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DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINa LATKI.Y MIXII IMI'ROVKÜ- AND THE NEW Universal Clolhes Wriüer. Tmproved wilh Rowkix's rATEHTPoUDLECor, wHBttfl and the PatktStoi'( are now unquvBiii nnhly far u pt'rior t ftay tppftoi for washln? clothcs ever in vented, and will save their cost twice a year, by saviujj liihor ui'ï clotho.o. Thosc who baveused thmngive Ifistimony a folio wk 11 We like ou machine miich ; could not be perstiaded to do without it, and with the itid of Poty, we foei that w ure marter ot the poaition.'- Rev. L. Scott, Bishop Af. E. Churck. "Ilisworth une dollar a weck in any famity."- N. Y. Tritmnc. ' lu tlie laundry of aiy Immethere (s a perpetual thnnkpgivmg on Slondajs for the iuventiun." - llev Tttotiorc L. Otyltr. " Kyery wt-ok has given it a Htrongpr liold upon the afTpctioiiH of the iiixuates of the laundry."- N. Y. Ob$erzer . 11 I heartily commend it to rconomists oí time, money, and contentmont." - ïlev.lfr. ltelloics. " Kricnl I'"tv - Your last iiriproTement of jour Washing Hftohtnfl II l complete hupccbh. I asre yu oai Macliii,' ulter a y-ar'H us, fi thoughtmore of :o-day thun ever, a ml wnuMnot Ik paited wilh uuder iny ircuuistaiiccs."- Sol on Rob i son. Yottr Wmshtng Machine hu been in daïly ne in ur launlry,and the honsekt'fpcr expTMMi ln-tx-li art bigbijr plMMtd wilh it. It cftrthinlv UCOmpltahea a -T'-.-itcr niiifjtiiit "f work, wilh l-t8 laborfand does not wear the clothes near so iuuqIi as the ohl faéfalonsd wttHli-honnl. Rf usiiicit, (inelAunttreBK is dispened witli." - ll'm. F Kound, Supcrintmdevt of Infant Dejartmcnt of St. Cathcrine's Nursery iV, 1'. City. "Aftera constant use of the UKimtAL CiOTBÜ WkinoKK lnrmure linu, fouryeaift Ín mr familv I nm autliorized by the powers tliat be.'to pive it the 't ut unqiiHÜfied ptaite, and iu prononncc it an In4lt tcnsablf part of the machlnery of housekeeping. ur Bervnnts liavealvrnys betrn wjlljng to it, and tlwayu havcliked it.1 - Htnry JVard lieccher, PR1CES- A Pair Offer. Send the retailprlce. Waaher 14, Extra Wrioger $í, and we will forward ither or bth machinen, free of 'relght, td places where no ia elling; and 8O sure are we thaj wi!I be liked, that we agree to refund :he money i f any one wilieji to return thti machines 'ree of frright, altor a mo nth's trial, accordiog todi reciions. No husband, futher or brotber should permit the Irndg6rj of wuehing with the handA, fifty-two days in the year, wh#a it cjiïi be dunc betterT more expedítiouKly , with wt labor, and no injury tolhegar in-nis, by a !'';■' Cluthes Wattlier, and a Cuiveraal Wringer.' ('iinvasserB with excluwire rfght oí dale make money así helling thom. SoM by dealers generally, to whom liberal diacounte are made. R.O. BROWNING, Gen. Agent lQ3.1tf 82 C.irtliindntreet, New York. 8 B 1 í ffl S . 8 3 5 S u fl. sí í o . 2 jai Gol1 s H H S & i 03 8 rf 3 l I 5 r8o P ü o 9 3 g g H g a A O H POR A FULL LINE OF FLANNELS, FLAIDS, NA PK l NS, TABI-E LINENS, BLEACIIE1) GOOUS, ÏIGKINGS AND DüMESTIC G00DS OHEAP, GO TO TU E FARMERS1 STORE PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Care fully Proparod by R. W.KLLlSésCO. O EMEMBER THAT HÜLL. ROBINSON i CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSORTMENT OP CROCKERT, SOLD CUEAP. 1245 HEETiisras. AND A FUIJ, ASSOUTMKKT OF DOMESTIG AND HGÜSE FURN1SII1NG GOODS AT G. H. MILLEM'S. A GOOD CUP OF IF YOU WANT . THE WHEREWITH TO MAKE IT.GOTO HULL.ROBINSUN&CO. SPECIAL IÏTÏ SEETÜVA. TW'OTICE Is hereby glven, thaf In adctfnhmcè wfth 11 íbt roqueat ín wntlug oí thtrty tai paylng electora of thc City of Aun Arbor, in the County of tfaahtenaw, that a meeting of thc electora of aaid i-.ity wi 1 be held at, lt-t ward.8orjí'a Shop; 2d ward, X W. KoofsoIBce ; 8d ward. Court Hoiihu ; 4th ward. Firrinen's Hall : 5th ward, (í. 11 Rftóde1 Shop ; th ward.K. Bliws' Shop, iu taid City, oii Tueaday the tttb day of January, a. n. 1S70 at nine o'lock A. M., frthe parpóse (lf electora ehall so vote), of pledgíur ihe aid of faid City by loan lo the "Toledo. Aun Arbor and Northern Uailrond Company." in the conBtrnctlon of its railroad, ccordin; to the provisión of the Act of the LeglslAture of the State of Hlohliran, ciitiüed1 Ai Act to cnable any Touiship, City or YUlaec to pledt ite uid. by loan or dmiatïop, to any Roïïroad Company now chartered or owanized, or'tluu may be hereafter orgnnized, under and by virtueof the laws of thc State of Michigan , In the coDStroctloD f Hh road," and approved aroh 22d, A. I. is 9; Aiul thatsuch electors have Inthelreaid wrltteu request Bpecïfled the eum of One Hundred 'ihoueaml bollara as thc ninount tö be plcdgedto guch Railroad Compaoy, by way ol loan in bouds tu ie ishiied by .-uch City in accordanoe wfth said act, in such Bonu, not moreïhan v, 000, and not i&$ thnu $100 as srti'l C"iu[iiiny phall rwneat, with coupons annexed for the niinuftl Uiterest tliereou. sach boude to draw interest at the rate of teu per cnt. per aniMtm. and BQCh boude and coupons to be exeClltod tor such City by thc Recorder and Mayor ot Bald ( ity and be drawn payablc at thc office of the Trensurer oi' na.d i'ounty; the principal to be payableln ten eqtial animal insUtllmtnitH, tlu: llrst instullmeut to become due on the first flay of Febniary, A. J) l$Tftj and the other Ln4tal1mcntfl yearly thereafter, for the ninc eucceedinji yen ra; and the condition upon whicfa BQch loi.n H to be made, that from and aftér ttiè time when Bald Company shnll roceivc such Jtonds frora thc State Treasurer. whenever nnd as often as aid Compíny Bhañ mate any dividend payabie to the Stinkliolders of saul Coinpany, npoc the stock of all Company, unid Company shall pay iuto the office of the TreiiBurer of eaid County, for thc use of paitl City, on the iimount of euch loan or the balance thercof then unpnid, a emn equal pro rata to euch dividend tben made; and wlim Kttoh dlvldenrU do not exceed (be rato often per cent perannumfor the time, euch payment to be deemed aud rvoelved tis a f uil pnymeut of thc intereet to be paid by eald Company for rnch time upon the iudebtedness of enid Company for euch loan ; and whenever such divldends shalt exceed the ratc of ten per cent for euch time then the amount of auch esctíHH over, and after payin; such ten per cent. interest, shall anply towarda repaylng the principal of the fndebteJneeB of eatd Company for the amount of sach loan, umil micIi principal flhall be therebv fully paid. And aid Company hliuil upon thc reccipt of c Bondtt czecute and delivcr to the Recorder of said City the agrefement of sal'i Company with said City to that effect. Such bonds to be executed nnd delivered to the State Treasurer to Iks dlsposed of iu nccordauce with the provbdous of enid ActDatcd, Auu Arbor, December 2fith, 1SC9. 1250td ALPKKD il. PARTRTDGE, Mayor. S1'K( I VL TOWXSHIP MEET1C. NOTICRUhoreby yh'ön, that in aocordancc with the requent iu writinji of tliirty tax pnying clec f tora of the lowimhip of Aun Arbor, iu the County cf Wasbtenaw, ihat a meeting of i he electora ofsatd townahip wül bc held at the Jolner Shop of Nelson Udmonds, on Beotion thirty, iu tmid towuship, on Tuesday, the ''5th day oí Junuary. A. I). 1S70, ut 9 oclock A. M , for the purpose, (if electors fihall so vote)j of pledijin' the aid of uaid towr.ship by loan to the "Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Kailroad Company," iu the construction Of its KaUroad, according to the provisions of thc Act of the Legislatura ot the State of Michigan, i'iitltled "' An Act to enableany Towoahlpt City or VUlatfe, U) pledigelta aid, by loan or douation, to uiy Ktiilroad Company now chartered or i)ruuÍ2ed, or that may Ik: hereafter organized, under and by virtue of the laws of theStatc ot' Michigan, in the construction of lts road,"aiid approved Marchad, A. I. 1S9; And that Buch eleclor-s have in their said wiitten request specified the eiim of Fil'tfcn Thoosand Dollarts (l5,00uj a.s the amount of aid to be pledged to such HuilroaÓ ('ompany, by way of loan in bonds Xo be issued by such townahip iu accordaucc with eaid act, tn such Mims, not more tlian Si.oo j ancnot less than HW, ub 8aid Company fchall n-quest, with coupons auuexed for the nnnual inu-n-st theroon, BUCb bonds to draw interest, at the ratu of ten per cent. per auniim, and hucIi bonds and coupons tö be execafëd for such TowDBhlp by the Supervuor apd Clerk of said Township, aud be drawn payabië al the otüce of the Treaaurcr oí aid County: the principal to le payaMe in lhree(8) eqnal flnnu-U iostaltments. tht; lir.t in.-talliiunt to become öiié on the Hivt dfty of Febrnary, 1). 1ST3; and tilt' otbor iQSta]lmej)t "yrurly thertiarter, for the two(2) sneoeeding years ; and tiie condition npon whích Mirh loan is to bc mado, tbnt from and after time Whmi nUl Conpany ehall reccive Mnch bond from the stüio 'j'rrasun r, whejwver and M often at aid Oomptaay hall make any.diridend i)!tyai)K tu thc Stocklioldem f aaid Conipany, upon tbe stock of said Company, said Company soall pay into the office of the Treaadrer of saul Oounty, lor the use of said Townfliito, ('it the ntnonnt of Boch loan or tbe balance thereöf then hnpaid, a um ecjuul pro rala tu snch olvidend then madei and wheo rujU dividendtido not. exceed the rato ui" Uu, per cent, per ainiuiu tor the t:mv. aacb payment to be deemed and received M a full payment o the inteceat to be paid h h:üJ Company for uch time upon tho indtsbtedntiss of said Company fr ench loan ; and wlu-ncver puch dlvldenda shall exceed the cata of ten icr c-nt. for BUCh time, thee tli amount of such execss over, and titer paying socb ten per een V iiurrcsr. 8liall Hppïy biwru repayiug the principal uf thc iiulebtcdnese of kjüiI Company for the amount of mich loan, until rnich principal y hall be ttiereby fully paid. And said Compaity 0naU upon the McalptoJ bdoo Bonds, pxePCUtfl nnd d IbWtO tfl Soparvtsor ot saUlloVCShlp th asroiMiK ut uf sttUl Cuuipunv wuhaaid townahip to Wal ■ Hett. Bn h bonds to Ue PKcutcd mi( flellvepod to th State Trnifiinr m bfl dipoacd of ín ucijurúance wltU th provtotonn of said Act, l)nt"d, Ann Arbor Townshlp. Donmbr 20th. 1%X&', S. W. BHURTLETP, ïaOtd. Bupcrviöcr for Töwnship oí Auu Aiboï


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Michigan Argus