe Vn pat Court for iheConMj oi Vuühteuuw, huid m ;,: i:. ; Probate tbeiftij i. '. Arbur, on Fililay, the fburtcentb day oí anuiiry, in the year out; luuugand elghl huudred mt Hvénty, Frttent, iíinun .T. Beakex, Judgsof Brybate. Ji Ikn attcr uí tle Estáte ut Mwy Kelly deeft(d. On rcadíw anf ffiteitf Khc petltion, dnly verifiedof hurles Gnniiey, jp vn timt Latte . Qjlc or BOtne tbersnltable person raay le AdraluiBtraor of tlie ustau; ot HládeoeuecT Theru;on ;t La Ordered, thut Monday, the fout. ecuth day of February nexl, al ten o'clock mi tl íoreoor, be rtijrned íor (he hearing ofaald piuítion, ud latthc hein at luw of sald deceased. and all otber pernn Lnterested La sald eatate, are required t appeaf at sessioD of sitiii Court, thes to b6 holdi n at the Vroate Office, la the City of Auu Arbur, and show caoae, f iny tin-re lx, wli v the prayerof the petltlouerahonW otbegranted: Áml i Ls fartfoer onlcred, tlutt sald cüiiuinT gtve notice to the peraons lnterested in id state ofthe pendencj ofsala n-iiiion, and the hearing kereoftbcMutngaeop; oftmsOrderto &epoWlshe3 d the Mtchipan Árgtit, :i nevripaper prlntedandcircuatins in satd Covulji tttrcvsucceitöive weeks previou o yaid day of hearing. (A truteopy.) IIIIÍAM 3. BEAKKíí. LSsstd Jmíce f Probate. Estáte of Nuthan Thomas. iTATKOFMICMIGAN.County tr Washtonaw, pb. 3 At a eetíPion of the Probate Oourt for the I ounty of Washtenaw. holden t the l'robatu Olltee, in the Ity of Anu Arbnr, on Friday, the fourlecitlh duy f [ammry , in thc year onc thouaaud cíght hundred and geveuty. Present, Tliram J. Ileakes.-huljro of Probate. In the matter oí the estáte oí Nathan Thomae, decesiod. Lydla Thomas snd Samuel I. yon, Kxocutors of the last wfll and teatameni of sata deceasedi come Into Juurtand represent thal they an; now prepsredto render tinir Anal aeSMnt na uch Executors. Thereupon itis OtfdeMdt that Thaxsday the seventeenfh ñ$y f lcbniary next, ftt tea o'clock in the íorenooD, he assíncd for examimng and aUowlng snch nocotint, and that the Légateos, dJBvbeea and heirs at law of ynid deceased. and nU other yureops interested In eaid estáte, are rcquírctl to apper at a sesiíiuQ of caid Court. then to be holden nt tíie Probate Ofiicc, in the City of Ann a rbor, in said Couuty. and show oaose. if any there be shy the eaid account tthonld not be allowed : And it ís furtlver orderd ihut said Szecnlors gtve notice to thc pertions interested Ín dnid estáte, of the pondeuey oí tald aeeoaot and the hearlDC thereof, by cansingacopj of t!iï order to be piiDilahed Ín ihe Mickioan Argus, a newspapef prlated and ctrcnMUof losan County, three sneecssive weeks previou to said dy of hearing. U true copy,) IIIRAM J. BEAKKS, l53t(J Judfíc of Probote. Sberiffs Sale. BY VIRTCE of one wiU ofFicri Fftclas, issued out or' and anfiof the tes! of the Circuit Court for the County of Wnshteunw, to me dlrected and dulivuri-d, .and hearing date the flfieetith day of November, Á. 18tf, in favor oí ChrUtinn Muller, OOBUnandiAg me that of the jroods and chattelí?, and for want thereof, tben f tho lands and tenements of -Ï oVni (üresdleiu aad Barbara Oroí-leUlt to make the sum of three hundred and ninety eïjrht and 94-KK) dollars, dainages, and twcnty-nlne and2-%iüü dollars costa ofsuií, I did on the I5th day of November, A. ü. 1 S09, levy upon, seizc, nnd tafee the followtng deecribed property. to-wit : Nortb lot munberfour (4) inblock nuniber thrce (3) north, range two (j cast ; the isouth one ( 1) rod in width of lot miniber flve (5), in block tfaree ('.') north. rattge two (-) eaít ; the lonth one C') rod in wldth of lot nurouer twelve O-J in block nunilMir three ('A) north. rani;e nuralwr two C-') east, iiccrdin,' to recorded plat ol the city (tf Anu Arbor, Connty of Wawhtenaw, State of Michitran, which property I ehall expose for sule.nnd sell at pubhc auc.tion, to the higln Bt bidder, on Monday. the Tth day ol March, A. I), 18T, at 2 o'clock p. m. (A that day, at the south door of the Court House, h the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtennw an State of Michigan. Dutad, Ann Arbor, Jan. Hth 1870. l."út BYRON R. PORTER, Sheriff. "DE M OVAL. j. keckT$c co. llave remOTed their STOCK OF FURN1TËE And Undertaker's Gocds, To Mack fc Schroid's Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Lilberty Streets THE LUtOXST STORE IX THE CITY, AND BUII.T ü.v'RESSI.Y FOR THK FURNI1URE TRADE. ÏI1EV HAVE H9S7 IN' STORE THK UKOBTud FIN EST STUIK FURMTURE F. VER OF5ERf:D IS TI1LS COTJNTT, QF TIIKIK OW MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTH IN Ql'AI.lTi'ANDSTYI.E, WHICII THEY XOW OFFER TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPBR IHANCAN BEBOUOUT ANYWHERE F.I.SFINTHE STATE. THEIR STOCK IXCLCDES EVERY ARTICLF. NKKIIED TO FDRNISH Til E BESriIOUSF. FROM TOP TOB0TTO5I. Their oM pntrons and the public generallv are inviteJ to ïïive tljem a culL J. HECK ft CO. Ann Arbor,. Tanunrj, 18T0. 1-51 pÖRCASH TOO CAN BUY Lumber, Latli and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTHERLAND & 60. Ann Arbor, January , 1870. 1252 TFÜLL LÏNÊTÖP BE-A.TJ'riFTTL Colored and Black iiks t . BLACK AND COLDRED ALPACAS! EMPRESS CLOIHS, AXD OTUEB SEASONABLE GOODS, JUSTRKCEIYZDAT C H. MILLEN'S. NEW INVOICE OF FINE DOUBLÉ AXD SIX l? Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST 'RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. ARAB WRAPS AND NEW SHAWLS ! A Fine Stock in this Line now opening C. H. MILLEN'3. ƒ ï VÈRY AND SALE STABLE. AXTHLL & RAMAC4B3. Corner ïain and Cathirine ptreete. Horceí boaiílcd on reasoiiable term!3. Sec&ud lnvil bu.i;.i;lp! cutters and barnet; for ealff.. l'j.iivl T IVE aESJfi. IEATHERS FIKST QXJALITT, CoDStantly on hand and forsnlnby BACH é' ABEL.. Sheridan 20 Miles Awayl" A.. A.. TERRY, (trCCESüOU TO KBM3SR k D1K1IL,) I on hand a Urge and wil selocted tock or "WINTER QOODS includÍDga fu 11 line of HATS & CAPBI Latent style and bot qualitj. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Füruisliing Goods, GJoves, Colla, NecktUi, &c.„ which will bE ioU at tha VER Y LOWEST FIGURA t3T Remember the place, No. 15 South Main Street, the okl store of Jolin West. Ana Atbor, Drc. 23, If63. 1249tf "DOOTö AND SHOES ! FINLEY & LEWIS. ARE XOW RECFIV1NG A LABGE & WELL SELËCTED STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS,, KUJiliSRS, ARCT1CS, AND FUR LINED OVER SHOES . TDE ATTE.VTION OF BUYEHS WHO WAX1 OOOD GOODS AT REASON' ABLB PRICKS, B ixvited to our STOCK OF HAND MADE CALF, KIP, AND ST06A BOOTS! WORK WHICH WE WII.I.; WARRANT TO GIVE ENTIBE SAT1SFACTI01Í OUR GOODS ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH, AND WILI. BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CA8H PRICESANDPROKITS!. 1210 JgROAD CLOTIIS ! CASSIMERES !; Fon 3PA.]LX. SXJIXS, AXU GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS!' Aï C. H. MILLEN'S: HPHEODORE TAYLOR & CO., (8UCCKS8OK3 TO C..R. THOMrsOX A CO.J, Wholesleand Retail Dealer in GROCERIES & PRODUCER FR UlTSy L$TRAE!TS, SPTCESi, Crockery Glassware, Laraps a,nd Oil, Table Cutlery, Plated Goodsr, Lookinj öla3#% STONE. WPO.DJEN, AND willow tstaïie; House Lstablished in 1850 -Vo. 13 South Itloln atreet , AN3ST AEBOR, . MICR Theo. Tajtlor, A. J.Sntherland, M17 V "V. Wka, JACOB HALLER, DE1LER Vi GLOCKS, WA7CHES AID JEWIiir NO. 22 EAST HÜRON ST. MY STOCK IN'CLUDES American & Swiss Watches, Of the Dent Manufacture : Gold and Silrer, Ladj'a a,od Cent'. SOLID GOLD RÏNtS CHAINS, LADIES' SETS; SPECTACLES, SPOONS,, FORÏtS. Kto. AU Qoodü warranted &HTOpeno nted, Mui xold at PARTICULAR ATTENTIO-V fHVEX TO RE PAIRIXG WATCIlfS, TLOCKS AN1 JKWEJ-RT AND WORK GUAKANTEKD. 1246m3 DRY GOODS 5 GBOCEIES, CABFÜTS, OIL CLOTHS !; AT THE FAKMERS'STORïfc.


Old News
Michigan Argus