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Rail Road Aid Elections

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On Satunlay last, the 15th inst., the townsliip of .Milan, Monroe County, voted on a proposttlon to a.iil the Toledo, Aun Arborand Northern Ballroad In thesum of 12,000. "Aid to Knilroad- Yes," carne out ahead, the vote standing 155 to 38. The MHanltea annonnce thcir readlncss to givc the heel another turn if necessary. - Ou Monday, the 17lh inst., the townfhlpOf ISurns, Shiawassee County, in which Byron is located, after a very spirited contest between Owossoand Corunna, in which some big gana viere flred on botli sides, Yoted 10 per cent. on the assessed valuation of the town In Bid of the same road. Mr. C. II. Ricumond, agent of the Coinpany, Hended a public meeting at Byron, on Saturday precedlng the election, and repoits the excltemcut up to fcver heat. Tlie vote ,on Monday stood, yes, 265 ; no, 66. - The townsliip of York, In this County, is to vote on the 29th inst., Saturday of next week, on a proposition to aid the same road in the suni of .$25,000. We have not geen the cali, and can not say what conditions are made other tliau the usual ones, If ' - In an other column will be found a all for a special aid election to be held In Northfield, Saturday, Bebuary 12th. The proposition to be voted upou gives aid in the fum of $15,000, with a condition that n depot be Mtebllshcd at Whitmore Lake. - A largc ani enthusiastic meeting was Jie'.d at Kast Saglnaw, on theevcningof the llth inst-, in the interest of the East Saginaw and'Ann Arbor road- the Cormina line. A " fitting rebuke " WU adrniiiistercd to the Enterprise forgi ving the cold shoulder, nd the pledge of a former meeting to aid the coinpany to the fult extent promised at lts prganizatlon. Considerable aid has alfiady been voted, the survey of the line has Ijecn completed to Chesaning, and is progressing soull.nvard. Tlie Detroit l'ree Press 8 just now (he recipiënt of all sorts of Rood words irom the piess of the State, both Radical and Democratie. It is commended for its flne mechanica! and typographic appear anee, its newsy columns, and, esp.acutlly, for the couTtesy with wliich it treats its "Country Couslns," - as wcll as for JtSi taunch Democracy. It is aü Ikqi, and we ' are aa.d that it is so gnerally appreciated. - One singular feature It gct.s the best puffs from the "ring" of Denjowatic editors which a little over a year ago stood rcady to rival the Radical press In givlng it "particular J.esse," becaue i,t deelt ned to join Ju a crusade against the Democratie State Committee or go in for a premature State jConTentiau. We are inore than pleased that the "little onpleasantn" left no thorus in the flesh. We invito a careful reading of tbe communication in another column touching the action of thc Regents opening tlie Uuijrersity to women. The writer is no sensaílonist, but a gentleman whose opinión are tntitlcd to conskleration. It .will be seen that Jic conneets the action of the Itegents ■with the entrance of certain Professors into the general Woman's Iíights crusacle, and írora the association augurs no good to the jUnivcrsity. Those who have read the proceedlngs of recent Suffragc Couvcntions, and have noted the bitterness manifestcrl agalnst the marriage rclation by the leaders, will, perhaps unwllllDgly, believe that our correspondent is more than half rlght. The annual meeting of tlie WashteiMwCounty Bible Society is to be held on the afternoon and evening of Wedneedaj next, January 26th, in the Presbyterian (ühurch, in this clty. Branch pp.cietics are re requested to be represented on the ocícasion.eiLher by thelv offleers or dclegatcs. n the evening addrcsses may be expected rom Judge Campbbll, Prof. Fono, Rev8. L.R. Fisk and H. L. Hüübeix, John HixpoN, State Agent for the UibJe Society, and others. A general attendance is invited, nd entertainment will be provided for those from abroid. W. D. Holmes has set up a little íteam engine in the shop adjoining his Frame and Picture Store, Huron Street, and commenced thc manufacture of those beautlful Walnut Brackcts so much admired by the ladics and by them put to io inany uses. A specimen placed on our table speaks well for the mechanical taste and ■kill of Sid who has that department in Charge. Success to thc new cnterprlsc. Re?. Dr. Haven, of Evanston, 111., 1ste President of the Unlverslty, isto preach Jp the M. K Church of tliis city, Sunday nejt, moming and Nothing but thl brief announecment is neecssary to glve him a largo cqngi'Ofl;atloa of 1)1 old friends. From Gko. W. Cíiii,ds, oí Phjladclplila, wc have the PvbHc Idger Almnnnc for 1870, of which a free copy has been presentcd to cach onc of the 70,000 subscribers to the Ledgcr. It is gotton up, and lts 54 pages fllUd witli geaaouablc reading, itatistieal v,m palitioal, Ecv. L. Smitii HonARt nnd wife, iormerly of this city, were viptimlzel by a cent hQtcl flre at Syra.cuse, N. Y., losing ftll tlieir elothlng, fomftore, library, ïnepientofs, tu a n ti scripts, sermons, etc., to tbc Talue of full 2,500, with uq Insurance. If you wouii] vato at tlie railroad aid tlcctiou next Tucsday, eilhay In the city or ♦own, you must register tcunorrow. The nso of Hnll'g Vegetable Hicilian Hivfr Rene-rer wlll keep tbc hatr from fall6


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