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The Michigan Argus

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Published every inoruing, in the thlrdatorj' of tlie brick biook, corner ui M.üu and iluruu Streets ,VNN AUUült, KICH. lüutrauco uu Jluroii atreet p,)usilü tüu tO8t Oliioe. üLlHIi B. PO.I), ËdHor and Publlshcr. Tcrms, $:i.00 a Tear in Advancc. 11ATES OF ADVERTISIXG: tía liucs or lesa considertd a sanare] Tpióír Vw? üm. _J)m. 1 y. "l guare i ' nmw .601 8.001 8.00 I 18.00 's aquarea I 8.001 8.00 4.5ü Lü.OO . ■■■ Ti"c] ■ ' '■'"" i 18.001 80,00 ■l-4colomñ 8.001 1.80 1 6.00 i 10.00 16.00 1 88.00 "i-:! i'tiliiinn ■■-" 1-2.00 ■-".■ i icoíumi " 1 colín ' l'í.oh' ín. un ■ 7S.D0 CAHUS IN DIRECTORY, nottoexceed fouHluea 4.00aycar. AaTertteerstotheextentoftfqosrter cnlnmn ora erlycontrnrt.will be sntltled tobare thelicardsin plrcctory without extra i-Ii.-irstc. Local Notir-i-s ten Oenta por line for thr flrstinserllqp, and lï cen.ta -i lina for eacb mbaeqent inserloo, biit no notice lnaorted fur h'Hs than $1. Spcnlnl Xni; !-a half the rates of ordiuary tdvartlwintaüta. Yarlv adTartiBen have thR prirllefra ofehanffing -helr Advertísementf thrct; times. Addltlon&l ih:my,.8 wíl! be charged for. jjr Advertlaomonta unaccompanled bywritteo or Mrbal dlraoöona ill bepublbbed three inonths.and litigad accordlngly. T.egal Aílvcrtiíe'.iiriits.flrft Inscrllon "0 cent per pilo, 35 cents per folio for efteh Bubseqaoni Insertlon. WIhmi a potponemeiii ta added t an ftdTartlaemant hewholcwiHbechargedthesaine as for flvst inserion. JOB PRINTirTO. Pamphleta Poatera, Hand Billa, Circulare. Cards, Ball Tickets. Labela, Blank, Bill IK-atls, and othar nrletles of Plaln 1 Pancy Job Prlntlng, eiecnted -■th promptneaï,andin the beet poaelbleatyle. ARDS.- We have a Rngglea Rotar; Oard Press, añil largevarlety ofthe lal I stvlea ofCard type whicli enables k to prlnt Canls of all kinds in the nratost posílble style. and cbeaper than any olhet bome In the City. Bnslneet Cardsformen of 11 av. èeatloneand proftaalona, Bll, Wedding andVlsiting cirdB.iirintcd on short notice. Cali and cesamples.


Old News
Michigan Argus