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Blessedness Of Beauty

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Thcro is many a road iuto our hearts b."su!us our uars and brains; many a siht, and süuüJ, and scent, oven of wliielj wu havo never thought at uil, siuk iüto our meniory and help to shapo our charactur and thus, children brouglit up among beautiful siglits and sweet sounds will most likelj thoiv the lïuita of their nursiug by thoughtfulnoss, and aiR'ction, and noblcne.s of mind, even by tho expressioü of tho countcnance. Those who live in towus shpuld carcfully reuicmber Üiis, and for their own saUes, for thoir wivi's' sakcd, for their ohil(}rens' sakes, never loso an opportanity of seoing something bcautiful. ]cuuty is üüd's hand-writiiig, - a aysido sucruroent. Weloome il in every Cace, every j fair biy, every fair iluvvcr, and tbank for itllim, the fountain oi all lovelineise, and driuk it ia siuiply and carnostly, witballyour eycs ; it ia a charmed druuglil cup ofblessÏDg. A little girl, repeating her Suudny school lessou, gave a ncw versión to a familiar passage - " You cuuiiot serve üod aud mamma," .tature Wiinenslflg for (icd. Oü tliu first day of September, 1859, two astronomen, one at Oxford, tbe uther at London, vvere at tho same time watchiug tho spots on tho disc of the suu ; and both at tbe same moment saw certain strauge bright patebes of light broak out in frout of the cluster. So brUüant vveic thejr tbat tbe observers at fint tbought lijst tho darkening 3creens attached to thtir telescopes tnuat have bocome fractured. But this was fouud uot to bo tho case. The bright spots indieated a proceas tbat was going on upou tbe suu's surfacc - a procesa a rapitl that ia avo niiuutfc3 the spots had nivelad over a üpace of nearly 34,000 miled. At tbe very time tbat this was takiug placo, magnetio etorms reept instantaneoualy. - -o nubse;ueut obserratious proved tbrotigh both liamispliercs of our globe. At Washington and Phlladel phia tbe aigual mcu in tlie tolegrapbio oiüccs reoeived eharp eioetne ehocks'; tLo trauiug pau u.;ed in Baiu's system of telegrapby was followed by a llame ; and in Norway telegraphio muchinery WS8 set ou lire. Boreal and austral auroras were seea that night with uuusual splendor, as tho disturbad noedle vibratod, waviog tbeir colorad íreainers in tbe heavcus, insomuch that it tras eviilüut that tbe dislurbance on Ihe sun'i eurface had instuntaneously commuoioated to the eartb magnetie tLiilL v.Licú vibrated from pola to pQlo( Ncr is this all. There is a strango counection oftentimes botween the action of these maguetic forces aud tlie phenomeua of oartbquakes and voloanoes Indeed t bas been recently argued thal tbe cause of the latter i to be found not ia the subtorrauean firea of our globe uxpanding vupois, and giving tbem a destructiva ageucy, but in the elaotrioity communioated to our globe by the Biiu, But bö thia as it may, it is z startlinjr feot t'iat thtro ia a foixa manii'ctiug itseii' on tlio faco of the sun siuiply ;is ;i brilliaut flashiog over ita ourface, that eau, through au intorval of ninetyfive niilliohs of miles, iusUiutaueously opérate on our earth, blaüo alang our telegraphie wiree, give cleotric shocks to tho t-ignal uien statioued by them, (lash Northern lights ihrougb tbe heavbrill thu very globe from pole to pole with niiigiictio ii-flueuccs, diaturb the repose of uature, and perbaps rock tb o solid eartb as if its eurfaoe, in sorna places at Juast, oro a mero scale on a b.iihng sea of üre. But here is in agent, a rnj'sterious forcé, tbat anoibilatea diátaucc, as liglit 3an nut do it. as gravitatiou perbaps 3an not dd it ; origiuating, we know uot liow, but wben sbuwing itself on the sun, travéling altnost in au instant througb the bouuds of tbc solar system, telejraphing as it wero to the. extremeties )f creiition without any instrumeutality )f wilM or counection;, ihe vili ni' l rcat 3Iakör, reacliiug aad affect! üg the llores oí un living tüiDg3, ürcakiDg up the reposo of nature, aud calling íorth at once the most magnificeöt displays of uorthern light and voloanic force, till tba solid globe reels and rocka at its noiselesu touch ! Who eau help feuling that all gross material forces siitk iuto insiguificauce before this subtle agency, tho mystery of which must bu resolved into tha infinite vvill of tho Crcator! What a Beiug must He be who holJs it ia ilis haod, or who breathes it forth, as it were, to fulfill His mandatos ! What is man, or what are all his works, bowever btupeudous or elabórate, while wo conteníplata the amazing exhibition of a power which ia au instant eau travel tbrough a!l these vast plauetary spaces, aDd iu a singla moment caa executo the will of lliua who donds it vith the speed and precisión oí' tho lightuÏDg, and which, huviug shot through epace, vvith eiïern'y still unspent, can reud the roeks, aud niake thu mountains quake, and cuver the tuidnight heavens with gplcüdors uuutterable, before which the boldost faces grow pale, and the boldcst hcarts giow wcak !


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Michigan Argus