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Anecdote Of The Poet Montgomery

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Amung bis most Violoot critical assailitut waj li. II. i terne, of wbom I llave alroady tiuatod, I have relatcd, iu a previous numbur, Low, aitu hvculyeight years' estraogemeot, [ had recoucilod Wordsworth and Leigb iluut. I conseijuently resolved to try a similar experiment oo Home and Montgomury. I therefore, without acijuaiuting either with my design, askcd theni botli tu dine wiili nio. Upou uiy arriva! at my house with Montgoniery, on tho cveniog in ! questiou, I was privatoly informed by iuy soivant that Horno was iu tbe library. T;t!;iüg Hootgomery iüto tlio room, I iutroduced tlicm to each otbcr uudcr tho assuiued names of Saiitb and Jones. Esctwidg mysclf on thu ploa of dressing for dinner, I left them alone. As neither had eeen tho other before, tbey wcra puzzlcd ; but as Iloroo knew ho wasn't Stnitb, and Mootgoinery was cqually convinced he WnsD't Jones, tbey sjt t'or :i few seoonds g;' at oaeh othcr iu a state of plaasant bawilderment. At last -Mr. Home brolco tbe ppell of silencc by sayiug, - 'Sir, as I ani uot Mr. Smit'a, perhaps you are not Mr. Jones : luy name ia Richard Benry Horoe." To wbich the otber replied', - "And I am the ]lev. liobcrt MoDtgomery." And extending bis band, bc addod, "I am vciv glad to meetyou, vaj dear Mr. Honie." '■The dovil you are !" exolaimed Mr. llorne, grasping the proffered hand. Wheu I rctunied, iu a íew minutes, they were laugbing and cbattitig as though they bad beun friends all their life. Tbey wero tautually pleased witb each otber, and maiutained a pleasaut social intereourse from that timo. Montgoincry humorously told me aftorwards, ''Wbcn Ilorne said, 'ïbe devil you are ! ' I tbougbt it was a s!y allusion to my sobriquet ot 'Satan Moutgomery'" - a tillo wbich was bestowed upon htm by bis onemies, from bis iamous cpic poem of Satan. - Oliver Optic's Magazine.


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